I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 357 Shocking change! The continent-wide soul master competition begins in advance

"But isn't it a bit pricey to just go back like this?"

Yu Xiaogang paused and stood on the spot.

At first, Yu Luo Mian tried to persuade him nicely, but she even rejected him.

Now, no one cares about him, and he returns to the sect in despair. Isn't this a slap in the face?

"Even if I need the help of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, I still have to return to the sect with a high profile."

"At least people have to know that I was invited back, and I didn't just come back because I didn't do well outside and was desperate."

"Even if that's the truth."

Yu Xiaogang thought for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Go to Wuhun City first. Yu Luomian was looking for me in Wuhun City before. Maybe he hasn't given up yet. This time, as long as you give me a chance, I will I will definitely return to the sect without hesitation."

Thinking like this, he changed his path and walked towards Wuhun City.

the other side.

On a street outside Tianshui College.

"Feng Xiaotian, why do you always follow me? Aren't you afraid that Huo Wu will misunderstand you?"

Shui Yue'er wrinkled her face and looked at Feng Xiaotian in front of her.

"Haha, sister Yue'er, Huo Wu is very confident about me and will not misunderstand me."

Feng Xiaotian shook his head and smiled.

After listening to Feng Xiaotian's words, Shui Yue'er suddenly smiled, "Haha, is there a possibility that Huo Wu doesn't take you to heart at all?"

Ah this

After listening to Shui Yue'er's words, Feng Xiaotian's expression suddenly froze.

"This girl obviously looks very cute. There's nothing wrong with her. But why does she have a mouth?"

He complained feebly.

I have to say, Shui Yue'er's words are really heartbreaking.

It's simply a matter of which pot won't be boiled and which pot won't be lifted.

He wished he could seal Shui Yue'er's mouth.


Seeing Feng Xiaotian's gloomy look, Shui Yue'er smiled faintly, but soon the smile faded.

She said quietly: "Sometimes the truth is too sharp, and some people have no choice but to tell lies."

"Okay, stop talking."

Feng Xiaotian stretched out his hand to stop Shui Yue'er's continuous blows.

"Now can you tell me why you came to me?"

"Don't try to lie to me. Your expression has already betrayed you. Weasel's New Year greetings have no good intentions."

Shui Yue'er's little face suddenly became serious.

"Well, I can't fool you even if I don't think so."

Feng Xiaotian smiled bitterly and said: "Then let me get straight to the point. I want to ask you, how did Shui Bing'er become so powerful? I have dealt with her before, but she is not as strong as she is now?" "

"Oh, it turns out you want to find out my sister's secret."

Shui Yue'er lengthened her voice.

"Don't refuse in a hurry."

Upon seeing this, Feng Xiaotian quickly took out a dark card from the space soul guide: "This card contains 10,000 gold soul coins."

"What, just ten thousand gold soul coins?"

Shui Yue'er raised an eyebrow.

"Is this missing?"

Feng Xiaotian's heart moved, and when Shui Yue'er didn't reject him directly, he knew there was something going on.

He gritted his teeth and said, "This is one hundred thousand gold soul coins!"

"Feng Xiaotian, are you kidding me? This is my biological sister!"

Shui Yue'er's little face suddenly showed a look of shock.

"Then two hundred thousand gold soul coins!"

Feng Xiaotian gritted his teeth again, and even Shui Yue'er could hear his teeth creaking. One can imagine how much determination this required.

Hearing this, Shui Yue'er grimaced, "Feng Xiaotian, let me tell you, Shui Bing is not only my sister, but also my only sister."

So, is this really a dead end?

Feng Xiaotian was a little desperate.

Know yourself and your enemy and you will win every battle. In order to defeat Shui Bing'er, Feng Xiaotian can be said to have worked very hard.

So now, even if he is asking for help, he still has to figure out why Shui Bing'er has become so powerful.

But now, Feng Xiaotian was a little desperate.

"It seems that we are going to fall short."

He thought to himself.


Just then, a voice sounded.

"You have to pay more!"

Feng Xiaotian was startled, and even wondered if he had heard it wrong just now.

He looked at Shui Yue'er in disbelief, his eyes widened, as if he was seeking confirmation of something.

"Didn't you hear that clearly?"

"Shui Bing'er is my only sister, so I have to pay more!"

Shui Yue'er said it again with a cold face.

"Yes, that's right."

"Sisters, you really need to pay more."

Feng Xiaotian gritted his teeth and took out two more black cards from the space soul guide, "These are a total of three hundred thousand gold soul coins."

Seeing Shui Yue'er's little face, there was still a look of hesitation.

Feng Xiaotian's mentality collapsed.

Aren't you satisfied with this little girl?

Isn't that too greedy?

"Sister Yue'er, I beg you, please tell me. I've really been squeezed dry. There's not a drop left." He begged bitterly with a sad face.

"Okay, three hundred thousand, just three hundred thousand."

Shui Yue'er accepted the money and immediately showed a happy face, "Actually, it's nothing. My sister bought a self-created soul skill in a small shop in Wuhun City, so her strength has improved so much. .”

She looked at Feng Xiaotian seriously and asked, "I said this, do you understand?"


"Can I buy self-created soul skills in Wuhun City?"

"Can this thing still be sold?"

Feng Xiaotian looked shocked and stunned.

As far as he knew, only powerful sects like the Shangsan Sect had their own self-created soul skills, but not everyone could learn them.

Now Shui Yue'er bought a self-created soul skill for Feng Xiaotian and Shui Bing'er, and could learn it at will.

What's even more outrageous is that once you learn it, your strength will skyrocket.


Is there really such a thing on Douluo Continent?

He always felt that this little girl Shui Yue'er was lying to him.

"Don't you believe what I say?"

"If you don't believe it, just pretend I didn't say it."

When Shui Yue'er saw Feng Xiaotian, she didn't believe it and didn't force it.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and experienced it personally, she believed she wouldn't be able to understand what a magical place Boss Lin's shop was.

"Now I am going back to the academy for training, Feng Xiaotian please get out of my way."

Just when Feng Xiaotian was in shock, Shui Yue'er said again.

"No, you can't leave."

Feng Xiaotian stretched out his arms and stopped Shui Yue'er.

He was not willing to be cheated like this.

Shui Yue'er frowned, "Feng Xiaotian, can't you afford it?"

"Hey, sister Yue'er, you don't have to lie to me. If you accept my money and don't give me a reasonable explanation, don't even think about it."

Feng Xiaotian chuckled.

Three hundred thousand gold soul coins, this money cannot be wasted.


To Feng Xiaotian's surprise, Shui Yue'er not only didn't show any panic, but instead shouted in surprise behind him: "Sister, you're here."

Feng Xiaotian looked dazed for a moment, but soon returned to normal. He snorted coldly: "You want to lie to me again, right? Even if your sister really comes, I'm not afraid. It just so happens that I want to compete with her again." There’s a field!”


Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Feng Xiaotian.

It gives people a biting cold feeling.

Feng Xiaotian suddenly became numb.

Because this voice was very familiar to him.

He turned his head numbly and saw Shui Bing'er standing behind him with a cold face.

"Shui, Shui Binger, what a coincidence."

An awkward smile appeared on Feng Xiaotian's face.

"What are you doing?"

Shui Binger asked lightly.

"No, I didn't do anything. I just happened to meet Yue'er and had a casual chat."

He explained with a somewhat unnatural expression.

"Can Yue'er go back with me now?"

Shui Binger asked again.

"Okay, of course."

Feng Xiaotian said, getting out of the way.

Shui Yue'er snorted and walked past Feng Xiaotian.

"Sister, why did you come to me in person?"

Shui Yue'er asked puzzledly.

"It's the dean who asked me to summon the team members and say that there is something important to announce."

Shui Binger whispered.

"That's it, let's go back quickly."

Shui Yue'er nodded heavily.

"The fox was not defeated, but it caused a lot of trouble. What kind of thing is this?"

Feng Xiaotian looked at the direction where Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er disappeared, with a wry smile on his face.

"Captain, I finally found you. It turns out you are hiding here."

At this moment, a voice came from not far away from Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian turned around and found that the other party was a member of the Kamikaze Team.

"What's wrong?"

He frowned, puzzled.

"It was the dean who sent us the news, asking us to return to the academy immediately, saying that something big is about to happen."

"Now the team leader and the other brothers are ready, waiting for you to return to the academy together."

The member of the Kamikaze Sentai said in a rushed tone.

News from the dean?

Feng Xiaotian immediately frowned and said solemnly, "We're leaving now."

Thinking back to Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er who were in a hurry before, Feng Xiaotian was sure.

I'm afraid something big is really going to happen.

the other side.

Inside Tianshui College.

In the training ground.

Shui Yue'er was surprised to find that except for her and Shui Bing'er, all the members of the Tianshui team had arrived.

Dean Tianshui stood in front of everyone.

"Sister really didn't lie to me."

Shui Yue'er muttered secretly.

At the same time, she and Shui Binger also stood in the team.

At this time, Dean Tianshui also looked over and slowly said: "Since everyone is here now, I will announce something."

"You should also know that the new Emperor Tiandou succeeds to the throne and the Xingluo royal family changes hands. This is a rare major event on the Douluo Continent."

"And the first thing I want to say is also related to this matter. Wuhun Palace, Tiandou Empire, and Star Luo Empire have decided to hold the continent-wide soul master competition in advance, and some soul master academies have already received invitations. letter."

After Dean Tianshui finished speaking, the audience fell into silence for a moment.

However, soon there were exclamations one after another.

"Start the continent-wide soul master competition in advance?"

"Normally, it would take another two years."

"I don't care when it starts. What matters is our strength. For now, can we stand out in the future Soul Master Competition?"


To put it bluntly, everyone is still worried, afraid that the Tianshui team will not be able to achieve a good ranking due to lack of strength.

"Master Dean, isn't this a little too sudden?"

Shui Bing'er looked at Dean Tianshui and asked in confusion.

"It is indeed a bit sudden, but it is also reasonable. Holding the Soul Master Competition in advance can also be regarded as a signal of goodwill between the three major forces."

Dean Tianshui said: "Actually, the ranking you get is not very important. Is it a competition? The important thing is to participate, so that you can train yourself and improve your strength.

Of course, if you are afraid of losing and dare not participate, we can also choose to abstain. At worst, after five years, there should be someone among you who can participate. "

Dean Tianshui said, his eyes lightly scanning the crowd.

No one could tell anything from her face.

"No, I want to compete!"

Shui Yue'er was the first to raise her hand unwilling to admit defeat.

"I want to participate too!"

“The important thing is participation, count me in!”


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, with Shui Yue'er taking the lead, and soon more people responded.

Seeing everyone's impassioned look, Dean Tianshui finally showed a smile on his face.

"good very good."

"As expected of the elite students of our Tianshui team, I know you won't admit defeat."

Immediately afterwards, Dean Tianshui's smile faded, "But don't worry, the college will not stand idly by. I have applied for student funds from the college and will give each of you one million gold soul coins for you to use to improve. strength."

One million gold soul coins?

Everyone in the Tianshui team was startled.

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er both had a flash of joy in their eyes.

They instantly guessed Dean Tianshui's intention.

That is, open the can.

Only by opening the jar can they quickly improve their strength in a short period of time.

Only in this way can they have greater confidence in standing out in the continent-wide soul master competition.


Xue Wu and the others couldn't understand.

One million gold soul coins is not a small amount for soul masters like them, whose strength is only over 30 levels.

It can make a qualitative leap in their living conditions.


"How can one million gold soul coins improve our strength?"

Xuewu couldn't help but ask.

"Shui Yue'er talks a lot, so let Shui Yue'er explain to you my intentions."

Anyway, Shui Yue'er talked a lot, and Dean Tian Shui didn't bother to waste any time.

"Sister Xuewu, I'm not telling you, times have changed."

"Improving strength requires more than just hard work and talent."

Shui Yue'er said in an old-fashioned way.

"What does that rely on?" Xue Wu asked curiously.

Shui Yue'er slowly said one word, "Money!"


Xuewu was stunned, "Can money be linked to personal strength?"

"It didn't work in the past, but times are different now. As long as you have enough money and enough good luck, even if you lie flat and lose your balance, your strength will increase at a staggering speed!"


Faced with everyone's doubts, Shui Yue'er was not angry, and pointed at Shui Bing'er with her backhand, "Did you see it? Your eldest sister is the best example. It cost two million to improve her strength to her level."

Hearing this, Shui Bing'er frowned. What are these words? Doesn't it have anything to do with my improvement in strength and my hard work?

You know, I also work very hard to open cans, okay?



However, I have to say that Shui Yue'er's answer is very effective.

In her ears, the sound of gasping for air kept coming.

Among them, Xue Wu even more excitedly licked her lips and said eagerly: "My good Yue'er, tell your sister what's going on."

"I want too."

Good night

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