I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 340 The value of Shura Demonic Sword?

On top of the ruins, Tang Chen rubbed his eyes vigorously.


Even the first and second rings of Sendaoliu are already a hundred thousand years old!

Simply outrageous.

"Wait a minute, his situation is very similar to what Hao'er said about using the water of the Forgotten River!"

Tang Chen suddenly remembered what Tang Hao had said. He could no longer suppress the horror in his heart and asked Qian Daoliu in a deep voice: "You are also in that jar shop and have opened jars, right?"

"Do you also know Boss Lin?"

Qian Daoliu was startled at first, and then he admitted frankly: "You are right, I, Qian Daoliu, am able to achieve what I am today, all thanks to Boss Lin."

"Now I can die in peace."

As he spoke, the first soul ring on his body lit up, and a blue and gold spear appeared in his hand.

It was his number one soul skill of 100,000 years, the Holy Light Blue Silver Spear.

"call out!"

The spear pierced the sky and stabbed Tang Chen's chest fiercely.

Tang Chen did not dare to be careless and quickly summoned the Clear Sky Hammer to resist.

"ding ding ding"

In the blink of an eye, the two had fought hundreds of times.

The powerful soul power pours out, and even the aftermath of the battle is enough to instantly kill any soul master under the soul king.

"Sect Master, be careful!"

At this moment, Sword Douluo crossed the distance of Baimi with a vigorous stride, stopped in front of Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong, and opened his soul shield to help them resist.

"Uncle Jian, who has a better chance of winning in this battle?"

Ning Fengzhi asked in a deep voice.

"I think Qian Daoliu is even better." Sword Douluo said in a low voice.

"It's a pity that Qian Daoliu has reached the limit of the human world. Even if I continue to assist him, it will have no effect on him."

"Otherwise, Tang Chen would have hated himself here today."

Ning Fengzhi sighed behind Sword Douluo.


"my hand!"

Suddenly, Tang Chen suddenly heard a shrill scream.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo could both clearly see an object being thrown away.

And there was blood spilled.

That seems to be an arm!

"Qian Daoliu, I will fight with you!"

"Explode the ring!"

The aura on Tang Chen's body suddenly became extremely powerful.

A huge phantom of the Clear Sky Hammer hit Qian Daoliu overwhelmingly.

"Holy Light Blue Silver Gun!"

Qiandao Liuqing shouted, and his soul skills exploded.


The powerful soul power exploded, and there was another feeling like the ground was shaking.

When this feeling disappeared, everyone found that Tang Chen was no longer in the void.

Qian Daoliu looked at the Shura Demonic Sword in his hand and sighed: "It's a pity that I have to use part of my cultivation and divine power to suppress this thing, otherwise Tang Chen would not only lose his arm."

"Junior feels that losing this divine sword makes Tang Chen more uncomfortable than losing his arm."

On the side, Ning Fengzhi walked out.

He had long seen that this sword was extraordinary and closely related to Tang Chen's divine power.

In other words, if Tang Chen wanted to maximize Shura's divine power, this sword was crucial.

Hearing the sound, Qian Daoliu turned around, his eyes lingered on Ning Fengzhi for a few seconds and then he suddenly smiled: "Sect Leader Ning is right. Without this sword, Tang Chen would be so depressed that he would probably suffer internal injuries."

As the guardian of the angel throne, Qian Daoliu certainly knows the importance of the artifact.

Without the artifact, Tang Chen was like a toothless tiger.

"Tang Chen is, after all, a peerless expert at level ninety-nine. It's not that easy to kill him. Now he has lost the Shura Demonic Sword and broken an arm. This time the loss is already huge."

"You know, a mutilated body will lead to a decline in cultivation."

"Next time we meet, I am confident that I will kill him with the sword!"

At this time, Sword Douluo also said in a deep voice.

"Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, you have hidden yourself deeply enough."

"If Tang Chen hadn't taken action today, I'm afraid your hidden trump card was prepared for me, right?"

Qian Daoliu looked at the two of them and said with profound meaning.

"Hahaha, senior is joking."

Ning Fengzhi suddenly smiled and said: "Our trump card is prepared for the enemy. Although Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect have some friction in their interests, they are far from being called enemies."

"What Sect Leader Ning said is true. What's more, we now have a common enemy."

Qian Daoliu said with a smile on his lips.

"But I'm curious, why did Tang Chen attack you?"

Ning Fengzhi thought for a while, "He wants my daughter to go to Poseidon Island to accept Poseidon's assessment and become Poseidon's high priest."

"What kind of high priest of Poseidon Island?"

Qian Daoliu's pupils suddenly shrank, and he asked in a deep voice: "Then do you know who is the current high priest of Poseidon Island?"

"It's Tang Hao!"

They remembered that Tang Chen had said something similar before.

Tang Hao?

What about Bo Saixi?

Qian Daoliu instantly remembered the beautiful figure in a red dress.

Soon, he shook his head again and shook the figure out of his mind.

"Qiandaoliu, Qiandaoliu, how long has it been? Do you still miss me?"


I have to say that there is no woman in my heart, and I draw my sword to the God of Nature.

This statement is true.

After Qian Daoliu concentrated his attention, some clues of things soon appeared in his mind.

"As soon as Tang Hao became a great priest, he was eager to find the successor of the great priest. It seems that there is something wrong with this position."

"Didn't you say that the position of the high priest of Poseidon Island is supreme? What problems would there be?"

Ning Fengzhi asked puzzledly.

However, he could also hear the shocking inside story hidden in Qian Daoliu's words.

"The high priest is the spokesperson of Poseidon in the world and has a high status. There is nothing wrong with that."

"However, there is one thing that even the high priest cannot help but avoid."

Qian Daoliu said this with a pause.

There was a complicated look in his eyes.

Things that the high priest of Poseidon Island avoids, isn't it the same for his high priest?

This is life.

"Senior, please make it clear that I think this matter is very important." Ning Fengzhi's breath froze. Said in a deep voice.


Qian Daoliu let out a long breath and said slowly: "It's a sacrifice!"

"Once the inheritor of the divine throne appears and completes the test set by the gods, only the high priest sacrifices in the final step can the final inheritance be completed."

"I conclude that a successor of my identity must have appeared on Poseidon Island. That's why Tang Chen rushed to help Tang Hao find a successor to take Tang Hao's place and make a sacrifice!"

Qian Daoliu's eyes became brighter as he spoke, and in the end he couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, Tang Chen, Tang Chen, you really made a good calculation! What a pity, man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation, or I didn’t let you succeed, feel good!”

On the other hand, after listening to Qian Daoliu's words, Sword Douluo's face became terrifyingly gloomy.

"Hmph, Tang Chen is really good at scheming, and he actually plotted against us. I will take note of this grudge. From now on, I will destroy all the disciples of the Haotian Sect every time I see them!"

Sword Douluo said in a deep voice, his voice full of murderous intent.

Ning Fengzhi, however, was filled with joy and fear, "Fortunately, I got a big chance from Boss Lin, and Uncle Jian and the seniors took action with all their strength, otherwise Ning Rongrong would have been taken away, and the consequences would have been disastrous."


At this moment, Ning Rongrong came out from behind Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi looked at her and asked, "Rongrong, what do you want to say?"

"Tell me, is it possible that this person of inheritance is Tang Hao's son Tang San?"

Tang San!

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up, "According to the information we have obtained before, Tang San is most likely the owner of a twin martial spirit, and the possibility of inheriting the divine throne is still very high."

"Oh, if that's the case, I'm quite disappointed with Tang Hao. His own son inherits the divine throne and has to be sacrificed by others. He is really a loving father. Aren't other children just children?"

Ning Fengzhi laughed angrily.

"The context of the matter is now roughly clear, you should make more plans."

"But my suggestion is, don't leave Wuhun City for the time being."

Seeing that things were almost settled, Qian Daoliu suggested in a deep voice.

"Thank you, senior, for the tip."

Ning Fengzhi clasped his fists.

Qian Daoliu nodded slightly, turned and left.

You’ve finished thinking about other people’s affairs, now it’s your turn.

"This Shura Demonic Sword is also a disaster. I can't carry it with me wherever I go, right?"

"But if we let it go, without the divine power to suppress it, it would probably return to Tang Chen in an instant. Wouldn't that only further fuel Tang Chen's arrogance?"

Qian Daoliu felt that this was a hot potato.

It doesn’t matter if you lose it, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t lose it.

As for using it yourself?

That would be even more unrealistic. The power of God Shura can be said to be inherently in conflict with him.

Qian Daoliu found it a bit difficult to handle.

But, at the next moment, his eyes lit up.

"If you have any questions, go to Boss Lin."

"The Shura Demon Sword is the divine weapon of God Shura after all. It must be worth a lot of money, right?"

After Qian Daoliu left, Ning Rongrong asked: "Dad, where are we going now?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled: "Don't you have a shop opposite Boss Lin's shop? It's not small, at least 300 square meters, which is enough for us to live in."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong nodded heavily, "I also think it's better to feel at ease in front of Boss Lin."

the other side.

In a small shop.

Demon-Conquering Douluo glanced at it unintentionally. When he glanced outside the store, his heart suddenly tightened and his eyes went straight.

The figure of Qian Daoliu carrying the Shura Demonic Sword caught his eye.

"Brother, he's coming, he's coming."

"He came with a sword."

Demon-Conquering Douluo trembled and said quickly.

While he was talking, Qian Daoliu had already walked to the door.


Qianjun Douluo was already on his head, staring at the last jar as if facing a formidable enemy, and had no intention of caring about anything else.

"Brother, are you sure you don't want to look back?"

Demon-Conquering Douluo asked in a deep voice.

"Don't say he came with a sword. Even if the sword is placed on my neck, I will say so."

"Even if a big offering comes today, don't even think about delaying me from opening the last jar."

Qianjun Douluo said firmly.

"you said?"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came.

"Yes, the King of Heaven is here, and that's what I said."

Qianjun Douluo spoke firmly.

But, the next moment, he felt something was wrong.

Why is this voice so familiar?

Seems to be.

Does he worship?

Next, he made a weird move. He didn't move from the neck down, but his head turned 90 degrees.

Just in time, I could see the figure standing at the door.

"Big, big, big offering?"

"It's really you."

Qianjun Douluo forced a smile.

But his smile was uglier than crying.

Qian Daoliu said nothing and looked at him quietly.


Qianjun Douluo felt his body stiffen, and he dropped the lucky magic hammer in his hand, accidentally smashing the jar.


A dazzling purple light shone in the shop.

"Brother, brother, you've delivered."

"It's a rare item, and it appears in a double jar!"

Demon-Conquering Douluo couldn't help but exclaimed.

There is no doubt that this is a joyful thing.

"Rare items?"

"It's really not the right time. I would be so happy if it didn't come at this time."

Qianjun Douluo felt helpless.

Not to mention rare, he wouldn't be happy even if the artifact was released.

If your life is gone, what's the use of prescribing the best things?

"Have you finished driving?"

Qian Daoliu asked in a deep voice.

"It's over."

Qianjun Douluo nodded quickly.


At this moment, Lin Xiao spoke: "No, you don't. There is also a can of your choice."

As he spoke, he placed a jar with purple patterns on the counter.

"Ah this."

Qianjun Douluo was startled and felt helpless.

Boss, aren't you trying to trick me?

"Then keep driving."

Qian Daoliu spoke again at this time.


Qianjun Douluo agreed, looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Boss, do you have any treasures that travel through time and space in this jar?"

If possible, Qianjun Douluo would especially like to go back to the moment when Qian Daoliu entered the door and swallow back all the words he said.

Lin Xiao shook his head, "Yes, there is, but your jar can't do it."

Things like a time machine are not within the scope of choice.

"Hey, that's okay."

Qianjun Douluo sighed, smashed the jar, and quickly took out an amplifier from the purple light group.

Then he put away the two enhancers in the double jar.

"The big offering, I've finished it."

With a smile on his face, he smiled at Qian Daoliu.

"Did you open the can?"

Qian Daoliu nodded and looked at Demon-Conquering Douluo.

"No, it's not open."

Demon-Conquering Douluo stuttered and said, "Dear Priest, if you have something to ask Boss Lin, just ask him first. I'm not in a hurry."

He could faintly see that Qian Daoliu didn't seem to be targeting the two of them when he came here.

"Boss, is that okay?"

Qian Daoliu also knew the rules very well and did not act rashly. He asked Lin Xiao.

Seeing this, the two brothers, Qianjun and Jiangmo, sighed almost at the same time, "It's so special that one thing conquers another."

Facing Qian Daoliu's questioning gaze, Lin Xiao nodded gently: "Since they have no objection, of course it's okay."

"No objection, no objection at all."

Demon-Conquering Douluo shook his head quickly.

Just like a rattle.

Seeing this, Qian Daoliu nodded slightly, and then took a step forward. After only three or five steps, he came to the counter.

Then, he held the Shura Demonic Sword in both hands and handed it to Lin Xiao.

Even at this time, he did not relax at all, and the angelic power still suppressed the Shura Demon Sword.

"Boss, I got this sword by chance. I don't know if it's valuable. Can I exchange it for trading points?"

he said in a questioning tone.

In fact, Lin Xiao didn't know whether he would accept it or not.

After all, this is different from what Lin Xiao has been collecting.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao also looked at it carefully, but when he got the feedback information from the item, he was also shocked and secretly exclaimed:

"Good guy, this is actually the artifact of God Shura, the Demonic Shura Sword?"

Good night.

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