I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 343 Who is the ultimate dog licker?

"Why, does this make you feel embarrassed?"

Seeing Qian Daoliu's expression change, Bo Saixi frowned and said.

But, thinking about it carefully, she felt relieved again, "As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. I have hurt you more than once. If it were me who met my enemy, I would also want to take revenge immediately."

"So it's normal for you to want to attack me now."

"However, I am no longer the high priest of Poseidon Island. Without the power of Poseidon, even if I am at level ninety-nine, I will definitely not be your opponent. If I fight you, I will definitely die."

At this point, Bo Saixi's voice paused, "You may not know, but I haven't left the waters around Poseidon Island for decades, and I've never been to the mainland.

The reason why I will fight you three months later is that I just want to use three months to experience the scenery I have never seen before, and then I will have no regrets even if I die. "

Her voice was calm.

It's like talking about other people's life and death.

After her voice fell, she looked at Qian Daoliu calmly.

Waiting for his reply.


At this time, Qian Daoliu sighed, "Xixi, this matter is not as serious as you said. Now that you have clearly seen that Tang Chen has severed ties with him, I will no longer blame you for what happened in the past."

"Didn't I just get beaten twice? It's nothing. When I led the strong men from Wuhun Temple to fight against Shanghai God Island, the losses were more than what I would have lost if I didn't fight? But didn't I still blame you?"

As he said that, Qian Daoliu's expression suddenly changed, he was a little timid and a little shy.

Bo Saixi's expression suddenly changed, "Qiandaoliu, what's wrong with you?"

"Xixi, can you accept me now?" Qian Daoliu rubbed his hands awkwardly and asked nervously.

What? !

The great worshiper actually confessed his love at this time?

Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo were both stunned.

I never expected Qian Daoliu to say such words in this situation, at this moment.


Even Lin Xiao, who had watched a lot of bloody dramas in his previous life, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he witnessed all this.

I have to say, Qian Daoliu’s operation is so cool!

Thumb thump.

Subconsciously, Bo Saixi took two steps back.

She said to Qian Daoliu warily: "Qian Daoliu, if you think that I will compromise in this way, then you are wrong. I still choose to fight you decisively!"

After thinking about it, Bo Saixi felt that she was not decisive enough, so she added: "I won't hesitate even now. Leave some regrets in this life, just leave some regrets. Who doesn't have regrets in life?"

Ah this

After hearing what Bo Saixi said, the two brothers Qianjun and Jiangmo were stunned for a while.

There is no doubt that they all know that the great worshiper once again confessed his love and failed again.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's heart didn't fluctuate much, and he even wanted to laugh a little.


He was a professional and tried not to laugh out loud.

Bo Saixi's words were extremely hurtful and insulting.

Simply translated, if you let me be with you, I would rather die immediately.

Even though my heart is full of regrets, I really don't want to live anymore.

On the other hand, Qian Daoliu's eyes widened and he was dumbfounded.

"Xixi, did I hear you correctly?"

"Even if you would rather die than be with me."

"Do I disgust you that much?"

Qian Daoliu's Taoist heart was about to collapse.

He really doesn't know what he has done.

Bo Saixi shook her head, "Qian Daoliu, you are a good person. It's not that I hate you, but I just don't want to be with you."

Think about it.

She felt that the explanation was still too pale, so she said: "Forget it, I won't explain it anymore. Just talk about a time battle. I'm tired. Let's destroy it."

Qiandaoliu: (; ̄ω ̄;).

I'm tired too.

He waved his hand in a dazed manner, "There's no need to compete, just treat it as if you won. Everything before has been wiped out."

After saying that, he looked at Lin Xiao and said a little lonely, "Boss, I'm leaving."

Lin Xiao silently said in his heart, "My condolences." Then he watched Qian Daoliu leave the shop.

"Have you been planning to stand at the door and not come in?"

After a long time, Lin Xiao asked Bo Saixi.

This woman has also been absent-minded for a while since Qian Daoliu left.

"Did i do something wrong?"

Bo Saixi looked at Lin Xiao and asked subconsciously.

"You shouldn't ask others about this, you should ask your own heart."

Lin Xiao said lightly.

After a brief silence, Bo Saixi's eyes were filled with sparkle again, "That's right."

As she spoke, she walked into the shop step by step.

She carefully inspected the shop and then said to Lin Xiao: "Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Bo Saixi, from Poseidon Island."

On the other hand, Lin Xiao's expression became serious, "Lin Xiao, the owner of this jar shop. But I'm curious, why did you come to my shop?"

"As soon as I entered Wuhun City, I heard a lot of magical legends about this shop."

"Many soul masters say that this is the true holy land for soul masters!"

Facing Lin Xiao's gaze, Bo Saixi's eyes did not evade at all, and she said in an ethereal voice: "I said I wanted to travel the mainland and see all the scenery I have never seen before. Of course I want to do such an interesting thing in person. Let’s experience it.”

That’s right, it makes sense.

Lin Xiao knew that the reputation of his shop had spread throughout Wuhun City.

There are even more people who come here because of its reputation.

In the previous life, his shop would have been a holy place for internet celebrities to check in.


What hurts Lin Xiaodan is that the store's turnover did not increase as a result.

It took him several days to figure it out.

A small store is like a luxury store. Everyone knows about it, and some people even come to see it, but not everyone may be able to afford it.

Later, he didn't force it anymore.

After all, there is no point in forcing it. The high consumption of one million gold soul coins a week is a bit too much for even the powerful Titled Douluo.

"Then I wonder if you have understood the rules of our store?" Lin Xiao asked.


Bo Saixi nodded, "A jar with one hundred thousand gold soul coins can only open ten jars per week."

Lin Xiao heard this and said softly "Hmm".

That's right.

The price will be the same when the King of Heaven comes.

At the same time, he also gave Bo Saixi a look, indicating that you can start your performance.

However, Bo Saixi pursed her lips.

This was the first time Lin Xiao saw her acting like a little girl.

"What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

"Yeah." Bo Saixi nodded lightly.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, then come back when it's not difficult for you."

Bo Saixi: '[_?]. '

Lin Xiao's answer caught Bo Saixi off guard.

"I just don't have that many gold soul coins with me. I wonder if you can exchange these seafood from the sea for your jar."

As she spoke, she took out a large basket.


Isn't it a crab or something?

Lin Xiao looked over with his heart pounding, and was stunned for a moment.

Good guy, it's the size of a washbasin, and there's a luminous pearl with a dense glow. Do you call this a sea product?

[The best luminous pearl: worth 100,000 trading points. 】

In an instant, Lin Xiao got the value of the item.

I have to say, it's amazing.

Of course, there are only a few such big ones in a basket, only three or five. The others are almost all fist-sized luminous pearls.

"As long as half a basket of seafood, you can exchange it for ten jars."

After recognizing the value of the items, Lin Xiao gave Bo Saixi a price.

"Is half a frame okay?"

Bo Saixi was a little surprised, "Then change it."

Lin Xiao waved his hand, and half of the luminous pearl disappeared. He then pointed to the shelf behind him and said, "There are jars with purple patterns and jars with pink patterns. You can choose the rest of the jars as you like."

On the other hand, Bo Saixi put her hand on her chin, bit her red lips lightly, and fell into thought.

"Big offering."

In the Wuhun Palace, on the long street, Demon-Conquering Douluo suddenly shouted.

Qian Daoliu, who was walking in the front, stopped.

He turned slightly sideways and glanced at Demon-Conquering Douluo lightly, "Why, what can you do?"


Demon-Conquering Douluo's eyes flashed and he whispered.

"Then just say it directly, don't hesitate." Qian Daoliu said angrily.

Demon-Conquering Douluo said: "That's it. After discussing it with my brother, I still think you shouldn't give up."

"Why shouldn't we give up?" Qian Daoliu was startled for a moment, and soon a look of surprise appeared on his face: "You mean, I shouldn't give up the decisive battle with Bo Saixi, but kill her?"

"Master, you can't say that. What we mean is that you should not give up your pursuit of Bo Saixi. You have been waiting for so many years. Isn't now a good opportunity?"

Qianjun Douluo said bravely.

Shouldn't you give up? Qian Daoliu was startled when he heard this, and scenes from the past suddenly appeared in his mind.

He suddenly asked: "Do you know how I got here these years?"

Qianjun and Jiangmo shook their heads at the same time.

"Then I don't mind telling you."

Qian Daoliu is in a good mood now. So many years of boredom have made him feel uncomfortable.

"Others have been together for decades, and I have known Bo Saixi for decades, but when you ask, 'Are you dating?', I've been asking for decades."

Ah this

It's a bit miserable.

Qianjun, Jiangmo didn't expect Qiandaoliu's life to be so sad.

"Then haven't you tried using other ways to impress her? Women always like innovative gifts?" Demon-Conquering Douluo thought that the great worshipper might have a high position, and he didn't know how to guess a woman's heart.

"Of course I gave them gifts. I bought gold necklaces, silver bracelets, and all kinds of rare treasures. But later I thought it was too tacky, so I bought precious flowers."

"There seems to be nothing wrong with this."

"Then do you know what I'm buying for Valentine's Day?" Qian Daoliu asked again.

At the critical moment, the two brothers Jiangmo shook their heads at the same time. They felt that even if Bo Saixi wanted the moon in the sky, he would have to pick it up as a big offering, right?

At this time, Qian Daoliu slowly said a few words: "Honeysuckle, remove the fire!"


This is really heartbreaking!

The two brothers were startled again.

"However, for a while, Xixi was probably still impressed by me."

"You even know you care about me."

Qian Daoliu said, suddenly showing a smile.

Very sweet.

"My hard work pays off."

Qianjun Douluo praised.

Demon-Conquering Douluo whispered, "I'm more curious, how does he care about you?"

Now that Qian Daoliu had started talking, she had no worries, "When she saw the dazzling array of gifts, she kindly told me, save it!"


At the critical moment, Jiang Mo glanced at each other and could see the big question marks on each other's heads.

Are these words of concern for people?

"Oh, by the way, she may have been shy since then and didn't dare to see me anymore. She even asked the chef of Poseidon Island to make me a dessert."

When Qian Daoliu talked about this, his face became even sweeter.


Hearing this, Demon-Conquering Douluo swallowed hard, he had a premonition.

This dessert is not simple!

"I don't know, what's the name of the dessert?" Qianjun Douluo asked bravely.

Qian Daoliu's face showed a look of reminiscence: "That dessert is called closed-door soup."

Good guy!

Closed door!

Is this so damn sweet?

Qianjun and Jiangmo didn't know what to say.

At the same time, they also understood why a snack in Wuhun City was called love brain, which was obviously pig brain.

At this time, Qian Daoliu's expression gradually began to change.

The smile on his face gradually disappeared and became serious.

"But, since then, I haven't seen Xixi again."

"Until Tang Chen appeared again, she helped Tang Chen on Poseidon Island. At that time, I was heartbroken."


After saying this, Qiandaoliu sighed quietly, "Since ancient times, there has been so much passion and hatred, and this hatred lasts forever."

"Originally, I thought that when I met Xixi this time, I would have another chance to be with her, but I didn't expect it."

"She treated me like nothing."

Qian Daoliu's heart was very complicated.

There is nothing more painful than giving someone hope and then being disappointed.


But at this moment, Demon-Conquering Douluo suddenly exclaimed: "Great Worshiper, if you really think so, that's a good thing!"

"A good thing?" Qian Daoliu was startled when he heard this.

He frowned and thought for a moment, then asked tentatively: "You also think I should let Bo Saixi go, right?"

Unexpectedly, Demon-Conquering Douluo shook his head, "No, Great Worshiper, I think you should launch a more intense pursuit."

"What?" Qian Daoliu was confused by Demon-Conquering Douluo's remarks.

Demon-Conquering Douluo said loudly: "Great Enshrined One, think about it, who can live without air? If Bo Saixi really regards you as air, then it means that you are more important to him!

After all, no one can survive without the air. She can't survive without you. "


After listening to Demon-Conquering Douluo's words, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but take a breath of air. How could he understand it so well?

But, if you think about it carefully, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.

"You're such a fucking talent!"

Qian Daoliu looked at Demon-Conquering Douluo with admiration in his eyes and said, "You have the money to open the jar next week. I'll tell Boss Lin later to clear the account."

Is there such a good thing? !

Demon-Conquering Douluo was immediately overjoyed and said, "Thank you for the great tribute."

"You guys should go back first, I suddenly remembered something else."

After saying that, Qian Daoliu walked towards the outside of Wuhun Palace.

Compared with the heaviness before, I don't know how much lighter it is.

This shows that he is in a good mood.

It wasn't until Qiandaoliu completely disappeared from sight that Qianjun Douluo couldn't help but say: "Jianmo, compared to the Great Enshrinement, I think you are the king of dog lickers. You are really secretive."

Demon-Conquering Douluo was not angry either, but instead smiled: "Brother, what do you mean by this is that the Great Enshrinement is a licking dog?"

Qianjun Douluo's breath was stagnant and he quickly shook his head: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Good night.

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