"You don't have to go to the rest of the hospital building."

"We just need to go to the dean's office on the first floor."

"If you are interested in the rest of the building, you can take a look at the detailed map of the space I have released."

"There are some nice props in some wards and offices."

"You can also get some recovery items in the drug room."

The audience entered Wan Qian's personal space one after another.

She has drawn a detailed map of the hospital building.

The precautions and props that exist in each place are clearly marked.

"You really have eaten through the New People's Hospital."

Chen Ran touched his chin.

"The elevator in the hospital building can be taken."

Wan Qian came to the elevator door.

As the elevator opened, a white-robed ghost with disheveled hair stood inside.

She leaned against the corner of the elevator, her hair hanging down from her face, and she looked extremely ominous.

"Everyone needs to pay attention."

"Don't alarm her and don't have any overreactions."

"Nurse uniforms have very strong protection in New People's Hospital."

Wan Qian entered the elevator as if nothing had happened, and pressed the button on the -1 floor.

With the elevator doors closed.

The lights inside started to flicker.

The huge vibration was felt across the screen.

The number of elevator floors is decreasing wildly, -1, -6, -10, -18

At the same time, a pale hand rested on Wan Qian's shoulder.

The whole atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

"This TM is what the Gravity anchor told me not to make a fuss."

"Fuck, who can resist this."

The audience was about to split.

They watched the ghost in white appear in front of Wan Qian.

The long hair that was parted revealed a ferocious grimace.

A pair of resentful ghost eyes stared at Wan Qian.

The palm she stretched out had already penetrated into Wan Qian's body.

Wan Qian stood quietly from start to finish, as if she didn't see anything.

With a ding, the elevator door stopped.

Looking up again, the negative number that had just fallen wildly became -1.


"It's critical now, don't try to avoid the ghosts in white."

"She's actually a special kind of ghost."

"The medium of killing is to make sure you can see her."

"We need to go through her body and get out of the elevator."

Wan Qian knows the murdering medium of the ghost in white.

Under the numb eyes of the players, Wan Qian passed through the body of the ghost in white and walked to the elevator safely.

Everyone could even see the puzzled look in the eyes of the ghost in white.

When Wan Qian left the elevator, the ghost in white returned to the corner of the elevator, with the parted hair covering his face and stopped moving.

"Damn, this video of the anchor of Gravity is really hardcore."

"This concentration is simply terrifying."

The game video in this issue has completely made Wan Qian the number one anchor in the horror world.

"There are no ghosts on the -1 floor, you don't need to worry."

"This is the exact location where the tape was filmed."

Wan Qian pushed open a closed door.

The door was empty.

But everyone recognized it.

This room is where high heels were once imprisoned.

"As you can see, the heels have left."

"Now, let's go to the dean's office."

"We have to get some key props."

"By the way, although there are no ghosts on the negative floor."

"But you'd better not go to the end of the aisle."

"The first floor of the outpatient building and the first floor of the inpatient building are connected."

"But there is a section in the middle that collapsed for some reason, and there are some weirder curses there."

"If you get close, the end will be very miserable."

Wan Qian explained while walking.

The audience was hooked.

This is the process of playing Horror World correctly.

"I omitted the process of getting the key to the dean's office."

"If you are interested, you can go to my space to see the detailed process."

"The danger is not that great."

Wan Qian came to a black door.

This is the dean's office.

After opening the door with the key, it was pitch black inside, with no fingers visible.

Wan Qian took out a white candle.

"White candles can be found in the utility room, and the flow is in the space."

"Because there are many places to go in this video, I will not demonstrate in detail."

Wan Qian explained and lit a candle to enter the dean's office.

The darkness in here is very strong.

Darkness squeezes firelight.

The light of a candle can only illuminate a range of more than one meter.

"I'm claustrophobic, and I'm sure I can't stand this place."

"Although there are no ghosts, the atmosphere will really scare people to death."

The barrage is very dense, and the audience's breathing has become cautious.

Just like those barrages.

Even if you know there are no ghosts here.

But this atmosphere, few normal people can bear it.

"Everyone, look here."

Wan Qian took out a stack of documents from the drawer.

"This is a research report on Sister Ghost's testing of high heels during her lifetime."

"The horror world developed by the old thief has a specific world background."

"I suspect that there is more than one world line hidden in it, but many."

"Do you remember when I divided ghosts into two types before?"

"Actually, the world also divided ghosts into two types before they were alive."

Wan Qian turned a few pages and continued.

"A ghost that appears naturally, the cause is unknown, and it has an extremely dangerous way of killing."

"This kind of method, once triggered, is very difficult to escape."

"The world of terror calls this method of killing rule killing."

"Call a born ghost a mystery."

Turning two more pages, Wan Qian continued.

"The ghosts born the day after tomorrow have some obsessions in their lifetimes, and some ghosts even have some memories of their lifetimes."

"For those who are powerful, there is even the possibility of communication."

"The way and the medium of killing this kind of ghost are relatively common, not as perverted as the rules of killing."

"High heels are one of the mysteries."

"Its killing methods are currently divided into two types."

Wan Qian turned another page.

"If you don't fit your feet, you can't die without a corpse, and you can't even turn into a ghost."

"If you fit your feet, if you leave a whole corpse, you will become a ghost."

"After becoming a ghost, you can never leave the place of death."

"There are two types of murder media recorded."

"The first killing vector is hearing the sound of high heels walking."

"The second medium of killing is touching your shadow."

"This is researched by Sister Ghost."

Now many viewers have begun to discuss and analyze the true identity of the ghost sister.

After all, she is the director of the New People's Hospital.

Why study such a horrible thing.

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