I, Seventh Generation, Am Naruto, And I Swap Time And Space With Little Naruto.

Chapter 045 I’M Sorry, Sister Xiyan, I Was Impulsive.

"Sister Xiyan, would you like to have lunch together?"

Naruto just pulled Xi Yan for a short distance and then let her go, which made Xi Yan sigh in relief.

Because there will be more passers-by on the streets further ahead.

She is a dignified Anbu, walking hand in hand with a little boy who looks 13 years old on the street. This little boy is still known as Jinchūriki. In the future Seventh Generation...

Anyway, she felt that she would be ashamed of herself by then.

If Naruto didn't let go, she would try her best to offend Seventh Generation and fight him to the end.

But even so, Xi Yan couldn't give Naruto a good face so quickly.

She still said in a cold tone: "Sorry, my subordinate is still on duty."

"Sister Xi Yan, you really make me sad." Naruto said with a slight aggrieved tone: "I also know you are in a bad mood, so I am joking with you to divert your attention."

"But you are clearly angry with me now. Is this my kindness that goes unrewarded?"

Hearing this, Xi Yan was immediately angry and funny.

joke? Divert attention?

Is this method useful?

But I have to say that she feels much more comfortable now than at the beginning.

But then she thought about it, her bad mood was originally caused by Naruto's words yesterday, and now he was taking advantage of her to distract her attention.

If it weren't for his status as Seventh Generation, Xi Yan would have to give him a hard lesson... Well, the premise is that he can beat him.

"Okay!" Seeing her silence, Naruto smacked his lips and said, "It seems I have to apologize sincerely!"

After saying that, he suddenly pulled Xi Yan into a certain alley, and even recovered his true form. He pushed Xi Yan into the corner and slowly took off Xi Yan's mask.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Xiyan looked at Naruto who was approaching so close, and swallowed nervously.

Didn’t it mean that in the future, he would reject invitations when he was drunk?

I don’t remember what I just said yesterday. Not only did I take advantage of her today, what do I want to do now?

But what she didn't know was that the reason why Naruto acted more honestly with her yesterday was mainly because he knew that there was someone in her heart.

Now Naruto was sure that Moonlight Hayate's image in Xi Yan's heart had collapsed. It was the emptiest time, so he naturally planned to take advantage of it.

And the most important thing is that after having a big meal last night, Naruto's resistance in this regard has weakened slightly.

Now that the beauty is in front of me, I feel a little impulsive.

A combination of many factors led to today's move.

However, Naruto was not worried that it would backfire, and he did not push Yugao any further.

Naruto's face was still two centimeters away from Xiyan, and the other party was so nervous that he closed his eyes. Then he smiled and said: "Sister Xiyan, you look so stupid! Haha!"

Xiyan opened her eyes again and saw Naruto who had distanced himself a lot from her and was looking at her with a teasing look on his face.

Xiyan's face suddenly turned red and she said angrily, "Are you teasing me?"

"That's not true!" Naruto hugged Xiyan gently and said softly: "I really see that you are in a very low mood, so I just want to tease you. You are my sister, and I don't want you to be so unhappy all the time."

"Who am I like this because of?" Xi Yan almost cried in anger.

Naruto said aggrievedly: "You can't blame me for this. I am not responsible for what happened to you in the future. If I had a wife as beautiful and considerate as you, even if I am not humane, I would only hold you in the palm of my hand. Here, it’s impossible to do anything to make you unhappy.”

"What on earth do you mean?" Xiyan is no longer a little girl who doesn't understand the world. She glared angrily and said, "Aren't you and Hinata very affectionate? Now that you are like this, do you have the nerve to say that I am your sister?"

Even though she said this, Xiyan's heart was beating wildly.

He didn't break away from Naruto's arms, mainly because it was useless to struggle because the difference in strength was too big.

Another point is that after giving up his attachment to Hayate, Naruto's attraction to her became stronger.

She had a subconscious idea that if Naruto were her boyfriend, everything would be perfect.

Because of this, his resistance to Naruto is not that great, and he naturally won't be too angry.

Naruto didn't know this, and he had never studied deeply about women's thoughts.

In Naruto's opinion, catching women is nothing more than strength, ability, appearance, and then being thick-skinned!

The first few items are absolute bonus points, and he already has them all.

With such prerequisites, as long as he stalks her, no woman can refuse her. The main thing is the length of time.

Even if it is an iron tree at the beginning, it can bloom and bear fruit!

"Sister Xiyan, honestly speaking, for a woman as beautiful and outstanding as you, it is impossible for me not to be moved."

Naruto said with tenderness in his eyes: "The reason why I rejected you in the first place was because my family had concerns, otherwise I would never have let you go."

Xiyan blushed, not daring to look at Naruto, turned her head away, and said calmly: "But even now, you are married. This is an unchangeable fact, so don't think about it anymore. ”

If that was the case, she could forgive Naruto for his impulsiveness.

However, I did feel regretful, it would have been better if Naruto hadn't gotten married yet.

If such an outstanding man really launched an offensive against her, she would definitely not be able to resist.

"Yes, it's an unchangeable fact!" Naruto sighed softly, let go of Xiyan, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Sister Xiyan, I was impulsive."

Xi Yan bit her lip and shook her head, then put the mask back on to cover her heart.

"I'll just pretend that what happened today never happened, but remember not to have a next time." Xi Yan's tone seemed to have returned to normal, and she turned and walked out of the alley.

Beneath the calm surface is a heart that is stirred up and down.

Naruto grinned proudly from behind. After taking advantage, he could still make people pretend it never happened. Only someone as outstanding as him could do that.

And many things don’t just happen if they say they haven’t happened.

Naruto believed that after this contact, Xiyan would be troubled in the future.

But what he was struggling with before was the future with Hayate, and what he was struggling with in the future should be his relationship with Naruto.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about Hinata and the others!"

Naruto came to his senses and slapped his forehead.

It's past ten o'clock now, and it will be lunch soon.

But he still had to go to the Hokage Building, so he thought it would be better to send a Shadow Clone there first to deal with it.

"What did you just do?"

When Naruto came out of the alley, Xiyan had been waiting for a while.

She noticed a figure flash past, it seemed to be Naruto's clone.

Naruto didn't hide anything, shrugged and said, "Teacher Kurenai is feeling a little unwell. I promised to help her lead her team, but I almost forgot."

Xi Yan suddenly understood.

It was just a Genin team, and the Seventh Hokage was completely overqualified to lead it, so she didn't go into it.

The previous episode was finally over, and Xiyan took Naruto to the Hokage Building with a completely different mood.

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