I, Seventh Generation, Am Naruto, And I Swap Time And Space With Little Naruto.

Chapter 278: Increasing Experience Is The Cultivation Of State Of Mind

Naruto's existence made Oolong jealous, so he seemed very honest along the way.

Even if they heard that their next stop was the Flame Mountain, they didn't dare to run away casually like in the original novel.

He always felt that if he dared to escape, he would be easily caught by Naruto and would end badly.

"Oops, no gas!"

The speedboat a few people were riding on suddenly stopped. Bulma scratched her head, turned to Oolong in the back seat and said, "Hey, quickly turn into gasoline!"

"How can that be done?" Oolong's face was filled with sweat.

If he turned into gasoline to drive the speedboat, it would only consume his body.

Bulma also thought of this, so she turned to say: "Then you turn into pulp, we row ashore, and then use the capsules to turn into gasoline."

The convenience capsule can only be used in an open area. This speedboat is only a four-seater small boat. There is definitely not enough room. You can't throw it into the water.

Oolong didn't have any objections this time, he also wanted Bulma and his team to complete their goal as soon as possible, then he would be free.

But before Oolong could transform, Naruto stopped him.

"No need to go to such trouble!" Naruto waved his hand and said to Sun Wu Sky's Path: "Wukong, go down there and lift up the speedboat, and then take us ashore by flying. This is also a kind of practice. 11

Hearing that it was a spiritual practice, Sun Wukong followed it without saying a word.

And with his strength, it is not difficult to lift a small speedboat, which only weighs a few hundred kilograms. 000

"Oh, you still have a way!" Bulma hugged Naruto happily, kissed him on the face, then hugged his arm and wouldn't let go.

Oolong in the back seat looked hot and asked if he could take Naruto's place.

However, if Naruto glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally, he immediately put away his little thoughts and sat upright.

Sun Wukong has now become more and more skilled in the air dance. In just a few minutes, he flew out of the distance that the speedboat took half an hour to reach, and gently put the speedboat on the shore.

"Good job!" Naruto patted Sun Wukong on the shoulder and said, "I will teach you something useful later.

"Great!" Sun Wukong cheered happily.

He was already proficient in Wu Kong Jutsu, and even if Naruto didn't speak, he planned to ask Naruto for some new tricks.

Now Naruto took the initiative to speak, which was exactly what he wanted.

Bulma did not look for gasoline immediately, but rubbed her chin and said: "You are flying so fast, why not just fly us there, so that we can find all the Dragon Balls quickly."

"I agree!" Oolong Pig nodded his head.

The scene of Sun Wukong flying with the speedboat just now shocked him.

Although he can also turn into something that can fly, his speed is far inferior to that of Sun Wukong.

Besides, Sun Wukong is still holding a speedboat, which he can't do.

With Sun Wukong's speed, if he takes them flying, it won't take long to reach their destination.

And he didn't forget that Sun Wukong said that Naruto was stronger and his flying was also guided by Naruto, so Naruto's flying speed must be even more terrifying.

Regarding Bulma's proposal, Sun Wukong didn't care.

It may be a little tiring, but it is also a kind of practice.

However, Naruto did not agree and said: "If you are just looking for the Dragon Ball, it would be faster for me to go alone. I guarantee that I can find them all in less than half a day."

"But, Bulma, aren't you out for an adventure? If it means collecting Dragon Balls, what's the point of your adventure? Moreover, such an experience can increase Wukong's experience, and it can also be regarded as a kind of practice."

Naruto said this, and Erma naturally stopped insisting.

On the other hand, Sun Wukong scratched his head and said, "I don't quite understand what Brother Naruto said. How can this be a kind of spiritual practice?"

Naruto had asked him to fly with the speedboat just now, saying it was for training.

But not letting him fly now is also a kind of practice.

With Sun Wukong's brain capacity, he really can't understand it.

Naruto smiled and said: "Physical training can be carried out anytime and anywhere, just like I asked you to fly with a speedboat just now. This kind of training must be sustained.

“But increasing experience is a kind of cultivation of the state of mind. Only when you see more things can you understand more truths and people will become smarter.

"Pure force, no matter how strong you are (caba), is not truly strong. You will gradually understand this in the future.

Of course it is still difficult for Sun Wukong to understand, but if you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Anyway, he will do whatever Naruto says.

"Okay, then we won't take the boat!" Bulma put away the speedboat and took out an open-top off-road vehicle and said: "Since we want Wukong to gain experience, I will take you to see the desert next. But it’s a bit of a detour.”

If you use a speedboat to follow the river, you can reach the Flame Mountains in about two days.

In the original book, after the speedboat ran out of gas, Bulma lost all the convenience capsules she had on her body, and had no choice but to walk through the desert.

But now that Naruto is here, he will naturally not let this happen, and Bulma's capsule has not been lost.

But after listening to Naruto's words, she still chose to walk in the desert to help Sun Wukong gain experience.

Although Bulma always yells at Sun Wukong, she has regarded Sun Wukong as her companion along the way.

If walking in the desert is beneficial to Wukong, then walking in the desert is better.

It just takes a little more time, and as long as Naruto is around, it doesn't matter at all.

"Wow, it turns out this is the desert. This is the first time I've seen it." Sun Wukong looked at the vast expanse of yellow sand, feeling a little excited.

Because Naruto said that he should increase his experience. The more knowledge he has, the smarter he will be, so he looked at everything around him very carefully.

If there is anything you don’t understand, just ask directly.

In just half a day, he learned more knowledge than he had in the previous ten years of his life combined.

It's just that he received too much at once, and it was difficult for him to remember it completely. Soon his mind became dizzy and a little swollen.

"Let's rest for a while!" Naruto called to Bulma.

Let Bulma take out some food and water, as well as a tent or something like a shade tent, and rest on the spot.

It's afternoon now, and the sun is scorching hot in the desert.

However, Bulma has a universal capsule on her body, which contains almost everything. An environment like the desert cannot affect them.

After eating and drinking, Sun Wukong immediately asked Naruto for advice, hoping to learn new fighting moves.

The previous cultural classes made him dizzy [but he was more interested in fighting.

Naruto didn't refuse. Relaxation is the best way to learn.

"Brother Naruto, what are you going to teach me next?" Sun Wukong's eyes were shining with anticipation on his face.

Even Bulma and Oolong came over curiously. Bulma was just curious, while Oolong's eyes were darting around, as if he wanted to steal his lesson.

But Naruto didn't care, he just said to Sun Wu Sky's Path: "Look, what I'm going to teach you next is my unique secret technique. No one in this world knows it except me. It's absolutely impossible for you at this stage." It’s the most suitable.”

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