Thinking of this, Viola nodded with certainty.

It must be.

After all, Master Ace’s goal is to participate in the war at the top.

This itself is a rebellion against the navy and the world’s nobles.

It can even be said that it is completely fine to go to war with the Celestial Dragons!

In this case, it is still necessary to collect some pirates who dare to resist the Celestial Dragons.

Viola thought of this.

Her admiration for Ace deepened in her heart.

She knew that the so-called “evil generation” pirates.

Maybe they have the courage to resist, but they may not have the strength of Ace.

Otherwise, they would not be forced to such a point by the navy.

And Ace’s strength is so strong that it is far beyond the comparison of the pirates in the Sabaody Archipelago who have just sailed halfway and have not yet entered the New World.

I believe that under the leadership of Ace, these pirates will be able to fight against the navy and the world’s nobles more effectively!

The result at that time will naturally be different!

Ace’s idea was exactly the same as Viola’s.

He came here for the ‘Evil Generation’.

But to be more precise, he came for a certain fruit ability of someone in the ‘Evil Generation’.

However, it was not Trafalgar Law who possessed the Operation Fruit.

But for another person.

Ace also thought about whether to go to Law now.

But after hesitating for a while, he chose to put it aside for the time being.

After all, Law’s fate is actually inextricably linked to the war at the top.

If you want to change Law’s fate.

I’m afraid you need to help him kill Doflamingo and his Don Quixote Group.

It’s not that this thing can’t be done.

But there is not so much time at the moment.

So, Ace locked his target on another person.

That is the big eater who is also from the ‘Evil Generation’ – Joelle Bonnie!

Bonnie is not carrying an ordinary fruit ability.

It can even be said that in Ace’s opinion, Bonnie’s ability can play a greater role in this war than the Operation Fruit!

Bonnie’s ability is called the Years Fruit.

The ability of this fruit can be called a concept god.

The most basic ability is to adjust a person’s age.

Although it is only temporary, it is also very precious.

After all, as we all know, in the world of pirates.

The impact of age on strength is still very huge.

In the original plot, Whitebeard was 72 years old in the top war.

Not only was his body old, but he was also seriously ill.

His body functions were almost completely maintained by infusion drugs.

Compared with Roger when he surrendered, his body was no worse.

The reason why he had to force himself to come to the top war.

That was entirely because of the support of faith.

In the end, he died in Marinford with regret.

And if Whitebeard was ten years younger and not seriously ill?

Then the situation of the top war would probably be completely rewritten!

If such an idea is just a fantasy in normal days.

Then as long as you have Bonnie’s ability, all this is not impossible!

Ace saw this point.


For Bonnie’s fruit ability, he must get it and must master it!

Of course.

It is not so easy to master Bonnie.

After all, the other party escaped from the control of the navy.

He must be very wary of others.

But Ace has thought of a good way that Bonnie can’t refuse…

Thinking of this.

Ace showed a winning smile at the corner of his mouth.

Somewhere in the Sabaody Archipelago.

On the back of a huge tree.

Bonnie and the soaked crew leaned here exhausted at this time.

He kept panting.

“That Straw Hat kid, really… he’s too impulsive!”

“Yeah, he almost got us involved in the Demon Slayer Order… this guy is really!”

“But, I didn’t expect that this guy would dare to attack the Celestial Dragons directly!”


The crew kept discussing.

They just escaped from the pursuit of the Navy.

Because of the Demon Slayer Order.

As long as they were the “Wicked Generation” who appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago that day.

They were listed as accomplices of the Straw Hat kid by the Navy.

Even after the Straw Hat Pirates were wiped out.

Others were unable to escape the pursuit of the Navy.

Until today, they are still running around, constantly fighting guerrilla warfare with the Navy.

Some were lucky enough to succeed in coating early and have left Sabaody.

They went to the second half of the Grand Line.

And some withdrew to the first half.

In their words,They said that this was a stopgap measure to avoid the Navy’s Demon Killing Order.

They will come back when the Navy stops chasing them.

But everyone knows that the Navy will never cancel the alert level against them.

Even lowering it is impossible.

Those who retreated were undoubtedly defeated by their own cowardice and the cruelty of the new world.

They have lost the courage to explore forward.

The Bonnie Pirates naturally do not belong to the latter.

But they also do not belong to the former.

Because their ship has not been coated yet.

And in this situation, it is really difficult to find a craftsman to coat it.

Several crew members on the side could not help but look at Bonnie.

Waiting for their captain to issue new instructions.

Uncle Yuyu looked at Bonnie.

Ever since Bonnie escaped from the supervision of CP agents.

They have been with Bonnie.

They are both her crew members and her family.

They can help Bonnie to clear all the troubles in the past.

But this time, the storm was too big.

They were no longer able to solve it with their strength.

It was up to Bonnie to decide.

After all, Yu Yu knew why Bonnie went out to sea.

Bonnie was silent at the moment, looking at the direction of the sky, her eyes unfocused, and she didn’t know what she was thinking about.

Bonnie recalled everything in the past in her mind.

Is her adventure over?

Facing the Demon Slayer Order led by the admiral of the navy, she really couldn’t break through.

However, her goal had not been achieved.

I haven’t seen that person yet…

Bonnie couldn’t help but feel a little wet in her eyes.

Dad, where are you, I really want to see you…

Just when everyone in the Bonnie Pirates was in a low pressure.


A voice sounded next to her:

“Finally found you, Joelle Bonnie.”

Everyone was shocked and instantly picked up their weapons.

They all pointed in that direction.

Bonnie’s eyes were even more fierce.

No matter who wants to stop me from finding my father, I will not let them have it easy!

Want me to give up!

This is absolutely impossible!!

Under the vigilant eyes of everyone.

A young man appeared there.

This young man had white hair, black wings on his back, and a ball of fire burning behind his head.

He looked very distinctive.

This man was none other than Ace.

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