"Mr. Mighty, Mrs. Mighty, Little Mighty, guard the stairs.

"Li Xin, He Xin, and Gu Quan, close the door with me."

In order to close this bloody door, Wan Qian made perfect preparations.

She appeared behind the blood gate with only three remaining teammates.

As they pushed the blood door, the entire community was completely boiling.

There was blood in the door, and a shrill scream broke out.

A lot of blood seeped out from the door.

A ghostly face emerged from the blood door, screaming and cursing in horror.

The banging sound of building 4 became more intense.

A large number of ghosts began to gather towards Building 4.

The ghosts in the stairwell climbed up one after another, trying to stop them.

The Wei Meng family of three was firmly guarding the entrance of the stairs.

The sound of space chewing flickered.

The audience gasped for breath.

This big scene of ten thousand ghosts attacking the building reminded them of the ten thousand ghosts coming out of the New People's Hospital.

At the end of each video of Wan Qian, there will be a big scene.

At this point, only the narration of the game video remains.

"Everyone closes the door of room 4404, you need to pay attention to a few points."

"When the door is closed, the unknown mystery will be alarmed."

"It will definitely find a way to stop us."

"So, we must invite Sister Ghost to help.

"After Sister Ghost enters the inner world, she can temporarily stop the mystery."

"At this time, the food that has been mysteriously raised will swarm.

"So, we have to raise the mighty family to be a ghost in advance.

"Only Specter, Tuan Mian blocked the ghost going up the stairs.

"The ghost face on the blood door, everyone needs to use the special earplugs of the ghost sister."

"Their screams 'seven five zeros' and curses cannot be completely isolated by the auditory system."

"You also need to pay attention to your own mental threshold."

"It will continue to drop, drop below 60, and it will be swallowed directly by the door."

"So, we have to use some conscientious consumables.

"How to obtain such consumables, you can enter my space to view the process."

In the side commentary, the door has been closed by half.

A lot of blood poured out from the door.

The gushing blood stained the entire aisle red.

A vague figure gradually stood up from the blood.

"Everyone, pay attention, the figure in the blood is the first victim of the developer's demolition."

"Although I haven't entered the room in Room 4404."

"But I deduce that he should have been beaten alive."

"Blood door, bloody water, and twisted grimace are the messages left by the old thief."

"So, he died with extremely strong resentment and unwillingness.

"In this resentment, it resonated with the unknown mystery, and the Jincheng District after the regiment became like this.

"Right now, we have to fix it, or if it comes out in full force, it's all over."

Wan Qian nodded to Li Xin.

Li Xin took a deep breath and took out an odd box from her backpack.

I saw that she gave up pushing the door and looked at the blood ghost.

She is counting the time.

"It's now."

As Wan Qian shouted, Li Xin moved.

Like a train, she went directly to the vampire.

The huge sensation directly knocked the vampire into the room.

The next second, Li Xin opened the box.

"go to hell."

With a scream, the black gas that erupted in the child directly enveloped the entire room.

"Shit, shit, is the little junior sister so brave now?"

"That was the collision of the warriors, and the little junior sister has changed to a basic professional warrior."

"I thought the younger sister would change her job to a pastor."

The audience was shocked that the small and cute-looking little junior sister would actually change her career to a war role.

What was even more shocking to them was that the little junior sister who had changed her career to a soldier was so brave.

"The box is called the Curse Box, and when it is opened, an unknown curse will erupt inside it."

"The box is in Building 12, you can go to my space to see the process of obtaining it.

"The thing to watch is time."

"There is a few seconds gap before the blood ghost is about to brew."

"It's too early to hit the vampire, and it will pass through the vampire."

"It's too late to hit the vampire, and the vampire will kill it directly."

"So, we have to take advantage of the few seconds of the gap."

"I personally recommend using the fighter's strike.

"Impact has a chance of stun."

"The most important thing is that it has a super impact and can repel the vampires."

"The curse box is the most important thing to knock the vampire into the door."

"Currently, there are too few items that can kill ghosts, and the curse box is one of them."

"It can't completely kill the vampire, but it can smash the brewing body of the vampire."

"We have enough time to close the door while the vampires re-brew their bodies."

The voice of the narrator was excited.

Because Wan Qian is about to clear the Jincheng community.

Rumble, boom.

The blood gate keeps closing.

The vampire is brewing madly in his body.

The ghost in the stairwell also went crazy.

The mighty family has been overwhelmed by ghosts.

Now is the time to race against the clock.

Before the ghosts tore apart the mighty family, and before the blood ghost re-brewed a complete body, Wan Qian had to close the blood door, otherwise everything would be in vain.

"I suggest that when everyone closes, there should be at least four players left."

"One of the players needs to push back the vampire, giving the rest of the players time."

"The remaining three players need to close the door with all their strength."

"Pushing the blood gate has a power judgment.

"Fifty is the most basic strength requirement."

"The higher the power, the faster the blood gate will be closed.

"So careers are very important."

"Basic occupations have 1.2 times the attribute increase, and advanced occupations have 2 times the attribute increase.

"Everyone also knows that basic occupations can be re-transferred to advanced occupations.

"Advanced occupations are qualitative, so everyone should not underestimate basic occupations."

"Three basic professional players can be judged by the power of the blood gate."

"I'm sure that basic occupations will become mainstream in the future. After all, there are players in the world who can get advanced occupations."

The teammates of the Old Thief Niubi Team have all changed to basic occupations.

Advanced occupations are too rare, only three are currently available.

In addition to the two in Chen Ran's hands, there are only five high-level occupations.

That's why Wan Qian concluded that basic occupations are the mainstream.

"It's a pity that Brother Hunk and Lord Bei are too big to be stuck in the passage."

"That's right, otherwise the blood gate can be closed faster.

"It turns out that being too big is not good either."

"That is, if it's too big, you won't be able to get in."

"Hey hey, I think it's crooked, but I still like big.

"Yes, yes, a real man must be big."

"If you want to blame it, blame the aisle is too narrow, you can't even squeeze in."

The chatting on the barrage is crooked.

Some old gentlemen suddenly became excited.

Chen Ran rubbed his temples speechlessly.

When I think of the horror world, the average height of strong men and strong women is 2.5 meters, and I feel a little speechless.

Fortunately, because of these barrages, the tense atmosphere has been diluted a lot.

As the blood gate closed, time seemed to stop.

The banging disappeared.

The ghost in the stairwell became quiet.

"Everyone, it treats you as food and extracts your records every once in a while.

"The door to Room 4404 is now closed."

"It's time to seek revenge on it."

Wan Qian, Gu Quan, and He Xin stood against the door of blood in Room 4404.

It's not quite over yet.

The unknown mystery hidden in Jincheng Community is still struggling.

But it has lost most of its power.

These foods, it can no longer absorb strength.

"It hurts, it really hurts."

"Kill you, kill you."

The quiet ghosts suddenly roared.

Thick blood flowed from the fundus of the eyes, exuding a red light of hatred.

Then, they climbed out one after another.

They are off to find the mystery that feeds them.

The vampires in the Blood Gate were also roaring.

It slammed into the blood gate crazily.

But Wanqian and the others are against the blood gate, and the vampires who are working hard to reduce it can't reopen the blood gate no matter what.

"Food is never qualitative."

"It's like a hunter and a prey, they can switch identities at any time."

At this dramatic scene, the audience's eyes widened.

Hunter's and prey's identities switched.

The identities of the food and the eater are transformed.

"The settings of the old thief are too awesome."

"This fucking really broke my defenses a bit."

"I feel that gravity is not like playing a game, but an experience.

"Fuck, it's no wonder that horror games have such a strong sense of substitution, and now I doubt whether the horror world really exists.

The sense of substitution in the horror world is simply invincible.

"Now we just have to wait..."

"Soon, I will know what kind of mystery is hidden in Jincheng District.

The most dangerous period of the process has passed.

Now just have to wait for a result.

The highly tense nerves of the players also began to relax.

On the barrage, they were discussing the background story of Jincheng Community.

"In other words, the original Jincheng Community was an old community."

"During demolition, the developer accidentally killed the resident of Room 4404."

"The resentment and unwillingness of this resident after his death resonated with a certain mystery."

"So, the defrauded old community was hidden in 12 buildings in the Jincheng community."

"Afterwards, the 12 buildings became prisons, and the people living in them became the mysterious food."

The audience is summarizing the story line of Jincheng Community.

In fact, the story of Jincheng District is very simple.

From the very beginning, there are many problems that can be avoided.

But due to an accident, a small thing eventually turned into a big event that made all players helpless.

Like some inadvertent little evil.

If left unchecked, sooner or later small evils will turn into great evils.

For the first time, the audience understood the meaning of the horror world and the deep meaning expressed by the old thief.

After the end of the game video, there will be much less news of life in the horror world.

The video flickered, and Wan Qian edited the waiting process directly.

Zhao Yating holds a rusty house number in her hand.

A single number "4" on the house number

"That house number is the mystery hidden in Jincheng Community."

"Sister Ghost told me that this is called a trick, and it can absorb negative emotions such as resentment and grow.

"Fortunately, it only grew to 4044, otherwise even the ghost sister would not be able to imprison it."

"The video revealing the Jincheng community ends here."

"However, there are some personal guesses to share with you."

"Everyone also knows that mystery is the world line where the old thief buries the horror world.

"Players who helped Sister Gui imprison high-heeled shoes should know some mysterious information from Sister Gui. 21

"The horror world has mysteries before they died, and many people have studied the mystery.

"They use the mystery to develop a lot of strange things, and there are people who try to take the mystery for themselves.

"So, this world has become like this, and it is absolutely inseparable from the mystery."

"The currently known mysteries are high heels and tricky house signs. Do you think there is a connection between them?"

Wan Qian's question, all the audience pondered.

But in any case, it is impossible to associate high heels and tricky door numbers.

"I think the two have a lot to do with each other.

"Like a room."

"The house number and the high heels in the room are all part of the house."

4.4 So, I now suspect that the mystery set by the old thief is a whole.

"High heels and house numbers are just a mysterious puzzle."

"If you want to know the real secret of the mystery, maybe you have to collect all the mysterious puzzles."

"Only then will we know what the mystery is."

Wan Qian's words directly shocked the heads of all the audience.

Even Chen Ran's pupils shrank.

Such terrifying high-heeled shoes and tricky house numbers are just mysterious puzzles.

The real mystery is a whole.

This is simply, unbelievable.

"Of course, this is just my personal guess, everyone just listens to it.

"However, according to the old thief's mind, there is still a great possibility."

"What I'm curious about now is if the mystery is a whole, like a room."

"So, has anyone lived in this room before?"

"If someone lived there, who was it? Is it a mystery puzzle?


The player's brain exploded.

Wan Qian's bomb directly overturned the whole world.

She dared to guess.

But if you think about it, it is indeed possible.

After all, houses are for people.

Even the house number and high heels have become a mysterious puzzle, so what about the people in the room?

"Okay, this video ends here.

"We'll see you next time."

The gameplay video is over, but everyone is shocked beyond measure.

Even Chen Ran frowned, thinking about the possibility of Wan Qian's guess.

Can't judge.

The only thing that can be judged is that after this game video ends, the horror world will become more popular. .

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