I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 331 Lin Xiao opened his mobile phone? Bo Saixi wants to let go?

In the square in the center of Poseidon Island.

Tang Hao was the focus of everyone's attention, and all eyes were staring at him closely.

The changes on his face will naturally not escape everyone's eyes.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Is the next task difficult?"

Tang San couldn't help but ask, with some worry in his voice.

"It is indeed difficult. I have to hold on for one stick of incense under the joint attack of the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars."

Tang Hao said in a deep voice.

"Facing seven titled Douluo alone!"

Tang San's pupils shrank, this task was really too difficult.

"But I want to try."

Tang Hao said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure you have to face the seven of us now?"

Sea Dragon Douluo asked with a pale face.

"Now that you are seriously injured, I am fighting seven people. In fact, I am facing six people. If I wait for you to recover from your injuries, it will be even harder for me to complete this task."

Tang Hao answered Sea Dragon Douluo's words, his eyes filled with fanatical fighting intent.

"I wonder what difficulties you have?"

he asked in a deep voice.


I suspect you are looking down on us!

The guardians of the sacred pillar looked at each other and could clearly see the anger hidden in each other's eyes.

Tang Hao's tone clearly didn't take them seriously.

"Okay, I accept the challenge!"

Sea Dragon Douluo was the first to speak out.

"I will fight too."

Sea Fantasy Douluo was the second, followed by Sea Spear Douluo, Sea Witch Douluo and others.

And he walked forward and stood side by side with Sea Dragon Douluo.

"High Priest, please help us activate the defenses on Poseidon Island."

"And please be the referee!"

Sea Dragon Douluo looked back at Bo Saixi and said in a deep voice.

On the other hand, Bo Saixi nodded slightly, waved his scepter, and the four light curtains rose up, like four walls of light, surrounding everyone.

"Now you can start. Unless your burst of power exceeds mine, you will not break the light curtain."

Bo Saixi said calmly.

Everyone looked understanding and completely relieved.

On Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi's power was unparalleled. Even the ninety-nine titled Douluo couldn't even think of breaking through this barrier.


After Bo Saixi's voice fell, Tang Hao and the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars in the light curtain activated or summoned martial spirits one after another.

"Boss, don't worry, we will definitely teach Tang Hao a lesson."

"Yes, I want him to know that even level ninety-six is ​​not qualified to challenge the seven of us."

Sea Spear Douluo, Sea Fantasy Douluo said in a deep voice.

There was even anger that could not be concealed in their voices.

"This is the battle of dignity for us, the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, and everyone must go all out."

Sea Dragon Douluo also said in a deep voice: "If the seven of us join forces and cannot defeat Tang Hao within one stick of incense, then..."

"Then what?"

"Then I will retreat and practice hard. When can I defeat Tang Hao and come out again."

Sea Dragon Douluo said.

In fact, he originally wanted to say that if the seven of them couldn't defeat Tang Hao within one stick of incense, they would just crash into the holy pillar and die.

Later, I thought about it and decided to leave myself a way out.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.


At this moment, Bo Saixi's voice reached everyone's ears.

The war begins!

Sea Dragon Douluo said solemnly: "Hai Huan, control him. Attack directly with the sea spear. His soul skills are very powerful. Don't give him a chance to use them."

Sea Dragon Douluo's voice fell, and Sea Spear Douluo rushed out like an arrow from a string.

However, Sea Spear Douluo missed.

Tang Hao actually did not choose to fight them directly, but rushed directly to the sky!

Everyone looked up.

Tang Hao's figure has turned into a black dot.

"How could this be?"

Sea Spear, Sea Fantasy and other sacred pillar guardians looked puzzled.

"Be careful, he must be using his hidden cards!"

Sea Dragon Douluo's expression changed, and he quickly shouted: "Defense!"


Do the seven of us still need to defend ourselves when facing him?

Sea Spear Douluo was very puzzled.

But at the next moment, a powerful aura came from above.



There were constant sounds of swallowing in the field.

"This soul power pressure should not be weaker than level 98!"

Next to Sea Dragon Douluo, Sea Witch Douluo said.

"What are you doing standing there, defending!"

Sea Dragon Douluo roared again.

This time, someone responded to his words.

One after another soul skills erupted.

Powerful soul power fluctuations condensed, waiting for Tang Hao's thunderous strike.

"Did you explode the ring? He is a cruel person!"

Bo Saixi could already see a huge Clear Sky Hammer falling from the sky, like a falling meteor.

Below, Sea Dragon Douluo and the others are Tang Hao's targets!



Amidst the violent explosions, Poseidon Island seemed to tremble twice.

The brilliant light produced after the collision of soul powers is extremely dazzling.

Tang San, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar could no longer open their eyes.

Even Bo Saixi's beautiful eyes narrowed.

Through the narrow gap, she had seen the situation in the field.

Tang Hao stood panting with his hand on the Clear Sky Hammer.

Not far from him, Sealance Douluo was lying on the ground, breathing weakly.

Sea Dragon Douluo, Sea Fantasy Douluo, and Sea Witch Douluo support each other's fighting strength.

Seahorse Douluo and the others either fell to the ground or knelt on one knee further away.

However, everyone who was awake had a look of horror on their faces.

"What kind of soul skill is this!"

"How can you explode with such fighting power!"

Normally, a ninety-sixth level Titled Douluo couldn't resist the seven of them joining forces.

"That soul skill just now is the secret method of my Haotian Sect. You are lucky enough to see it without dying, you are proud enough."

"You know, when I first entered the realm of Titled Douluo, I used this soul skill to severely injure the previous Pope of the Spirit Hall and the two Titled Douluo-level elders."

When Tang Hao said this, his tone paused and his expression became proud, "In the end, the last Pope of Wuhun Palace died."

The Pope of Wuhun Palace was killed by him?

Next to Tang San, Oscar and Ma Hongjun could already see clearly the situation in front of them.

When they heard Tang Hao's words, their faces were filled with shock and fear.


"Don't be too proud."

At this moment, Sea Dragon Douluo snorted disdainfully, "If the four-sided light curtain hadn't restricted our area of ​​activity, how could you have severely damaged us with one blow? Also, if they were willing to listen to me earlier, gather the seven of us With such strength, it won’t be a problem to withstand your attack.”

Actually, he was right.

They were like trapped animals in a cage, with no choice but to resist Tang Hao's attack.

Also, everyone is too proud and fails to unite.


After hearing what Sea Dragon Douluo said, Tang Hao's expression changed slightly: "Anyway, the situation now is a foregone conclusion. I ask you, can we still fight?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The expressions of the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars suddenly changed, and Sea Dragon Douluo said in a deep voice: "We lost."

"Boss, I can still fight."

Seahorse Douluo said hurriedly.

"It's meaningless." Sea Dragon Douluo shook his head: "Even if there are still some among us who can fight, we can't make Tang Hao lose his fighting power in one stick of incense. As long as he is still standing, we lose. "

Hearing this, Seahorse Douluo's expression suddenly changed and he stopped talking.

Others also fell silent.

"Hahaha, after passing five tests in a row, I, Tang Hao, have already set a record on Poseidon Island."

When the sound of passing the assessment sounded in Tang Hao's mind, he couldn't help laughing anymore.

But no matter who sees his current appearance, he can't help but think of four words in his heart: When the villain succeeds!

However, Tang Hao smiled, and his voice stopped suddenly.

This time, he no longer frowned, but had a look of horror in his eyes.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

When Tang San saw this, he immediately panicked.

Tang Hao was not too excited and injured his brain.

He took three steps and two steps at a time to reach Tang Hao's side, and used his soul power to sense Tang Hao's body.

"Huh, it's pretty normal."

"There's nothing wrong with it."

Tang San let out a long breath.

"Xiaosan, I'm fine, I'm just a little surprised by the sixth test."

Tang Hao comforted Tang San in a low voice.

Tang San asked: "Then what is your last test?"

Tang Hao did not answer immediately, but looked at Bo Saixi, "Lord Poseidon asked me to challenge the Great Enshrinement and win."

"What, challenge the great sacrifice?"

When Tang San heard the sound, he was immediately shocked.

In his knowledge, Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi was an invincible strong man on Poseidon Island.

Tang Hao, let alone level ninety-six now, even if he was level ninety-seven or ninety-eight, he still couldn't be Bo Saixi's opponent.

"Hahaha, Tang Hao, look how arrogant he is this time!"

"The high priest is the invincible strong man on the sea. I don't believe that Tang Hao can still win!"

"If you think about it with your fingernails, you know that Tang Hao cannot be the opponent of the high priest."

The guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars communicated secretly.

They were now counting on the high priest to give them a bad breath.

"Originally, I thought I could complete all the assessments in one go. Now it seems that is impossible."

Tang Hao shook his head.

He knew very well that if he wanted to challenge Bo Saixi, his current strength was not enough.


Just when Tang Hao decided to give up temporarily, Bo Saixi suddenly spoke.

Her voice was clear and ethereal, making it impossible to hear any emotion: "Don't give up in a hurry, I can give you a chance."

Swish, swish, swish.

A series of eyes that looked as if they were real looked at Bo Saixi, full of shock and confusion.

Wuhun City.

In a small shop.

After Lin Xiao smashed the first group of ten jars, the system's voice sounded in his mind:

[Congratulations to the host, a total of 900 jars have been opened. Reward: Mysterious Key X1. 】

Hearing the sound, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up and he smiled: "Haha, dog system, I knew you would definitely reward me with the key."

With that said, he quickly took out the locked box before.

He didn't even look at the items in the jar.


It is not ruled out that a bunch of ordinary-level items cannot arouse Lin Xiao's interest.


Holding the mysterious key, Lin Xiao easily opened the mysterious box.

I have to say, a perfect match!

"What on earth is it?"


Lin Xiao looked over expectantly.

Suddenly, he was startled.

"Is this a mobile phone?"

Lin Xiao took out the items in the box and looked at them carefully.

He found that this thing couldn't be said to be very similar to the full-screen mobile phone of the previous life, it could only be said to be exactly the same.

After searching for a long time, he finally found the hidden power button, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't turn it on.

"Could it be that the way to open it is wrong?"

Lin Xiao frowned and muttered to himself.

At the same time, he put the mobile phone in his hand on the counter and touched the lucky hammer with his other hand.

[Ding, it is detected that the host's mood is extremely unstable, please calm down. 】

"Calm down? Can I still be calm?"

"What's the use of this broken phone that can't be turned on?"

Lin Xiao said very irritably.


This host is too irritable.

[Ding, host, please be patient. As long as the achievement is achieved, the phone will be turned on. 】

"If I had said this earlier, wouldn't it be over?"

"As a mature system, you should know something, speak clearly, and don't make me guess. After all, my patience is limited."

Lin Xiao said and put the phone away.

He had a hunch that this thing would be of great use.

Maybe, there are 200 G of learning materials in it.

【yes. 】

What was very rare was that the system actually gave Lin Xiao a response.

"Haha, you have a long memory, right?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but laugh.

"There are fifty cans left. Let's finish it and call it a day."

He thought and took out ten more jars.

"What does the high priest mean? I don't understand very well?"

On Poseidon Island, Tang Hao asked Bo Saixi respectfully.

In fact, not only him, but also the guardians of the Seven Holy Pillars who had been with Bo Saixi for decades understood what Bo Saixi meant.

"Just wait for me here."

Bo Saixi's voice was ethereal, soft, but full of no doubt.

Even though everyone was more puzzled, they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Then, in everyone's sight, Bo Saixi disappeared.

They could all see clearly that a blue light reached the edge of Poseidon Island in an instant.

"What on earth is she going to do?"

Everyone was looking at that figure from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes widened because a tall shadow appeared on the edge of the island!

"That is the true form of the high priest's martial spirit!"

"Lord Poseidon."

The guardians of the Seven Holy Pillars spontaneously worshiped the phantom.

"Haha, mistress, I think I know why Bo Saixi did what he did!"

Suddenly, Tang Hao's voice sounded in Tang San's ears.

Tang San frowned and looked at Tang Hao in confusion.

"I didn't expect that the high priest of Poseidon Island is quite understanding of human affairs. She knows that sooner or later I will defeat her through the test and take her place, and you will become the supreme master of the sea. She deliberately wants to please you. Us."

Tang Hao sent a message to Tang San again, "It seems that I will definitely pass the sixth test."

He could tell that Bo Saixi was trying to find a way to help him pass the exam!

So sure? When Tang San heard this, he was startled for a moment, and then he frowned because he couldn't find it.

He always felt that Bo Saixi would not act like this.

After all, the high priest of Poseidon Island has a high position of authority, which is no less than that of the Pope of Wuhun Palace. Who is willing to give it up to others?

Good night

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