I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 327 Tang Hao Review: My Tragic Life


"Yu Xiaogang's father?"

Li Yusong and the three of them exchanged glances, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They remembered that Flanders had said that even though Yu Xiaogang had no ability, he could only engage in the theory of soul masters. This kind of paper talk was something his family could afford.

His father is the head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family!

"I've met senior."

The three people immediately raised their fists and saluted Yu Yuanzhen to show their respect.

After all, this person can be considered a big shot in the soul master world, an old-timer.

"No need to be polite."

A warm smile appeared on Yu Yuanzhen's face, and then he looked at Shao Xin, "Young man, I am willing to pay 300,000 gold soul coins to buy the No. 28 doll in your hand. Do you agree?"

Three hundred thousand?

Shao Xin faced this problem squarely.

To be honest, he stayed in Shrek Academy all day long, and this thing was just gathering dust in his hands.

"According to logic, three hundred thousand gold soul coins can hire many soul masters. However, things are rare and valuable."

Shao Xin felt that no matter who the other party was, he could do more tricks.


Just make more money if you can.

"Four Hundred Thousand"


"five hundred thousand"

When he heard that Yu Yuanzhen offered a high price of 500,000 yuan, Shao Xin felt that it was about the same. After all, "Deal!"

Five hundred thousand, that's a lot.

He thought it was okay and accepted it.


Yu Yuanzhen nodded slightly, and then took out a black card from the space soul guide: "There are 500,000 gold soul coins here, which can be exchanged and used by all banks on Douluo Continent."

"Senior, please put this doll away."

Shao Xin and Yu Yuanzhen paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand. They both appeared satisfied with each other.

I want to see what kind of magic this thing has. Yu Yuanzhen took No. 28 in his hand and studied it carefully.

He wanted to see how this thing was different from the soul guides he had seen?

"Old Shao, I think you have a good chance of achieving your small goal of long-lasting water."

Seeing that Shao Xin had an income of 500,000 yuan, Lu Qibin felt envious in his heart.

Why is there such a big difference when we both open cans?

Could it be that it’s really like what Li Yusong said, “Since I’m bald, I’ve become someone else’s cushion?”

Thinking like this, he subconsciously looked at Li Yusong.

"How is it? Lao Lu, do you believe what I say now?"

Li Yusong asked with a smile.

"Humph, I believe you. You are such a bad old man. You want to disturb my mood." Lu Qibin snorted immediately, "I don't believe it anymore. Am I really a cushion? Besides, using me as a cushion is just a matter of time. A high-end item is released, is that a bit unjustifiable?"

Li Yusong laughed when he heard this, "Then there is only one possibility. You are a useless mat."

"Get lost!" Lu Qibin cursed with a smile and turned his attention to Shao Xin again.

And at this time.

Shao Xin has picked up the lucky magic hammer again and opened the jar.

Click, click, click

In the blink of an eye, three more jars were smashed.

Lin Xiao found that Shao Xin's small eyes were full of nervousness.

"Between the small goal of long flowing water, there are still items worth half a million gold soul coins."

Shao Xin's requirements are not high, as long as he pays another 500,000 gold soul coins.


Another jar was smashed.

Finally, a different color appeared.


Inside the shop, everyone's attention was attracted. The contents of the jar resemble a dancing flame.

"Holy Breath of Another Dimension"

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed slightly, and he had already recognized this item.

It's a pretty good item.

"What is this? I have never seen anything like this on Douluo Continent, not even in the family history books that are not passed down to others."

This was the first time Yu Yuanzhen saw someone opening rare items from a jar, and he subconsciously thought of many of them.

"Haha, don't think too much. You can hardly see the items in our store on Douluo Continent."

Lin Xiao saw the confusion in Yu Yuanzhen's eyes and said with a smile.


Does this make me look ignorant?

Yu Yuanzhen was startled and glanced around subconsciously, finding that no one noticed him.

Li Yusong and Lu Qibin both stared at Shao Xin with bright eyes.


To be precise, he was staring at the items in the jar in front of Shao Xin.

They all remember that Flanders said that as long as you find a rare item, no matter what it is, it will be a blood profit!

"Boss, this"

"This item is called the sacred breath of another dimension. After using it, the power of your soul ring skills will increase."

"Then is it okay if I am an auxiliary soul master?" Shao Xin asked curiously.

Lin Xiao blinked, "Don't you know if you try it?"

"Hehe, that's right."

Shao Xin smiled, scratched his head, and immediately summoned his soul ring.

But, the next moment, he suddenly smiled mysteriously and thought of something.

"Old Shao, you are crazy. Everyone is waiting for you to use the sacred breath of another dimension, but you let me see you smile?"

When Li Yusong saw this, he couldn't help but cursed.

"Hahaha, I think such an important thing, I can't be happy alone, I have to have fun with my old brothers."

Shao Xin smiled.

"Uh, so that's it."

Lu Qibin suddenly realized, but couldn't help but sigh, "Hey, people can't help themselves when they get old. Lao Shao, as long as you have this intention, let's not humiliate ourselves."

Shao Xin: "o(Д)っ!"

"You misunderstood, that's what I meant."

Shao Xin said as the sixth soul ring on his body lit up one after another.

The next moment, jelly beans appeared in his hand one after another, "Take it."

He distributed it to Lu Qibin and Li Yusong.

"What's the meaning?"

The two were completely confused.

"In a moment, I will inject the sacred breath of another dimension into the sixth soul ring, and then I will make a few jelly beans for you to eat. Won't the comparison effect be revealed?"

Shao Xin said with a smile.

On the other hand, Li Yusong and Lu Qibin were startled at first, and then looked astonished.

"Old Shao, you are not kind." Lu Qibin couldn't help but say.

Shao Xin is not sharing the joy of improving his strength with them. He is showing off to them.

Too much.

Are you bullying me for not getting any good stuff?

"That's a good idea. I'll do the same when I get something good later."

Li Yusong's eyes lit up.

Lu Qibin is depressed, he wants to play us, right?

"Excuse me, could you give me one of the jelly beans in your hand?"

Suddenly, Yu Yuanzhen's eyes were filled with the taste of desire.

He really wanted to try to see if that weird thing he had never seen before was really as magical as Lin Xiao said.

"Of course, senior, please take it."

Shao Xin said, placing a jelly bean in Yu Yuanzhen's hand.

Not long after.

Everyone swallowed the jelly beans.

"Hey, remember this feeling, wait and see what changes will happen."

Shao Xin chuckled, and then he silently said in his heart, use it!


The divine breath of another dimension fell on his sixth soul ring like a flame.

After that, he quickly disappeared into the soul ring.

"Come on, everyone, try some freshly baked jelly beans."

After a while, Shao Xin made a few more jelly beans and distributed them to everyone.

After doing all this, he looked at everyone expectantly.

Within a moment, Lu Qibin was the first to respond. He extended his thumb to Lin Xiao: "Boss, that's awesome!"

"It's really improved a lot. It's worth it, Lao Shao, you deserve it!"

Li Yusong couldn't help but praise him.

Finally, Yu Yuanzhen's eyes were extremely bright. He looked at Lin Xiao and couldn't help but ask: "Boss, I don't know if there are any restrictions on increasing the power of soul skills? For example, when I use my ninth soul ring, Will there be diminishing effects?”

Hearing this, Lin Xiao shook his head slightly, "Don't worry, the problem you mentioned will not arise. However, the aura of one color can only improve one soul ring once."

"I see!"

"That's pretty awesome!"

Everyone was amazed.

You know, this kind of improvement is still quite incredible. After all, your level remains unchanged, but your strength has increased.

"Old Shao, there are a few jars left, open them quickly. My soul ring is already thirsty."

Seeing that Shao Xin had benefited, Li Yusong couldn't help but urge.

"Haha, okay, I'll open the can quickly and make room for you."

Shao Xin agreed with a smile.

However, he soon stopped laughing.

"Did I say the wrong thing?"

There is no doubt that there is nothing too special in the remaining jars.


This ending process was faster than Shao Xin thought.

"Too fast, man."

Li Yusong came to Shao Xin and patted his shoulder, "Thank you."

the other side.

Over an island near Poseidon Island, Tang Hao was walking in the air with a gloomy expression.

"Why is everything so difficult for me?"

"I feel like the whole world is against me!"

He couldn't help but think of some distant memories.

It can be said that from the day Tang San was born, his nightmare began.

Ah Yin died as a sacrifice on Tang San's day.

The previous leader of the Haotian Sect was his old father, and he was furious to death.

After that, he, the supreme genius of the Haotian Sect, turned around and became a sinner of the Haotian Sect. In desperation, he had to expel himself from the sect.

Later, he was forced to leave the palace by Wuhun Palace.

Once upon a time, he was lucky enough to think that he would rise to power after finding Tang Chen's Haotian Sect, but unexpectedly, Tang Chen would be tortured every time he saw Qian Daoliu.

I thought that Tang San's passing the divine test would be a turning point, but there was another condition to start the divine test.

When he went to look for the Blue Silver King, he found out that the Blue Silver King had been chopped down, and when he looked for the Vast Sea Universe Shield, he threw himself in vain. He was also chased by a demon bear and a snake spear like a bereaved dog. Looking for A Yin A Yin was also poached

After finally completing the conditions for Tang San's divine examination, he turned against his eldest brother Tang Xiao.

In addition to these, there are also a series of events such as being hammered by Xiong Jun, the failure to hunt the evil killer whale king, the death of the Seventh Elder, etc.

In short, there are countless bad things

"Hey, it's so difficult."

"It's really hard for me!"

The more Tang Hao thought about it, the more sad he became. He didn't know why, everything turned out like this.

"If Xiaosan hadn't been a child and hadn't become a god yet, I really wouldn't have found the courage to persevere."

Tang Hao felt that he was almost depressed.

"Your Majesty Haotian, Your Majesty Haotian!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Tang Hao felt someone calling.

He looked down and found someone waving to him at the edge of the island.

"Yu Xiaogang?"

"Why is he here?"

Tang Hao was very surprised. To be honest, he thought that this piece of trash had been thrown into the sea and fed to the demonic great white shark.

Landing slowly on the island, Tang Hao frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Senior Kaiba sent me here because he thought I was the teacher of Xiaosan and asked me to be a sea citizen."

"But, you also know, how can I, Yu Xiaogang, be a sea citizen?"

Of course Yu Xiaogang cannot accept being a sea citizen.

Otherwise, wouldn’t his years of hard work be in vain?

He even said that he gave up his dream of becoming a strong man and returned to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family to find a shop. Wouldn't it be much more comfortable than here?

To be honest, Yu Xiaogang had already made up his mind to have no contact with Tang Hao, Tang San and his son until death.

But considering the status of father and son on Poseidon Island, he couldn't bear it.

Apart from here, he couldn't think of any other place where he could get rid of his reputation as a waste.

So he decided to give up his dignity temporarily and beg Tang Hao again. When he becomes stronger, he will pick up the dignity he gave up.

"Yu Xiaogang, give up those unrealistic dreams. You are an out-and-out waste and can't be saved."

Tang Hao frowned and said.

He really didn't want to pay attention to Yu Xiaogang.


Without saying a word, Yu Xiaogang knelt down again, "Your Majesty, I would like to ask you to give me another chance to go to Poseidon Island and take part in Lord Poseidon's assessment again."

Tang Hao ignored him and was about to return to Poseidon Island.

"Your Majesty, wait."

"Your Majesty, don't leave."

"Your Majesty, I have important news that will help you improve your strength."

Yu Xiaogang had to use his trump card.

Tang Hao was startled, frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, I heard from people on the island that there are several soul beasts that are over 100,000 years old on the sea."

Tang Hao looked strange.

Yu Xiaogang thought to himself and said: "In the distant sea, there is the evil killer whale king, and near Poseidon Island there is the evil great white shark king. Your Majesty, although these soul beasts are not as powerful as the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, they are still powerful. This is the best choice at the moment. Your Majesty, what do you think of this news?"

Hearing this, Tang Hao smiled, "Do you know where I came back from?"

"have no idea."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head quickly.

"I'm going to hunt that evil killer whale king you mentioned."

"Ah, it turns out that Your Majesty has already received the news. It was me who was abrupt."

Yu Xiaogang was startled, but he didn't expect that Tang Hao wanted to go with him.

"Then I would like to congratulate Your Majesty on getting a hundred thousand year soul ring." With a pleasing smile on his face, he cupped his hands and fists in front of Tang Hao.


The smile on Tang Hao's face gradually disappeared.

"Yu Xiaogang, look what this is?"

With that said, he showed the soul ring to Yu Xiaogang.

Is it enough to get the soul ring? Why do you still have to show off to me?

Yu Xiaogang cursed secretly, but still looked at it.

Suddenly, I was shocked.

"How could this happen? Why, your soul ring ratio has not changed?"

"Where is the evil killer whale king's soul ring?"

Yu Xiaogang was dumbfounded.

"What the hell, the Evil Killer Whale King was captured first, and I didn't get the Evil Killer Whale King's soul ring."

Tang Hao said, already starting to rub his wrists.

Yu Xiaogang seemed familiar with this situation.

He had a premonition that if he could not solve this problem, he would face a severe beating from Tang Hao.

He hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, impulsiveness is the devil. If there is no evil killer whale king, wouldn't there be the evil great white shark king?"

"They're all the same."

Good night.

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