I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 263 Fighting again at the peak, Tang Xiao’s mentality collapsed


God Shura?

The remnant soul of Poseidon was startled, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you, and why do you still know about God Shura?"

More importantly, when Lin Xiao mentioned gods, he was not as respectful and respectful as others.

Give him a feeling like mentioning cats and dogs.

Relaxed and casual to the extreme.

However, Lin Xiao did not answer his words.

He suddenly punched out and faced the Poseidon Trident!

"Ignorant fanatic, even if this Poseidon Trident is not its true form, but just the manifestation of divine power, it is still not something you can resist."

Seeing this, the remaining soul of Poseidon sneered.

In his opinion, Lin Xiao's behavior was no different from that of a mantis mantis.


The next moment, Lin Xiao's fist collided heavily with the Poseidon Trident.

The huge Poseidon Trident was hovering in mid-air, and Lin Xiao stood motionless.

"It's okay?"

The remnant soul of Poseidon was stunned.

Although I am the remnant soul of Poseidon, I am still connected to God. No matter what you say, you have to take two steps back and give me some face, right?

To be honest, he knew that Lin Xiao must have something extraordinary, but he didn't expect that he was so ridiculously strong.


What’s even more outrageous is yet to come.

"Click, click, click."

Suddenly, sounds came from the Poseidon Trident, and Poseidon's remnant soul looked closely and was startled.

I saw fine cracks actually appearing on the huge Poseidon Trident.

Then, with a 'boom', it collapsed into countless fragments.


"The Poseidon Trident actually broke!?"

The remnant soul of Poseidon was even more confused.

Although this is not a real Poseidon Trident, it is still a condensed form of divine power.

"伱, who are you?"

Subconsciously, he looked at Lin Xiao and asked again. He didn't even notice that his voice was trembling because he was too frightened.

"Me? Am I the owner of this shop?"

Lin Xiao's face gradually turned cold as he spoke, "I don't like people looking at me and talking condescendingly."

As he spoke, he bent down and used his strength to rise into the air.

In an instant, he had reached the same height as Poseidon.

Even Lin Xiao could clearly see the unconcealed look of horror on Poseidon's remnant soul's face.

Then, he suddenly swung out his palm and hit Poseidon's remnant soul hard on the face.

'Snapped! ’

This sound, like the sound of thunder, rolled out.

"You, you dare to hit me?"

The remaining soul of Poseidon was stunned.

"Hit you? No, no, no."

"This is just the beginning."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly, and then kicked out suddenly.

It hit Poseidon's remnant soul hard on his face.


Poseidon's remnant soul couldn't imagine what kind of power Lin Xiao's kick contained.

All he knew was that he couldn't bear it.

Even standing was difficult.

His figure, standing tall on the sky and the earth, fell down like a landslide.

At this time, Lin Xiao also swooped down and stomped heavily on his chest with both feet.

It was like Mount Tai weighing down the top, so heavy that the remaining soul of Poseidon could not move.

"you you"

The remnant soul of Poseidon panicked. You, you keep talking, but you can't say a complete sentence.

He was shocked and angry.

What was surprising was Lin Xiao's strength.

He was angry that Lin Xiao dared to offend him like this.


Lin Xiao frowned and snorted coldly.

As the sound fell, the entire space became less stable.


A thin voice sounded, the remaining soul of Poseidon, and even the entire space shattered like a broken mirror!

The scene changes and returns to reality.

In the small shop, Lin Xiao didn't know when he had stepped on the Vast Sea Universe Cover under his feet.

But there was no trace of the remaining soul of Poseidon.

Faintly, Lin Xiao also heard this voice:

‘blasphemer, you will be destroyed under true divine punishment before long. ’

Lin Xiao heard it, it was the voice of the remnant soul of Poseidon.

But after this voice fell, there was complete silence.

"Haha, are you threatening me? Even if the true form of Poseidon comes, what can you do to me?"

Lin Xiao smiled coldly.

He casually put away the Vast Sea Universe Cover and walked out of the shop.

He also heard the sounds that were hovering over Wuhun City earlier.

Tang Chen's tough boy is back again, calling for formation outside Wuhun City.

As soon as this was called, there was no one outside the shop, everyone went to watch the fun.

Lin Xiao felt bored and wanted to take a look.

the other side.

Outside Wuhun City.

All the elders and worshipers from Wuhun Palace came to Wuhun City.

Devil Bear, Ghost Leopard, Qian Jun, Jiang Mo and others are among them.

Even Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan have a place.

Outside Wuhun City.

Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo.

Hu Yanzhen from the Elephant Armor Sect, Tuoba Xi from the Holy Dragon Sect, Dean Tianshui with Shui Bing'er, sisters Shui Yue'er and others were all there.

Standing together with many soul masters, they looked into the distance together. It was a figure surrounded by bloody aura.

Tang Chen!

Anyone who watched the last fight will recognize this figure.

Of course, even those who have never seen it can guess it.

"Sect Master, Tang Chen's combat power seems to be stronger than before."

At this moment, invisible power burst out from Sword Douluo, wrapping Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo in it, and then he whispered.

Even when he was talking, he frowned and looked at the figure in the distance, with a solemn look on his face.

More powerful?

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo were also startled.

Among the three of them, Sword Douluo had the highest level, having already broken through the ninety-eighth level. Both of them believed that Sword Douluo's vision was not wrong.

"It seems that everyone has their own opportunities."

Ning Fengzhi sighed softly.

"This time, if the big worshiper wants to win, it may not be that easy."

In Wuhun City, Golden Crocodile Douluo couldn't help but whisper.

Although his soul power level dropped by one level, his vision was still there.

The difference in Tang Chen was evident at first glance.

"Needless to say, Tang Chen is not stupid. If his strength is not improved, would he still dare to cause trouble? Isn't that just asking for death?"

When Demon-Conquering Douluo heard the sound, he couldn't help but mutter.


Golden Crocodile Douluo raised his eyebrows and was about to say something.

But after thinking about it, I still couldn't help it.

After all, things are no different now than before, and I still have to tolerate my bad temper.

However, Golden Crocodile Douluo also thought about it.

When this thing is over, I have to go to Boss Lin and ask him to sell a few more jars to me.

Only by opening the can can we hope to return to the top.

He was even mentally prepared to bleed.

If Boss Lin refuses to sell the cans to him at the normal price, then double the price.

If doubling doesn’t work, then go super doubling! As long as you can regain your strength, everything will be fine.

"Okay, don't say any more, let's just pray that the great worshiper can handle it."

There was some worry in Qianjun Douluo's voice.

After all, Tang Chen's strength was obvious to everyone.

If the Great Enshrinement has not improved in strength in recent days, it may be difficult to deal with it.

"Ancestor, Xiao'er finally sees you."

In an inconspicuous corner of the crowd, Tang Xiao, wearing a black cloak, looked excited.

His eyes were red.

His voice was choked up.

Can you not be excited?

How Tang Chen existed, the legend of Haotian Sect was the spiritual pillar of the entire Haotian Sect. The person Tang Xiao admired the most.

However, since Tang Chen was defeated last time, he has been searching for him for a long time to no avail.

This time, I originally thought of opening the jar in Lin Xiao's shop in Wuhun City before looking for it.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise, and he actually met Tang Chen.

If there weren't so many people around him, he would have wanted to go up and recognize them immediately.

"There's no rush. The ancestor will definitely be sure to avenge his shame when he returns to Wuhun City. I will wait until the ancestor defeats Qian Daoliu and slaps Wuhun Palace hard in the face before I go to meet the ancestor. By then, we can also push the Haotian Sect’s reputation to its peak!”

In just a moment, Tang Xiao already had a plan in mind.

"Tang Chen, you are just a defeated general. Bo Saixi saved you last time. I wonder who can save you this time?"

Suddenly, a voice echoed throughout the field.

A figure wrapped in golden light suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

He has blond hair and a smile that makes people feel like spring breeze.

"Qian Daoliu!"

"Big offering!"


Countless pairs of eyes were all focused on Qian Daoliu.

Looking at the person who appeared in front of him, Tang Chen smiled: "Qian Daoliu, I didn't expect you to dare to show up. I thought you were so scared that you ran away! Hahaha!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

In his opinion, as long as Qian Daoliu didn't run away, he would be sure to defeat him.

"Just you?"

"Also worthy?"

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu sneered disdainfully, "If Bo Saixi hadn't helped you, Tang Chen of the Haotian Sect would have become history."

What he meant was very simple, if someone hadn't helped you, you would have died!


Tang Chen's breathing suddenly stagnated.

There is no doubt that Tang Chen's words touched his sore spot.

The last time he was defeated outside Wuhun City could be said to be the most humiliating moment in his life. Can't let go at all.

Qian Daoliu mentioned it again, which was undoubtedly to rub salt into the wound.

"Stop talking nonsense, you will definitely pay a heavy price this time."

"I'm afraid you'll run away again."

"If you run away again, I will be a dog!" Tang Chen said coldly.

As the voice fell, powerful power burst out.

The soul rings are still the same nine soul rings, and the aura they display is much stronger than before.


Suddenly, a voice sounded.

A long sword with an exaggerated shape but full of bloody smell appeared in Tang Chen's left hand.

It's the divine weapon, the Shura Demonic Sword!


Qian Daoliu's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw this.

He had seen this sword last time, but Tang Chen only focused on running away last time and did not show its full power.


Suddenly, the earth shook, and a giant hammer wrapped with blood-colored patterns fell heavily to the ground.

Clear Sky Hammer!

However, Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer was obviously extremely extraordinary.

If Tang Chen could become a god, this Clear Sky Hammer would be a divine weapon.

"Is it surprising?"

Tang Chen looked at the silent Qian Daoliu and asked in a low voice.

In his opinion, Qian Daoliu must have been frightened out of his wits.

Not to mention others, even Tang Chen himself was shocked by the speed at which his strength improved.

"Accident is an accident, but that's all."

Finally Qian Daoliu spoke calmly.

"Is that all?"

Tang Chen sneered when he heard the sound: "Haha, just be tough."

However, when he said the last word, he paused obviously.

For nothing else.

Because the aura erupting from Qian Daoliu's body is somewhat amazing!

Even if you are better than him, you won’t give in!

Shocked, suspicious, disbelieving~!

Tang Chen could no longer hide the shock in his eyes: "How is it possible? How could your strength improve so much?"

How was it improved?

Of course, open the can!

After returning from overseas, Qian Daoliu opened another wave of cans. He received a lot of benefits, which greatly improved his strength.

But of course he would not say this to Tang Chen.

"Once upon a time, I thought that level ninety-nine strength, with the blessing of divine power, was already the limit of Douluo Continent.

Only recently did I realize that I was wrong. "

Although there are some things that Qian Daoliu cannot say, there are still things that he can say.

It can be said that after meeting Lin Xiao, he seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Amplify martial souls, strengthen soul rings, comprehend soul skills, and increase soul power.

Turning one thing into another is all human effort.


Even with divine power it is difficult to do things.

"Hmph, no matter how you improve your strength, you are doomed to fail when facing me now!"

Tang Chen's voice fell, and the person had disappeared.

Most of the people in the field could barely see a bloody stream of light, and only a few people such as Sword Douluo could see his figure clearly.

And Qian Daoliu also moved, counterattacking at a speed not inferior to Tang Chen!

Boom boom boom!

The two of them had dueled each other hundreds of times.

The powerful soul power tilted, causing the earth to shake and mountains and rivers to collapse.

Many soul masters who were watching the battle could not bear the strong pressure and retreated back to Wuhun City.

"Sect Master, you are a coward. Qian Daoliu's strength seems to have improved again."

At this moment, in front of Wuhun City, Bone Douluo spoke in a low voice.

Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi remained silent.

"Fuck! Big offering. Awesome!"

On top of the city, Demon Bear Douluo was uneducated and could only hold back this sentence to express his excitement.

After all, this is Wuhun City. If the great worshipper loses, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?


Golden Crocodile Douluo snorted angrily, but there was also a murmur in his heart.

"When did the great worshiper have such fighting power?"

"Hidden too deeply!"

"In the original work, Tang Chen was already terminally ill when he walked out of the Killing City. After losing the control of the Nine-Headed Bat King, he was not far from death. How could he be as vigorous as he is now?"

In a corner of the city wall, Lin Xiao's eyes flashed and he whispered: "This world is really becoming more and more chaotic. It is also becoming more and more exciting."

Suddenly, something strange happened in the field.

Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen became farther and farther apart as they fought!

"What's happening here?"

"Could it be that Tang Chen might be defeated?"

"It can't be that he escaped!"


After witnessing all this, everyone in the production looked stunned.

Waited for another long while.

Neither of them came back!

"Tch, the thunder is loud and the raindrops are light."

"It's gone, it's gone."

"Let's open the can."

Gradually, some people in the field had the intention to quit.

There were even more people who had already taken action and turned around and walked towards Wuhun City.

Among the bustling crowd, only one person could not accept this result.

"Didn't we agree to avenge our shame?"

"Ancestor, why did you run away again? Xiao'er still has many things he wants to tell you!"

Tang Xiao's mentality collapsed, and the trembling Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu stretched out their hands in the direction where they disappeared.

come back quickly

I can't bear it alone

Group number: 224626954. Come? Understand?

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