I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

080. There Are 5 Days Left, The Last 5 Days!

Wang Aiguo waved his hand.

"Let's go, hurry up and train after you go back."

"I understand that your training has been particularly effective recently."

"Therefore I am willing to give you another ten days."

"But if the time comes, the results of the actual combat exercise don't satisfy me."

"Then I can only arrange it when the time comes, and order all combat personnel to return to their original troops.

"Because the whole army's joint large-scale military exercise is exactly the time to reveal the war capabilities of our reorganized army.

"Even the chief above must not be able to agree, there is a troop that is holding back."

"Let's go back."


Shi Jin returned the gift.

He turned around and walked out of Chief A's office.

The notice of the military exercise this time came too suddenly.

He really doesn't have too much mastery to show his due ability on the battlefield.

The entire reorganized mixed camp up and down.

It can be said that he, the battalion commander, has not participated in military exercises.

And he happened to be the military officer who led the entire mixed battalion to fight.

It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no pressure.

But this is the only chance he can seize.

If the reorganization and mixed camps are disbanded.

The two years after graduation will pass by in a hurry.

So no matter how much pressure there is to go on.

We drove back to the battalion headquarters together.

Clerk Liu Jinbo heard the sound of a car.

Hastily ran out to check. Shi Jin waved his hand.

"Go, notify all the military backbones of the entire integrated camp to meet in the meeting room.

Liu Jinbo wanted to ask why he was so anxious.

But seeing the battalion commander's serious mood.

It's not easy to ask.

"Eight Six Seven" ran away.

To inform the meeting.

Basically, a special clock has passed.

All the military backbones of the entire reorganized mixed battalion were gathered in the battalion headquarters conference room.

Shi Jin glanced around with a solemn expression.

"Comrades, I have just returned from brigade headquarters."

"Combined with large military exercises, the battlefield will be officially thrown away in half a month."

"The code name for this operation is: Burning Heaven."

"This military exercise is a large-scale strategic military exercise coordinated by the whole army."

"Chief A gave us a criminal performance! After 10, he will come over to watch our live-fire drill in person."

"If you pass the test, you will go to the battlefield as the Fifth Reorganized Mixed Battalion."

"If you fail, then let's leave on the spot."

"So, for the rest of the time, each company will follow the training plan that took place ahead, and then continue to hone and cooperate in combat.

"I will also complete the new training content within 2 days."

"Before the new training syllabus came out, each combat team used their brains and tried everything possible."

"Set up ambushes and roadblocks on the training base to train the soldiers of the engineering team.

"Also, each combat unit strengthens the cleaning and maintenance of armored vehicles."

"We must ensure that after being put into the battlefield, it cannot be eliminated because of the elimination of some fighters.

"Armored vehicles are unmanned."

"In any case, it only needs to lose 1 point of combat power.

"The whole reorganized battalion will be unable to move an inch."

"Got it?


In the conference room, everyone immediately answered seriously.

This time, combined with the reminder information of the big military exercise, it came too suddenly.

After the battalion commander announced.

There are several people who feel from the bottom of their hearts that something is not quite true.

Many of them have participated in military exercises long ago.

There are even some officers who have joined numerous times.

They are naturally very clear. Training and fighting are not the same thing.

Although combat knows that training is for war.

But this also needs to have enough training time to measure.

And what they lack most now is time.

It turned out that Chief A also said so.

I'll be back in a month to check it out.

If you walk through.

The integrated mixed battalion can then continue to maintain the formation. You can also follow up to get a new number.

Now a month is gone. But the request is even more outrageous.

When talking about qi, it is said that as long as it forms a certain lethality within a month.

Then you can continue to keep the preparation.

But if it is said that today's requirements have become the standards that can meet the battlefield. this

The class difficulty is not at the same level at all. Not only Shi Jin felt the pressure from the bottom of his heart.

Not only him, but everyone else present also felt the urgency of time from the bottom of their hearts.

After the meeting.

The company commanders of each company directly canceled the lunch break.

Begin to strengthen the training of the basic principles of coordinated combat and combat deployment.

And the test of electronic information control.

By the time all the officers and soldiers of the mixed battalion were reorganized, they would have known about the big military exercise a long time ago.

The entire reorganized mixed battalion has a kind of solemnity full of murderous intent.

It makes people feel from the bottom of their hearts that the training atmosphere is different. It is more desperate than before.

Listening to the sound that can be heard from the training base far away.

Instructor Duan Hongwu sighed.

"This time the military exercise notice came, which is quite surprising."

"If you give us another month, it will definitely be much better than it is now."

"Ten days can hardly bring down the combat effectiveness of other integrated mixed battalions."

"Battalion Commander, are you really sure that you can make Commander A treat us differently?"

Shi Jin smiled wryly and sighed.

"As you said, it's not that simple."

"The other four integrated mixed battalions of the 3rd Synthetic Brigade are all veteran troops."

"It's been a few years since we've been working on codifying the fundamentals of hybrid combat and combat deployment."

"It's not that easy to bring our combat capabilities to an unimaginable level with them in a short period of time."

"Even if all the recruits from our side are experienced fighters, it may not work because of the probability.

"It's just that having said that, if you don't fight hard, then it's even more impossible."

"Even if the final result still can't make Chief A feel OK."

"That's better than breaking up now."

Duan Hongwu made such an expression.

That's true.

Hurry up and train, there are still ten days to buffer. If you dare not try.

Then don't say that there are only 10 days left, there is a high probability that everyone who is a person this afternoon will have to return to the original army.

The familiarity and tacit understanding between each other that have just been trained will disappear in smoke.

All the hard work of the past 20 days has been in vain.

Shi Jin dared not speak too much in front of everyone present.

But relying on his years of research on the basic principles of synthetic combat and combat deployment issues.

Plus the common sense rewarded by the system. targeted training. It must be able to take it down.

Former veterans, often say.

There are regiments and brigades on the top, and companies on the bottom.

This level of camp is the most comfortable.

If this kind of statement is put in the past.

It is indeed very convincing. But now in the era of informatization.

This kind of statement has long been a complete old imperial calendar.

Let's not talk about it. Let’s just talk about the past two years in particular.

Shi Jin learned about the reorganized mixed camp through various channels.

At the end of spring and the beginning of Xia.

All over the country, from grasslands to snow-capped mountains, from basins to plateaus, the heavy-duty integrated mixed battalion Leihuo Strikes, and the light integrated mixed battalion Swift-Cross.

The reorganized mixed battalion in the mountainous area is moving gracefully, and the mixed mixed battalion reorganized by air assault is aggressive in offense and defense.

Various new reorganized mixed battalions have appeared several times on the training ground.

Skill is not extraordinary.

Shi Jin connected the news of the barracks like brilliant stars scattered all over the world.

Let's take a look at the topics he has studied in the past few years.

It is not difficult to determine how big the gap between the current reorganization and mixed camps is.

The combat power is formed.

But I want to achieve an unbelievable level of uniformity with other integrated mixed camps.

It's not that simple.

The reorganization mixed battalion focuses on synthesis, but it is also difficult to synthesize.

Together, it is the strongest brain, three heads and six arms. If it doesn't fit together, it's still a mess. Destroyed.

The reorganization and mixed battalion under the new organization system has realized the reshaping and surpassing of force planning, personnel organization, equipment allocation, and element organization.

There are many types of arms and various types, and the combat styles are updated. Tasks are also more definitely diverse.

But I want Chief A to recognize them within ten days.

That is not a simple arrangement and combination of arms.

It is a new type of combat force composed of efficient control of the elements of various arms and smooth comprehension and application.

If you still stay in the old thinking and don't innovate.

Reorganized mixed camps will face the same problems as other reorganized mixed camps at the beginning of their establishment.

Not only can't play its due effect.

On the contrary, it will lead to fast response and slow response due to a large amount of property, which will lead to an increase in combat effectiveness. history

Today is very clear about the relationship between cattle and cattle.

After returning to the conference room, a new training session began.

Synthesis is nothing but complete in terms of preparation.

The synthesis of combat power is the ultimate goal.

To achieve the ability to fight, the focus is on winning battles.

The biggest problem with the current reorganization of the mixed battalion is that the depth and breadth of the synthesis have not yet reached the ideal form.

The sense of distance and strangeness between each other has not been completely eliminated. The gap between arms has not been fully bridged.

After all, the sense of tacit understanding of mutual understanding is still a bit short. This is like comparing a good boxer to most people. The reason is that the technical ability of the human body can be brought into full play to the limit.

The key point is that the long-term scientific training has resisted the formation of every bone and joint like the pressure of mountains. Removed excess meat and fat.

The close coordination of every part of the whole body has been realized.

The same reason.

The reorganization of the mixed camp must really be recognized by everyone.

It is also necessary to integrate every part of the whole body from top to bottom.

Without the combination of walking and gods, it is difficult to achieve success on the battlefield. It's just a combination of behavior and spirit.

The ability to truly achieve the unimaginable level of unity with other integrated mixed forces. Just to say it.

The most lacking thing for the reorganization of the mixed camp now is time.

While Shi Jin was training his troops, he had to find another way to jump. Therefore.

He plans to plan during the reorganized mixed camp practice. Practice the synthesis first.

Complete the upgrade conversion of combat power from addition to multiplication.

The engineering team belongs to the support team.

Shi Jin does not need to spend too much effort to cultivate this point.

Aviation Squadrons These are the fine squadrons of the Army Aviation Brigade. They are responsible for air supremacy, the force of air assault. The requirements for coordination are not so high.


This kind of troop squad is mainly responsible for special reconnaissance and detection tasks. The requirements for coordination are also not high. Really count it down.

Shi Jin must focus on the five companies of armored infantry company, tank company, artillery company, aid company, and support support company. As long as there are no problems with the five main battle companies. Collaborative party

The noodles can be done well.

Then the combat power of the entire integrated mixed battalion will increase exponentially. Shi Jin's next phase of training.

It is to put the center on the synthetic chain.

This is also one of the topics he discussed during the National Defense Science and Technology University.

The actual reorganization of the mixed battalion should start with the synthetic company.

The basic principles of synthetic combat and the combat deployment consultation team and Jingwu lecture hall formed some time ago.

Just to pave the way for this.

It's just that all the fighters in the entire integrated mixed battalion have a deep understanding of the basic principles of integrated mixed combat and combat deployment.

Only then can the work be done in place. Otherwise, tank archers only care about their own tasks.

The armor operator just minded his own business.

About how to reorganize and mix, and what is the reason for reorganizing and mixing, I don’t know anything about it.

Even Shi Jin has great ability. within a short time. He also couldn't bring out the reorganized mixed battalion.

Even if it can bring out 2.0, it constitutes a combat power.

Just go to the battlefield. After some battle damage.

The entire reorganized mixed battalion was paralyzed in an instant.

It is completely impossible to have a decent combat power.

This move is one move, one move at a time, to improve the combined quality and continuous combat ability.

Strengthen the synthetic company first with a standard that is stricter than actual combat and higher than actual combat.

The effect must be much better than the overall strengthening and reorganization of the mixed camp. It is only necessary to set specific tasks and action topics. Promote the primary synthesis ability and follow the system combat requirements.

Embed various new reorganized and mixed battalions into the combat system in a modular manner.

Get the most out of it.

Really let each combat unit and element play a systematic role.

Then the overall combat power of the reorganized mixed battalion will definitely improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

After Shi Jin put the new training plan into action. The entire reorganized mixed battalion immediately took the company as a unit.

Begin to perform various training tasks. In order to seize the time to exercise. Except for morning exercises.

Other exercises include eliminating one by one during the lunch break.

All the fighters in the reorganized mixed battalion really managed to twist into a rope as if they were invincible. Put your energy in one direction.

After settling his mind, he started the training that was as fulfilling as a devil. Looking at the time with eyes, 5 days passed immediately.

There are only 5 days left until Chief A comes to check. That's what it means.

The fact that the reorganized mixed battalion is to join the joint military exercise in the sequence of the fifth reorganized mixed battalion.

It all depends on the remaining five days of training. Instructor Duan Hongwu couldn't sit still at the battalion headquarters.

Follow Shi Jin or stay in the general command and war room all day long, paying attention to the basic situation of training.

Or just happily follow them to the training base. .

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