I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 180: The owner is super sweet (9)

Chapter 180 The owner is super sweet (9)

But now in front of the Queen, she smiled humbly, "Where can I be called the most powerful where you are in front..."

"?" The young girl raised her eyebrows. "I only said awesome, when did you say the best words? ... Hey, your ambitions are not small."

Helena's expression froze.

She hastened to confound her emotions and bowed her head embarrassedly, "No, no, I heard it wrong...please forgive me for your mistakes... Yours is the most powerful and beautiful queen of the blood family. ..."

The vampire girl snorted coldly, slacking her hand around her silver hair, "I didn't want to care about you, but who made me feel bad today... simply punish you."

Helena's lowered eyes were jealous and resentful.

I will be more powerful than her in the future, which round will get her as a prestige? Where did she do something wrong, she actually still have to punish?

She has a bright immunity, shouldn’t she be shocked and envious immediately, and give herself up?

Helena took a deep breath, suppressed her temper, and said respectfully: "But your majesty handles it..."

It's ok.

The queen was lucky that she didn't find her talking to the high priest.

Just let her do it for a few more days.

Helena thought, her expression more cautious and respectful.

The girl leaned against the stone wall, smirked, looked around the temple, and said casually: "Then you remove the disguise, and fly out of this hall as the identity and appearance of the blood family."


Helena's eyes widened, somewhat unbelievable, and she opened her mouth: "What are you talking about?"

Become a blood race and fly out from here? ?

This is the temple!

The girl looked down at her and slowly raised the corner of her lips, revealing the white tip of her little tiger's teeth: "Why? Don't want to be fined by me?"

Helena heard that her tone had become impatient, and she could only swallow her breath, kneel down, and smiled dryly: "Of course, please follow His Majesty's order..."

She swallowed her breath, removed the disguise of humanity, changed from a black-haired woman into a silver-haired blood race, spread her bone wings, and flew out.

Yun Xia looked behind her, badly hooked her blushing lips.

Helena flew out of the hall.

Although she has carefully condensed her breath, it is a temple here.

She was soon discovered by the believers. There was a noise outside, the sound was messy, and the guards were chasing after them.

The temple is full of believers and light, and Helena can only hug her head in embarrassment.

It looks very funny.

In the lobby, Yun Xia happily supported her chin and watched the play leisurely for a while.

Deserve it.

She lazily raised her eyes and looked out of the temple, the highest spire.

There is the brightest place. This is the room under the pope's crown.

Yun Xia jumped lightly from the window sill, and the black cloak spread out, like a bird in the night, silently heading in that direction.

She fell silently on the spire.

The knee was hooked on the room beam, the girl hung upside down, and her silver hair was scattered in the hood. As a blood race, the upside-down posture is effortless.

Her blushing eyes blinked curiously, looking at the scene in the room.

The curtains closed, showing only a gap.

The colors in the room are holy and noble gold and white, and there is a sacred harp in the corner. According to legend, it is an angel's musical instrument, which can purify the world.

Yunxia saw a figure.

(End of this chapter)

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