Bai Bing waited for a long time before reluctantly accepting the truth Chen Ran told her.

But when she walked out of the abandoned factory and looked at the speeding car, she was still in a daze after all.

"You said, everyone in Hongye City has ghosts living in their hearts."

"Then what the hell is living in my heart?"

Bai Bing turned around and asked Chen Ran.

Chen Ran tugged on the hood: "You should know better than me.

Because of childhood grief, the ghost living in Bai Bing's heart may be more terrifying than Sang Biao.

Once night falls, Chen Ran must stay away from Baibing.

It is conservatively estimated that once Bai Bing turns into a ghost, he is at least at the ghost king level.

"A family of five in this photo, please check it for me.-"

Chen Ran took out the photo in his pocket watch.

"Oh, I see."

Bai Bing took a photo with his mobile phone and sent it to his assistant: "You will be able to know all the information about this family within an hour at most.

"In advance, they are from Hongye City."

"Outside Hongye City." Bai Bing suddenly thought of something.

She never deliberately thought about going outside Hongye City.

Because the world pattern is everyone's common sense.

But now, she suddenly couldn't remember what was outside Hongye City.

She couldn't even think of any cities other than Hongye City.

But as soon as he picked up the phone, Bai Bing froze.

"What did I just want to check?"

Chen Ran blinked: "You won't forget."

"You just said outside Hongye City."

"Yes, yes, yes." Bai Bing suddenly remembered, turned on the phone, and when he was about to search, he was stunned again.

"What am I looking for?"

She couldn't remember what she was going to do when she turned on her phone.

The act of turning on the phone is more like an unconscious act.

"I understand."

"Once you are interested in the outside of Hongye City, your memory will be erased instantly."

"That's why you never suspected that there was a problem in Hongye City.

Chen Ran took Bai Bing's cell phone.

He clicked on the map.

The map is huge, with many cities and counties marked.

But Chen Ran couldn't remember.

Once the eyes leave the map, all the information about Hongye City is forgotten.

But he knew that what he just checked was the map outside Hongye City.

Turn off the map and open the hot news search.

All he could remember was the news of Hongye City. Chen Ran didn't know whether there was any information outside of Hongye City.

"There is a force that prevents us from knowing any information outside of Hongye City."

Chen Ran threw the phone to Bai Bing.

He turned to look out the window.

He thought of the scene he saw when he rushed out of the abandoned warehouse last time.

A sea of ​​black mist.

Hongye City is an isolated island in the sea of ​​black mist.

In the sea of ​​black mist, there are many huge shadows that look like guards.

"Compared to Jincheng District."

"Hongye City is more like a prison."

"An island from which no one can escape."

"An isolated island?"

Bai Bing frowned.

There was a panic, but whence it came she could not find.

This is the first time Bai Bing has felt helpless in thirteen years.

"What's off the island?"

"What's on the island?"

"Why is Hongye City fixed on July 15?"

She frowned tightly, thinking while driving.

Until the phone message woke her up.

"Found it."

"Jiang Jianlin's family of five."

"Grandma Wang Leifen, father Jiang Jianlin, mother Liu Qing, elder sister Jiang Yuqing, younger sister Jiang Yutong."

"Moved to Hongye City seven years ago to pursue a career in education. 21

"I moved away from Hongye City half a year ago, and my whereabouts are unknown."

This is the information of Jiang Yutong's family.

"The whereabouts are unknown."

"I think it's clear that someone killed her under the guise of moving out."

"At the bottom of the Red Stone Lake, I found four dead bodies.

"These four bodies are suspected to be where Jiang Yutong's family was victimized."

"You don't have to go to Hongshi Lake specifically."

"You ask them to investigate who Jiang Yutong's family had conflicts with during their lifetime.

"If it's murder, find out who is most likely to kill them.

Chen Ran thought for a while and said.

There is no need for an autopsy.

He just needs to know who might kill Jiang Yutong's family.

Only suspects are needed.

The rest, he can check by himself.

After all, Chen Ran doesn't mind using some violent means.

"okay, I get it."

Bai Bing nodded.

"Having said that, why do you think Hongye City is fixed on July 15th.

"Since I'm dead, why am I still alive? I only become a ghost at night."

Baibing has too many problems.

She can accept these bizarre things, but she can't figure it out.

Because she knows too little about these things.

Chen Ran thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know the mystery?"

Mystery existed in the horror world, that's for sure.


"What is that?" Bai Bing shook his head.

It seems that only a handful of people in the horror world knew the mystery before their death.

Or else, something cleared the mysterious memory of the people in Hongye City.

"You can understand it as something with supernatural powers.

"The appearance of ghosts is inseparable from them."

Chen Ran tried his best to explain his understanding of the mystery in a language that Bai Bing could understand.

at the same time.

The old thief's awesome team gathered in the initial ward.

"Where's Grandpa?"

Liu Dali patted his head and said with a smile: "Master Bei has been live broadcasting survival in the jungle for the past few days, so he probably won't be able to come."

"But he gave me a lot of supplements, enough for us.

Master Bei is not very interested in Anxian's hidden Samsung copy.

He prefers survival in the wilderness.

The danger of the dark jungle is a new challenge project.

During this time he has been exploring the dark jungle.

Quite a few weird tonics have been found in the dark jungle.

Even found a safer route.

"Haven't you contacted Invincible yet?"

Hu Wangchu rubbed his hands together and asked.

Liu Dali scratched his bald head: "I don't know what Wudi is doing these days."

"I used to reply to my message, but now I don't even reply to the message."

"Little Junior Sister, did Invincible send you a message back?"

Li Xin pouted, and said sullenly: "I'm back, I only replied with one word, busy."

"Forget it." Wan Qian shook her head and said, "Don't wait for them."

"Brother Macho, I contacted Wang Cong, Bai Huakui, and the King of Raiders."

"You pull them into the team."

"This time we are attacking the hidden Samsung copy in An County, and we need to join forces with them temporarily.

The players Wan Qian talked about were all top players.

Wang Cong, the captain of the krypton gold brigade, has no humanity.

Bai Huakui, the leader of the old thief's harem team, has explosive combat prowess.

The king of raiders, the master of the 18-ban game circle, alone raided the two-star dungeon adult product store, he is the king of perverts among perverts.

Coupled with the gravitational force of the old thief's awesome team, the little junior sister, the macho brother, Gu Quan, the big Sherlock Holmes, and suddenly forgetting the original intention.

These nine players are definitely the most powerful team in the horror world.


"When did you contact me?"

Liu Dali scratched his head.

As the captain of the old thief team, he didn't know that Wan Qian had invited other top players.

Soon, three top players, Wang Cong, Bai Huakui, and King of Raiders, joined the old thief team.

Wang Cong and Bai Huakui are still the same.

The King of Raiders restrained a lot, wearing a big windbreaker and a full-coverage black hood.

But judging from his exposed leg hair, he probably didn't wear anything under the windbreaker.

"Everyone is here, so I'll start talking directly."

Wan Qian turned on the projector.

She projected the map of An County on the ground.

"According to our exploration during this period, we have basically determined the location where the Samsung copy is hidden.

"I told you before that the old thief broke up the stories of An County and hid them in various copies."

"This hidden Samsung copy is the most important point of this story.

"According to my inference, once we clear this hidden Samsung copy, we will most likely trigger the world line mission buried by the old thief for the first time."

Wang Cong's eyes lit up, and two words came out of his mouth: "Mystery!"

"Not bad." Wan Qian nodded.

Another projection came out.

That is an incomplete room.

"This is the mysterious whole that I simply conceived after communicating with Sister Gui."

"Everyone should have seen my video."

"I speculate that the mystery set by the old thief should be a whole.

"Whether it's high heels or a tricky house number is a mysterious puzzle.

Everyone nodded.

They still believed in Wan Qian's conjecture.

"Suppose, this mysterious whole is a house.

"Then there must be people living in the house."

"This talent is the most critical."

"Based on known clues, most cryptic puzzles are incommunicable."


"But it is absolutely impossible for the old thief to set up a mysterious puzzle that is completely incommunicable."

"So I conclude that there is a mysterious piece of puzzle among them, which must be able to communicate.

Like... the people in the room. "

Having said that, everyone present took a breath.

But they didn't chime in.

"That person is the key."

"How to find that person and then communicate with it is the most critical."

"According to the evil taste of the old thief, only by collecting all the mysterious puzzles can that person appear."

"This should especially be the borderline of the horror world."

"And An County's hidden 3-star copy has something to do with mystery."

"As you all know, there are mysteries in the horror world, and many people have studied it.

"So I suspect that the three-star copy in An County is one of the Horror World Mystery Institutes.

"For some reason, the Mystery Research Institute in Anxian escaped with some mysterious puzzle pieces."

"This is why there are high-heeled shoes in the New People's Hospital and the reason why there are tricky door signs in Jincheng Community.

"Sister Gui was most likely a mysterious observer during her lifetime."

"So, this time opening up wasteland to hide the Samsung copy, you may not encounter other mysterious puzzles.

"Sister Ghost's help is essential."

Everyone nodded.

The reason why they are willing to temporarily join forces with the Old Thieves is that Wan Qian is willing to share information with them.

"The upper limit of the open online number of the old thief is 10 people, and our team is still one short.

Wang Cong counted the number of people and said.

However, before he could speak, Wan Qian said, "There is someone, he may be late, but he will never be absent."

Now that Wan Qian said so, Wang Cong couldn't say anything.

"When will it start?" asked Bai Huakui next to him.

Wan Qian looked at the time: "Tomorrow morning at six o'clock."

"During this period, everyone needs to temporarily stop the Hundred Ghosts' travel activities for a period of time."

"It is inevitable." Wang Cong nodded.

"Recently, foreign players are very arrogant and keep suppressing our Chinese players."

"I'm going offline to post the announcement first."

"This time, I want to live broadcast the whole network to open up the hidden dungeon in An County."

Wang Cong went offline after saying a word.

The strongest team in China opened up the strongest dungeon in the horror world. This gimmick is amazing.

It will definitely cause a sensation on the Internet.

"I'll go get ready too." Bai Huakui and the King of Raiders also hurried off the assembly line.

"Sister Qian, is that person you're talking about invincible?"

After they went offline, Li Xin asked quietly.

Wan Qian nodded: "Yes, he will definitely come and beg."

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