I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

077. The New Strategic Combination Stunned The Old Iron!

After walking out of the office.

Shi Jin then continued to optimize, reorganize the basic principles of mixed combat, and compile and revise combat deployment.

Time passed very quickly, and then came the afternoon of the next day.

That means this is, Shi Jin.

It was the afternoon of the fourth day of reporting on the reorganized mixed camp.

He is supervising the training progress of the soldiers of each company on the training base.

After these two days of non-stop gradually adapting.

The soldiers between each company and the company have already formed the initial form of coordinated combat.

Not as it used to be.

Even if the people around you don't understand what they call.

I don't understand any specialties.

The recruited people, as long as they get to know each other, can quickly cooperate with each other to fight a small-scale war exercise.

Just when Shi Jin supervised.

Someone from the battalion headquarters told him that the informationized combat system has been fully structured.

The integrated command is used as a war room, which can now be put into use.

Shi Jin looked happy.

Drive very quickly back to the battalion headquarters as a combat command and control center for inspection.

Shi Jin waited for this moment for too long, and quickly came to the command and control center.

Engineer Lu Weizhi compared the settings of the command and control center with a smile.

Shi Jin looked at the advanced information equipment in the room.

A number of integrated graphic displays constitute a precise information control system for fire control and battlefield information acquisition.

Walk through these digitized screens.

From now on, you can stand in the command and control center and direct the soldiers of the entire integrated mixed battalion to conduct training.

The information monitored by the remote-controlled aircraft dispatched by the support support company will not only be released into each armored vehicle.

And in the command room of the battalion headquarters, it can also be seen very clearly.

It is only necessary to mark the position of the target on the informationized combat system.

The visualization system of all armored vehicles can be seen.

Both armored vehicles and helicopters are equipped with integrated displays.

Install electronic information radio stations and radio vehicle broadband collection.

Equipped with Beidou satellite positioning and real-time positioning and navigation.

Just get to the battlefield.

The system can also actively identify friend or foe.

Now this set of informationized combat system has been constructed.

It is enough to realize the networking from the headquarters to the basic principles of individual combat and information terminals for combat deployment.

Standing in the command and control center, you can actually observe all kinds of information about each individual soldier on the line of fire.

Individual soldiers can also access satellite reconnaissance information, as well as the real-time location of other drilling and training teams.

No Shi Jin advocates order.

In case of encountering an enemy situation.

Any individual soldier can call for firepower to focus on coverage.

It has really achieved the realization of information sharing and reorganization and mixed operations of different arms. His eyes looked at Shi Jin's satisfied mood.

The engineer Lu Weizhi stood beside him and nodded.

"Battalion Commander, all elements of the tomb have been increased long ago.

"We can now proceed with the war tomb. :"

"There are two kinds of troops in the world."

"One is a modern army that understands the binary system, and the other is the old and wrong living in the decimal system.

"If you want to fight on the battlefield, let's fight with this flexible and informatized army."

"The modern warfare that I don't understand is a completely crushed existence."

Shi Jin also nodded.

The informationized combat system architecture is over.

That is the cradle of the vast god of land warfare.

He has a certain confidence in the shortest possible time.

Form the reorganized and mixed battalion into an overlord of the army

Because it's getting late.

Shi Jin didn't give way anymore, and the fighters of the entire integrated mixed battalion immediately started a coordinated exercise.

Instead, he is manipulating the informationized combat system, and began to rehearse the basic principles of simulated combat and combat deployment.


The reorganization of the mixed battalion has already been in place one by one.

The construction of electronic informatization has also been done well.

Shi Jin began to use the basic principles of simulated combat and combat deployment training to discuss how many differences there are in actual combat.

How should the advantages of electronic informatization be manifested.

The confidence to win the future is immediately there.

In recent days at the training base, I have watched the training of the soldiers of the entire integrated mixed battalion.

I also tried one or two sieges to destroy the annihilation battle.

Shi Jin had an initial understanding of the combat power of the integrated mixed battalion.

Walking through the tomb plans to trade one after another.

Then the most perfect combat basic principles and combat deployments of siege, destruction and annihilation can be evolved as soon as possible.

For different terrains.

Enemy difference.

Come up with a plan of attack.

However, it is applied to actual combat exercises at a very fast speed.

Shi Jin is controlling the tomb plan to attack the city and destroy the annihilation exercise.

Walking through the screen of the visualization system, it can be seen that the planned firepower of the entire reorganized mixed battalion is hitting the target at a high speed.

But all the people present looked and looked, and found something was wrong!

Shi Jin specially let the tanks and armored vehicles shoot indirect while moving.

But he actually made the miraculous operation that the tank was used as a cannon, and he was suppressing the target's firepower.

Many people at the command and control center felt surprised.

Even those on the Special Forces squad had to be shocked.

Tanks and armored vehicles have always felt from the bottom of their hearts that they are either charging or falling into battle.

In the case of being quick and agile.

Can you still do indirect shooting?

This kind of approach really makes people feel a little incredible, which forms an enveloping attack on the enemy's firepower.

However, it is theoretically possible to control the simulated time.

Really applied to actual combat.

It is almost impossible to use a tank as a cannon.

The basic combat principles and combat deployment of the Synthetic Battalion have always been that artillery vehicles are in the rear.

Tanks and armored vehicles attacked under the pressure of artillery vehicles. Coordinated air fire assistance then follows.

Destroy the target's firepower deployment in the shortest possible time.

Instructor Duan Hongwu frowned very quickly after seeing this kind of tomb plan.

"Battalion Commander, the direct aim of this tank has been changed to an indirect aim. The control is too difficult and unbelievable. There is no possibility of passing it in actual combat." "

"Changing to indirect sight while on the move is likely to greatly improve the flexibility of combat. It is still unrealistic to use it similarly to how a tank evolves into a cannon."

Shi Jin smiled slightly.

"Well, that's not to say it's absolutely unrealistic.

Because indirect aiming does not need to be aimed at the target very quickly, it can be said that the biggest advantage is that it is not affected by the visibility of the battlefield. "

"It is difficult to form effective lethality."

"However, have you ever thought about another possibility, which is to rely on the electronic information command system for regulation.

You can achieve instant aiming, so you can get the upper hand in the war. "

"To the greatest extent, it can reduce the positions where the output of firepower is exposed.

"Actually, we can think about it. The benefits of doing this are that tank direct aiming and indirect aiming have actually appeared in previous military exercises."

"And to tell you the truth, I didn't start this aspect on a whim. In fact, I have also discussed this aspect of the subject.

"The textbooks of the National University of Defense Technology also contain common sense in this regard."

"Coupled with the blessing of the rare digitization system, the daily schedule can be realized."

"There is no precedent for the electronic information synthesis camp to learn from, so we have to study it ourselves.

"To create more styles of play!"

"The reorganized mixed battalion may be ordered by the chief to put it into the joint military exercise at any moment.

"We can't afford to wait, and we can't wait."

"So, according to the current situation, we not only need to be prepared at all times, but also to conduct more tactical discussions at all times.

"Any beneficial attempt must be taken on the initiative, and it's okay to take a big step."

"Now, with the help of the information system terminal, we can take a bigger step, so that we won't get into trouble.

"Not only will it not be trivial, but it will also strengthen our defense and active offense.

"As long as we make a breakthrough, we may achieve a reversible advantage in the grand contest of military exercises!"

All the people present in the command and control center made such expressions.

Shi Jin walked through the tomb after the intended impact.

The effect of the tomb is far more than that, and even to a certain extent, it can be said to be crushing.

Originally everyone worked out the battle plan.

Don't think this is just a small change.

But the people present are all those who have gone through countless martial arts competitions and military performances, and they know how powerful it is.

It can be said that as long as it is applied properly.

A tank that accepts indirect fire is completely comparable to the deterrence of an artillery.

If it occurs within a certain stage, when a certain decision is entered. No additional power is required.

Synthetic Battalions can be promoted by suppressing firepower.

This is the existence of a killer feature.

It can even be said that the existence of the battlefield is reversed.

Let's put it this way, if his ability to take responsibility is used in small-scale conflicts.

There is even no need to use the artillery company at all, it is just a coordinated battle between the tank company and the armored infantry company.

It can directly destroy the firepower deployment of the target to carry out key strikes on our side.

You don't have to be as passive as before.

The role of these two companies is to carry the artillery fire and rampage.

But ideal thinking belongs to ideal thinking. Time to actually implement it.

Shi Jin also understands that it's not that simple.

Because among the many tank shooters assigned, in their cognition,

The role of tanks has long been ingrained.

That is going through fire and water.

Facing indirect shooting requirements. Most people have to be directly confused.

Because I have never fought before, and no one has taught me how to fight like this.

It's not that I'm afraid, but that there has never been a case like this, and it's so grandiose that no one has any idea.

In case something goes wrong, who is responsible is a big problem.

Shi Jin is also a hothead. The tomb is being planned here.

They immediately arranged for people to call the company commanders of the armored infantry company and the tank company over.

Then I personally handed over a task of tackling key problems to this tease

And let them hurry up and do it the next day, and teach everyone to practice.

Together with the cannon and the backbone, we groped for the calculation method of indirect shooting.

And asked to be an engineer in the combat command and control center.

At this time, transform the electronic information into the battalion fire command system, and then put the tanks.

There are also tanks of all levels, similar to self-propelled howitzers, which are connected to the artillery detection system.

Reasonable application of all firepower output.

After the end of the tomb here.

Shi Jin immediately gathered all the company commanders of the combat companies into the conference room.

Combining and forming a synthetic battalion strategy

Research team.

Combat basic principles of communication equipment and technical functions of combat deployment.

Explore the formation of troops when the combined battalion performs different tasks in the future.

Command liaison, fire coordination, etc.

And Shi Jin's next remaining task is.

In the shortest period of time, a vast number of information warfare cases were collected. Establish a combat database.

Including but not limited to the deployment of troops, mountains, rivers, oceans, plains, etc. are common in complex terrain.

And more than dozens of data information such as thunderstorm, snowstorm, storm, and violent weather.

Provide detailed data for all battalion commanders to deduce and study the combat process.

This busy one is over.

It was nearly night.

Wait until everyone comes out of the conference room. Shi Jin stretched his body lazily.

Stand upstairs.

Spread your hands on the railing and look into the distance with sharp eyes.

In my heart, I miss my star girlfriend, and I also miss my classmate's good (good friend Zhao) friend for four years.

It's only been four days since I came to the reorganized mixed camp.

It seems that it has been more than four years in the military school.

Carrying the rank of major.

Served as the battalion commander of the reorganized mixed battalion.

This radiant aura is like a rainbow-like aura added to the body.

So many people are envious.

But the real fatigue, no one can understand. His eyes looked at Shi Jin standing there in a daze.

Instructor Duan Hongwu smiled and leaned on the railing next to him.

~How do you feel?"

"Do you feel tired from the bottom of your heart?"

"At the meeting just now, you suggested that all the people present set up a research team on the basic principles of combat and combat deployment of the synthetic battalion."

"And he was the first to list several new strategies of play.

"I can see that the company commanders of several companies are very enthusiastic."

"Especially the armored infantry company and the tank company. This strategic deployment is of great help to their two companies, and it is also very helpful.

These two people were very excited, and they were about to issue a military order immediately. "

"To be honest, I said, "Although I asked to be transferred."

"But what's happening ahead, I've never been optimistic about the prospect of reorganizing the mixed battalion."

"The basic principles of synthetic combat and combat deployment have always been explored and improved."

"A lot of troops still have the electronic information battlefield, the shadow of the old army's style of play."

"Leading an integrated mixed battalion is easier said than done."

"But you can also feel what kind of personality I am. I never hide things, and tell the truth, never until now."

"I really believe that the reorganization of the mixed battalion will be successful.

"Now before I think about it, as a coach, I don't even have confidence. Isn't it funny?"


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