I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 280 Tang San returns, Tang Hao’s plan

"Qian Daoliu, if you treat me as an ordinary ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo, it will be your fault."

"Show your true strength, and I will attack with all my strength next."

The Seven Killing Sword in Sword Douluo's hand pointed at Qian Daoliu from a distance and said in a deep voice.

In fact, the sword strike just now was indeed a test.

When his voice fell, everyone around him stopped talking.

There is nothing to say, don’t laugh at others when you are not as good as others. Sword Douluo is really too strong!

In fact, let alone these soul masters with ordinary cultivation. Even the worshipers of the titled Douluo Elder in the Spirit Hall felt cold all over.

"Chen Xin, you are indeed very good. You can be said to be better than the blue."

Qian Daoliu's eyes moved slightly, and he overestimated Sword Douluo's strength.

The next moment, a strong wind blew up, kicking up billowing sand and dust.

And all of this was caused by the powerful soul power fluctuations that erupted from Qian Daoliu.

Most of them narrowed their eyes and looked at Qian Daoliu.



What was extremely strange was that the sounds of countless people swallowing saliva actually merged into one.

"Oh my god, did I read that right? The first black ring?"

"The last time Tang Chen attacked, he didn't show such power."

"Incredible, really incredible. Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of soul masters."

Countless people's jaws dropped in shock. Make an incredible sound.

It seems that Dachengfang has received a lot of benefits from Boss Lin, I'm envious!

Not to mention others, even a certain kind of elder from the Wuhun Hall was envious to death.

"Sect Master, look."

In a corner, Bone Douluo asked worriedly.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head lightly, "Uncle Long, don't worry, I'm always on guard. If Uncle Jian is in trouble, I will come to the rescue immediately."

His voice fell, and Bone Douluo stopped talking. I felt a lot more at ease.

"The first ring of ten thousand years, it seems that your strength has improved a lot,"

Seeing such a scene, Sword Douluo's pupils shrank suddenly.

There is no doubt that the soul ring that exudes deep black light is definitely not simple, and the power of the soul skills it brings must be extremely powerful.

Moreover, he had seen Qian Daoliu use a skill similar to the Haotian Sect's ring-exploding secret technique when fighting against Tang Chen. The older the soul ring is, the stronger the ring explosion is.

"Holy Light Blue Silver Gun!"

At this moment, Qian Daoliu stretched out his hand and a golden spear with blue patterns appeared in his hand.

He flicked it casually, and the spear made a whining sound as it shot through the air.

"You are very strong. I take back what I said before. If I use the ninth soul skill in this battle, I will lose."

Qian Daoliu said in a deep voice.

Moreover, it also shows the importance he attaches to Sword Douluo.


Sword Douluo didn't say much. He struck again with the Seven Killing Sword in his hand. This time, it was not as powerful as before.

One after another, the hundreds of meters long sharp edges slashed towards Qian Daoliu. Densely packed like a giant web.

"So strong! I can't block this sword. What kind of strength is this Sword Douluo?" Demon-Conquering Douluo sent a message to Qianjun Douluo with lingering fear.


"At the same level of ninety-eight, the pressure he puts on me is much stronger than that of the second worshipper."

"What's more important is the soul ring. His sword energy is not released by soul skills. This is the most terrifying thing."

Qianjun Douluo's voice also sounded at this moment.


He hasn't even used his soul skills yet, and yet he can unleash such combat power?

Demon-Conquering Douluo also had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Sect Master, I won't be a coward this time. Even I have to go through some troubles to resist this sword energy."

Bone Douluo was secretly speechless.

In fact, he really wanted to say that unless he opened it up, he wouldn't be able to withstand the sword energy.

"Haha, yes, I'm surprised too." Ning Fengzhi couldn't help laughing,

He even thought that something unexpected would shock others.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, Qian Daoliu waved the Blue Silver Overlord Spear in his hand, continuously shattering the sharp sword energy.

It had to be said that Sword Douluo's attack power was very strong, and he had to take it seriously.

"Back then, when I didn't receive the blessing of divine power, it was just like this, right? In other words, any Sword Douluo's attack would have the combat power of a ninety-ninth-level Titled Douluo."

Qian Daoliu's heart moved, "No wonder he dares to challenge me directly."

"And in his current state, all other reasons are just pretexts. He obviously wants to use me as a sharpening stone. Huh, what a beautiful idea!"

Qian Daoliu was worthy of being the great priest of Wuhun Palace. He had a clear mind and guessed Sword Douluo's intention in a short moment.

"Martial spirit's true form!"

Qian Daoliu's voice fell, and six snow-white wings suddenly appeared from behind.

His whole person looked solemn.

The light gun in his hand was even more brilliant than before.

The overall strength of the person has improved a lot!

"Holy Light Blue Silver Gun!"

"Holy Light Blue Silver Gun!"

"Holy light, blue silver, gun!"


Several holy light blue silver spears shot toward Sword Douluo like meteors chasing the moon.

And it's extremely skillful.

They were arranged in an orderly manner, directly blocking Sword Douluo's retreat from top, bottom, left, and right.


"Qian Daoliu can't afford it!"

Seeing this, Bone Douluo couldn't help but curse.

The seventh soul ring, the true form of the martial soul. After being turned on, it allows people to use soul skills below the seventh level without cooling down.

But for those who ride horses, do you think this soul skill is eighty or ninety thousand years old?

Then are there any other soul skills needed?

On the other hand, Sword Douluo's pupils suddenly shrank, and he felt the crisis from Qian Daoliu's attack.

"Well done!"

However, he was not surprised but overjoyed. The more powerful Qiandaoliu is, the more oppression it can bring, the more it can stimulate its own potential, right?

"The true form of weapon spirit!"

Sword Douluo finally showed his soul ring in front of others for the first time. At the same time, the seventh ring lit up, and the power of the Seven Killing Sword was several times stronger than before.

Immediately afterwards, the Seven Kills Sword was stirred, and with a clanging sound, it broke through the blockade of the Holy Light Blue Silver Gun.

"What a powerful attack. Is this the true power of the Seven Kills Sword?"

Countless people's jaws dropped.

"Yes, Sword Douluo has indeed understood Hawkeye's swordsmanship. The attacks of this sword and each sword may seem simple, but in fact they are equivalent to being turned on."

In a corner on top of the city, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up, and he saw the source of Sword Douluo's power.

Immediately afterwards, in his sight, Sword Douluo Qiandaoliu turned into a golden and silver stream of light, and they fought together.

Every time the two collide, it is bound to cause thunder. The strong soul power fluctuations even turned into tornadoes.

The tornado was accompanied by thunder, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

at the same time.

Under the distant skyline, a small boat was speeding across the sea at a speed that was almost flying.

In a few breaths, we arrived at the shore.

"It's back again."

Tang San jumped out of the boat first and landed on the beach.

For a moment, he was in a daze. Thinking back on what happened these days, he felt like he was in a dream.


This is not a dream.

Under the baking sun, the soft sand under your feet felt hot. Tang San was sure that this was not a dream, but reality.

"When I left, I was as dejected as a lost dog. When I came back again, I was already the quasi-heir of Poseidon."

There seemed to be blazing fire burning in Tang San's eyes.

He just wanted to ask, who else?

Who else!

"Dad, where should we go first?"

Tang San looked at Tang Hao beside him and asked in a low voice.

Tang Hao did not directly answer Tang San's words, but looked at Dai Mubai: "Now the opportunity has been given. After you return to the Star Luo Empire, practice well and don't delay the divine examination. The other is to strengthen your own power, Haotian Zong will support you."

This was a plan that Tang Hao had already thought of, and now he directly ordered Dai Mubai to do it.

"Ah this."

"I don't know if I will be hacked to death if I return directly to the Star Luo Empire."

Dai Mubai said with some guilt.

I have to say that this is indeed a problem.

"A coward without balls."

Tang Hao frowned and said angrily.

However, when he saw Dai Mubai, his face looked strange, and then he looked at Dai Mubai's crotch. Tang Hao remembered that this guy really had no balls.

"Dai Mubai, remember, you are different. Now you are a member of Haotian Sect. After completing the test given by Poseidon, you are still a member of Poseidon Island. With dual identities, who in the Star Luo Empire can touch you? Woolen cloth?"

"Besides, I, the Haotian Sect, will not let you fight alone. After you are on the road, I will write a letter and send it to the Haotian Sect. Let them send people to help you until you become the emperor of Xingluo."

Tang Hao stared at Dai Mubai and said in a deep voice.

"Senior, I think you just misunderstood me. I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid of dying without any value."

Dai Mubai said guiltily.

Then he said with great seriousness: "If you have anything to do, just ask me, Dai Mubai will do his best and die!"

"Yes, I guess I saw you right."

Tang Hao smiled and said: "Go and hit the road. Someone will help you when you get to the Star Luo Empire."

On the road?

Why do these words sound weird, as if you want to send me away?

Dai Mubai's expression froze, and there was something strange on his face.

However, he did not dare to ask any more questions. Facing Tang Hao, Tang San clasped his fists, said 'take care', turned around and left.

Soon, it disappeared from the eyes of Tang Hao and Tang San and his son.

"Dad, do you want to help Dai Mubai become the emperor of Xingluo?"

"But Dai Mubai is a second-generation ancestor and can play with women. Can such a big thing really be left to him?"

Tang San said, with a lingering look of worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I have my own plan for this matter."

"He Dai Mubai is just a puppet. If he can become the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, then the entire Star Luo Empire will be the back garden of the Haotian Sect."

"Today's Haotian Sect is not what it used to be. As long as we can improve our strength, we can't miss anything. After all, our enemy is not some small force, but the Spirit Hall, which has the most spirit masters."

Tang Hao said slowly.

Tang San could hear the tremendous pressure in his words, and his heart sank.

"Dad, everything will be fine. As long as I can become a god, I will definitely be able to sweep through the Spirit Hall with Ancestor Tang Chen."

Tang San imagined his future and comforted him.

"Yes, with you and Tang Chen's ancestor, it will be easy for me, the Haotian Sect, to revive. At the same time, we will ban the Spirit Hall and become the strongest force on the Douluo Continent, bar none!"

Tang Hao finally showed a smile on his face.

If all goes well, the future is bright.

"Yeah." Tang San nodded heavily, and then asked the question he was most concerned about: "Dad, where are we going now?"

"Actually, you want to ask me whether to awaken my bloodline first or go to Tiandou Imperial City to get the Vast Sea Universe Cover?"

Tang Hao asked with a smile on his face.

"Well, there is no better son than a father." Tang San scratched his head in embarrassment.

This behavior is very young.

On the other hand, Tang Hao fell into a brief silence.

Tang San could see the look of reminiscence in his eyes.

After a brief silence, Tang Hao also spoke, "These two things can be done together. On the way to Tiandou City, stop by a place where your martial spirit can be awakened. By the way, let's go see it again. Look at your mother.”


This word was very far away to Tang San, but when Tang Hao mentioned it, it felt close at hand.

"Is she still alive?" Tang San asked with trembling lips.

"Alive, it's just the current state, but it is indeed a vegetative state."

"Vegetative state? What is that?"

Hearing Tang San's doubts, Tang Hao explained seriously: "Well, she has turned into a plant, but she is actually a person."



Tang San felt that the strange posture in his mind increased again.

He couldn't help but asked impatiently: "Mom, how could she become like this?"

"That's a long story."

As Tang Hao spoke, a hint of bitterness appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously, and he slowly told Tang San the past events of that year.

a long time.

Only then did Tang San regain his composure, and he said a little distractedly: "It turns out that my biological mother is a hundred thousand year old soul beast in the form of a spirit beast."

"The transformed soul beast is already a human being."

There was gradually more emotion in Tang Hao's voice, which was called guilt.

"It's all my fault that Ah Yin ended up like this. If I hadn't taken her around the major cities without knowing how to do it, I wouldn't have met the titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace. If I could have waited another ten or twenty years, I would have She and I both have the strength of a titled Douluo, and everything will be rewritten."

"Dad, it's not your fault. After all, my mother's wish is to travel to Douluo Continent."

Seeing Tang Hao's remorseful expression, Tang San couldn't help but speak out to persuade him.

Tang Hao heard the sound and looked at Tang San, with a look of hope in his eyes: "Xiao San, you are the hope for me and your mother to reunite.

God is omnipotent. As long as you can inherit the throne of Poseidon, it is possible to resurrect your mother. "

Hearing this, Tang San nodded heavily, "Dad, don't worry. I will definitely work hard."

In fact, Tang San himself didn't know what he was thinking.

If Duoduo hadn't relied on Tang Hao now, he would have wanted to question him more.

Ask Tang Hao, "Has your brain been eaten by a dog?"

Your mother is the Blue Silver Emperor and you don’t know much about the human world. You are the direct descendant of the Haotian Sect. Don’t you know the horrors of the soul master world?


At this moment, Tang Hao had already sorted out his emotions and slapped Tang San on the shoulder, "Let's go, Xiao San, now we will awaken your bloodline.

There is a forest in the Tiandou Empire. In the forest is a Blue Silver King that is more than 80,000 years old. It was once your mother's most loyal subordinate. "

Tang San was startled, "Blue Silver King?"

"Yes, as long as it is sacrificed to you, you will definitely be able to awaken your bloodline. Originally, I planned to wait for you to reach level 50 and let you see it on your own, but now I have to advance it."

Tang Hao said with some regret in his eyes.

Tang San's current soul power was not even at level 40, let alone level 50. If the Blue Silver King were to sacrifice, it would be like wasting a soul ring that was tens of thousands of years old.

However, if you think about inheriting the throne in the future, it will be worth it no matter how much you pay.



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