I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 371 The terrifying Lost Grand Canyon, it rains when you open the umbrella

The sea breeze blows.

Tang San felt that the wind on the beach was so strong.

It chilled his heart.

“From now on, I won’t have to count on that little jar shop anymore.”

"Poseidon Island is my only destination and hope."

Tang San turned to look at Poseidon Island, his eyes gradually becoming firm.

Completing the Poseidon test and inheriting the position of Poseidon is what he wants to do most right now.

"What Tang Hao, go to hell."

"I don't believe he dares to attack me openly on Poseidon Island and prevent me from completing the divine examination?"

He thought firmly and strode towards Poseidon Island.

After a while.

There seemed to be a big earthquake on Poseidon Island.

Everyone was awakened.

Of course, this person also includes Tang Hao.

He stood in the Poseidon Temple with an angry look on his face, "The divine test has begun again. This traitor, why doesn't he listen to me? Is he just looking forward to my death?"

His chest was heaving.

If conditions allowed, he could not wait to beat Tang San to half a disability.


This is simply impossible.

"Guardians of the Holy Pillar, come to see me!"

Tang Hao shouted loudly, and the sound was transmitted over Poseidon Island.

Swish, swish, swish.

Not long after.

Four figures fell in front of Tang Hao.

It was Seahorse Douluo, Sea Witch Douluo, Sea Spear Douluo and Sea Fantasy Douluo.

As for the other guardians of the sacred pillar, they followed Sea Dragon Douluo everywhere to find the geniuses Tang Hao needed.

"Has there been any news recently about Sea Dragon Douluo and others?"

Tang Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the high priest, news came back some time ago that Lord Hailong has arrived on land."

"Lord Hailong heard that the soul masters on land are going to hold a grand enthronement ceremony, and he wants to try his luck there."

Seahorse Douluo looked left and right and saw no one answered, so he had no choice but to speak.

"On land."

Tang Hao asked in a deep voice: "Why did you tell me this news?"

Immediately sweat broke out on Seahorse Douluo's forehead.

He forced himself to speak again. "High Priest, you said before that if you don't find the person you want, don't disturb your retreat."

Hearing this, Tang Hao waved his hand, "Forget it, I don't blame you for this. Pay close attention to Sea Dragon Douluo's movements. If he has any news, you must tell me as soon as possible."


Sea Dragon Douluo nodded quickly and asked tentatively: "High Priest, if nothing happens, should we go down now?"


Tang Hao went to call a few people who were about to leave.

He said solemnly: "Send out two more of you to expand the search area. We must find the person I need as soon as possible."


Sea Dragon Douluo and the others looked at each other and responded hurriedly.

"Yanzi, don't you plan to return to the Tiandou Empire with me?"

"I heard that Tiandou, Xingluo and Wuhun Palace will start the continent-wide soul master competition in advance."

In Wuhun City, Duguyan's residence, Ye Lingling couldn't help but ask.

On the other hand, Dugu Yan shook his head, "I have also heard about this matter, but I haven't thought about it yet."

"All right."

Hearing this, Ye Lingling nodded. Even if she is a good sister, she is not qualified to make decisions for others.

Suddenly, Ye Lingling seemed to remember something again, and an ambiguous smile appeared on his face.

"What are you doing?"

Dugu Yan said angrily: "Mysterious"

"Yanzi, you don't know that during the time you disappeared, Yu Tianheng was frantically looking for you."

Ye Lingling's eyes showed an extremely rare look of narrow-mindedness.

"What does he want from me?"

"I told him a long time ago that it was impossible for us."

Dugu Yan wondered.

"You have to ask him about this, but do you think I should tell him the news about you in Wuhun City?"

"How dare you! That's just a pure grudge. When I left Tiandou City, I told him clearly that it was impossible for us."

Dugu Yan raised his eyebrows and pretended to be serious.

The sun is rising.

Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes.

"Master, you are awake."

What catches the eye is Xiao Wu's delicate face.

"You, you didn't leave last night?"

Lin Xiao was a little surprised.

Xiao Wu's duty as a bed warmer was to leave after he fell asleep.


Xiao Wu scratched her head in embarrassment, "I was too tired yesterday, so I slept at your place."

"Then you didn't do anything to me, right?" Lin Xiao took a look at his clothes. They were still intact, so there shouldn't be a big problem.

Xiao Wu was even more depressed. Even if she did something, wouldn't it be me who suffered the loss?


Lin Xiao watched Xiao Wu's actions closely and found that she looked depressed, so he let out a long sigh.

"Master, are you up?"

At this moment, Ah Yin's voice sounded outside the door, "A Yin has prepared breakfast."

"Okay, here we go."

Lin Xiao said to the door.

After a long time.

Lin Xiao came to the front hall, and the first thing he did was, of course, open the door for business.

However, what surprised Lin Xiao was that there were no customers waiting outside the door when it opened today.

"That's weird, where have everyone gone?"

Lin Xiao, who is used to having business come to his door when he opens the door, is a little uncomfortable with this.


It must be very uncomfortable.

"Forget it, just wait if there are no customers."

Lin Xiao was also helpless. When he came to the counter, he took out his mobile phone.

Just looking at a series of news, Lin Xiao was stunned.

"What happened? The person who picked up the drifting can yesterday, after driving to a wishing star, actually threw away all the remaining cans?"

"I'm really confused. What kind of wish did he make with the wishing star to do such a crazy thing?"

Lin Xiao was very puzzled and depressed.

You know, this is a waste of his drift tank.

And together with that, he didn't get any reward.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"You're frowning, are you feeling uncomfortable? Would you like Ah Yin to rub it for you?"

At this moment, Ah Yin walked out of the backyard and spoke softly to Lin Xiao.


Just as Lin Xiao was about to agree, he found three long shadows walking into the shop first.

"It's not in use for the time being, there are customers coming."

He said looking out the door.

I saw Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan walking into the shop.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Xiao asked in confusion.

He clearly saw that the clothes of the three people were stained with blood.

"Boss, to be honest, we are all surprised to see you again."

Yan said with a wry smile.

"Huh? Is it that serious?"


Hu Liena said with lingering fear: "You don't know that after opening the jar last time, the teacher threw the three of us into the Lost Canyon."

"The Lost Canyon."

Lin Xiao was startled. He remembered that there was a mention in the original book that it was a place that made people shudder when they heard its name.

"Speaking of which, we can come back from the Wandering Grand Canyon, and we have to thank you very much. No, after reporting the mission to the teacher, we came right away."

"Thank me?"

Lin Xiao pointed at himself in surprise.

"If a few of us hadn't purchased a lot of magic juice, wild strawberries, domineering armor potions and other items during this period, we wouldn't have been able to hold on."

Xie Yue said with lingering fear.

"I see."

Lin Xiao was stunned, but he couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

If they didn't have so many magic juices, mutant strawberries, and other props, would Bibi Dong have let them come back long ago?


Come to think of it, he still wouldn't have said this.


At this time, Hu Liena's little face showed a hint of joy, "We have also gained a lot of benefits this time, and the cultivation of the three of us has also been greatly improved. We have all reached level 55!"

"Level fifty-five?"

Lin Xiao was a little surprised. Hu Liena and Yan's strength improved very quickly.

But, after thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

After all, they had also obtained a lot of items to improve their strength. In addition, Hu Liena and Yan both had martial arts skills and had experienced life and death hardships. It was normal for their strength to increase quickly.

The next moment, Lin Xiao looked at Xie Yue and asked, "Xie Yue, can you still hold it in?"

But he remembered that Xie Yue had saved all the upgrade scrolls and everything else, otherwise it would be impossible for Hu Liena and Yan to catch up.

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Xie Yue also had a wry smile on her face.

He shook his head and nodded again, "To be honest, it's really hard to bear to not improve your strength even though you can."

"However, when I think about it, in the future, my soul power will increase several levels in a row, or ten or dozens of levels, and I feel full of motivation and even a little excited."

He said, his eyes full of excitement and excitement.

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Lin Xiao smiled and encouraged.


Xie Yue was even happier when she received Lin Xiao's praise.

You know, Boss Lin is not an ordinary person, he is a figure that even the mysterious great priest of Wuhun Palace is extremely afraid of!

Such people all think highly of themselves

The future is promising, absolutely promising!

"I take it you are not just here to ensure safety, right?"

At this time, Lin Xiao asked again.


Hu Liena nodded, "We are also here to open the jar. As a reward for completing the trial of the Lost Canyon, we will all receive a bonus of 10,000 gold soul coins."

After she finished speaking, she raised her face and looked like I was rich.


Lin Xiao just smiled and said nothing on this issue.

He understood that one reason for Bibi Dong to let them practice was to improve their strength, and the other reason was to give them money in disguise.

"Then have you agreed on who will open the can first?"

Lin Xiao asked again.

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, Yan immediately suggested: "Nana, you can open the jar first. Among the three of us, you are the only one who is a girl."

He was considerate of Hu Liena.


Hu Liena didn't appreciate it, "Yan, don't do this. I'm afraid others will misunderstand, so you should open the can first."

In front of Lin Xiao, Hu Liena subconsciously wanted to distance herself from Yan.


Who misunderstood?

What's the misunderstanding?

Yan was stunned and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He looked at Xie Yue as if asking for help, and Xie Yue nodded, "I think Nana is right, Yan, you should open the can first."

Two votes to one.

Yan didn't know what to say and could only nod.

"Then, let me open the can first."

He said and came to the counter.

Then he placed the one million gold soul coins that he had just received and had not yet warmed up on the counter, and said: "Boss, I want these jars."

After Lin Xiao put away the gold soul coin, he said, "Ah Yin, give him the jar as he requested."


Ah Yin nodded, walked to the shelf, and placed the jars Yan needed on the counter one by one.

"Boss, I didn't know he was"

Hu Liena asked with a frown.

It is not difficult to see that this girl named A Yin is very close to Lin Xiao.

This gave rise to an indescribable emotion in her heart.

Really, even if the boss wants help, just tell me.

"Oh, Hello."

"My name is A Yin, and I am the master's servant."

Without waiting for Lin Xiao to answer, Ah Yin took the initiative to introduce.

Owner? Hu Liena was startled for a moment. There was Xiao Wu in front of her and Ah Yin in the back. Who would be in the future?

"Nana, if there is no problem, I will open the can."

At this time, Yan said to Hu Liena who was a little distracted.


Hu Liena seemed to have not heard Yan's words and was in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Well, just pretend I didn't say this."

Yan flashed a look of embarrassment and focused on the jar again, "I'd better open my jar."

With this thought in mind, he touched the lucky magic hammer and started to open the can.


There was a flash of white light, and a bottle of magic juice appeared.

"The magic juice is worth it."

After seeing the contents of the jar clearly, Yan picked it up happily.

It's quite a strange thing. Lin Xiao thought to himself when he saw this.

Among the old people who come to the store to open cans, few are so enthusiastic about magic juice.

"Hey, boss, you don't know that magic juice is really effective when facing an evenly matched enemy."

"Belonging is the treasure that allows me to fight back with all my might."

Yan noticed Lin Xiao's eyes on him and quickly explained to Lin Xiao.

"It would be great to be able to use that." Lin Xiao nodded and said nothing more.

Yan also picked up the lucky magic hammer and smashed the next jar.

"Eh? High-end items?"

Looking at the flashing light in the jar, Yan's face showed a look of surprise, "I didn't expect that high-end items would be available this week."

Yes, it's a surprise.

Lin Xiao: "."

Everyone: "."

His requirements are really not high.

There is no doubt that Yan has perfectly explained what it means that as long as the requirements are not high, life is full of surprises.

But when Yan saw the contents of the jar clearly, he was stunned.

What the hell?

And dark.

And long.

Like an umbrella?

At this time, the information about the items had fallen into Lin Xiao's eyes.

Suddenly, his eyes became a little strange.

This thing can't be said to be useless, it can only be said that it has little use.

Item: [Umbrella that makes it rain when opened]

Level: [Advanced]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [After opening, it will rain inside the umbrella. 】

"Boss, is this really an umbrella?"

At this time, Yan also held the umbrella in his hand.

Xie Yue also looked at it curiously.

Hu Liena was also attracted. She asked curiously: "I wonder what effect this umbrella has?"

On the other hand, when Yan heard Hu Liena's words, he was as excited as if he had been given a shot of blood.

Nana wants to see it.

That must be shown to her!

Immediately, he made a gesture of opening his umbrella.

Good night.

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