I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

054: Today, Brother Invincible Opens All Eight Doors [Fourth Update]

Building 12 in Jincheng Community welcomed 7 uninvited guests tonight.

Chen Ran walked into the building with his front foot, and then started to saw the door of Room 101 with his back foot.

Sparks with sparks, thorns.

"Have you noticed that the atmosphere of the Old Thief Niubi team is different from usual today."

Many viewers in the live broadcast room discovered this.

It seems to be more perverted.

With a bang, Chen Ran saw a gap in the door of Room 101.

A large hand reached in and twisted the door open.

Afterwards, Chen Ran strode in with a chainsaw.

The family of three ghosts in Room 101 shrank on the sofa shivering.

"Come again."

"Why should I say it again!" The male ghost was stunned for a moment.

"Everyone, don't be nervous."

Chen Ran sat on the sofa while talking.

With a twist of his butt, he was squeezed in the middle of a family of three ghosts.

He opened his arms and embraced the three ghosts.

The three ghosts really didn't dare to move at all.

The female ghost closest to the chainsaw almost fainted from fright.

"Hahaha, invincible hugs three ghosts, if you ignore the invincible big chainsaw, the picture is quite warm."

"Today, Brother Wudi has opened all the doors."

Although ordinary ghosts have no obsession with harming people, if they get angry, they are very scary.

After Gu Quan, Liu Dali, Bei Ye, and He Xin came in, they started to smash the wall.

It's just like decorating.

The younger sister hid behind the door, and Wan Qian stared at the aisle.

"Damn it, whoever is doing renovations at night, and not letting Lao Tzu sleep."

The door of Room 103 suddenly opened, and a grumpy ghost in shorts appeared.

Blood red eyes covered with dense red blood.

It should have a very irascible temper before it was alive, and it is very likely that it worked hard.

After staying up all night, he died in a dream when he got home.

So very sensitive to sound.

Any sound that disturbs its sleep will drive it crazy.

"Here." Wan Qian quickly backed away.

Chen Ran hugged the three ghosts, trying to hide his presence as much as possible.

Grumpy ghosts are evil ghosts, fighting head-on, there is no chance of winning.

Only a sneak attack has a chance.

"Grass~ What are your family doing!"

Grumpy Ghost stared at the door of Room 101 and rushed over with a low growl.

As soon as he entered, he was greeted with two axes by Liu Dali.

The axe slashed down fiercely and stabbed directly into the irritable ghost's head.

Li Xin gritted his teeth and closed the door directly.

That's why Chen Ran didn't saw the door to pieces this time, but cut a gap.

Before the Grumpy Ghost could react, Master Bei threw the rope and wrapped it directly around its neck.

Pulling hard again, the irritable ghost staggered.

Its power is terrifying, and it cannot be dragged down by Lord Bei alone.

But it doesn't matter, Gu Quan has been waiting for a long time.

He has the highest technical content, and the whole person is hidden in the ceiling triangle.

Gu Quan jumped down as the irritable ghost stumbled.

The sharp iron hook slammed into the back of the irritable ghost.

With the help of the momentum and Bei Ye's pulling force, he directly threw the irritable ghost out.

Before the irritable ghost landed, He Xin shook the bag.

A bag was thrown over, and the shit exploded directly on the cranky ghost.

Shit isn't very lethal, but it's extremely insulting.

After landing, the irritable ghost went completely crazy, and locked He Xin while dumping the shit on his body.

That shit has completely attracted the hatred of the cranky ghost to the past.

So, it didn't notice Chen Ran sitting on the sofa.

Chen Ran grinned and raised a finger at the three ghosts, signaling them not to speak.

Then, Chen Ran jumped up at the moment when He Xin diverted the grumpy ghost's hatred away.


Inwardly meditating, the muscles of the whole body bulge and the blue veins bulge.

Rampage, all attributes are temporarily increased by 20% for 10 seconds.

Chen Ran's attributes are already high, and it will be even more terrifying if they increase by 20%.

The chainsaw fell from the sky and was placed directly on the neck of the grumpy ghost.

The bloody water sprayed like a fountain.

Lord Bei pulled the rope tightly and controlled the irritable ghost.

Gu Quan, Big Boy, and He Xin jumped up directly.

"Control it and buy me time."

Chen Ran roared, pressing down with all his strength, he had already cut the irritable ghost in half.

"Brother Quan, dig out the intestines, heart, liver, and kidneys."

"Brother fierce, chop off its hands."

"He Xin, cut its legs and start from the gap between the knees."

Master Bei was temporarily unable to do it in person, and could only remotely command the anatomy technique.

Large pieces of internal organs and bones were removed.

Wan Qian and Li Xin bent over to pick them up.


"If you don't eat, you will die."

All the ghost meat and bones that were picked up were thrown to a family of three ghosts.

It is known that only ghosts can kill ghosts.

Then, they just need to decompose the irritable ghost, and then a family of three ghosts will make up for it.

"Fuck, is this the strength of the old thief's awesome team?"

"That's the devil, he was killed just like that."

"I just said that the atmosphere of the Old Thief Niubi team is different today than usual."

"The perverted F5 teamed up, and the world is invincible."

"The picture is a little perverted, but why is I a little excited."

The live broadcast room was completely blown up.

Takeout the whole network blew up.

This is the first team that can solve the evil ghost so quickly since the old thief released the horror world for so long.

Not the slightest bit of sloppiness.

The cooperation of every teammate is perfect.

The arrogant ghost of the dignified devil level has been dissected like this.

Then the scattered corpses were eaten by a family of three ghosts.

"Slow down for a few minutes and take a breath."

After the Grumpy Ghost died, Chen Ran, Bei Ye, Gu Quan, He Xin, and Liu Dali sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

Li Xin and Wan Qian entered Room 103 directly.

Room 103 has some nice props, time to take them.

"Come on, let's analyze the battle process just now."

"Brother Quan, when you're cutting the meat, try to keep some eyesight for Lord Bei."

"And the savage brother, aim for the arm, beheading the ghost is not fatal, I hope you can chop off the arm directly next time."

"Sherlock Holmes, shit does attract hatred, but it's easy to accidentally hurt teammates. I still suggest you think about it again."

"If it really doesn't work, let Brother Hunk help you contact Steve Benf."

Chen Ran is summarizing the pros and cons of this battle.

"Listen, is this human?"

"As expected of a perverted F5."

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned by the chat content of Chen Ran's five strong men.

110 Regardless of the horror world?

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