I, Shi Jin, Have Been In The Army Since Military School

096. War Is The First Opportunity To Fight, And What Is Fought Is Speed.

The first time I passed was because the military exercises had just started.

The red team's investigation of open areas has not been so thoughtful.

An optimized transportation line must be constructed.

Not so much energy is put into this aspect.

But if you go again for the second time.

The other party suffered such a big loss not to mention.

A week has passed since then.

Such a long time is enough for the red side to completely control the entire area.

If you still want to secretly sneak in, the difficulty has increased by more than 1:30.

The key is.

The reorganized mixed battalion is no longer a unit buried in the dark.

Just killed a red side's strategic storage warehouse.

With their espionage network.

It is impossible to find out the establishment and origin of the reorganized mixed battalion.

"Battalion Commander, in fact, we don't need to spend too much energy planning this matter now."

"We have deployed 10 reconnaissance battalions to the red training base area, and the capabilities of these reconnaissance battalions are not loose.

"Some of them were formed by people from the Special Operations Brigade and Special Operations Battalion. The purpose of this type of reconnaissance battalion is to search for the Red Command and key war bases.

"There are also some temporarily formed reconnaissance battalions. This type of mission is to find out the basic situation of the distribution of all combat troops in the Red Training Base area."

"According to the usual progress, in two or three days, most of the distribution of power in the red side will be announced to the various units by the chief executive above.

"When the time comes, we will search for combat targets in a targeted manner."

"Is it so convenient to get twice the result with half the effort?"

Shi Jin seriously agrees.

He was just explaining about the 10 reconnaissance battalions.

But war is the first opportunity to fight, and what is fought is speed.

The blue army can easily grasp the power distribution of the red side.

The red side must not be too bad.

In time, the distribution of power on both sides will no longer be a secret.

A bigger war is about to start.

The goal of this war is to destroy the enemy's transportation power, recuperation power, and command power as much as possible.

Reduce enemy troops to the greatest incredible extent.

Otherwise, there are two reorganized armies that are about the same size and 24 taels, and the number and equipment are only slightly different.

Rush to start a war.

Except that the number of casualties will rise in a straight line.

Nothing works.

What contemporary warfare is about is not fighting the number of people, nor is it fighting the number of casualties.

Instead, they are fighting for information rights, collection center warfare, electronic warfare, special warfare, psychological warfare, command center paralysis warfare, command planning destruction warfare, and so on.

In hybrid warfare, soft killing and hard destruction are the kingly way.

Shi Jin was just trying to figure out how to fight to paralyze the red team's command center.

If it is to attack the Red Command.

Let's not talk about the location.

Even if it is really clear and extremely clear, it will not be able to get in at all.

There must be a large number of main battle troops stationed nearby.

The stack is used as the capital to support the war.

After succeeding once.

If you want to succeed next time, it can basically be said to be harder than reaching the sky.

Therefore, Shi Jin plans to put the non-stop combat plan on conditioning.

Fighting an information war can't support a war of this scale with an integrated mixed battalion.

But play conditioning.

It can make an area enter chaos for a short time.

1 node failed.

There will be a lot of opportunities to cause problems at war nodes.

Relatively speaking, there is still a little bit of simplicity.

Shi Jin informed the first director of his thoughts.

Chu Tiankuo quickly fell into a little thought when he replaced him.

The last time I was lucky, I touched around and even touched the vicinity of the Red Square Strategic Storage Warehouse.

But this time I want to play Red Fang's conditioning.

Even if it is planned, it is not that simple.

information period.

Planning a war is nothing more than making yourself a target to strike.

Not a detailed strike tool.

Because the battlefield is changing rapidly.

No one has the opportunity to foresee what will happen in the next second in advance.

Shi Jin looked at Chu Tiankuo and fell into a little thought.

He quickly entrusted him with the task of planning and fighting.

The opponent is the first guide.

Experienced many military exercises wars.

Experience in this area must be much richer than yourself.

He only needs to decide the direction of the attack, and the scale of damage to the enemy is unimaginable.


It is planned to continue to inspect the basic situation of each company.

Master the form of the warriors at any time.

How can I understand that I have not taken a few steps.

Six Blue Army armed reconnaissance planes whizzed by at low altitude for reconnaissance.

Because one's own warplanes appeared nearby, the joint defense system could not issue a war alert.

Therefore, Shi Jin didn't care too much.

But very fast.

It's not even half an hour past.

Right followed by a low altitude reconnaissance passing above.

Shi Jin frowned tightly.

You can understand it by looking at this posture.

Blue Forces Command has long placed key strategic objectives inward.

Start to investigate the red combat troops that have sneaked into the interior.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of strategic arrangement itself.

But such a large-scale investigation.

It will definitely make the red combat troops entering the zone speed up their pace of attack.

Prevent early exposure and cause a loss.

…………………the area where they are.

It belongs to the northwest corner of the blue training base area.

Basically, there are no blue troops stationed in this place.

It is possible to carry out such a high-density investigation, it can be seen that other places have already entered an all-weather, all-terrain situation investigation.

Shi Jin knew he couldn't wait any longer.

If it is true that there are red troops, they have already deployed to attack the target.

There will definitely be a move tonight.

Immediately turned around and returned to the battalion command center communications command vehicle.

Chu Tiankuo was sitting there holding a map and studying it.

Seeing the battalion commander come back.

Some are getting more and more abnormal.

"Why don't you go around for a while, just make a battle plan and leave it to me."

"Wait a minute, I'll call the combat instructor and Captain Qin over for a discussion.

Shi Jin shook his head.

"It's running out of time, you go, and immediately notify all the backbones of the team to hold a weekend meeting.

"After half an hour, the troops were thrown in all directions."

Chu Tiankuo seriously agreed and stepped out of the communication command vehicle.

Because it is daytime at exactly this time.

The Blue Army is now conducting a large-scale investigation.

Any changes in one's own forces must be notified to the command above in advance.

All routes of travel, changed troop sizes, and establishments must be reported.

To prevent the timing of large-scale investigations from being misinterpreted.

after all.

The red team's troops also had no chance to swagger through the city with the red team's banner.

During the extensive investigation.

Any unit that changes without reporting will easily become the target of the attack.

And the commander will be severely punished.

In this regard, Shi Jin did not dare to delay.

Immediately passed the lines they had to investigate one by one to the brigade command center.

After getting the consent of the brigade command center.

The military backbone of the battalion command center has long been entangled in the communication command vehicle.

Shi Jin picked up the map and put it on the conference table.

"Comrades, the original plan was to leave early tomorrow morning."

"But now the plans have changed."

"I agree that everyone has seen it just now. In such a short time of a few breaths, Lan Zhong's low-altitude investigation has long been gone.

"There is no other blue force stationed within 30 kilometers of the area we are in."


"Even this place has been investigated so vigorously, it can be seen that the investigation in other areas is even stronger."

"We can't wait any longer.


"The notice goes on, and the troops will leave on time in three minutes."

"The first guide is responsible for entering all the routes traveled this time into the offensive and defensive system. y

"This time we are conducting a detailed investigation around the internal military transfer route."

"What happened before this is that the Blue Army Command above issued an order requiring all units to change their units on a large scale.

"To cover those key combat bases."

"The attempt is to gather as many of the red teams who have sneaked in as possible, and attract the red team's reconnaissance battalion to take the initiative to attack."

"I understand that this kind of strategic goal is easily seen by the red team very quickly."

"But I understand! Under such a vigorous investigation, if the red side has no time to gain anything."

"They have no other choice."

"The target of the attack will definitely be placed on the garrison where it is meaningless to change the vacancy of the troops, or simply put on the key material storage base that is heavily guarded.

"Everyone is ready for war, and we will set off in half an hour."

"Understood! Battalion Commander."

After the meeting.

All fighters of the reorganized mixed battalion began to act.

The anti-jamming machine thrown into the void is retrieved.

The original fighters are mixed with the new fighters.

The aviation squadron urgently held a meeting.

Because they set off at this time during the day, basically there is little chance of encountering red troops.

But it was easy to encounter the reconnaissance plane of the Blue Army.

This has certain requirements regarding their marching height.

The prompt information returned above.

Aviation squadrons cannot fly higher than 60 meters.

That also represents the so-called low altitude and low speed, which is carried out synchronously with the ground infantry fighting vehicles.

Finally, the results of the research came out.

The flight altitude is set at 50 meters from the ground.

As long as the speed is not fast, there is no problem at all.

Because flying at lower altitudes is dangerous and dangerous.

There is a chance of downwash from windshear and the like.

If the height is not kept high.

1 windshear will put the helicopter on the ground very quickly.

But at a low speed of 50 meters, there is no need to consider this problem.

Happens just before departure.

Shi Jin hired Qin Long, the captain of the special combat force team, and Chu Tiankuo, the first director, into the communication command vehicle of the battalion command center.

Go with him.

Among the opponents they encountered this time, there is a very basic probability that they will encounter the special "283"


Follow the method of the Blue Army to organize 10 integrated mixed battalions.

At least four of them are composed of special operations forces.

The semi-mechanized period when special forces members dominated the entire battlefield is long gone.

But it is unacceptable.

These guys must be good scouts on a large battlefield.

No matter how tight the high-tech instrument.

They all have ways to avoid it.

Successfully send the prompt information back to the red team's base camp.


Shi Jin hired Qin Long, who is also the captain of the special operations force, to the command and control center.

At any time, they plan to hit the red reconnaissance battalion with heavy firepower.

After half an hour.

The whole army set off.

Just at this time is the period of the Blue Army's all-terrain, all-weather close investigation.

Reorganized mixed battalion at the time of progress.

There is no need for large-scale investigations.

The flying distance of the remote control aircraft is reduced to less than five kilometers.

It's just to better grasp the road conditions ahead.

Xiongshi dumped.

Start progressing along a pre-conceived route.

Shi Jin stood in the communication command vehicle.

He looked at the fifteen armed helicopters in the void.

There are nearly 200 infantry fighting vehicles on the ground.

A force of 1,700 troops.

There was also a rippling in the heart.

Command such a large combat system.

It has always been the direction of Shi Jin's research topic 997.

It turned out to follow his opinion.

Want to reach this unbelievable level.

At least one must obtain a master's degree after graduating from national defense.

Only then have the opportunity to fully understand the level of this kind of command.

Unexpectedly, the newly organized mixed battalion gave him an early experience.

Shi Jin stood in the communication command vehicle and watched the troops progress.


The first guide, Chu Tiankuo, and Qin Long, the captain of the special combat force team, began to mark the key inspection areas for the next marching area.

The location where the Red Reorganized Mixed Battalion hides during the day.

There is nothing more than dense forests and mountains.

Other than that.

No other place has escaped low-altitude surveillance on such a scale.

The reason for this is that the investigation is difficult.

The first thing is that the combat zone is generally planned in a place where there is no fire or food.

The proportion of the plains in these places is amazing.

Most are complex terrain.

It is actually not very difficult to find the red team scouting camp under such circumstances.

It's just that it takes too much effort.

Qin Long is a veteran member of special operations.

He knew very well that if the Red Reconnaissance Battalion wanted to transmit signals, it would be impossible to use the old wireless radio under normal circumstances.

Because during the information war.

Most of the troops have already placed the key position of the war in the reconnaissance of radio signals.

The radio light signal uses the ionosphere to communicate, which belongs to sound waves.

There is no way to block sound waves and radio waves.

Can only be heard.

Very quickly decipher the regular transformations that are detected.

When the vast combat troops are all focusing on this aspect.

The old-fashioned wireless radio signal appears occasionally, but it is easy to be ignored.


The special investigation team specially took care of the equipment to detect the old wireless radio signal.

Just show up nearby.

The special operations forces team will lock down the basic position there.

Judging from the combat capability of the reorganized mixed battalion.

Once the basic position is locked, it is enough to use the envelope bombing.

Beat the red reconnaissance battalion helplessly.

No matter how elite special forces are, they have absolutely no chance of confronting the current reorganized mixed battalion.

Especially the current scale of firepower of the reorganized mixed battalion.

Want to attack the red special forces.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Immediately afterwards, I continued to improve a few points.

Shi Jin ordered the support support company to pay close attention to all ruts and footprints on the ground.

The place has just had a terrible shower.

The traces on the ground are not so simple even if you want to remove the roots.

Eyes watching the weather has been gradually darkened.

The number of armed reconnaissance aircraft of the Void Blue Army also began to slowly decrease.

Shi Jin touched his nose. .

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