I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

064: National Carnival, This Moment Officially Begins [Ten Update]

"Ah, everyone has seen the true colors."

"Will you be beaten when you walk on the road in the future?"

Chen Ran showed a helpless look, and then put the pumpkin head back on.

The players sprayed directly.

"Old thief, I will smash my pumpkin as soon as I go back."

"Hahaha, I will fry three plates of pumpkin slices in a while."

The supermarket owners, fruit farmers and other players at the conference rolled their eyes.

They saw an opportunity.

After this conference is over, pumpkin will definitely become a hot product.

No way, the influence of the old thief is too great.

If he brings the goods live, it is estimated that the network will be paralyzed.


Chen Ran waved his hand: "I know everyone is very dissatisfied."

"So to compensate everyone."

"I announce that version 1.3 will open the face pinching function.

This is the first update for World of Horrors 1.3.

The first update content made countless players excited.

"Finally the pinch face function is enabled."

"In the future, I will be no longer a little black man if I participate in the press conference."

"Second update."

Chen Ran Pumpkin Head's expression suddenly became serious.

As soon as he was serious, the aura of the entire press conference began to solidify.

The ground of the conference began to be transparent.

As the ground disappeared, all players floated in mid-air.

Bowing their heads, they could look down on the entire night power punk city.

This shocking visual impact makes players almost suffocated.

Chen Ran appeared under all players.

"Too good."

"I'm about to faint."

"Old thief, can you be a little more low-key?"

Countless players were shocked to the point of tingling their scalps by the transformation of the angle of the press conference.

One second before, he was still looking at the center of the stage from his seat.

After a second, it floated directly above the night punk city.

This visual transformation is simply indescribable in words.

Two words: shock.

All viewers can clearly see Chen Ran walking in the punk city.

He stroked every corner of Punk City like he was stroking his children.

"The second update content expands the map of Night Punk City."

With Chen Ran waving.

Countless steel buildings and future buildings have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

The maglev train shuttles through the steel jungle.

The futuristic policeman rides an airship and patrols the punk town.

NPCs in Punk City took to the streets one after another, watching the miraculous scene.

Huge spaceships rise and fall.

Then, the seemingly endless wilderness began to spread in all directions.

Hills, jungles, lakes, ruins, ravines, mountains, deserts, and canyons appear one after another.

Mysterious creatures hundreds of meters long flashed by in the clouds.

All kinds of strange animals and mechanical creatures gradually appeared in the wilderness.

Countless grotesque vegetation began to grow.

At first glance, high-tech wreckage appears everywhere in the wilderness.

This scene has made the players lose their words.

All they see is the ever-expanding punk town.

Chen Ran is like a god of creation.

Wave my hand, I want light, and light appears in the world.

Wave my hand, I want clouds, and clouds appear in the world.

His back turned to the player's figure, as if exuding a thousand rays of light, like a rising sun, illuminating the world.

"Why do I cry...

Unconsciously, the tears of many players have blurred their eyes.

They didn't even know when they started crying.

This feeling is really hard to describe in words.

All this was created by that mysterious old thief.

Being in the same era as him is really the luckiest thing in life.

"The third update content, the open life system of Night Punk City."

The third update content directly smashed the heads of all players.

The most shocking are those with business acumen.

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable."

"The parallel world will become a true second world."

"After the old thief opens the life system, the parallel world is not just a virtual game world.

"It will be completely integrated into people's lives and even become an inseparable part of Blue Star."

These players have seen the huge benefits behind the parallel world.

This is the sense of sight of the second world.

"The fourth update, opening the player's trade line function."

"Things made in Night Punk City can be listed on the exchange.

"What the trading house buys is shared with the world of terror."

This update just exploded the sky.

The old thief is open for trading.

The most valuable thing in every virtual game is the trading line system.

In this world advocating games, the value of virtual industry is beyond everyone's imagination.

"Quick, quick, little Wang, leave a message to the old thief."

"Do whatever it takes to take down the most iconic building in Night Punk City."

"Huaxia officially entered the night punk city."

Chen Jianghe's voice trembled.

With the opening of the living system, it will cause a huge shock to the entire Blue Star industry.

Not only the industry, but even the national pattern will change.

Many people feel that they are about to witness a new era.

With the opening of the trading system and living system in Night Punk City, a new era has gradually begun to come.

Each new era represents countless opportunities and wealth.

Only by logging in early can we keep up with the trend of this era.

Night Punk City is more than just a game space.

In their eyes, this place has become a treasure.

A treasure trove of gold coins.

"The fifth update, permanently open the primary team system."

"The sixth update, opening the phonetic translation and conversion function."

"In the seventh update, the intermediate recharge channel is opened, and the upper limit of a single transaction is increased to 648.

"The eighth update, the expansion of the horror world map."

Chen Ran waved, and the players returned to their seats one after another.

They seemed to have a big dream, and the whole mind was dazed.

Every update of version 1.3 shocked them.

The projection of the horror world appeared in the center of the stage.

[Successful use of the primary map expansion pack, map +1000 meters]

[Successful use of the primary map expansion pack, map +1000 meters]

[The intermediate map expansion pack is successfully used, the map is +3000 meters]

The map of the horror world before was only three kilometers.

The 1.3 version directly expanded to 8000 meters.

[Unlock Xizizi Tobacco and Alcohol (one star)]

[Unlock the People's Three Roads (One Star)]

[Unlock Ai'er Pet Shop (One Star)]

【Unlock Meixin Kindergarten (two stars)】

[Unlock Fenglin No. 3 Primary School (two stars)]

[Unlock People's Park (two stars)]

[Get the whole map of Anxian County, unlock the hidden Samsung copy]

It turns out that the place where the player is located is the resting place of the horror world.

As the map expanded by eight kilometers, the entire map of An County was finally unlocked.

After unlocking the whole map, it also comes with a hidden Samsung copy.

The expansion of the map this time is indeed very strong.

There are two or three hundred open copies alone.

Among them, there are more than a dozen two-star copies.

It can be described as a super big update.

"Fuck, the horror world has expanded so much."

"Almost twice as big as before."

"The prototype of the map has appeared, it should be a ghost county."

"Caigui County, I thought it was a ghost town."

Countless players were stunned.

Such a terrifying place is a thought county in the terrifying world.

How scary is the ghost town?

"There is also the national activity that everyone is most concerned about." After Chen Ran lifted the projection map of the horror world, a mysterious smile appeared on the pumpkin head.

National activities is the most important update of version 1.3.

"Before announcing the national event, I will officially introduce her to everyone.

The spotlight hit Jiang Yutong with a snap.

At this moment, Jiang Yutong attracted much attention.

She was nervous, and she had never been watched by so many people.

The little hands gripped the skirt tightly.

"Shit, it's so cute."

"The old thief's modeling is too awesome."

"Does she have something to do with the national movement?"

"." I knew that the old thief would not put a mysterious little girl in the initial ward for no reason

Countless audiences were conquered by Jiang Yutong's lovely appearance.

Just like the slogan they shouted at the beginning.

As long as you look good, it doesn't matter what species you are.

"Her name is Jiang Yutong."

I don't know when, Chen Ran held the microphone and spoke with a sad face.

"Her real identity is a corpse ghost."

"I found her at the bottom of the lake."

"At that time, she was put in a sack, her hands, feet and neck were tied with ropes, her eyes were blindfolded, a rag was stuck in her mouth, and a large stone was tied to her feet.

"At the bottom of a dark lake, you can't move your hands, your mouth can't speak, and your eyes can't see."

"She can only sink at the bottom of the lake alone, as if abandoned by the whole world."

Chen Ran told Jiang Yutong's background story in a eloquent manner.

Everyone was attracted by Chen Ran's story, and many people burst into tears.

They could see that Jiang Yutong had scars on his wrists, ankles and neck that could never be removed.

She is a ghost, but very timid.

She is afraid of the dark, of loneliness, of being left behind.

As a water ghost, she is most afraid of water.

Chen Ran wiped Pumpkin Head's tears, then opened his arms and said, "If you want to know more about Jiang Yutong's backstory, just try to investigate."

"Don't, thief, keep talking."

Countless players are full of resentment.

Halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped talking. This feeling is no less than taking off his pants, only to find that there is no such thing.

Chen Ran smiled mysteriously, then Yutong.

Jiang Yutong pinched the corner of his clothes and whispered, "Hello everyone! The ghosts here call me Jiang Yutong."

"Not bad." Chen Ran put on an exaggerated pose: "Our little girl Yutong is the NPC who is the spokesperson of (Zhao's) this national event.

"I announce that the Hundred Ghosts Travel National Ceremony has officially started."

As Chen Ran opened his hands, countless fireworks rose behind him.

It was a grand firework that could never have happened at Blue Star.

The fireworks festival directly brought the atmosphere of the press conference to a new climax.

"Every year on July 15th, the ghost gates open and hundreds of ghosts go out. What is their purpose? What is their return path? Players, let's explore the truth and find the dusty secrets. 11

Chen Ran held the microphone and walked on the stage with a very exaggerated posture.

His voice clearly entered the ears of every player.

Every word seems to be full of endless magic, making players crazy.

"After entering the horror world at midnight, there is a certain chance of encountering ghosts.

"After completing the special event of the event Hundred Ghosts, you can get special rewards."

"There is also the event prize pool that everyone cares about most.

Chen Ran stopped suddenly and smiled mysteriously.

The rewards of the event prize pool are like a sea of ​​colorful clouds, directly occupying the entire press conference.

It is brighter and more charming than the starry sky.

Nearly 100 million players are completely in a frenzy at this moment.

One by one, they were offline due to emotional agitation.

Then I don't know what kind of perseverance to support, I went online again and started screaming and screaming.

The national carnival officially begins at this moment.

[Ten more offerings, everyone who likes this book, I hope you can support us a lot]

【Your support is the motivation of the author】

【~Thank you so much~】.

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