I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 204: The owner is super sweet (33)

Chapter 204 The owner is super sweet (33)

The bishop knelt down on the ground and bowed his head reverently. After describing the job, he thought about it and said:

"Under the crown, yesterday the temple broke into a blood race, as if not afraid of the bright breath of the temple. The guardians did not catch her, but hurt her with the holy weapon, leaving a little blood and hair."

Behind the desk, Yunxia blinked.

The bishop said Helena.

That day she let the other party disguise and flew out of the temple. Although Helena escaped from the temple in a state of embarrassment, the guards of the temple were not decorated, and she hurt Helena with the holy weapon.

Left blood and silver hair...

The girl’s crimson eyes suddenly lighted up, and she remembered happily that the temple had a way to use the blood and hair of the blood tribe to make a tracking holy object to sense its position.

She immediately lifted her body and pulled the snowy white robe with her small hand.

The bishop still whispered in front of him. San Celos listened in silence. The robe was suddenly torn by the little vampire below. He lowered his pale eyes and looked through the beautiful eyes.

After Yun Xia pulled the robe, he took the man's dropped finger and spread his white palm, trying to write in his palm.

But writing was too slow, and the two faced each other, the direction of writing was reversed, Yun Xia frowned impatiently, leaned forward slightly, carefully avoided the sight of the bishop, and under the desk height, his hands hugged the pope The waist under the crown.

Whispered: "Can you let him use Helena's blood and hair to help me make a holy weapon? It's the kind of holy weapon that tracks and locates."

The blood tribe looked up, their blushing eyes looked forward, and their silver hair brushed the pope's white fingers.

San Celos was silent and quiet.

He was hugged by the girl and felt the rose flower aroma on the other person's body. The girl's long hair flicked and the palm was a little itchy. He withdrew his hand quietly and put his fingertip gently on her shoulder.

After a pause, he didn't push people away, he just nodded and agreed: "Well."

the other side.

The bishop heard the movement again and couldn't help raising his head, his eyes puzzled.

Under the light, the pope's expression was dull, and he lifted his clear eyes, looked over without focus, and said slowly: "The blood and hair left behind are made into a holy weapon and brought to me."

The bishop was stunned for a moment and bowed his head: "Yes."

It has been a long time since the temple has fought against the blood clan, and the pope suddenly wants to track down the blood clan. The bishop is naturally puzzled. But as a bishop, all you need to do is execute the commands under your crown.

"How many are needed?" he asked.

Pope Saint Celos lowered his eyes and handed his fair fingers to the blood girl. The other party folded the two knuckles seriously, so the pope gently pressed his thin lips and raised his eyes gently: "Three."

The bishop reverently said: "Yes."

San Celos was silent.

After everything was reported, the bishop quit the room respectfully.

The girl under the desk was relieved.

She looked up and looked at the silent Pope Master, approaching each other with a smile, her arm resting on the knee under the robe, her chin resting on her arm and saying, "Thank you, Pope, you are so nice."

Pope San Celos raised his eyebrows slightly, and remained silent for a while. He lowered his pure eyes and spoke slowly. He opened her lips and asked her, "Touch your face... is it a kind of etiquette for your blood race?"

Yun Xia froze.

The pope's delicate eyebrows frowned, the light brown eyes drooping cleared, and looked at her indifferently, clean and not stained with dust, with a calm expression, or even simple.

(End of this chapter)

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