I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 453 Tang Chen’s plan to inherit the throne

"How on earth did you do that?"

Tang Chen was puzzled and couldn't help but ask Tang Xiao.

But how could Tang Xiao tell Tang Chen the truth?

"There are so many things in this world that you don't understand!"

"If there is a chance, go find it yourself. I'm afraid you don't have this chance!"

"Domain suppression, break it for me!"

With a roar, Tang Xiao's cultivation was fully revealed.

9 soul rings emerged.

Level 98 soul power. It surged out even more.

At the same time, the Haotian Domain expanded again, and was able to continuously compress the space of the Killing God Domain.

In an instant, he had already formed a rivalry with Tang Chen.

"You are so powerful."

Undoubtedly, Tang Xiao's cultivation level gave Tang Chen many surprises.


Rather, surprise would be more appropriate.

Because, although Tang Xiao's domain did not envelope Tang Chen, there seemed to be a mysterious force that struck Tang Chen and actually weakened him by 10%.

This is the suppression of the Clear Sky Hammer by the Clear Sky Divine Hammer.

Just like the Blue Silver Grass will surrender to the Blue Silver Emperor, the blood is naturally suppressed.

"I'm really curious, where have you been these past few days? Could it be that you have also been to the jar shop that Tang Hao mentioned?" Tang Chen couldn't help but guess.

He wanted to know so much.

However, of course Tang Xiao would not tell Tang Chen about the jar shop.

Even if everyone in Douluo Continent knew about it, he didn't want Tang Chen to know.

Seeing Tang Xiao fall into silence, Tang Chen became even more angry, "But do you really think you can defeat me like this?"

"Of course it won't work, but what if..."

Tang Xiao's eyes showed a look of madness.

As his voice fell, the first soul ring cracked and shattered!

"Explode the ring!"

"You madman actually used a ring explosion?"

Tang Chen's pupils suddenly shrank, and his voice was full of panic.

He didn't expect Tang Xiao to launch such a large-scale battle. He didn't even resist, and directly used the strongest desperate method among Haotian's secret methods.

"Heh, it's too difficult to kill you, but I hope I can get you to support me." Tang Xiao sneered coldly.

At the same time, he was not idle, and the second soul ring also exploded when the sound fell.

His momentum increased again.

But he was not satisfied, and then he exploded the third soul ring without any hesitation.

"You not only want to blow up the rings, but you also plan to blow up all nine soul rings?"

Looking at the sequence in which Tang Xiao exploded the ring, Tang Chen felt chilled in his heart.

Going from top to bottom is nothing, going from bottom to top is the real warrior.

Generally speaking, ring explosions start with the one with the highest age, because the higher the age, the greater the improvement in strength.

Moreover, there is an upper limit to the improvement that a person can endure. Only by blowing up the oldest soul ring first can the improvement in strength be maximized.

Tang Xiao is completely doing the opposite.

Of course, Tang Chen would not naively think that Tang Xiao wanted to blow up a few old soul rings in an attempt to defeat him. He believed that Tang Xiao was not that stupid.

Then there is only the last possibility left.

Tang Xiao wanted to blow up all the soul rings. In this way, he would strengthen his determination.

"I can't do anything else."

"You tnd, you are simply a madman! If you do this, before all nine soul rings are blown to pieces, the person will be unable to withstand the power and explode and die." Tang Chen was so angry that he cursed.

Of course he would not persuade Tang Xiao kindly, he just wanted to make Tang Xiao feel scared and stop.


Tang Xiao's answer made Tang Chen so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"You're worrying too much. With the help of the domain, I can blast nine soul rings to pieces and deliver a powerful blow."

"Let alone a person with divine power like you, even if he is a real god, I would dare to hit him with a hammer in front of me, hahaha."

Tang Xiao laughed, but in just a moment, two more soul rings on his body exploded to pieces.


The powerful soul power broke through the bottleneck and reached another level. At this moment, Tang Xiao was already comparable to level 99 Tang Chen.

But Tang Xiao had no intention of stopping, and with a sudden movement in his heart, the sixth soul ring exploded into pieces.

Because he knew that Tang Chen could also blow up the soul ring in exchange for an increase in strength.

Those who are soft are afraid of being violent, and those who are violent are afraid of losing their lives!

He could only try his best and give it a try.

"Oh shit!"

"It's endless, right?"

Tang Chen shouted angrily, and his blood energy surged up to the sky.

For a moment, he also had the urge to explode the ring. I want to fight to the death with Tang Xiao.

But, on second thought, that won’t work.

He still had a lot to do, and he couldn't trade his life with Tang Xiao.

Even if Tang Xiao died and he was seriously injured, it wasn't worth it.

In an instant, Tang Chen changed his mind again.

"Stop it, you win!"

Suddenly, Tang Chen waved his hand to Tang Xiao.

"What?" On the other hand, Tang Xiao was startled and still a little at a loss.

It had to be said that Tang Chen's actions really surprised him.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Take those children and get out of here. Don't be an eyesore in front of me. Get away as far away as possible."

As Tang Chen spoke, he suddenly retreated hundreds of meters away. At the same time, in order to show his attitude, he put away the Clear Sky Hammer, Soul Ring, and Domain.

"why is that?"

Tang Xiao frowned and was confused.

Of course, he would not think that Tang Chen was out of kindness. He was sure that there must be some ulterior secret in it.

"Why do you want me to send you off in person?" Tang Chen asked again.

Tang Xiao withdrew his doubtful gaze and said to the children around him: "Follow me and don't fall behind."

As he spoke, he took the lead and walked in front. At the same time, he did not relax his vigilance and still carefully observed Tang Chen's movements.

However, what surprised Tang Xiao was that Tang Chen was really standing in the distance, motionless. He had no intention of attacking him at all.

"What kind of medicine is he selling in the gourd?" With such doubts, Tang Xiao led the remaining disciples of the Haotian Sect out of the killing city.

the other side.

When Tang Chen saw Tang Xiao's figure walking away, he also let out a long breath.

"What happened to this kid Tang Xiao? That made him so ridiculously powerful."

"Fortunately, I also had my own opportunity to restore my strength to its peak. If I were still in the state of breaking my arm at level 98, I would probably be bullied and destroyed by this kid Tang Xiao today."

He was very happy.

However, the next moment, a cold and stern light appeared in his eyes.

"First there was Tang Hao, and then there was Tang Xiao. These two are truly brothers. They are both rebellious and rebellious."

"I, Tang Chencheng, have recorded this grudge."

"The day I reshape the artifact that can carry Shura's divine power and successfully inherit the divine throne will be the day I come to settle matters with you."

Tang Chen secretly swore in his heart.

During this period of time, he thought hard and finally thought of the possibility of inheriting the throne of God.

It’s just that the price is too heavy.

He raised his eyes and looked around, taking in the entire city of killing, "The cost of destroying this place to help me become a god is indeed very high. But I have no choice.

At worst, I will rebuild this place after I become a god.

In this case, let’s start the bloody feast. "

After making a decision, the divine power in his body surged out, causing the ground in the Killing City to tremble, revealing ravines.

Let me tell you why I have been writing a line for a long time recently, because it is coming to an end.

Tighten some straight lines at the corners to gather the development of the story toward the center.

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