On an isolated island.

Fan Oka was sitting on a reef at this time, and the traces of his embarrassment were not removed at all.

You could still smell the burnt smell coming from the sea breeze.

At this time, Fan Oka was holding a toothless Den Den Mushi in his hand.

The toothless Den Den Mushi was laughing strangely at this time:

“Thief hahahaha! How is it, that woman should be caught!”

Fan Oka looked ugly and said to the toothless Den Den Mushi:

“The mission failed!”

The toothless Den Den Mushi raised his eyebrows immediately:

“Failed? That slave woman actually escaped from you?”

Fan Oka was silent for a moment.

He shook his head slightly:

“No, that woman is not to be feared.”

“The reason for my failure is that Portgas D. Ace appeared again!”

On a large ship that looks like a raft.

Blackbeard’s face looked a little weird at this moment.

With a gloomy face, he asked the Den Den Mushi beside him:

“Are you sure that’s Portgas D. Ace?”

“He looks exactly the same as the last time I saw him, but the form is a little different…”

“And he can also use the power of fire.”

“He’s very strong, I’m no match for him at all.”

Voices kept coming from the Den Den Mushi.

Blackbeard pondered for a moment:

“I see, you come back first.”

After that, he hung up the Den Den Mushi directly.

A male voice came from the side of Blackbeard:

“Captain, do you want me to help with this matter…”

The person who spoke wore a bowler hat, his face was as pale as paper, but his lips were as red as blood.

It was the devil sheriff Lafayette.

Blackbeard waved his hand:

“Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter whether that guy is Ace or not.”

Then he showed his rotten teeth and smiled:

“Spread this news! The more people know, the better!”

Lafayette nodded slightly:


Blackbeard knew that they had more important things to do right now.

At this critical moment, they couldn’t be distracted.

Otherwise, all their efforts would be in vain.

But he naturally couldn’t ignore this news.

So, spreading it out is the best way.

Let the navy deal with this kind of headache.

This should have the greatest impact on the navy.

After all, if the one outside is really Ace.

Then who is the one in prison?

Will the Whitebeard Pirates be fooled? This series is enough to give the navy a headache.

But according to Blackbeard’s understanding of the Whitebeard Pirates.

They will not give up rescuing Ace because of this kind of gossip.

So, the big event will still not be affected.

As long as the Whitebeard Pirates’ plan does not change.

The Navy will be forced to fight.

At that time…

Blackbeard showed a grim smile on his face.

That’s when they will really benefit!

New World.

Whitebeard Pirates.

The sound of a Den Den Mushi rang!

Marco quickly stepped forward to answer the phone.

The next moment, his face became extremely strange.

“What’s wrong, Marco?”

A voice as loud as a bell came from behind Marco.

The person who spoke was the strongest man in the world, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors – Whitebeard!

The other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were standing around.

At this time, they all looked at Marco in confusion.

In their opinion, Marco rarely showed such an expression.

Marco hesitated, but still told the truth:

“There is intelligence that Ace appeared near a naval base in the North Sea.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent.

Everyone was stunned.

But the silence did not last long, and noisy voices suddenly broke out:


“How is this possible!”

“Didn’t Ace get…?”

“Impossible! Our intelligence will not be wrong. Ace should be in the big prison in the city of Impel Down now!”

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.


Whitebeard’s voice came.

Everyone’s voice was covered up.

Everyone shut up and looked at Whitebeard.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Whitebeard’s eyes:

“It’s time now. We won’t lose our composure because of these trivial matters.”

“If they think that releasing such news can disrupt our actions, they are wrong!”

“Continue to push forward the rescue of Ace.”

Hearing Whitebeard set the tone.

Everyone responded in unison:

“Yes! Dad!”

Watching the captains disperse and continue to prepare for battle.

A hint of relief flashed in Whitebeard’s eyes.

This battleThe goal is to rush into the Navy headquarters, Marinford.

But no one backed down or said it was inappropriate.

Whitebeard was very moved by his sons’ determination and unity.

This is what I pursue.

Isn’t that what family is?

Whitebeard closed his eyes slightly.

He began to adjust his physical condition.

This battle may be the last battle of his life.

Even with such an old body, he must burst out with the strongest fighting power.

Only in this way can a new path be opened for Ace and his sons.


Navy intelligence receiving room.

There are more than a dozen marines recording the intelligence received by their hands here.

Suddenly, a marine stood up suddenly.

His face was full of shock.

“What’s wrong?”

A questioning voice came from behind.

The man was wearing a navy cloak with the word justice on it.

Obviously a naval officer.

“Sir! This…”

The marine who had just received the news was extremely shocked and handed the paper in his hand to the officer.

The officer just glanced at it.

The next moment, his face changed instantly.

“You continue to receive other messages!”


After that, the officer pushed the door open and walked out.

Marshal’s office.

Marshal Zhan Guo was standing in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!”

The door was pushed open.

A white-haired old woman appeared at the door.


Zhan Guo was surprised:

“Why do you have time to come to me today?”

Vice Admiral He did not say anything, but stepped forward quickly and handed the paper in his hand to Zhan Guo.

“Take a look first.”

Zhan Guo took the paper and his face changed after just one look:

“Is this true?”

Vice Admiral Tsuru nodded slightly:

“The tip I just received.”

“At least three marines at the scene gave the same description.”

Zhan Guo was silent for a moment:

“Did Garp know?”

Vice Admiral Tsuru shook his head slightly:

“I came to inform you as soon as I got the news. You decide what to do.”

Hearing that Garp didn’t know, Zhan Guo breathed a sigh of relief.

After hesitating for a moment, he said:

“Don’t tell Garp yet. I’ll find someone to verify it first.”

Looking at the back of Vice Admiral Tsuru leaving.

Zhan Guo fell into deep thought.

If the guy who appeared in the North Sea is Ace.

Then who is the one in the prison of Impel Down?

A layer of haze appeared in Zhan Guo’s heart.

The time for the public execution is getting closer.

The Whitebeard Pirates may also appear at any time.

Such a thing happened.

Zhan Guo pondered for a moment.

He walked to the desk, pressed the Den Den Mushi button, and made a call.

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