I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

100. Concentrate Firepower To Kill Them In One Wave, And Hit The Nearby Red Reconnaissance Battalion

This red team is so fast.

Just at the first moment when they hit, they locked their position.

If there is no blocking success just now.

Dozens of shells fell from the void.

It must be able to blow up a vehicle transported by a majority flow adjustment center.

The control of these guys' killing field opportunities is too precise.

It was at this time that the success was blocked.

Shi Jin also broke out in a cold sweat.

Maybe it was too careless just now.

I have always thought that the troops hidden in the dark by the red side are all under my control.

"Support the support company, launch a small remote-controlled aircraft capture net, and drag back all the remote-controlled aircraft captured by the enemy troops."

"The infantry team, launch the individual portable device, and help the support company capture the enemy's remote-controlled aircraft.

After Shi Jin's order was issued.

The support support company controls its own remote-controlled aircraft to start descending altitude.

Because the shape of the remote-controlled aircraft they use has long been changed, it is not so simple for the enemy's radio detection and ranging radio locators to detect.

Plus it's too close to the ground.

The light signal cannot be caught within a short period of time.

After landing the altitude of the remote control aircraft.

Nearly 100 smaller remote-controlled aircraft appeared immediately in the direction of the supporting support company.

These remote control aircraft are 2 in 2 as a pair.

There is a net pocket in the middle.

Pass through acoustic sensors and active radio detection and ranging radio locators to identify friend or foe systems.

Specially used to capture those small reconnaissance remote control aircraft.

It is useless for impact-type remote control aircraft or slightly larger shapes.

But about small remote-controlled aircraft specially used for reconnaissance.

That's really a catch.

The remote-controlled aircraft on the red side that were approaching rapidly were detected.

I haven't waited to run to the front to investigate in detail the establishment of the reorganization and "593" joint venture.

A remote-controlled aircraft was dragged by a small net bag right next to it.

These net bags, which are specially used to deal with scouting remote-controlled aircraft, bear microwave weapon lights on them.

Capture the first moment of enemy remote control aircraft.

Microwave weapons can harass the internal electronic equipment in the first place.

Let the enemy's reconnaissance plan be completely disillusioned.

The method of using capture is also a melancholy move.

Even if it interferes with the shooting rate of the remote control aircraft, there is still a chance to use GNSS to fly back to the origin.

Or continue to fly along the route that has been set in advance, but it cannot be controlled later.

But the information message will still be transmitted back.

If the interference is more thorough, the communication and navigation links will be disconnected one by one.

Remote control aircraft just can't fly normally or continuously.

Opportunities will try to land, and chances will just hover where they are being harassed.

In case of nuisance, can't find the signal.

The target will control the remote control aircraft again for detection.

Can not achieve once and for all effect.

It's just that capture also has a disadvantage.

That is, after knowing the enemy's remote control aircraft, and successfully capturing

In order to interfere with the internal electronic equipment.

The integrated mixed battalion captured the enemy's remote-controlled aircraft.

The red side is not to be outdone.

They understood the detailed location of the transfer center, and they also captured the trajectory of the reorganized mixed battalion when it hit just now.

But Shi Jin and the others have not yet captured the detailed location of the enemy.

In this regard, it has already suffered a loss.

Just after preparing for the first round of shock.

The second round was very fast, and the third round of Void Shock ensued.

The aid company had to use one by one air defense forces.

Comprehensive response.

Shi Jin calmly commanded the special operations force team to start tracking the source of the opponent's impact light.

The technical investigation team is responsible for preventing the opponent from nuisance.

There are dozens of anti-jamming machines projected in the void.

It's not that simple to interfere with success.

The Special Operations Forces team traced the source of the enemy's impact light, and the support team began to lock it.

The void aviation squadron locked the opponent's position for the first time.

Dozens of electromagnetic interference bombs were launched.

at the same time.

The artillery company also began to carry out long-distance impact.

The support support company controls the remote-controlled aircraft for longer-distance detection.

Since the integrated mixed battalion entered the battlefield.

Or it's the first time you encounter this kind of enemy's position without seeing it, and you have already fought several times.

According to Shi Jin's judgment.

Most of the people they encountered this time were the Red Armored Reorganized Mixed Battalion.

if not.

Ordinary heavy armored units are in front of the diversified impact of the reorganized mixed battalion.

Not much chance to resist.

And the opponent can not only resist it.

It is always possible for them to continue to attack first.

After the aviation squadron fired electromagnetic interference bombs.

Start to move towards the position of the red square.

The effective distance of helicopter impact is particularly limited, the closer it is, the more


Artillery matching originally means increasing firepower to suppress.

After the enemy was briefly harassed, Shi, the remote-controlled aircraft in charge of exploring the path, was captured immediately.

There was no quick response within a short period of time.

A lot of combat capabilities were destroyed by the impact of the artillery company.

But these can't hurt them completely.

The anti-nuisance setting is activated.

Agile shifts where they are now.

Start calling other nearby red reconnaissance battalions to attack.

And just at this time.

Because the integrated mixed battalion put most of its energy on the body of the opposing red armored integrated mixed battalion.

Some ignored the members of the Special Reconnaissance Battalion who were buried in the shadows nearby.

The opponent is searching for an opportunity to carry out a surprise attack.

The reorganized mixed battalion is indeed a piece of iron bucket.

A single special operations force has no chance of winning after encountering it.

Not even a living target.

But if the reorganized mixed battalion is held back by the same combat base.

Members of special operations forces will have no gaps.

Just when they're about to do it.

Shi Jin also realized that the war had entered a stalemate.

Immediately ordered the infantry team to carry out detailed control of the vicinity.

Near fire blockade.

Don't give the enemy any chance

The advantage of the integrated mixed battalion lies in the coordination of multiple arms.

Another advantage lies in flexibility.

But now the reorganized mixed battalion is responsible for the task of defending the transfer center.

The flexibility ability has long been lost.

The enemy's position can be continuously dispersed and reorganized.

Immediately shift position and evacuate after being disturbed.

Immediately afterwards, the deployment of long-distance shock positions was continued.

A single aviation squadron did not dare to rush forward rashly.

It can basically be concluded now.

The enemy they encountered was the red team's armored integrated mixed battalion.

Heavy armored anti-air capabilities.

Even above the medium-sized amphibious integrated mixed camp.

Shi Jin realized that their current strategic position was at a disadvantage.

Immediately deploy the infantry team to deploy close fire control nearby.

Light Machine Gun Squad, Spitfire Squad, Sharpshooter Squad, Assault Squad.

After receiving the order, they combined and blocked the surrounding area.

Set up a single-soldier portable anti-tank cannon position.

Carry out blanket bombing within a range of 3 kilometers to 5 kilometers nearby.

The impact plan of the Red Special Reconnaissance Battalion was abruptly blocked.

Shi Jin stood in the communication command vehicle of the battalion command center and began to think about countermeasures.

Now the goal of the dark troops of the red side has been very clear, it is to attack the circulation center.

He did not hesitate to send an armored integrated mixed battalion.

The flow adjustment center must not make any mistakes.

The first line of defense and the second line of defense of the Blues have long been lost.

As long as the battle situation is slightly stable.

An all-round battle, no matter when the opportunity opens——what time it is.

The distribution center is the most critical material transportation guarantee.

Even if it is exhausted all the establishments of the reorganized mixed battalion.

Can't let this place go wrong either.

The first guide, Chu Tiankuo, watched the battle enter a stalemate.

The heart also began to become impatient.

Because none of them is sure whether there are still red combat troops sneaking in in the dark.

There are so many transport vehicles and transport planes in the distribution center that cannot be transferred immediately after each other.

In case of being hit by the red side while walking on the side of the transfer.

They didn't even have a chance to block.

"Battalion Commander, why don't you contact the brigade command center."

"Isn't Shangfeng's order that the troops stationed at this place will come back to help?"

"We are being dragged to this place, and the scene will be particularly unfriendly."

Shi Jin waved his hand in disapproval.

"It didn't work. By the time we received the task of defending the transfer center, the nearby blue trial garrison had already left more than 3 o'clock."

"Now we have only defended one point."

"Even if it was Shangfeng's order to evacuate the troops from this place one by one, it was to attract all the enemies hiding in the dark to come out."

"Clear them out to ensure the safety of the internal all-out war."

"But you have to be serious when withdrawing troops, otherwise the red side will fall into the trap.

"Persist for 2 more points.

"After two o'clock, the returning troops will arrive at this place."

"We can also spare a move to actually touch the dark enemy."

Chu Tiankuo agreed with endless silence and earnestness.

Let the reorganized mixed battalion take on the task of guarding.

Something is really wrong.

But right now there is no better way.

The special operations force squad and the support support company began to join forces to continuously search for the enemy's location.

Just at this time.

The role of remote control aircraft detection has long been suppressed to a minimum.

The detection range of radio detection and ranging radio locators can only be continuously dispersed.

The aviation squadron also circled non-stop within ten kilometers nearby.

Regardless of Renhou, prepare for the impact.

When the two sides are in a stalemate.

The support support company sent new war intelligence again.

"Reporting to the battalion commander, we saw the red light tanks and ZGL-949 infantry fighting vehicles approaching us ten kilometers ahead of us on the left..

"Is it a force impact?"

Shi Jin stared at the information projected from the information combat system.

His uncomprehending eyes were full of doubts.

This should be the reconnaissance battalion that sneaked into the red side inside to attack.

These reconnaissance battalions are all happening before the start of the big military maneuvers.

The investigation base that was put together temporarily.

Not very high combat capability.

Just rushing up at this time, it is clear that they plan to act as cannon fodder to attract the impact from their own side.

Come and give the dark enemy a chance to strike.

understand each other

after the attempt.

Shi Jin ordered immediately.

"The armored infantry company and the tank company form a steel defense line on the periphery."

"Wait until these approaching troops appear within the range of the impact, and carry out the impact on their own.

"Artillery company, aviation squadron, do not agree to attack these red scouts without my order."

"Do your best to guard against the enemy of darkness."

"Armored infantry company received."

"Tank company received."

"Aviation Squadron received.

"The artillery battery has been received."

Just completed the deployment on Shi Jin's side.

It was at this time that I was not deceived.

The support support company once again sent a war alert.

"Report to the battalion commander, a group of unknown lights appeared 20 kilometers away from our side, and they are approaching at a speed."

"According to the data analysis of the special operations force team, it is very likely that the red team's impact remote control aircraft is approaching."

Hear the report.

Shi Jin frowned.

This time, the red side's special mother means that she intends to be rich.

If the vast crowd of remote-controlled planes are all taking care of the impact, then it's a bit mean that it's a bit cruel.

Just when he intends to order long-distance blocking.

The war alarm came again.

Drip! Drip! Drip!

Dozens of shells fell rapidly towards the void.

The special operations force team also locked their position at this time when the opponent was attacking.

The aviation squadron immediately carried out the impact of electromagnetic interference shells.

At the same time, the aviation shock and deterrent bombs are launched.

In an attempt to harass them for the first time, use aviation deterrent bombs to form a large-scale impact.

Shi Jin ordered the aid company to speed up to block the shell impact of the void red square.

Just blocked here.

The vast number of remote-controlled aircraft groups have long appeared in the video monitors of the information combat system.

It can be clearly seen from the video monitor information.

Under each remote-controlled aircraft is a cannonball.

In case such a number of shells are successfully detonated.

The circulation center below will definitely be severely impacted.

The loss is heavy.

Shi Jin made a quick decision.

"Artillery company, immediately stop the missile launcher and replace it with a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun."

"Aim at the group of remote-controlled aircraft in the far sky, with a shrouding impact."

"We must not let these remote-controlled aircraft groups pass over the sky above the flow adjustment center."

"The artillery company has received."

Faced with the threat of this kind of void remote control aircraft group, the surface troops are very powerful most of the time.

If you shoot with a gun, the 0.9 hit rate is too touching.

Even hitting one or two is useless.

But self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are different.

Because the killing effect of artillery shells is far better than that of missiles.

The most important thing is fast response speed and strong ability to resist electric shock and interference.

Deal with these small RC aircraft swarms.

A single shell can knock out a lot of racks.

Because the anti-aircraft shells are equipped with proximity fuzes... The characteristic of these fuzes is that they don't need to know the target all the time.

As long as the instrument in the warhead determines that the shell is near the target.

It will make the shell explode with a very fast bang.

Use the vast sea of ​​fragments to kill the target.

Even if the fragments are so small.

But to deal with high-speed flying targets in the air.

Small shrapnel is enough to knock it out.

Therefore, most of the time, the shell does not actually need to hit the target in order to gain

Get enough lethal effect.

Plus the support company and those dense anti-aircraft machine guns.

this thing.

Facing those large remote control aircraft is definitely not effective.

Not only can't hit.

The key doesn't work either.

The modernized troops will deal with the large remote-controlled aircraft with high speed in the void.

Then you must use anti-aircraft missiles.

After all, no matter how tyrannical and brave a remote control aircraft is.

In the face of missiles, they may not be able to resist with all their strength.

The missile is light in weight and fast in flight.

There is basically no chance for large remote-controlled aircraft to hide.

The threat posed by these swarms of small RC aircraft has just come to fruition.

The Red Reconnaissance Battalion, the Armored Infantry Company and the Tank Company of the Reorganized Mixed Battalion exchanged fire.

After firing a round of impact, the red armored integrated mixed battalion buried in the dark.

The location is exposed.

Start shifting the shock position again.

This instead gave Shi Jin a chance to breathe.

Concentrate firepower to kill them in one wave, and they have already rushed to the nearby red reconnaissance battalion. .

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