I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

040: A Hundred Schools Of Thought Contend, Thousands Of Flowers Bloom [Five More]

"The progress of the New People's Hospital has reached 92%."

After Chen Ran watched the live broadcast room for a while, he fell asleep.

After all, after three days, his mental threshold has dropped to 65.

When I woke up, it was already dark.

A newscast is playing on TV.

A news feed got Chen Ran's attention.

"Large-scale demonstrations appear in Korea."

"As far as our country understands, the Korean people are very dissatisfied with the government's move to boycott the world of terror."


The situation in Goryeo was broadcast on TV.

The streets were crowded with people holding banners and horns, putting pressure on the Koryo government.

"We're going to play Horror World, we're going to Night Punk Town."

"Strongly urge the government to open up the world of terror and parallel worlds."

"Strongly urge Huaxia to open up its mass immigration policy."

In the video, Goryeo is already in chaos.

It was one of the countries closest to China, and the reaction was the most intense at this time.

The popularity of the horror world has finally torn a small gap.

"High-level officials from Korea arrived in our country today to meet..."

Then the news broadcast broadcast the actions of the Korean government.

There is a beautiful country behind this country.

But the domestic situation is so severe that it cannot be suppressed.

Therefore, they can only reach Huaxia and try to get a solution.

This is the exchange between countries, no matter what happened to Chen Ran.

But Chen Ran knows that the horror world and the parallel world may be fully launched in Korea recently.

After turning off the TV, Chen Ran lit a cigarette and started watching the live broadcast.

He has found it.

There is really nothing wrong with three stooges against one Zhuge Liang.

There is no need to publish the information about the breakthrough point of Jincheng Community that I found.

This breakthrough point was discovered two days ago.

"Brothers, the animal shit stream created by Sherlock Holmes is currently the most popular genre, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the horror world."

"But between Buildings 2 and 3 in Jincheng Community, it's a little troublesome."

"There are many ghosts in this yard. They have no sense. Once they enter its range, they will be attacked frantically."

"And that small square." The live broadcast moved the camera a bit.

There is a small square between Building 2 and Building 3.

A dark figure crouched in the corner of the small square.

It covered its face and let out a desperate cry.

"That ghost, currently we name it Crying Ghost, its action speed is similar to teleportation, very terrifying."

"Even Brother Quan, can't reach Building 3 successfully."

Not all ghosts run away.

Some special ghosts can float or even teleport.

This type of ghost is the most troublesome, the most terrifying, and the most vulnerable.

"Brothers, bandages and energy drinks can be purchased at the Yimin store."

"This is one of the few recovered items."

"In the innermost part of the shelf, there are some equipment and props that require a lot of ghost coins."

"However, as long as we are brave enough, we can choose to steal."

A streamer named Three Hands is performing tricks of stealing.

But he still underestimated Yimin Store.

Although dog shit was smeared all over his body, he was discovered by the ghost shop manager, and was then torn to shreds.

Even if he succeeds in stealing it, he will be hunted down by the ghost shopkeeper to the end.

"That was the wrong presentation just now."

"Everyone, don't think about stealing things, these ghosts have very poisonous eyes, and there is no chance at all."

After trying for a long time, the three-handed anchor simply chose to give up.

After a while, another live broadcast caught Chen Ran's attention.

The anchor is called Qian Duoduo.

The real identity is the son of the richest man in China: Wang Cong.

"One hundred thousand ghost coins, is it enough?"

A lot of ghost coins smashed in front of the ghost boss of the hardware store.

"Another 100,000, is it enough?"

Another pile of ghost coins fell.

The ratio of the horror world to ghost coins is: 10:1.

10 yuan, exchange for 1 ghost coin.

One hundred thousand ghost coins, converted into RMB, that is one million.

"It's not enough, I'll give you another 100,000." Wang Cong smashed another 100,000 ghost coins out.

The ghost boss of the hardware store knelt directly: "Brother, enough, enough."

"What exactly are you going to buy?"

The ghost boss is cracked.

As soon as Wang Cong came in, he started throwing ghost coins.

From the beginning to the end, I smashed 300,000 ghost coins, and did not say what I wanted to buy.

"I'm missing a ghost." Wang Cong looked at the owner of the hardware store.

The owner of the hardware store slapped his chest: "Brother, from today onwards, I will be your loyal ghost."

Not everything can be bought by money.

But under krypton gold, the difficulty can indeed be reduced.

After all, as the saying goes, money can make ghosts run the mill.

"Follow behind."

Wang Cong nodded and looked at another store.

He found that as long as the ghost who opened the store, there is the possibility of being bought.

Now he has bought three ghost bosses.

"Fuck, this guy has unlocked the kryptonite game." Even Chen Ran was shocked by Wang Cong's generosity.

The live broadcast was all-in-one barrage: "Kneeling and begging to buy it" "Master Wang, do you still lack human legs?" "Brother Cong, I think you have a human-shaped pendant on your legs."

Roughly speaking, Wang Cong has already spent tens of millions in the horror world.

Two words: arrogance.

"It's really a hundred schools of thought contending, and thousands of flowers bloom."

Chen Ran patted his stiff face.

At this moment, a game video was ranked tenth, followed by ninth and eighth.

Open it and see that it is Wan Qian's third game video.

#New People's Hospital Phase III, take you to decrypt the hidden final secret#

This is the last game video of New People's Hospital.

"In that case, Wan Qian has pushed the New People's Hospital to 100%."

Chen Ran hurriedly opened the exploration page.

Sure enough, the exploration degree of New People's Hospital has reached 100%.

This is Chen Ran's first instance with 100% exploration.

After each dungeon is 100% completed, you can also receive a customs clearance reward.

Chen Ran took it without saying a word.

[Get: 100 exploration value]

"100 exploration value, that is to say, after each dungeon is cleared, you can receive the full amount of exploration value once."

"It's powerful."

Then Chen Ran checked the rewards that Cha Wanqian received.

What she receives is not exploration value, but a skill: insight.

【Insight: You can observe things that ordinary people cannot see】

"This skill is very good."

Chen Ran happily shared Wan Qian's process and pocketed the insights.

Then I opened Wan Qian's third game video and watched it.

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