I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 142: Hug my little pitiful(34)

Chapter 142 Hugging My Little Poor (34)

? ? ?

Yunxia wanted to raise his hand to touch his forehead.

After all, in the last world, Jiang Heng had a fever before talking nonsense.

Nanhuai is also heaven.

Even if this world is a female supper... But under normal circumstances, Xiaopo can't say such a thing.

She didn't believe it. Are boys really so soft? So arrogant?

She pushed the man away.

The other party was pushed away obediently, and then continued, "Can my wife promise me?"

Yun Xia turned her face, and then she had a pair of light-colored eyes. Elegant and cold color, staring at her.

Seriously and well-behaved.

Hmm... It seems that he is really cooperating with himself.

The devil Xia nodded and stretched out his hand to hold him.

She said to the head of the dumbfounded face: "Mother, you see, Ahuai and I are newly married Yan'er. Now it is not appropriate to ask my concubine."

She said, taking the initiative to hug the teenager's waist, exposing a small dimple: "I don't want to be wronged Ahuai soon after the wedding."

She said so.

The owner could not help but looked at the two of them helplessly.

Since the little prince is jealous, and the daughter does not want to concubine, then forget it.

She waved her hands to let the men leave, and then rejoiced to the two of them: "Yeah, usually not together, I thought your relationship is not good... so I can rest assured."

Nanhuai embraced the girl's waist.

The opponent's waist was too thin, and his white fingertips gently rubbed against the waist, tightening the thin lips.

Last contact with her was still a wedding night.

She took the initiative to hug him, but he pushed the person away.

At that time he did not want her to touch.

But now, it takes a little effort to get a little closer. The other party did not know.

The teenager lowered his eyelashes.

The owner smiled and said, "Tomorrow, if you want to go to the Shanli School, why don't you let Ahuai join you? A few days after you go, you might as well take your husband."

Yunxia listened and didn't answer immediately.

Does Poor want to stay with her? She didn't tell the other party this time when she went to school.

She glanced at the slender man behind her eyes and met the elegant eyes of the teenager Yunxiu. The little prince held her silently, hugged her, and whispered to the host: "Okay, I will go with his wife."


Yunxia blinked.

His Royal Highness added: "You can rest assured that I will take good care of my wife."

The owner nodded happily.

Yun Xia looked at him inexplicably, and raised his hand to hold the teenager's hand, "Mother, then I and Ahuai went back first."

After the head of the house nodded, she pulled people away and walked out of the yard.

Nanhuai was held by her, lowered her long eyelashes, and glanced quietly at the hands they were holding.

The girl stopped until she walked to the front yard, letting go of him at will.

His Royal Highness bowed his head, his fingertips hooked his white clothes, and looked quiet.

It looks a little bit wrong.

Yun Xia looked at him for a while, raised his eyebrows, and exclaimed Xiaohuya with a chuckle: "Why don't you let me do you a favor, why do you feel wronged?"

Nanhuai was stunned.

The light-colored eyes looked at her, a little innocent.

The devil continued: "I made you jealous, didn't say that you touch me, don't you like to touch? Don't do this in the future."

The teenager opened his lips and he was stunned, and after a while he said, "I don't like to touch..."

"Forget it."

The girl glanced at him, pursed her lips, and mumbled: "After all, I may not be here. You can live your own life."

The youngster was stunned.

Suddenly, a little strange.

"Where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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