I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

075. The Aviation Soldiers Are Dumbfounded. Why Are They Here To Grab Business? !

Shi Jin's kind of freewheeling approach.

It got the favor of many fighters at the scene.

All stood here laughing and waiting for the result.

Some fighters also started chatting with Shi Jin.

Sometimes the gap between men is so easy to be opened.

When we have a contradiction, then the best way to resolve this contradiction is.

We have greater conflicts with other people.

So, to a certain extent, Shi Jin really wants to thank the helicopter squadron for this flight instructor.

Shi Jin actually thought long ago that these flight instructors would have conflicts with the brothers in the reorganized mixed battalion.

This is basically certain.

Because the food, clothing, housing and transportation of flight instructors must be the best among all the armies.

Even the special forces are far inferior.

If the daily meal expenses of the regular troops are 7 fast, the daily meal expenses of the special forces are 38 fast, and the food expenses of military dogs are 68 fast, then the meal expenses of the flight instructors are 88 fast!

It is the only unit in the entire army that has a dog squad leader that is good!

Sometimes the beef and chicken chops of Squad Leader Dog are "shared" and greatly discounted.

Theirs won't, it could even be said, when there are special missions.

They can eat anything like Australian lobster, king crab, and geoduck until they vomit.

This is where their arrogance lies, and why it is said that training an excellent flight instructor is more expensive than the armed helicopters they drive.

Among the whole army.

The only thing that can touch them in this respect is that when the naval ships and soldiers land, they can touch them.

Others, whether you are a special force or a brigade commander, you can't compare.

The food in the reorganized mixed camp was not bad either.

After all, the reorganized mixed battalion is an army that has just been formed.

Not even a real serial number.

In addition, the integrated mixed battalion is the configuration of the battalion.

This suddenly gathered almost 1300 people. The accommodation conditions of the "May 67" are really not up to par, even slightly worse than the regular troops.

The accommodation cannot keep up, and the food conditions have just been established, and it is not much better, not at all meeting the requirements of the flight instructor.

There is still a gap between the food expenses of 88 a day and the food expenses of 7 fast a day.

Conflicts happen sooner or later.

Even if you don't make trouble now.

In the evening or tomorrow morning, there will definitely be troubles.

From the perspective of the armored troops, battalion commanders live and eat with us, why are your flight instructors so precious?

Don't eat this one, can't live with that one?

From the point of view of the flight instructors, our 88 speed is the daily standard, which is set by the Military Commission. Why did it become 7 fast?

The armored troops think that the flight instructors are the transformed princes and princesses of the city.

The flight instructors felt that these people in the armored force were country bumpkins who hadn't eaten good food and seen the world.

These two are arranged together, eat and live together, it's no wonder they don't make trouble.

Shi Jin waited for almost 3,5 minutes.

I reckon that the fight should be about the same. People in the army fight with evil intentions. They are not like those gangsters in the society who shout for a long time not to do anything.

People in the army fought with each other, so if you can do it, don't quarrel.

Seeing that it was almost time, Shi Jin drove a big jeep, humming a little tune, and went to the dormitory area.

Before getting into the car, he waved to the soldiers behind him.

"What are you doing in a daze?"

"If you want to watch the fun, follow along, if you don't want to watch, just wait at the training base."

I heard the battalion commander say so.

Then there are those who don't want to watch the fun.

Life in the barracks is dull and boring, except for training every day, it is training.

After all, it was a bit turbulent, and no one wanted to let it go.

Just run behind the jeep!

Shi Jin ignored them and drove to the dormitory.

From a distance, several ground fighters from the helicopter squadron could be seen pulling the flight instructor.

Still want to fight again.

Squadron leader Gao Xiang is scolding something.

And here.

Song Wushuang, the commander of the armored company, also restrained his power to stop the battle of the armored company.


It seems that both sides are quite restrained.

Shi Jin drove the car and honked the horn for a long time.

Then a Shenlong flicked its tail.

Park the jeep aside.

He got out of the car with a serious and cold face, looked at the people on both sides and said coldly.

"Let's talk about it seriously, what's going on here?"

"Why, it's just arranging a dormitory, can we still fight?"

"If you can't tell.

Everyone put me in confinement! Write a review!"

"You guys choose, is it a 120,000-word check, or clarifying things?"

I heard that I had to write a 120,000-word inspection.

The faces of the soldiers at the scene turned green.

120,000 words, this is a novel..

Confinement, it can be said that it is a place where the army goes to wrong battles,

It's just people who have been locked up.

They can all feel the mental torture brought by that kind of tranquility.

That would be worse than being beaten.

I could see the battalion commander coming.

There was still some chaos at the scene, but it just quieted down in an instant.

But at this moment, no one spoke.

No matter whose fault it is.

One thing is clear to the fighters that it is wrong to fight.

If at this time, someone really stood up and explained the matter clearly from beginning to end.

That will make people feel that this is a small report, which is despised by others.

Song Wushuang lowered his head and did not speak.

Gao Xiang also shut his mouth tightly in shame.

Neither of them said a word.

Shi Jin nodded.


It’s still quite righteous, isn’t it?”

If you don't want to say it, then don't say it.

Just now, who did it?

Get out!"

Song Wushuang came out with a few soldiers from the armored company.

On the opposite side, four flight instructors also stood up.

In fact, there is no need for him to stand up.

Shi Jin could also see that it was a few of them who did it.

There were still footprints on the trousers and clothes.

Every face was blue and purple.

If it were said that these few people did not fight, no one would believe it.

Shi Jin nodded.


My soldiers are amazing, as expected of the company commander of an armored company, they have already taken the lead in fighting.

It seems that the howitzer vehicle is too light to hold you down, right?"

That's really capable.

You can't finish using all your strength, can you?

That's fine, then I'll find you some exciting entertainment, and immediately gather all the soldiers of the armored company for me.

Ten kilometers off-road!

When did you realize that you were wrong, when will you give it to me!"

Shi Jin just finished speaking.

Gao Xiang stood up immediately.

"battalion commander.

You misunderstood, this is not Company Commander Song's problem. "

"It's me, it's the brother I didn't manage.

He spoke badly and contradicted Company Commander Song.

This led to the conflict. "

"It's 10 kilometers off-road, let me do it!"

"It will never work.

team leader!

You can't go!!"

Gao Xiang's words have not yet fallen

A flight instructor behind him stepped forward.

"Why do you ask them to be punished? Am I wrong? I am not talking nonsense?"

"The dormitory here, is that the place where people live?

It’s a mess, and it’s still leaning on the dry toilet!”

"This is incomparable to our environment in the brigade!"

"Our daily training pressure is huge, we have to perform various flight missions, and we have to train with the troops."

"Eat, I'm prepared if I don't eat well, so forget it."

"But if you don't live well, don't have a good rest, and when you fly the plane, one gets sleepy and a little bit slack, who can bear the mistakes?"

"To put it lightly, the plane stuck its head on the ground, and we sacrificed. To put it seriously, if a missile is sent directly to your camp, who can bear the loss?"

"This kind of thing has never happened to flight instructors from various countries!"

"Anyway, I can't stand the accommodation conditions!"

"Shut up!"

Gao Xiang let out a cry of icy coldness.

He stopped him from continuing to speak.

"When we came, how did Chief A explain?"

"After arriving at this place, the fighters of the integrated mixed battalion.

All actions are subject to command. "

Shi Jin stood aside and nodded.

It seems that it is not bad at all with what he speculated.

These flight instructors, as expected, clashed because they did not hide the accommodation conditions.

"There's no way to train together, right?

"May I have your name?"

" Lin Zihao.

I understand that you are the battalion commander of the integrated mixed battalion.

But do you know how we are treated in the brigade?

As far as the current accommodation conditions are concerned, we really cannot agree.

There is no way to train together!"

"There is no other way, join the battle together!"

Shi Jin's face turned cold.

Slowly walked to these flight instructors.

"What do you guys think?"

"Who else is like him, unable to eat and live together, train together, and perform tasks together?"

"Everyone stand up."

Originally, after hearing Shi Jin's words, several people were eager to try.

Ready to stand up together.

It's just that Gao Xiang stood in front of them and glared at them fiercely.

Those few people didn't dare to move for the first time.

They are indeed very arrogant, and they can ignore the battalion commander.

Don't even take the other chiefs to heart.

But absolutely dare not resist, their captain's order.

Eyes watching no one move.

Shi Jin nodded.


"Liu Jinbo.

Submit Lin Zihao's name to the brigade headquarters. "

"Let's just say that this soldier couldn't adapt to the life of the integrated mixed battalion.

The accommodation conditions here are unacceptable. "

"Return Lin Zihao's original place!!"

But at the moment, he was on the other side, following a group of soldiers to watch the enthusiastic Liu Jinbo.

Immediately excited.

After yelling "arrival" loudly, he immediately pretended to be going back to the battalion headquarters.

He was by Shi's side all day long.

Of course, he understands his chief very well, and he did this to scare off these arrogant soldiers.

In fact...

And exactly so.

It's less than two o'clock in the reorganized mixed camp.

was sent back.

And he was the only soldier in the battalion who was sent back.

Such shame.

Don't say that he can't stand a flight instructor who is so proud to the bone, it's just an ordinary fighter, he can't bear it.

All Shi Jin has to do is to kill his arrogance,

This is like boiling an eagle, you must boil away his arrogance before he can be obedient!

He didn't have that much time, and he had to solve the problem of the entire helicopter squadron in one go.

Otherwise, follow-up training will be troublesome.

Hear Shi Jin's results plan.

All the fighters in the helicopter squadron changed immediately.

Return to the original army.

It's better to put them in confinement directly.

They were originally the entire squadron, and they were transferred collectively.

If you return it, don't say it's embarrassing or not.

The problem is that the Army Aviation Corps has no place for them anymore.

Lin Zihao panicked even more.

If it was sent back because of this, let the captain understand that he was the one who started the incident on the side of the reorganized mixed battalion.

Immediately after that, it is possible to ban him from flying for half a year!

Let him come because there are too many masters in the Army Aviation Brigade, and it is difficult to promote the military rank, which specifically gives him a channel and opportunity for promotion.

It was originally a matter of taking care of him, but in the end, he was forced to play and smash it, not to mention embarrassing to the Army Aviation Brigade!

How can he bear it?

The Army Aviation Brigade's punishment for flight instructors' mistakes far exceeds that of the regular army for most soldiers.

If most of the fighters have a problem during training? If they die, they will be trained.

Three days of confinement would be a big deal.

But if the flight instructor pilots the fighter without authorization during the training.

Experiment with difficult action trajectories.

Whether successful or not.

will be severely punished.

The Army Aviation Brigade has spent so much military expenditure and energy training them.

If you can't go into battle, you will still mess up, and even go to the reorganized mixed camp to make trouble.

Even if this is not a principled mistake during the flight, it is very possible to be banned from flying for half a year or a year by the captain!

From then on, he was completely finished.

Shi Jin naturally understood what would happen if these guys were sent back.


Under normal circumstances, he can't do this either.


The head of the integrated brigade will think that he is not capable as a battalion commander, and when encountering problems, he will only use the method of returning to the old army to restrain people.

He can't even control a single soldier under his own hands.

This is not a good thing either.

Seeing the situation, Gao Xiang quickly came to Shi Jin's side.

"battalion commander.

Please give him another chance. "

"I am his captain, I guarantee that he will not be able to mess up again!

"If he is still guilty.

Then I, the captain, will also be punished together.”

Please battalion commander, your lord has a lot, give him another chance, he is not sensible, don't be as knowledgeable as him.

Shi Jin turned around and took a serious look at the several flight instructors, all of whom had the aura of rage rampaging across the world.

5.2 I understand that the heat is not in place.

Since we need to sort it out.

Then you have to sort it out until you are convinced.


It is almost impossible to complete collaborative training.

Shi Jin thumped Gao Xiang's chest.

Slowly began to say in a low voice:

"How could I, really, he gave it back.

It's just scaring and scaring, that's all. "

"You, the captain, should be more aware of the arrogance of the flight instructor than I am."

"I don't bang and bang them.

How are we going to train later?"

Gao Xiang seemed to react in a silly way.

The eyes looked at the relaxed smile on Shi Jin's face.

For the first time, my heart warmed up.

Lin Zihao in the rear thought the captain was lowering his head.

For being so humble.

Just a moment of anger.

"Go back, go back!

I have nothing to be afraid of when I die!

Captain, don't humble yourself to him, it's not worth it!

"I also told you that the latest armed helicopters are docked at the training base.

Everyone in the camp counts as one. "

"Who is capable of driving?"

After Lin Zihao finished speaking.

He looked contemptuously at all the people nearby.

Before Shi Jin could speak.

Qin Long, the captain of the special forces, jumped out of a soldier next to him happily


I will drive!

I'm so fucking crazy, just this gunship, it's as difficult as you say!

Not only I can drive, our captain can also drive!"

"Don't talk about our captain, these 10 brothers in our special forces can all drive!"

"Let me tell you, it's not just our special forces who can drive.

"As long as our battalion commander can drive it!"

"By the way, Battalion Commander, it happens that this brother is leaving, so you can directly assign this armed helicopter to our special forces!"

"We promise to play it clearly for you!"

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