I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 325 Canine boyfriend Feng Xiaotian appears

"Teacher, stop talking, we lost."

Above the arena, the sound of Huo Wu came.

The teacher from Blazing Fire Academy looked over, and the battle situation on the ring was clear at a glance.

There is no doubt that the outcome has been decided.

Except for Huo Wu, no one in their Blazing Academy could still stand.

Most of them fell to the ground in a mess, and what was even more shameful was that even Huo Wushuang was stepped on by that little girl Shui Yue'er, with a look of shame on his face.

"Why don't you yell anymore?"

Shui Yue'er asked with one hand on her waist.

If you have the ability to show off, you are awesome; if you don’t have the ability to show off, you are stupid.

Being trampled under his feet like this, Huo Wushuang also knew that he had lost all face. He said in a deep voice, "There is nothing to say. The winner is the king or the loser. If you lose, you lose. I, Huo Wushuang, am not someone who cannot afford to lose."

He is quite magnanimous.

"I admit, I underestimated you before. But don't be complacent. Wait until I reach level 40 before fighting again."

On the other side, Huo Wu said to Shui Binger.

The implication of her words is very obvious, just two words, I don't accept it!

Shui Bing'er replied lightly: "Your challenge is always welcome."


Huo Wu didn't know what to do. He looked at the teammates lying on the ground in a mess and said angrily: "Do you want to wake up here before leaving?"

"No, let's get up right now and let's go together."

Hearing the sound, the members of the Blazing Fire Team tightened their hearts and hurriedly supported each other and stood up.

Then he stumbled off the stage. The members of the Tianshui team also looked at everyone closely.

At this time, if they could describe their mood in four words, it would be "feeling proud"!

The depression of being suppressed by Blazing Academy was finally gone.

Some are happy and some are sad.

When they noticed that everyone in the Tianshui Team was looking at their faces, the members of the Blazing Team wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

They were clamoring before to let Team Tianshui know what cruelty they were doing.

It's good now, it really came true. Before the competition, Tianshui Team's words were defeated in the team battle that Blazing Team is best at.

So shameful.

Not to mention Shui Bing'er's Soul Sect cultivation level, but whose cultivation level is not brought by the strong wind, isn't it the result of hard training?

Not as high as Shui Bing'er in cultivation, it can only be said that her talent is not high enough and her cultivation is not hard enough.

Of course, I don’t know how they will feel after learning that upgrade rolls and experience capsules have appeared on Douluo Continent.

"Looking at your dejected appearance, you have really brought shame to Blazing Fire Academy."

"Let's go, everyone follow me!"

The teacher who led the team at Blazing Fire Academy also felt shameless.

"Dean Tianshui, let's leave first. Let's meet again at the Four Elements Academy competition."

The leading teacher of Blazing Fire Academy crossed his fists and walked out of the academy first.

Members of the Blazing Fire Team hurriedly followed.

"Hi, brothers from Blazing Academy."

When everyone from Blazing Academy arrived outside Tianshui Academy, a handsome man wearing a blue shirt jumped out from the side and greeted them in surprise.

However, when he saw clearly the miserable situation of Team Blazing Fire, he was stunned.

The hands that greeted everyone had nowhere to put them.

He could tell that something was wrong.

Didn’t you say that the people in Team Tianshui are all cowards?

Why was Yaucai injured like this?

"Feng Xiaotian, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, Huo Wu walked out from the crowd and looked at Feng Xiaotian with a puzzled expression.

"Didn't I miss you?"

"I also heard that your Blazing Team has been coming to Tianshui College every day to torture people, so I came here specifically to take a look."

Feng Xiaotian said excitedly.

However, as he spoke, he realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

These people in front of them look like defeated soldiers. They don't look like they have won a victory.

This kid is so colorless and still wants to chase my sister? Go ahead and dream! Huo Wushuang rubbed his waist and sentenced Feng Xiaotian to death.

"You see now, right? You can go."

Huo Wu had a sullen face and gave Feng Xiaotian an ultimatum.

"Ah this."

Feng Xiaotian was dumbfounded. He had no idea that Huo Wu would give him an eviction order just after they met.

"Huo Wu, if you lose, you lose. What's the point? Just win again."

Feng Xiaotian felt that Huo Wu needed encouragement at this time.


Damn it, this kid really can’t speak. If it hurts people so much, it would be great if they knew it. Why would you say it and hurt them twice?

Too much!

It's typical that you don't care about anything. You deserve to be single.

"You're not leaving, are you?"

"let's go!"

Huo Wu now has no desire to continue chatting with Feng Xiaotian.

Tall, handsome, talented, but it's a pity

It just has a mouth.

Among the team, Huo Wushuang shook his head helplessly.

If it weren't for this mouth, he thought it was really possible for Feng Xiaotian to become his brother-in-law.

Leaving now? Feng Xiaotian became even more confused.


This situation

Could it be that this is what the love saints in the Divine Wind Academy say, playing hard to get?

Huo Wu was too nervous to see me, so he tried to escape to relieve his embarrassment?

That must be the case!

The more Feng Xiaotian thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

He still remembered that the former love saints in the academy had said that at times like this, it is more important to take the initiative, strike while the iron is hot, and pursue victory while the iron is hot.

In short, we must not let go.

Then he quickly caught up with Huo Wu.

"Huo Wu, tell the truth, have you started to like me?"


Huo Wu's expression changed and she said angrily: "I not only like you, I also like your whole family."

"That's great. I'm sure my family will love you too."

Feng Xiaotian was overjoyed and said quickly: "Huo Wu, please be my girlfriend."

Everyone was stunned.

It is said that a woman who falls in love has a low IQ, and a man who falls in love cannot hear good things about her.

Feng Xiaotian, such a perfect canine boyfriend.

Of course, it is also commonly known as dog licking.

Facing Feng Xiaotian, who had an intelligence of -250 in front of him, Huo Wu didn't know what to say.

"Okay, since you want me to be your girlfriend, that's fine too."

"So, you agreed!"

"But, I have a condition."

"Don't mention one condition, I will agree to you even if it is 10,000 conditions."

"Victory against the Tianshui team in the Four Elements Academy Competition."

Huo Wu said slowly.

In her opinion, this was an impossible task for Feng Xiaotian.

"That's it? Huo Wu, you really like me. This condition is completely one-sided."

Feng Xiaotian was overjoyed.

He is still very confident in his own strength. Even if the Blazing Team is defeated, the Kamikaze Team he leads will not.

Haha, let’s take a walk? Huo Wu smiled.

I hope you, Feng Xiaotian, won’t cry when you see how powerful Tianshui Academy is.

In the crowd, Huo Wushuang curled his lips and said that he would not let Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian be together.

This kid not only has an extra mouth, but his head and face are probably all empty shells.

Wuhun City.

Lin Xiao looked at Lu Qibin, Shao Xin, and Li Yusong speechlessly.

After all the money was paid, they unexpectedly decided who would open the jar first by playing chess to determine the outcome.

This wait is half an hour.

Finally there are results.

Lu Qibin deserves the first place.

The second place is the fat Shao Xin.

The last person to open the jar was Li Yusong, who looked depressed.

"If I had known, whoever was older would have opened the jar first." He said gloomily.

Obviously, he has absolute confidence in this aspect.

"Haha, then I think the younger ones should open the cans first. I think we should give young people the opportunity to develop."

Lu Qibin smiled.

Li Yusong said angrily: "Let's open your jar. We will draw lots to decide how to open it next time. I think this is the fairest."

"Then I won't be polite."

After listening to Li Yusong's words, Lu Qibin stopped talking and walked to the counter step by step.

"Boss, I've been waiting for a long time."

Only then did he feel a little embarrassed.


Lin Xiao said with his signature fake smile, "Choose the jar you want."

Lu Qibin had a plan, and when Lin Xiao asked, he quickly pointed out ten jars.

"Sorry for bothering you." After saying that, he bowed slightly to express his gratitude.

Before coming here, he had not forgotten Flanders's advice. When facing Boss Lin, he must have the best attitude and never offend.

"You're welcome."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly, and then took down the ten jars selected by Lu Qibin.

"Lao Lu, what do you want to drive?"

Shao Xin asked very curiously.

Although Li Yusong did not come forward, his ears pricked up.

"Actually, I don't really have any big desires, otherwise I wouldn't be a teacher at Shrek."


Lu Qibin's words resonated with Shao Xin and Li Yusong.

However, when the second half of Lu Qibin's words sounded, both Shao Xin and Li Yusong felt a little uncomfortable.

"Actually, I only have a small wish. If I have a chance, I still want to break through to become a Titled Douluo Dangdang."

Is this also called a little wish?

Isn't this the lifelong wish of every soul master?

"Actually, if you are lucky enough, it is not impossible."

Lin Xiao said slowly after listening to Lu Qibin's words.


Lu Qibin's eyes showed a look of surprise at first, but then dimmed quickly, "Dean Flanders also told us before that with our Soul Emperor's cultivation, we will need more than 20 upgrade scrolls at least, or It takes more than 200 experience capsules to have hope."

In his opinion, if this hope is rounded off, it means there is no hope.

Because Flanders also said that even if he spent all 100 million gold soul coins to open the jar, he didn't dare to say that he would definitely be able to open such an upgrade scroll and experience capsule.

Not even ten million.

Let alone 100 million.

"Oh, that's what Flanders said. In fact, it's not entirely true. There are quite a few other roads."

Lin Xiao nodded and said: "For example, Yi Jin Jing, a martial arts technique that cuts hair and cleanses marrow, powerful Devil Fruit, more strange items will appear in the jar in the future, and breakthroughs in Titled Douluo will only become more and more difficult. The simpler.”

Lin Xiao is not painting a cake.

Such as the dungeon world, martial arts world, Doraemon world, and pirate world are just the beginning.

It is not impossible to unlock the world of fantasy, fairy tales and other high martial arts in the future.

It is not impossible for items of the same level as jelly grass or stronger than jelly grass to appear.

And Lin Xiao could clearly feel that the arrival of such powerful power would not be too far away.


It is estimated that after selling another 1,800 jars, it will be unlocked.

Then, he glanced at Li Yusong and the others with some guilt, thinking that these people should be able to survive until that day.

"Boss, if you say that, I will feel hopeful again."

Lu Qibin's eyes lit up.

"Really? Then your hope comes too early."

Lin Xiao said quietly: "The martial arts skills cannot be released now, and the number of Devil Fruits released so far is still in single digits."

Lu Qibin: " ̄へ ̄"

This boss is a bit annoying.

He decided not to talk to Lin Xiao anymore, otherwise he would be the one who got hurt.

Open the can!

He set his sights on the jar, "Since I can't directly become a Titled Douluo, then I will ask for a long stream of water to open some high-value items so that I can keep opening the jar."

Hearing the sound, Li Yusong laughed, "Hahaha, it's the first time I've seen someone say the word "prostitution for free" in such a fresh and refined way."

Hearing the sound, Lu Qibin whispered something bad and immediately smashed the first jar in his life.

Then the second one, the third one

And, the tenth jar

"What's going on?"

After all ten jars were opened, Lu Qibin felt numb.

Except for the white light, it was just white light, just like a flashlight, which made him unable to open his eyes.

"Brother, stay strong."

Fat Shao Xin stepped forward and supported him.

"Boss, do you think I can still make a steady flow of water with these things?"

Lu Qibin couldn't help but ask Lin Xiao.

"Three experience capsules, two proficiency capsules, double the magic juice from the jar"

"Besides, I appraise other items, which are not very practical, but are of great significance for collection."

Lin Xiao pointed at each item and said, "Do you think it's acceptable to offer these things?"


Lu Qibin's eyes lit up, "If you say that, I won't be sad."

"Three experience capsules should be able to break through my current cultivation bottleneck. I can't remember how long it has been since I felt the pleasure of improving my strength."

After saying that, he still looked forward to it.

"Hurry up and experience it. Make room for good people."

Li Yusong said eagerly.

I have to say that he was very moved when he saw Lu Qibin getting these benefits.

"It's not your turn to be anxious." Lu Qibin laughed and said, "Old Shao, it's your turn."


Shao Xin stepped forward and nervously wiped the sweat from his palms on his clothes.

"Don't be nervous, do you have any dreams?"

Lin Xiao decided to give him chemotherapy first.

Shao Xin felt even more embarrassed when he heard this. "Boss, I'll tell you the truth, I also want to keep things flowing smoothly."

Lin Xiao: Well, here comes another guy who wants to have sex for free.

Good night.

The addition is completed.

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