I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

037: Jincheng Community With Exploding Horror Factors


Chen Ran held the iron rod and walked to Building 1 with Li Xin.

He didn't take care of this flexible and perverted extreme skill.

He Xin and Liu Dali did not choose such a heavy-handed disguise.

Chen Ran intends to fight over.

The big deal is to start from scratch, anyway, Bei Ye has been cold for a long time.

Sure enough, the moment Chen Ran showed up.

All the yin dogs in the yard turned their heads.

Fierce and greedy eyes, unreservedly locked on Chen Ran.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The terrifying barking of dogs continued.

One after another black shadows rushed towards Chen Ran.

With the open mouth, Chen Ran could even smell the foul breath.

He squeezed the iron rod tightly, his whole body tense.

Li Xin held the sharp knife, although her whole body was trembling with fear.

But she'd rather be killed by a dog than wipe the shit.


"Beast, die!"

With a low growl, the iron rod smashed the head of the dog closest to him.

As soon as the stick went down, Chen Ran smashed a small half of Yin Dog's head.

The strength after that, directly collapsed it seven or eight meters away.

The seven or eight yin dogs that followed closely behind him suddenly stopped, and with a pinch of their tails, they disappeared without a trace.

"It really has the characteristics of bullying the soft and afraid of the hard."

Chen Ran wiped the sweat from his forehead.

I thought there was going to be a bad fight.

Unexpectedly, after a yin dog was injured with a stick, the other yin dogs fled with their tails clipped.

"Fuck, it can still be like this, I'll go online now."

There was a huge commotion in the first punk town square.

They also did not expect that Li Xin guessed correctly.

The Yin dog really has the dog's residual obsession, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.

A minute later, the player came back with a broken face.

"How about it?"

Many players gathered around.

"Well, it feels great."

"Yin Dog said that the takeaway has a five-star praise."

The onlookers laughed loudly.

Then, many players came back one after another.

In a word.

Without Chen Ran's explosive combat effectiveness, he would go up to deliver food to Yin Dog.

If you want to scare off the Yin dog, you must get rid of the first one very quickly.

Otherwise, just wait to be dismembered and turn into shit.

Gu Quan, He Xin, and Liu Dali looked at Chen Ran with a complicated look and brought Li Xin to Building 1.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Haha, I guess Big Holmes and Big Brother are blinded."

"That is, if I knew that these yin dogs are bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, why do they have to live with dog shit."

This kind of popular scene made the Old Thief Niubi Team quickly become popular all over the Internet.

In particular, the expressions of He Xin and Sherlock Holmes were made into expression packs by countless netizens, which once swept the entire Internet.

"Well, let's go explore Building 1 first."

"The main mission says to find Building 4."

"But the thief shouldn't let us into Building 4 so easily."

Liu Dali took a step forward, Chen Ran, Li Xin, and Gu Quan took a step back.

No way, the shit smells too much.

Don't say that Yin dogs dislike it, they also dislike it.

So, a good team was divided into three small groups.

Gu Quan doesn't like to communicate with people, and because of his extraordinary skills, he likes to fight alone.

Liu Dali and He Xin smelled too much shit and it was difficult to get close.

Chen Ran and Li Xin followed behind to make soy sauce.

Liu Dali and the others did not choose to go to the second and third floors of Building 1.

After all, two-star dungeons are not so easy to open up wasteland.

According to He Xin, it is best to find a kind NPC similar to Wang Bin.

After his detailed analysis, everyone turned their attention to Room 103 on the first floor.

"Look, except for Room 103, the walls of the other three rooms have traces of glue, and things may have been pasted, such as couplets."

"Look again, there are traces of garbage bags at the door of the other three households."

"Only the entrance of Room 103 is not there."

"Plus, the dust and rust on the door of Room 103 is heavier than the other three."

"I'm 70% sure that Room 103 may be unoccupied."

He Xin stated the conclusion of his analysis, which was unanimously agreed by everyone.

"But, we don't have the key~" Liu Dali touched his head.

He Xin smiled and took out an iron wire from his pocket: "It's enough to have this."

He's been a real-world private detective for a while, and he's quite famous.

There must be two brushes.

I saw He Xin holding the wire in the lock cylinder for a while, and then he heard a click.

"The door is open."

He smiled confidently.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and the strongest stench in history surged.

He Xin's eyes twitched.

Because the inside of the door is like a garbage dump.

All kinds of disgusting garbage piled up so much that the floor could not be seen.

"not good."

"Not nobody."

"It's the kind of otaku who lives in the late stage of lazy cancer!"

He Xin's face changed greatly.

Just as he was about to retire, a bloated hand suddenly stretched out from the stench of garbage.

He grabbed He Xin's head with a big hand, and with a sudden pull, He Xin was dragged into Room 103.

Then the door slammed shut.

He Xin, died.

Countless people in the live broadcast room are messy.

"Analyze anyone, don't analyze otaku, especially the late stage of lazy cancer."

"The big Sherlock Holmes pretended to be forced for three seconds, which made Lao Tzu Bai excited."

Liu Dali, Gu Quan, Chen Ran, and Li Xin looked at each other.

This has just entered the Jincheng community, and it has damaged two top players.

"I suggest going directly to Building 4." Gu Quan said.

The rest of the people don't have a good decision at the moment, Chen Ran is just a jerk.

So, I finally agreed with Gu Quan's idea.

Directly bypassing Building 1, the four of them went straight to Building 2.

There are also many Yin dogs wandering in the courtyard of Building 2.

Liu Dali took the lead, started the rampage, and chopped the head of a yin dog with an axe.

After watching the rest of the yin dogs escape with their tails between their tails, Liu Dali felt that his pretending was very good.

There is a kind of axe in hand, the world has my feeling.

However, in less than thirty seconds, a yin dog with a body over three meters and dark skin appeared.

It should be the dog king of Jincheng District.

These yin dogs who were frightened away by Liu Dali called their boss over.

Liu Dali couldn't even say goodbye, so he was completely cold.

Liu Dali: died.

It's a miserable death.

Body fragments were flying everywhere.

As a result, after Liu Dali took off the virtual helmet, he lay on the ground without moving for a long time.

He felt as if his body had been torn apart.

"Brother fierce is really miserable."

"Invincible blew up a dog's head and scared away a bunch of yin dogs."

"Brother Hunk blew up a dog's head and attracted the Yin Dog King."

Countless audiences are sympathizing with Liu Dali's experience.

Obviously everyone is doing the same thing, why is there such a big difference in the ending.

"Now, it's up to me."

Gu Quan intends to go it alone.

He stepped on the ground and rushed out directly.

The dazzling extreme operations blinded the audience.

Unexpectedly, the Yin Dog King has no tail. To be precise, its tail is also a dog's head.

This caused Gu Quan to make a misjudgment, almost aiming and jumping into the back mouth of the Yin Dog King.

In this scene, let alone the audience, even Chen Ran and Li Xin were dumbfounded.

The point is, the jump is too accurate.

It's like it's specifically aimed at jumping there.

Really TM outrageous.

Gu Quan, died.

"Okay, let's go offline and rest." Chen Ran said to Li Xin.

There are only two players left.

It's still a matter of sending death.

He's not so perverted.

The horror factor of Jincheng Community is still beyond Chen Ran's expectations.

After the two returned to Punk City, they found that all teams were now stuck in Building 1.

The strategy of Jincheng District has fallen into a bottleneck.

This is the first day of reclaiming the wasteland Jincheng District.

[New January is coming, everyone come to support]

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