New world.

Egghead, Egg Point Island.

Inside the top floor research institute.

A black shadow moved slowly.

At the same time, he kept turning his head and looking around.

As if he was afraid of being discovered.

The black shadow slowly touched the door of the laboratory and stretched out his hand.

The next moment.

“I caught you!”

A loud shout suddenly came from the side!

The black shadow was frightened and wanted to escape to the back.

But in an instant, several figures appeared around him and blocked all the ways!

“Main body!”

“What are you doing!?”

“Sneaking around, you are doing research behind our backs!”

The crowd shouted loudly.

This group of people is none other than the top researchers on Egg Point Island.

The six clones of Dr. Vegapunk.

At this moment, their eyes widened and they all stared at the person in the middle.

The man looked a little embarrassed.

It was Dr. Vegapunk himself.

Vegapunk said somewhat at a loss:

“Why are you all here? Aren’t you doing experiments and collecting data on the lower floor?”

Lilith came out first:

“The original body! You! How long are you going to keep it from us!”

“You are the one who created the Seraph Ace!”

Atlas on the side also said angrily:

“If we listened to you and did experiments and collected data on the lower floor, we wouldn’t know that you are hiding something from us now!”

Sakya Edison and others on the side did not speak.

But they all looked at Vegapunk silently, waiting for his answer.

Vegapunk felt guilty when he heard this.

He whispered to defend:

“Not really, I actually planned to synchronize it with you after I finished it…”

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone around was enlightened!

The original body really hid something!

Pythagoras said directly:

“That’s what you’re wrong about! Original body!”

“We six, no, we seven are all Vegapunk!”

“You shouldn’t hide it from us, no matter who you are hiding it from!”

“What research have you done? Show us!”

Edison couldn’t help but say at this time:

“Original body, did you really do that Seraph Ace outside!?”


Before Edison finished speaking, York, who was still sleepy, yawned and said:

“Let Original body open this laboratory first, let us see it first.”

Lilith nodded in agreement:

“That’s right! Original body, open it quickly! I want to see what you are researching!”

“Open it quickly~Open it quickly~”

Atlas agreed again and again.

Vegapunk had no choice but to nod:

“Okay, I’ll open it and show you right away.”

“It’s actually no big deal…”

As he spoke, Vegapunk had already arrived at the door of the laboratory.

Put your hand on the unlocker.


With the crisp unlocking sound.

The door slowly opened!

Everyone on the side, including Shakya who had been silent.

At this moment, they all focused their attention and looked behind the door.

Trying to see what new research is in it at the first time.


The door opened completely.

In front of everyone, there were two huge petri dishes.

There were two human bodies floating in them at the moment.

One was blue all over, with fangs in its mouth and gill-like structures on the side of its shoulders.

Obviously, this was a fish man.

The other one was not as distinctive as the first one.

He looked like an ordinary human being.

But there seemed to be a shocking sword intent between his eyebrows.

When they saw the two human bodies, everyone was stunned.

“This is…”

That’s right, what appeared in front of everyone at this time.

It was.

Seraphim was created based on the templates of Hawkeye Mihawk and Sea Knight Jinbei, two of the current Shichibukai!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but exclaimed:

“Original! When did you make this!?”

“Two new Seraphim!”

Compared to the exclamations of everyone.

Shakya seemed much calmer:

“Have they chosen their code names?”

Vegapunk nodded slightly:

“They are called S-Hawk and S-Shark!”

Shakya nodded slightly.

It is indeed the naming style of the original.

Since everyone has seen it now, Vegapunk will not hide it.

“Formally introduce to you, this is my newly developed Seraphim!”

“These two are different from the previous two.”

“The original templates of the first two Seraphim are people with the ability of superhuman fruits.”

“And we only need to use their bloodline factors, it is very simple to let the Seraphim obtain their original’s ability. ”

Speaking of this, Vegapunk paused.

Edison on the side seemed to have discovered a blind spot:

“Hey, the original templates of S-Eagle and S-Shark don’t seem to have any ability!”

“Don’t they have fruit abilities? That means their combat power is weaker than the previous two?”

Hearing this, Vegapunk nodded with satisfaction.

He loves students who like to ask questions like this.

He immediately said with great enthusiasm:

“Edison asked a good question! This is the key point!”

“I selected two fruit abilities that are very compatible with them and added them to them!”

Vegapunk said while pressing the keyboard beside him.

A huge screen suddenly lit up in front of everyone.

It showed the simulated battle scene of S-Eagle and S-Shark.

“I equipped S-Eagle with the ability of the Zan Zan fruit! Any part of his body can be transformed into a blade! ”

“This way he can better utilize the swordsman energy in his bloodline!”

“And S-Shark! It’s another perfect match!”

“I equipped him with the ability of the swimming fruit! With the bonus of this fruit!”

“Any ground terrain can be turned into a pool! This fully demonstrates his fishman’s innate ability! ”


Vegapunk talked excitedly.

All the Vegapunk clones listened attentively.

They exclaimed from time to time.

Marveled that the original body was indeed a genius idea.

But there was only one person in the crowd, and her eyes were filled with impatience and anxiety.

York looked at Vegapunk, who was explaining in front of him with high spirits.

He was very annoyed.

What is the original body doing!

I didn’t drive these idiots here to listen to your lecture!

Hurry up and get to the point!

You pretentious idiot original body!


York couldn’t stand it anymore and interrupted directly:

“Original body!”


Vegapunk paused and looked at York with some confusion.

“What’s wrong with you, York? Are you sleepy? You go to sleep first, I’ll talk to them for a while…”

Before Vegapunk could finish,

York interrupted:

“Are these the secrets you’re hiding?”

“Don’t you have anything else to tell us?”

Hearing York’s words, Vegapunk was stunned:

“Aren’t these genius enough?”

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