Rescue every wounded person.

Shi Jin put them all behind him.

The person in the back saw Shi Jin's military uniform with a cut.

Even his back was burned a large piece.

The blood and clothes have long been wrinkled together.

Those who were rescued by him shed tears in an instant.

Some people, after a period of healing, barely regained the ability to speak.

He kept talking, hoping Shi Jin could take a break.

Because no one is willing to see a soldier fall.

It's just that Shi Jin has an extremely firm belief in his mind at this time.

That is to take as many as possible, take as many as possible, and take the wounded out of this place.

There was an explosion at the scene.

There is a lot of poisonous gas in it.

I only need to delay for a second.

It is very possible that someone died because of this second.

It was just being stubborn, and then mechanically repeated the rescue action track.

As long as the unconscious person is found.

Just give these people first, first bring the simple gas masks that you just made.

We tried our best to drag the injured one by one to a safe place.

Three, nine, a dozen... Shi Jin couldn't remember how many he saved.

He felt deep down that he was going to give up.

There are many injuries on the body.

He didn't even have time to bandage himself.

Coupled with the exhaustion of physical energy, it is too powerful and brave.

Walking started early wobbly.

The wounded, who was safely sent to a safe area by him, kept crying and begged him to rest for a while.

But Shi Jin's response was just a slight shake and sigh.

He didn't have that much strength to speak anymore.

In the current situation, even if you wave your hand, you don't have any physical strength.

At the beginning, he could take a few out.

But at the end of the day.

Shi Jin could only lead them to the safe area one by one.

And there will be short breaks during the process.

The more physical energy loss.

The pain in the body feels heavier from the bottom of the heart.

About another ten minutes passed.

The other rescuers can be considered to have arrived.

Dozens of large trucks from the army and dozens of vehicles of firefighters surrounded the chemical plant that exploded with a bang.

Shi Jin looked at the rescuers running towards him.

Struggling to hold on to the wall.

He tried his best to point out the unrescued people over there.

However, he was really tired.

I haven't even had time to raise my hand.

Immediately afterwards, there was a whirlwind, and he collapsed to the ground in an instant.

Just when he was close to coma.

His mind resounded again, the mechanical system prompt.

As for what the system rewarded, he couldn't hear it.

He cursed secretly in his heart.

I completely lost consciousness.

When the officers and soldiers in the army ran up to him and helped Shi Jin up.

It was only then that he could see that his body had been damaged in many places.

The original color of the clothes has long been really invisible.

It was hot all over.

Being able to persist until now is definitely a miracle among miracles.

And a lieutenant colonel leading the team at the moment.

With tears in his eyes, he returned the salute to the unconscious Shi Jin.

"Brother, take a good rest and leave the rest to us."

The passing fire officers and soldiers also saluted Shi Jin in unison.

With their eyes on the other side, nearly 20 wounded were lying or sitting.

It is almost impossible to imagine, with so many wounded, how Shi Jin brought them out by himself.

After the ceremony.

The officers and soldiers of the army and firefighters at the scene rushed to the factory together.

Because the scale of this chemical plant is not large.

It's just that the previous few explosions were particularly tyrannical and brave.

Basically, there was no powerful explosives again, and there was an explosion.

It's all chemicals.

It's not easy to put out a fire

Rescue is the first key.


After Shi Jin fell into a coma.

Feeling yourself from the bottom of your heart is like having a long dream.

Then he woke up suddenly from his dream.

When I opened my eyes, I could smell the August 4th disinfectant.

Eyes stared at the whitewashed ceiling.

Consciousness awakened a little bit.

Think of the previous rescue operation, and think about the final coma.

Have you crossed over again?

Such ideas are just emerging.

first timing.

In Shi Jin's heart, a million grass mud Ouyang galloped by.

There was a jolt of emotion.

With great difficulty, I was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology.

It is rare to become an immigrant soldier.

With a group of good companions who are brothers and comrades-in-arms.

There are also one who admires his girlfriend.

This girl, if I wear it again.


That would be such a fool!

Just when he was full of thoughts.

The door of the ward was opened.

Shi Jin turned his head with difficulty and looked at the door.

It didn't matter, he was stunned for a moment.

Because no one else came in.

It was his mother, Su Ya.

The moment he saw his mother, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Eyes watching his son opened his eyes.

Su Ya hurried over and touched his forehead.

There was reproach and condemnation in the tone, and then slowly began to say with endless heartache:

"You child, why don't you take good care of your body!"

"Even if you're going to save people, it's still within your ability!"

"It doesn't matter, you have to risk your life."

"Originally I let you go to school well, but I couldn't see you every day."

"It's good to take it. Now I see you in the hospital."

"Do you know how scared your father and I were when we received the call?"

"You save people, Mom didn't say that, you are a soldier of our country, and saving people is what you should do."

"But, you must not ignore your own situation!"

"Look at how it's hurt."

Listen to the warm old way of my mother.

Shi Jin felt extremely comfortable, and took a long breath of relief.


The worst thing, in the end, did not happen.

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