I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 409: Snake Spear Douluo who loves to settle the score

"Elder Demon Bear, what do you mean?"

"I'm just reminding you that you can continue to open the can."

Bibi Dong looked at Demon Bear Douluo and said with a frown.


"Open the can?"

Demon Bear Douluo looked astonished.

But he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

For this little thing, I thought I was going to kill someone and silence them.

"Devil Bear, why are you still standing there?"

On the side, Snake Spear Douluo saw this, approached Demon Bear Douluo, and said in a deep voice.

"Ah, I've been suffering from an old knee problem recently. I'll feel comfortable kneeling down for a while."

Demon Bear Douluo stood up as he spoke.

After that, he took three steps and then two steps to reach the counter, picked up the lucky magic hammer, and smashed the remaining jars one by one.

Among the remaining jars, there were not many surprises for Demon Bear Douluo.

However, Demon Bear Douluo was also very satisfied.

how to say.

I found two proficiency capsules and two rusty katana swords.

Needless to say, everyone understands the effects of proficiency capsules.

However, he heard that the rusty katana can now be regarded as an invisible high-level item.

"Your Majesty, I have finished opening the can."

Demon Bear Douluo put away the items in the jar one by one, and then said respectfully to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong nodded, then looked at Snake Spear Douluo, "Snake Spear, you can fire it."


Snake Spear Douluo was startled.

This time, it was Demon Bear Douluo who reminded Snake Spear Douluo, "You idiot, Your Majesty told you to open the can."

"Should I drive first?"

Snake Spear Douluo heard it clearly, and a look of panic suddenly appeared on his face, "Your Majesty, this is not good, you should open the can first."

"I understand the rules of the store, first come, first served, so you open first." Bibi Dong spoke again.

There was an unquestionable tone in the cold voice.

On the other hand, after hearing Bibi Dong's words, Snake Spear Douluo's heart suddenly trembled, and then he nodded heavily, "Yes."

After saying that, he came to the counter.

He took out the million gold soul coins that he had prepared long ago and handed them to Lin Xiao.

After confirming that it was correct, Lin Xiao nodded, "No problem, you can choose the jar you want."


Snake Spear Douluo nodded heavily and looked at the shelves behind the counter, his eyes full of expectation.

"Then please trouble me, girl, and bring me these jars."

Soon, Snake Spear Douluo made a choice.

The ten jars were placed in front of Snake Spear Douluo one by one by Ah Yin.

Snake Spear Douluo looked at Bibi Dong, "Your Majesty, I."

Bibi Dong nodded, "Okay."

After listening to Bibi Dong's words, Snake Spear Douluo did not hesitate.

Picking up the lucky magic hammer, he started to smash the jars one by one.

Magic juice, mutant strawberry, domineering armor potion, and the secret potion of Fighting God's Roar.

It has to be said that Snake Spear Douluo's effect in opening jars this time is quite good.

However, it can only be regarded as not bad.

Even after the jar was opened, he could not open an artifact-level item like Demon Bear Douluo.

Not even a rare item could be found.

"Ah this."

"Very good."

Snake Spear Douluo was very satisfied.

After all, I can accept it even if I don’t give myself a gift package of gems.

Although some items may not be used now, who can say that they may not be used in the future?

"Your Majesty, I've finished driving too."

After putting away the various items found in the jar, Snake Spear Douluo looked at Bibi Dong and said respectfully.

Bibi Dong nodded lightly, "Well, in that case, please ask Elder Demon Bear and Elder Snake Spear to return to Wuhun Hall to handle the matters at hand."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly when he heard this.

He could tell that Bibi Dong wanted to send these two people away and open the jar himself.


He didn't say anything, after all, this was an internal matter within Wuhun Hall.


Demon Bear Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo didn't say much, they just nodded heavily.

They were not stupid either, so they naturally understood the profound meaning of Bibi Dong's words.

After the voice fell, the two said goodbye to Lin Xiao again, turned around and left the shop.

However, the two did not go far, but came to the decomposition machine at the entrance of the store.

With almost no hesitation, Demon Bear Douluo took out all the rusty samurai swords in his hands. Especially considering the ones he got today, there were seven or eight swords, and he threw them all into the decomposer.

After a while, ten small, crystal clear, colorless crystals appeared in front of him.

"I never expected that a rusty katana that had no use at first would become a treasure comparable to high-end items."

Demon Bear Douluo looked at the decomposition machine and marveled.

On the other hand, Snake Spear Douluo shook his head, "That's wrong."

The demon bear was startled, "Why do you have any other explanation?"


Snake Spear Douluo smiled slightly, "A rusty samurai sword may not be comparable to one high-end item, it may be two."

"Haha, that's true."

Demon Bear Douluo laughed.

However, the smile on his face froze in the next moment.

Because, Snake Spear Douluo extended his hand to him.

"Uh, Snake Spear, what do you mean?"

Demon Bear Douluo was very puzzled, what was Snake Spear Douluo doing?

"Do you remember when I drove into a pile of rusty katana swords and you broke one of my swords?"

Snake Spear Douluo said faintly to Demon Bear Douluo.

"Is there still this matter?"

Demon Bear Douluo muttered a little guilty.

In fact, he had already remembered that when Boss Lin's shop was not so famous, it was Snake Spear Douluo who came to open the jar first.

At that time, Snake Spear Douluo opened a jar with one hundred thousand gold soul coins and brought out a bunch of rusty samurai swords. He also laughed at Snake Spear Douluo for being deceived.

In the process, he did break.

On the other hand, Snake Spear Douluo saw that Demon Bear Douluo refused to admit it and did not say anything. He just looked at Demon Bear Douluo with a half-smile.

Another moment passed.

Demon Bear Douluo sighed in his heart, there was no way he could escape.

He had no choice but to pretend to be suddenly enlightened and slap his forehead suddenly.

"Ah, you said that, I remembered it, it is indeed such a thing."

"Haha, I'm a brother and I can't help it."

Demon Bear Douluo laughed haha.

"Is it enough to just say I'm sorry?"

Snake Spear Douluo shook his head, "It would have been fine before, but now the value of that rusty samurai sword has increased. The value of a single sword is already two hundred and fifty thousand."

"Okay, I'll give you two hundred and fifty thousand."

Demon Bear Douluo gritted his teeth.

How can we fix it? We can only accept it.

Who told me that I was so mean in the first place?

However, Snake Spear Douluo obviously disagreed.

He shook his head and said quietly: "Two hundred and fifty thousand gold soul coins is not enough.

Hey, Demon Bear, you don’t know that the rusty katana I had before was not an ordinary sword, but the best one that could decompose into two small colorless crystals. So, you have to give me 400,000 gold soul coins, or two small colorless crystals. "



After hearing what Snake Spear Douluo said, Demon Bear Douluo couldn't help but curse.

He pointed at Snake Spear Douluo and said angrily: "You are ripping me off!"

Hearing this, Snake Spear Douluo certainly wouldn't admit it, "It's a pity that you destroyed that knife, otherwise I could break it down alone and prove it to you."

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