I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

069. The New Method Confuses Everyone.

"The times have changed. Compared with World War II, especially in the early days, which country didn't rely on the method of concentrating tanks and launching blitzkrieg to win the overall victory?"

"Earlier than this, blitzkrieg was not recognized by traditional combat troops. It was not until the enemy was terrified that everyone recognized the power of tank blitzkrieg."

"Therefore, at noon today, what you said at noon today is to replace the training with the tomb, I think it is completely feasible.

"There is no need to worry about other aspects."

"As I told you just now, the commander of our integrated mixed brigade has been promoted to the deputy commander of the division a few years ago.

"As long as there is an integrated mixed battalion to be formed, he will definitely be the former commander of the integrated mixed battalion."

"Because other people, don't have the qualifications,"

"This time the Chief A above asked you to lead the reorganized mixed battalion.

"This is a good opportunity, I am very optimistic about you! As long as you need it, I will fully cooperate!"

Shi Jin nodded.

"I don't have a problem, I'm not confused about the rest of the training that follows the integrated mixed battalion.

"Because I have been discussing this topic for several years."

"I know very well that the integrated mixed battalion wants to form a combat force."

"It can only be achieved by strengthening the tacit understanding between the various elements, and the most important thing is the most efficient use of electronic information equipment.

"So the command system can be fully utilized, and the coordination accuracy between combat units will be improved."

"In this way, in the deployment of firepower, an absolute strike can be formed, and the power of the integrated mixed battalion can be truly revealed."

"Just now, the brigade commander has come down to comrades from the three companies of the engineering squadron, the aid company, and the support company soldiers, and they will all report.

"My plan is to transfer all the commanders and soldiers of the three companies of reconnaissance, artillery and engineering to the main station company"

"First train the commanders and soldiers so that they all get absolute experience in technical skills, and then they are compatible step by step, so as to achieve level-by-level training and smooth comprehension level by level.

"These people are all elites, and they are all drawn from the brigade's elites.

"They can find problems as quickly as possible and solve problems as quickly as possible."

"Using the top-down and smooth comprehension training method, we will improve the combination and command of each combat link in the entire reorganized mixed battalion.

Hearing what Shi Jin said, Duan Hongwu nodded in agreement.

"Today, according to your request, I gathered all the squad leaders in our brigade and talked with them.

"In terms of thinking, 24 these people are all excellent, and there is no problem."

"But there is one thing that all commanders and soldiers are most concerned about."

"What everyone cares about and hopes most is to be able to truly prove themselves, and to be able to truly make the appearance of the reorganized mixed camp."

"I hope that our reorganized mixed battalion has a number and a code name that belongs to us."

"At the same time, we hope that we will reorganize the mixed battalion and have our own battalion flag."

"Otherwise, everyone is like a lost child, even though they are walking on the road, they have no sense of belonging.

"Everyone will have a sense of crisis that they may return to the old army at any time."

"In terms of thinking, I can be responsible for persuasion."

"But in terms of military operations, Battalion Commander, you have to work harder!"

Shi Jin smiled and nodded in agreement.

"no problem."

"I must not just sit back and watch our reorganized mixed camp eventually disintegrate.

"It's too late, let's not talk."

"Go back and rest."

"Tomorrow morning, soldiers from three companies are coming."

"Let's allocate all the tanks in the inner vehicle artillery field, and start training directly at noon tomorrow."

"Catch the problem first, and then solve the problem step by step."

There are ideological issues between officers and soldiers in command and combat.

In fact, Shi Jin already had a basic understanding of it.

before lights out

Armored company commander.

Artillery company commander.

Tank company commander.

All three of them also sent their checks to Shi Jin's office.

Shi Jin checked it carefully.

Say yes to check.

In fact, it is to let them write down their own plans and goals seriously.

These books are equivalent to military orders.

Even if these three people had never been company commanders before.

After this incident, I must know what the ultimate purpose of punishing them for running ten kilometers today is, and why they did it.

If you can't even think about such a simple question.

Then Shi Jin would not hesitate to directly return them to the original army.

Reinstall people.

If you are a company commander, at least you must have a normal mind, not to mention how smart you are, at least you must be able to see this.

The next day, early in the morning.

Morning exercise just ended.

It's not even half past breakfast.

Dozens of troop carriers arrived in a hurry to reorganize the mixed battalion station.

After Shi Jin and Duan Hongwu received the reminder message.

Check it out now.

Even Shi Jin had seen the mission document earlier.

I also understand how strong the reorganized mixed battalion is.

But when he saw.

When the three companies add up to about 600 people.

Still feeling a little surprised.

Shi Jin asked the deputy battalion commander to arrange accommodation for the soldiers.

And he took all his company commanders and returned to the battalion headquarters conference room together.

Some assigned work needs to be prepared before training.

Wait until all the company commanders of the six companies are in place.

Shi Jin knocked on the table.

"A lot of new comrades have come here today, so according to the usual practice, let me introduce myself first."

"My name is Shi Jin, the battalion commander of the mixed battalion."

"On behalf of the whole battalion, I welcome your arrival."

The company commanders of the six companies also stood up and introduced themselves.

Shi Jin reached out and put the documents next to him on the conference table.

"Now the six companies of the mixed battalion, the armored company, the support company, the aid company, the tank company, the engineering unit, and the artillery company are all in place.

"My plan is like this. We are short on time. During the mission, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Let's come in for a joint drill this ugly year."

"Look at the problems that exist."

"After the meeting is over, distribute all the weapons placed in the car artillery field."

"We reorganized the mixed battalion. It can be said that it is a battalion with very sufficient resources, whether it is manpower or weapons, it is very rich."

"So, in addition to my plan for the armored company to do its own battle plan, I also need to assign fighters to establish an infantry unit."

"The manager of this unit is still represented by the company commander."

"In addition, the tank company, like the armored company, also needs to form an infantry detachment."

"In the squad, everyone must carry portable anti-aircraft guns and assault rifles."

"The work of the artillery company is also similar. It needs to build on the current basis, build a medicine supply platoon, and arrange three supply vehicles to go to each company one by one.

"Other allocations are on these documents, everyone take a look at them."

"Here, I am emphasizing the aid company and the support company."

"I understand that you are all the best fighters selected from each company."

"After the meeting"

"All company commanders, you must conduct unified training for your fighters as soon as possible."

"Since you are all drafted elite fighters, then you must come out with the combat power that elite fighters should have.

"So I decided to assist the company to take on the air defense mission of our mixed battalion.

PGZ95 self-propelled artillery and Flying Leopard 10A short-range anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle, early warning radio detection and ranging radio locator vehicle and command vehicle.

"All will go to your Aid Company."

"This is very different from other integrated mixed camps."

"Our reorganized mixed battalion is a war company! The tasks of support and assistance will be uniformly arranged in the engineering unit."

"If we talk about when the war starts, then 9 of our 6 companies are war companies!"

"This is where one hair moves the whole body, forming absolute combat power."

"The support company should remember that your responsibilities are very important. You must be responsible for reconnaissance missions, command vehicles, radio detection and ranging radio locator detection vehicles, wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicles, and remote-controlled aircraft."

"These will be assigned to your security company."

"I hope you realize how heavy your responsibilities are. You are the eyes of our reorganized mixed camp and the ears of our reorganized mixed camp!!"

"Do you understand everything?"

Shi Jin sat at the conference table.

It was as if the brain of Guantian Jedi had spoken out all the distribution plans one by one.

However, at this time, the six company commanders sitting below were a little dumbfounded.

They were all transferred from the integrated mixed army.

This is not the case with the reorganization and mixed army.

If the task of a combat company is too single.

So what's the difference between when it's synthetic and when it's not?

In the end, isn't it just that the tanks are busy with the tank company, and the anti-aircraft artillery is busy with the anti-aircraft artillery regiment?

Isn't this just fighting each other?

Can't find the essence of the blend at all.

For example.

If you follow this method.

If the enemy attacked the aid company.

Then the entire reorganized mixed battalion instantly lost the ability to dominate the air. If the enemy successfully sniped the support company.

The whole reorganized mixed battalion will also become like a blind man, who doesn't know how to fight at all?

Everyone is a little confused by Shi Jin's words.

I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the battalion commander's gourd?

The eyes looked at the astonishment of all the people present.

Shi Jin waved his hand.

"If there is no problem, let's end the meeting."

"Follow this order and fulfill it"

"In the morning, I will supervise everyone to come to a war test."

"Okay, let's all go back."

Regarding the arrangement of the battalion commander.

Although the six company commanders were somewhat skeptical.

Yet they also had to admit it.

When a battle company is responsible for fulfilling a single combat mission, it is indeed the most efficient and the easiest, and it can even form an extremely favorable combat power in the shortest time.

But to be honest, there has never been a standard answer, or a unified understanding, of the army's views on the reorganization of the mixed battalion.

The integrated mixed battalion of the armored brigade is generally arranged in three or tank companies.

Then on this basis, arrange two armored companies.

In addition, the conventional artillery detachment, engineering detachment, and support detachment are formed together.

The integrated mixed battalion of the mechanized infantry brigade then became 3 to 4 armored companies.

There are 2 or 3 tank companies.

In addition, the specific arrangements for the soldiers of the artillery detachment, engineering detachment and support detachment are also different.

How to assemble the mixed camp.

The key depends on whether the commander leading this team can make this army unleash its combat power!

War is the only criterion for testing.

A truly integrated and mixed battalion on an institutional scale.

Really pulled down on the battlefield.

It is extremely easy to destroy an earlier regiment.

Even in the military exercises a few years ago, there were cases.

It is normal for a reorganized mixed battalion to be wiped out directly, and a mechanized infantry brigade for the Red Army.

Regarding the equipment of the integrated mixed battalion.

These 6 company commanders are still very confident.

In addition to such common troop arrangements, there are even helicopter squadrons arranged on this road.

In this way, the reorganized mixed battalion has the ability to make high-altitude raids.

In addition, the existence of the special warfare unit also has a very positive meaning.

This is equivalent to an electronic confrontation unit that can be moved at any time.

It is only a limit of 40 kilometers to break through the combat range of the reorganized mixed battalion.

Instructor Duan Hongwu saw the meeting adjourned.

The company commanders of the company have already gone down to start preparations.

He turned around and looked at Shi Jin.

"battalion commander.

This class performs a single combat mission.

At that time, the brigade commander will come to check and accept.

Is something bad going to happen?"

"If you follow this kind of training, the speed in the early stage is indeed fast, but it may be very troublesome in the later stage!"

Shi Jin smiled and shook with a sigh.

"Don't worry, it's 460.

No problem. "

"With the continuous development of science and technology, the combat forces of new combat companies such as the Army Aviation Corps, electronic invasion and mine detection, and remote-controlled aircraft will become more and more common."

"This is equivalent to deploying in advance and going through training that we can guide.

"Then it will be possible to interpenetrate, integrate and cooperate with each other between professional units and arms."

"Some of these things have a place to grind."

"For example."

"Just like our current tank company, for example, Xiaoling asked them to form a howitzer squad, artillery platoon, anti-aircraft machine gun platoon, fire-breathing squad and logistics unit."

"They'll do that very well and very quickly.

"However, when we actually got to the battlefield, we couldn't exert any power at all, and we couldn't exert the synthetic power at all."

"That's more than worth the candle."

"Our company commanders have experience in reorganizing mixed tactics, but now the whole army doesn't have it. They have brought out a successful case of a firepower company."

"As for how to strengthen this, the above Shou-a Changjin is also constantly exploring and groping.

"Then let's allocate according to the most suitable situation now."

"Make things the simplest and easiest to integrate, and then compile everything that needs to be compiled."

"If you just do things according to the materials, it will be too rigid, such as comparing with those reorganized mixed camps that have already formed an organizational scale.

"It is not good to include both what should be edited and what should not be edited. It will be cumbersome for the effective deployment of combat operations, and it will bring a burden to the entire reorganized mixed battalion.

Instructor Duan Hongwu nodded.

That being said, it passed. Now for them.

The most important thing is to have war power first.

If it's a month's time.

If the reorganized mixed battalion is still fighting in a mess.

In the face of the simplest tough battle, you can't hit the scale.

The leaders above will definitely announce the disbandment of the reorganized mixed battalion directly.

So much manpower and material resources have been spent, but nothing can be done in the end. What a waste of military expenditures?

The chief a can't see how difficult you are.

How hard your way is.

These are all fake and meaningless.

What the military wants to see is the result.

It turned out right.

That is both hard work and credit.

If the result is not correct, and it takes so many resources and fails, then no matter how much you talk about it, it will be useless.

Shi Jin was drinking tea in the conference room.

While considering the various situations that may arise during the drill.

Now the virtual terminal is not over yet.

All the problems can only be considered by oneself at present.

Chief A above put a lot of effort into the reorganization of the mixed battalion.

No matter how much ammunition is needed for military exercises, as long as the application is submitted, it will be approved immediately.

In the face of such vigorous support.

If the reorganized mixed battalion cannot form an orderly fire attack within a month.

Then there is no need for the Chief A above to order the disbandment. .

Shi Jin himself is too embarrassed to stay here, so just take the blame and resign!.

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