"So, Brother Quan, you haven't successfully reached Building 3 yet."

After reading the information on Jincheng Community, Wan Qian tapped on the desktop thinking.

Everyone has watched her game video.

For Wan Qian's ability, even the cool Gu Quan is convinced.

"Crying ghosts are hard to deal with."

"There's no way to get rid of it."

"After being caught by the crying ghost, he will cry madly and die without any solution."

Having said this, Gu Quan's face turned pale.

This way of death ranks high even in the horror world.

Lively crying blind eyes, crying blood and tears, until crying to death.

Wan Qian counted the general information of the players present.

Although Chen Ran compressed his panel to level 5, everyone present was stunned.

"What a high attribute, it is indeed invincible."

Talent, Chen Ran directly hid it.

After all, none of the players at this stage has talent.

"Let's try it first."

It was the first time to open up wasteland, and the old thief's Niubi team was very scattered.

After all, top players have the personality and arrogance of top players.

Liu Dali couldn't hold back He Xin and Gu Quan.

Leading to the first quick group wipeout.

But when Wan Qian came, it was different.

She has just joined this team, and she is the absolute core with absolute authority.

The hunk brother entered the horror world first to form a team.

【Brother Macho invites you to join the old thief team】

After Chen Ran accepted, he disappeared.

As the old bandit Niubi team opened up wasteland for the second time, the popularity exploded immediately.

In just a few minutes, they became the most popular team.

Countless people in the square looked at the old thief's awesome team.

Players who didn't have time to enter Nightfall Punk City also crowded into the live broadcast room.

"It's gravitational force, the hunk man really pulled the force of gravity here."

"Gravity, Invincible, Big Brother, Mr. Pei, Big Sherlock Holmes, Little Junior Sister, the lineup of the old thief team is getting more and more luxurious."

At least 30% of the audience was brought by Wan Qian.

One can imagine how hot she is now.

“Building 1 was easy to reach.”

After gathering, everyone directly entered the Jincheng community.

In the past few days, Buildings 1 and 2 of Jincheng Community have basically been found out.

The hunk took the lead and chopped off the head of a dog with an axe. The dog between Building 1 and Building 2 ran away with its tail between its legs.

"It's not necessary for the safety point, let's get a full understanding first."

Wan Qian did not choose to enter Building No. 1, and she led the team directly to Building No. 2.

Currently the only way to get into Building 2 is to smear shit and crawl through.

If you choose violence, you will attract the Yin dog king.

At present, no team can defeat the Yin Dog King.

"Brother Quan, attract them away."

"Invincible, hunk brother, if there is a vicious dog who turns around, do it directly."

"Control the time well, we have enough time to enter Building 2 before the Yin Dog King appears."

Wan Qian thought for a while, and soon came up with a solution.

She also doesn't like the way of beast feces flow.


Gu Quan nodded and rushed out.

After attracting most of the yin dogs away, Chen Ran and Liu Dali led the team straight to Building 2.

Several Yin dogs turned around and tried to attack.

After Liu Dali smashed his head with an axe, the other two escaped with their tails between their legs.

When the Yin Dog King came over, Chen Ran and the others had successfully hid in Building No. 2.

"I bet the old thief team can successfully enter Building 3 this time."

The emotions of the players in the first square were all ignited.

This was the first time they had seen a team that entered Building 2 so easily.

"Big Sherlock Holmes, you have also come into contact with the weeping ghost in the small square."

"Any thoughts?"

Everyone squatted in the aisle of Building 2, and through the window they could see the small square behind the building.

There are many ghosts and it is very difficult to deal with.

But the most difficult one was the crying ghost.

"According to my analysis..." He Xin drew a simple map on the ground.

Then, while analyzing, he communicated with Wan Qian and Li Xin in a low voice.

Chen Ran and the macho man squatted at the door.

"To be honest, I really don't know much about such brain-burning things." Liu Dali patted his bald head.

He still likes to be reckless.

"Yeah." Chen Ran nodded while observing Mr. Pei.

Mr. Pei was rummaging through the black garbage bags in Room 101.

Chen Ran has long bound his teammates' talent of worshiping the heavens to Pei Ye.

With master Bei's fearless spirit, it is the easiest to be cold.

"Master Bei, don't eat indiscriminately~"

Liu Dali hurriedly shouted when he saw Pei Ye flipping around.

When he first opened up wasteland, he had just entered the Jincheng community, and Master Bei was cold.

This has become Liu Dali's heart disease.

At this moment, everyone suddenly raised their heads and their pupils contracted.

There was a sound of going downstairs in the stairwell.

This is not good news.

He Xin winked at Liu Dali.

In this case, you can only be tough.

Hard, but also depends on luck.

Currently, no player can successfully kill the ghost.

Many players are doubting whether the ghost designed by the old thief can really be killed by the player.

Yin dog is not strong.

But it has an extremely terrifying vitality and resilience.

Even if the head is smashed, it can run away with a limp, and the next time it appears, the smashed head will grow back.

At present, the only way to kill ghosts is to kill ghosts.

This situation may be changed after the old thief comes out with a combat profession or a weapon system.

A group of people leaned against the stairwell and took out all the finale things.

Liu Dali is two axes.

Gu Quan is a "J" shaped iron hook.

Lord Bei is a blackened rope.

Li Xin took out his sharp knife.

Wan Qian leaned against the corner, opening her insight and observing.

He Xin is holding a handful of... shit.

"Invincible brother." Liu Dali quickly gave Chen Ran a wink.

Chen Ran and He Xin kept some distance, and then silently took out his own cutting chainsaw.

The two-meter-long cutting chainsaw and the shockingly terrifying blade instantly became the focus of the audience.

Even Wan Qian's pupils were lost for a moment.

It has to be said that this cutting chainsaw is not of high quality, but it is full of visual impact.

"Damn it, I thought the shit of Sherlock Holmes was amazing enough. Who would have known that Brother Invincible pulled out a two-meter big guy from his crotch."

A wave of barrage swept the live broadcast room.

"This weapon is too ferocious."

"Brother Wudi got it from there, and I want it too."

"I understand, Brother Wudi's invincibility is never a joke."

"I'm no longer worried about the old thief team, but the ghost going down the stairs."

"Me too, if that ghost saw Brother Wudi's big chainsaw, I don't know how it would react?"

The audience was scared to kneel by Chen Ran's big chainsaw.

The tense atmosphere just now was also diluted.

Now, there are tens of millions of players looking forward to the reaction of the ghost after going downstairs.

After all, the one who looks the most dangerous is Chen Ran.

"Brilliant." Liu Dali gave Chen Ran a thumbs up.

But now is not the time to chat and brag.

Because the footsteps were very close.

They began to hold their breaths, their bodies tense.

With a creak, the door opened.


With a low growl, the five strong men rushed over.

A huge shadow directly enveloped the ghost who opened the door.

Liu Dali holding two axes high.

Gu Quan holding the iron hook.

Pei Ye, who flung the rope.

As well as Chen Ran with a cutting chainsaw and He Xin with a piece of shit.

The ghosts who opened the door were dumbfounded.

But his eyes locked directly on He Xin.

Other brawny, it can understand.

He Xin couldn't understand it.

Who does TMD look down on!

"Damn, I won't dare to go downstairs in the future, I am afraid that five strong men will ambush me."

"Invincible, Brother Hunk, and Lord Bei don't say anything, Sherlock Holmes is going too far."

"In my opinion, Sherlock Holmes' shit is a biological weapon."

"Yes, yes, it's not very lethal, but it's very insulting."

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded directly.

"Fuck, I can't stand it anymore, this TM is simply too brutal."

"I declare that this ghost is the worst ghost in the horror world, no one."

This brutal scene, even the audience can't stand it.

"Although I don't know what the hell you are, please rest in peace and go all the way."

Then the barrage is all candles with incense.

This ghost has won the sympathy of thousands of people.

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