Su Hao's eyelids twitched. Isn't this old man so smart? He knew that he was a fake right after they met?

"Dad, why don't you believe it? Didn't I tell you that Su Hao and I had been secretly in love before?"

Shen Yuefei sat next to her father and explained quickly.

"Really? I don't believe it. Su Hao, do you think my guess is correct?"

Shen Hongsheng asked with a smile.

"Uncle, this is all my fault."

Su Hao said suddenly.

Shen Yuefei frowned, could this guy have a showdown?

"I used to work in a company. Because of my low position and low self-esteem, I didn't want to make my relationship with Xiaofei public. I should have asked her to tell you earlier."

Su Hao explained.

"Yes, Dad, haven't you always wanted me to get married as soon as possible? Su Hao and I have received our marriage certificates."

Shen Yuefei said quickly.

"Have you two obtained the certificate?"

Shen Hongsheng was startled.

"I knew you would be suspicious, so I'll show you."

Shen Yuefei took out the marriage certificate from her bag and handed it to her father.


Shen Hongsheng took the marriage certificate, opened it and looked at it.

Shen Cuiping also quickly came over to take a look and said, "It's really a marriage certificate, and it also has a steel seal."

"Dad, aunt, would I lie to you about this kind of thing?"

Shen Yuefei said seriously.

"You girl, you don't tell dad in advance about such an important matter as getting the certificate. Alas, you are not a good girl in college."

Shen Hongsheng sighed.

"Dad, look what you said, isn't this what you have been looking forward to."

Shen Yuefei said.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will be good to Xiao Fei from now on."

Su Hao suddenly grabbed Shen Yuefei's hand and said seriously.

"Okay, as long as you two are in love with each other, Cuiping, let the servants prepare a banquet. We have a celebration tonight."

Shen Hongsheng said happily.


Shen Cuiping also nodded repeatedly.

Su Hao smiled and looked at the two elders, he really believed them this time.

"Ah? Dad, if you're not in good health, why don't you stop drinking?"

Shen Yuefei said worriedly.

"That won't work. It's the first time Su Hao comes to visit. I have to have a drink with my son-in-law."

Shen Hongsheng said with a smile.

Shen Yuefei knew her father's temper and didn't stop him.

So soon, Shen Hongsheng and Su Hao were drinking and chatting at the wine table.

If Shen Yuefei hadn't stopped him, Old Shen would have drank endlessly with Su Hao.

After the meal, the servant brought tea, and Shen Hongsheng and Su Hao chatted.

"By the way, Xiao Su, can you play Go?"

Shen Hongsheng asked with a smile.

"Uncle, I know a little bit."

Su Hao told the truth, he really only knows a little bit about Go.

"That's great. I haven't had anyone play chess with me for so long. I've been holding it back for several months. Cuiping, go and take out my Go game. Xiaosu and I will play a few games."

Shen Hongsheng suddenly became interested.

"Dad, playing chess consumes your mind."

Shen Yuefei reminded.

"It's okay. Your dad has been recovering for so long and his energy is very good."

Shen Hongsheng waved his hand.

After a while, Jiang Cuiping took out the Go game and placed it on the tea table.

Then Su Hao and Shen Hongsheng got down.

Originally, Shen Hongsheng just wanted Su Hao to play with him, but as time went by, he discovered that Su Hao's chess skills were very good.

Shen Hongsheng has been in business for half his life, and his only hobby is Go.

He is a master of the Go game, with a very high rank, not inferior to professional players at all.

But today, due to Su Hao's chess, he lost again and again.

Only then did Shen Hongsheng realize that his son-in-law was a little fox, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

"Xiao Su, you are so unkind. You have taken so many pieces from me, and your chess skills are so high, yet you say you only know a little bit. You made me underestimate my opponent, and I will definitely lose this game."

Shen Hongsheng couldn't help but complain.

"Ahem, uncle, maybe I'm lucky."

Su Hao said awkwardly.

He is really not pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger. He did only know a little bit of Go before, but it is different now. He has advanced intelligence, which is why he has become so good at chess.

Because he could easily analyze and judge Shen Hongsheng's intentions in almost every move, and he could also set a trap for the opponent without him noticing.

"Don't come here. There is no luck in Go. Let's play another game."

Although Shen Hongsheng lost, he was extremely happy.

For a Go player, meeting an opponent is the real excitement.

"Huh? Dad, did you lose?"

Shen Yuefei was stunned.

She was aware of her father's chess skills, and she doubted whether her father had lost to Su Hao on purpose.

In the next round, Shen Hongsheng became extremely serious and considered almost every move for several minutes.

But in the end, one of Su Hao's chess pieces ate up a large piece of him.

"Oops! Miscalculation! Miscalculation! No, this move doesn't count."

Seeing that he was about to lose, Shen Hongsheng slapped his forehead in frustration.

"Hey, uncle, we don't regret playing on the chessboard."

Su Hao said with a smile.

"That's right, you can't regret it. Although you lost, this game was so enjoyable, so enjoyable, so enjoyable!"

Shen Hongsheng clapped his hands happily.

When Shen Yuefei saw her father's happy look, she felt a little emotional. Her father had not been so happy for a long time.

She looked at Su Hao aside and immediately felt that this guy was quite handsome, and she felt a little more grateful to him.

But how could this guy be so good at Go?

"Xiao Su, if we fight again, I don't believe I can beat you."

Shen Hongsheng was in high spirits.

"Dad, it's getting late. Su Hao and I have to go back, and it's time for you to rest too. The doctor won't let you stay up late."

Shen Yuefei quickly stopped him.

"Well, you can't stay up late, Xiao Fei. You two don't go back tonight. Your room on the third floor is cleaned every day. You two can stay at home tonight."

Shen Hongsheng said suddenly.


Su Hao and Shen Yuefei were immediately dumbfounded.

"That's right, it's already past 11 o'clock. It's too late. Let's stay at home. Xiao Su is still drunk and can't drive."

Shen Cuiping said from the side.

Shen Yuefei said: "Gu, we have to go to work tomorrow, I can drive."

Live at home? Doesn't that mean he has to sleep in the same room as Su Hao? How can I sleep here?

If they don't sleep in the same room, it won't be directly exposed.

"It's so late, I don't worry about you driving. You just need to get up early tomorrow morning."

Shen Hongsheng said.

"That's right, take Xiao Su up quickly, take a bath and go to bed early."

Shen Cuiping nodded.

"Ah? That's okay. Su Hao and I will go upstairs first."

Shen Yuefei nodded helplessly and pulled Su Hao upstairs.

"Xiao Su, wait."

Shen Hongsheng suddenly called out to Su Hao.

"Uncle, tell me."

Su Hao asked.

"Silly boy, you both have received the certificate, and you still call me uncle?"

Shen Hongsheng feigned anger and said.

"Oh, Dad, I was wrong."

Su Hao quickly changed his words.

"Well, okay, Xiao Su, since you two are married, I have a task for you."

Shen Hongsheng suddenly said seriously.

"Dad, tell me."

"You and Xiaofei, you must let me hold your grandson as soon as possible."

Shen Hongsheng said directly.

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