Since the game video released by Wanqian became popular.

World of Horror kind of took off.

This game has been blown away by countless horror game lovers and decryption brain burning game lovers.

At present, extreme sports game fans have begun to try Sao operation.

Adventure game lovers and strategy game lovers are eager to move.

Fans of games such as fighting, shooting, racing, development, daily life, and love are still on the sidelines.

"22%, not bad."

Chen Ran watched that the progress of the New People's Hospital had reached 22%.

Among them, the fastest progress is the macho brother.

He has successfully reached the first floor of the inpatient building, and as long as he escapes from the inpatient building, he has the hope of escaping from the New People's Hospital.

Gravity provides the most progress, and she has already started to attack the second floor of the inpatient department.

Take a look at the comments.

Not to mention rave reviews, because most of them are resentment and complaints.

Everyone is saying that this game is too difficult.

But above all, once you play, your hormones explode.

Cause them to play other games, like chewing wax.

There are still many foreign players who are madly complaining about why there is no foreign language version.

In order to play this game, these foreign players have to learn Chinese.

But it was precisely because of this that everyone recognized that the old thief was from Huaxia.

"Is there a foreign language version?"

Chen Ran opened the mall.

The mall has been refreshed.

[Friend System]: Purple is rare. Enable the friend system. Exchange price: 1000 exploration value.

[Primary Map Expansion Pack]: White normal. The map area can be expanded by 1,000 meters. Exchange price: 10 exploration value.

[Intermediate attribute gift package]: Green and exquisite. Improve the four-dimensional by 10 points. Exchange price: 50 exploration value.

[Sound-to-text translation conversion package]: Blue advanced. Transform text, speech, and more. Exchange price: 200 exploration value.

[Favourability system]: Purple is rare. Turn on the favorability system. Exchange price: 1000 exploration value.

[Free Refresh: 1]

[Next refresh: 5 days, 8 hours, 51 minutes and 42 seconds]

There are audio-text translation conversion packages in the mall, but Chen Ran cannot afford them.

If you can afford this transformation package, you can imagine that the horror world can go abroad at an extremely fast speed.

"Work harder, players."

Chen Ran looked at his poor exploration value of 12 points.

After the players can escape from the New People's Hospital, there should be a period of soaring exploration value.

"Didn't that little junior sister pee out of fear, why did she start playing again?"

After closing the mall, Chen Ran browsed the live broadcast room.

Junior Sister started playing World of Horror again.

Compared with the beginning, her courage and courage are much greater.

Also, the way she navigates the horror world this time around is kind of gravitational.

Focus on exploring, not running around.

At this moment, with a ding, the recommendation from the live broadcast room came out.

It's the macho guy who started the live broadcast.

Chen Ran has been paying attention to the macho man.

I remember he said yesterday that today he will challenge to escape from the inpatient building.

After Chen Ran entered the live broadcast room of Hunk Man, there were already hundreds of thousands of viewers.

This guy, although he was the most famous horror anchor before.

But horror games are inherently niche.

It wasn't until the horror world appeared that he became popular and became one of the most famous game anchors in the horror world.

"This game is awesome."

"Old thief, please accept my knee."

As usual, just entering the horror game, the hunk first gave a wave of praise with his thumbs up.

Then he raised his hands and bowed like a pilgrimage.

Audiences are used to it.

For old thieves, they really love and hate.

"This time, I'm going to challenge the escape from the hospital building."

"I have already figured out the most dangerous places on the first floor of the hospital building."

"To tell you the truth, the level of this game doesn't improve players much."

"As for why, I think the old thief should have his own ideas."

Chen Ran touched the tip of his nose and smiled awkwardly.

"So, don't make drastic actions that are tough with ghosts."

"This morning, I visited a few extreme sports game enthusiasts, learned a few hands, and now I am full of confidence."

The fierce boy patted his chest confidently.

"Extreme sports game lovers, are those crazy players here too?"

"That is to say, as long as I run fast enough, the ghost can't catch up with me."

"What do you think, the player's initial attributes are linked to reality, unless you are also very strong in reality."

More than ten years ago, Blue Star had many extreme enthusiasts.

Due to overplaying, there have been many tragic accidents, resulting in extreme sports being banned in many countries.

As a result, these extreme enthusiasts moved to the virtual game circle.

"Brother Wang Bin, it's here, right at the door, save me."

The fierce man squatted beside the bed and said to Wang Bin.

Wang Bin is currently the only ghost identified as a well-meaning NPC.

But it mostly doesn't leave the bottom of the bed.

In order to escape from the inpatient building, the macho brother abruptly moved the hospital bed from the third floor to the first floor.

As the horny man finished his words, the hospital bed squeaked and shook.

Wang Bin's terrifying roar appeared.

It climbed out of the bed like an evil spirit, and headed straight for the door of the inpatient department with an air of madness and despair.

The macho guy was wrapped in blood-stained sheets, holding a fire axe in his hand.

This fire axe is currently the most lethal weapon in the hospital building.

To get it, you need to go to the second floor first.


With a low roar, the macho brother rushed out.

There are many ghosts on the first floor of the inpatient building.

These ghosts don't know what happened, and most of their bodies are crippled.

So the speed of action that causes them is not very fast.

"Hey~, every time I see Brother Wang Bin die among the ghosts, I can't bear it."

"Yes, several fire and police stations have issued bounties to see if Brother Wang Bin can survive."

"But without big brother Wang Bin, this floor is completely impossible to rush through."

"This old thief's knife is really ruthless."

The barrage was very sorry for what happened to Wang Bin.

After the game video of Gravity ended, Wang Bin became the most popular ghost and was dubbed as the guardian ghost of a newcomer.

It is the seventh most moving NPC in the game circle this year.

However, if he wanted to escape the siege on the first floor, he had to let Wang Bin die.

This made many people cry.

Protect people in life, protect people after death.

"Don't rely on Wang Bin to escape from the New People's Hospital?"

Chen Ran looked at the barrage.

Many game reviewers have asked themselves this question.

Even some celebrities have posted inquiries.

Chen Ran has not replied, that is because he himself does not know.

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