I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

091: The Highest State Of Npc: Possessing A Soul

"Hiding in the ghost's house.

Chen Ran sips coffee and watches game videos.

When the old thief team opened up the Jincheng community, they also used their lives to explore the secrets of the room.

But never thought about hiding in the ghost's room.

"This player is a bit interesting."

Chen Ran nodded, it was the first time he had seen a player with such a curious approach.

Read on.

In the second round, Hu Wang Chuxin rushed into the room and died in the hands of the white-clothed female ghost.

In the third round, suddenly forgetting the original intention, rushed into the master bedroom and died in the hands of the female ghost in white.

In the third round, Tu Wang lost his heart at the beginning - at the door of the second bedroom.

In the fourth round, Huwang Chuxin died in the closet.

In the fifth round, Hu Wang Chuxin died in the corner of the balcony.

Everyone in the audience was numb.

Chen Ran also looked numb.

On average, they die once every three or four minutes, and each way of dying is different.

Seriously, this You Shu video is too curious.

"I seriously suspect now that the great God of Chuxin is showing us a hundred ways to die."

"This kind of high-frequency death rate, the iron man can't bear it."

In the thirty-seventh round, there was finally a different result.

Hu Wang's original intention finally succeeded in hiding under the bed, and was not killed by the ghost in white.

"Everyone, after our constant efforts and tests, we successfully hid under the bed.

"Now we just need to wait for the ghost in white to go out next time."

"If you are interested, you can go to my space to see the detailed process."

"Remember, time is of the essence, and the main thing we do is make a time difference.

"If the handicapped players can't do it, they can change to the assassin profession, which can be a little easier.

Suddenly forgetting the original intention is still very much for the sake of the players.

The Assassin's talent can reduce noise by 30%, making it easier to lurk.

As for him, he will not choose to change jobs.

Hu Wang originally believed that only by freelance can we fully experience all aspects of the horror world.

"Not interested, I'm not interested at all."

"Hiding in the ghost's room while choking time, what am I trying to figure out? Is it scary?"

Amid the mad rejection by the audience, the female ghost in white staggered into the master bedroom.

The live broadcast room also fell silent instantly.

From the perspective of suddenly forgetting the original intention, you can see a pair of purple love ghost feet walking to the east step by step.

This kind of close contact with the ghost's vision makes the audience's scalp numb and their limbs cold.

Once the female ghost in white finds that there is someone under the bed, then suddenly forgetting the original intention is over.

Fortunately, the white-clothed female ghost didn't realize that she had forgotten her original intention.

It fell on the bed and burrowed into the quilt.

The bulging quilt quickly flattened.

But all the audience knows, there are ghosts in the quilt.

Game video starts to speed up.

After accelerating for twelve hours, the quilt bulged, and the ghost in white crawled out.

She still didn't realize that she had forgotten her original intention, and shook Xia Xia out of the room.

After she left the room, Hu Wangchuxin crawled out from under the bed.

During these 12 hours, except for temporarily offline to eat and go to the toilet, he spent the rest of the time under the bed.

Because, the world of terror cannot be suspended.

If you are temporarily offline for more than half an hour, you will be directly judged as dead.

"Everyone, now we have three hours of free time."

"Three hours later, the ghost in white will come back.

Suddenly forgetting his original intention, he began to look through the drawers, boxes, and wardrobes in the room.

"Judging from the clothes in the wardrobe, she should have been a very beautiful woman during her lifetime."

"But does everyone pay attention to her current clothes?"

"Pajamas, and there's a lot of blood and dirt on it."

"The hairstyle is also very messy."

"A female ghost who loved beauty so much during her lifetime could not make herself so sloppy.

The audience looked at the room where Hu Wangchuxin turned over the ghost in white.

It always feels weird.

"I remember that a few years ago, an illegitimate meal was hidden in a celebrity's house, and it took half a month to be discovered.

"Tsk tsk, I heard it too, but it's really perverted."

"I mean, do you see if the great god of the original heart is..."

The audience's eyes changed when they saw Hu forgetting their original intentions.

Soon, three hours of free time is coming.

Suddenly forgetting the beginning of the heart skillfully climbed into the bed, and then kept absolutely quiet.

As the door rang, the ghost in white came back.

At this time, everyone's eyes on the female ghost in white also changed.

"She must never have imagined that there is a living person hiding at home."

"Damn, I always feel that the female ghost in white is the victim. Will it be scared to death by the god of the original heart?"

When the ghost in white returned to the bed.

What the audience is worried about is not the sudden forgetfulness of the original intention, but the ignorant female ghost in white.

"To be honest, I feel a little scary even as a living person.

"Indeed, don't ghosts want privacy?"

"Perverted enough, in some ways even more perverted than the Old Thieves."

So far, the audience has not guessed how Mi Wang planned to deal with the ghost in white.

As soon as Hu forgets his original intention, he lurked for seven or eight days.

The ghost in white goes out for three hours every day.

These three hours are the free activity time of the original intention of suddenly forgetting.

The audience was really numb.

"Worthy of being the original master, I hid for seven or eight days, and the white-clothed female ghost didn't find it at all.

"To be honest, the stomach of Chu Xin is full of kidneys, which is more beneficial than ghosts.

This should be the longest and most detailed game video in the horror world.

For the game videos of other anchors, most of the process will be edited, leaving only the most essential part.

"Okay, today we will officially attack the female ghost in white."

"In this drawer, we can know that her real name was Li Yan, and she was the front desk of a certain company."

"Judging from the furnishings of the room, she had high requirements for the quality of life during her lifetime."

"But for some reason, her room and image have become so ridiculous."

"I suspect it has something to do with the cause of her death."

"Everyone should have seen the game commentary of the anchor of Gravity.

"She told us that there are two types of ghosts designed by the old thief, acquired and born."

"Acquired ghosts all have backgrounds in life, and obsessions after death are also related to her background in life."

"So, we're going to start with that."

While Hu Wang Chu Xin was explaining, he began to tidy up the room.

He put all the furniture in the room back in place.

"A lot of things are broken."

"There are two reasons."

"The first is that Li Yan may have experienced an earthquake during her lifetime."

"The second is that someone once broke into Li Yan's room."

"I prefer the latter, you see."

The screen starts to zoom in.

"There were some signs of fighting, and there were some pieces of clothing."

Hu Wang Chu Xin picked up a few pieces of cloth from a corner, and took out a few cigarette butts under the sofa.

"According to my investigation these days."

"Li Yan was single before her death, and there was no one else in her family."

"And this piece of cloth is completely different from the clothes in Li Yan's wardrobe, and it may be a fragment torn off during the fight.

...ask for flowers...

"The most critical piece of evidence is the cigarette butts."

"There is no ashtray in the room, so it can be confirmed that "Li Yan did not smoke during her lifetime."

"Judging from all the signs, her room has been broken into."

"It's a male."

"They fought fiercely in the living room, and the reason was either money or sex.

"That should be the cause of her death."

After several days of latent investigations, Hu Wang Chu Xin already had a very detailed understanding of the experience of the white-clothed female ghost during her lifetime.

"This is also the reason why Li Yanming was so clean while she was alive, but so sloppy after death.

"The process of being killed has become her strongest obsession."

"What we have to do now is to inspire her true obsession and open her heart with love."

"I divide the obsession of ghosts into two types, one is the obsession of death, and the other is the obsession of life.

"These two obsessions exist at the same time, the only difference is who suppresses whom."

Suddenly forgetting that Chuxin had already cleaned up the room.

Three hours is still too short after all, the female ghost in white is coming back soon.

He can only hide under the bed one step ahead, waiting for the next free activity.

But his commentary caused heated discussions in the live broadcast room.

"The speculation of Chu Xin should be correct, so it can make sense."

"Influence the female ghost in white with love, true or false, ghosts can also influence?"

"Death obsession and lifetime obsession? Taught."

Amidst the discussion in the live broadcast room, the female ghost in white opened the door and came back.

After she opened the door this time, she was obviously taken aback.

His hair was split, and his blood-red eyes were full of resentment and madness, staring at the clean and tidy room.

Everyone thought that the female ghost in white might be moved to tears of blood.

Unexpectedly, the female ghost in white let out a hysterical scream.

She frantically smashed everything in the room.

In just a few minutes, the whole room was even messier than before.

After smashing the room, she crouched in the corner and wept.

"To be honest, I feel a little sympathetic to the female ghost in white."

"The master of the original heart should touch the fragments that she least wants to recall during her lifetime."

Seeing the female ghost in white squatting in the corner and crying silently, the audience felt a strong sense of trance.

Although they have been touting the old thief's modeling skills.

But from history to the present, when they look at the ghosts in the horror world, they still look at them from the perspective of NPCs.

But now, they feel differently.

They feel that the NPCs in the horror world have flesh and blood, and even souls.

They are not like lines of cold and ruthless codes, they are more like living creatures.

Even if they are ghosts, they are different from people, but they also have their own emotions.

"Damn, the corners of my eyes are wet because of something."

"Don't mention anything, you old thief is awesome."

"The highest level of NPC is to be able to resonate with the audience. Obviously, the old thief has achieved it."

Under the watchful eyes of countless audiences, the female ghost in white returned to the bed and silently crawled into the bed.

This time the female ghost in white returned to the bed, and the feeling was different from before.

Very sad feeling.

It's like after the dead of night, the wound suffered during the day, at night I can only silently lick the wound.

This kind of helplessness, this kind of desolation, this kind of feeling has already caused many emotional audiences to cry.

Chen Ran lit a cigarette, looked back at Qiudieyi and Jiang Yutong.

"I feel it."

"When the game video of Hu Wang Chu Xin is over, a real mainstream genre will emerge."

[Seek all kinds of support, more exciting later...big].

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