I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 272: Beast World Wolf King (35)

Chapter 272 Beast World Wolf King (35)

"What did your former tribe look like?"

He asked softly.

Yun Xia looked back at him and thought for a while, "It is to live in this kind of house, and barbecue with fire. We can also use the fire to warm the cold water."

She suddenly remembered that she had to make a container for hot water bath.

Yin Li stared at her silently.

After a while, he lowered his eyes and asked, "Do you want to go back?"

Yunxia blinked slightly and turned back.

Outside the door was the orange-red beam of the setting sun, which reflected the slender figure of the teenager beautifully, and the hair tips of the silver-grey short hair were also orange-red. Two wolf ears stood on the top of the head, and the cold eyes stared at her in silence. , Showing the danger of the wolf clan.

Yunxia walked over, stood on tiptoe, and raised his hand to touch his silver and gray hair.

Yinli bowed his head in the rays of the setting sun.

The wolf ears dropped with the movement, and stood obediently and touched the head.

"My tribe is only me." Yunxia shrugged. "So I will follow you in the future. As long as you meet my requirements, we can live like this forever. If you can't do it..."

Yin Li raised her ears cautiously, staring blankly at her and answered, "Break up?"

She seemed to have said the word only once, but he learned vocabulary quite quickly.

Yunxia couldn't help but bend her eyes, showing a mischievous smile, "Well, break up."

The little wolf cub looked at her silently for a while, and turned his face, his voice was naturally low, and the low voice contained a hoarse **** appeal: "I will not break up."

"Then you are obedient."

Yunxia bent her lips, rubbed his broken hair again, and turned to continue to pack the hay.

Yinli followed her, and helped her to spread the hay.

Uncle Lao kept suppressing until the evening, only to eagerly announce the news.

He had decided to say it in the evening, but there were still clan members in the tribe who did not come back, so Uncle Fu suppressed the excitement and finally decided to surprise the clan members at night.

Several young people of the wolf tribe have come door to door to notify them.

At night, the wolf tribes got together and waited for Uncle Fu to tell them what was going on.

Uncle Fu calmly stood on the high stone, leaned on his cane, and smiled: "Everyone is very concerned about the migration recently, and His Royal Highness the Little Wolf specifically asked me to notify you."

The wolves suddenly whispered.

Migration is a top priority.

Everyone is very worried about this.

Among the wolves, a middle-aged man looked at his belly-stricken wife, frowning frowningly.

The family that just gave birth to the wolf is also very worried. The young wolf is too young to travel long distances.

Everyone's expressions are a bit sad.

It would be nice if it could not be migrated.

But the river is flooding and sooner or later it will be flooded here, and it is impossible not to move.

Uncle Lao looked at the expressions of everyone below, smiled mysteriously, and touched his beard: "This matter has been resolved. You don’t have to worry about moving far. You can settle down in the nearest plain. Come with me. , I will show you something that will help us solve this migration."

He leaned on a cane and walked down the stone.

Because of his slow movement, this time, Uncle Fu took the initiative to let a young man carry himself.

The wolves followed them to the forest.

Moonlight sprinkled on the treetops.

Under the soft and soft moonlight, a small wooden house stands quietly in the forest. The boxy structure is like a romantic mood in a fairy tale.

Many tribes have seen it for the first time and have not yet seen what this is for.

But no one opened the discussion.

Because the younger little wolf king was standing beside him at this time, his deep eyes were cold and quiet, and he looked at them silently from afar.

There was a female beside him, the girl who was brought back that day.

The wolf family respects this wolf king very much, and if he is standing here, no one dares to speak out.

Uncle Fu patted the young man's back and motioned him to put himself down.

He walked forward with his cane. Even when he saw this wooden house again, he was still very excited. He said to the tribe: "This is a wooden house. My Highness and Wolf King have tested it. It is very strong and can be avoided. Rain, it's a good place to build in the plains! We won't have to find the valley anymore..."

The wolf family was silent for a few seconds.

Then there was an uproar.

——These words are incredible.

Everyone was a little unbelievable, and their eyes moved involuntarily, looking at the wooden house.

Listening to Uncle Lao said it was a house, at this time, all the talents gradually discovered the beauty of this house.

The wood is cut regularly, and the wood is hard and airtight.

The roof is made of thick and flat grass blades, so pressing it on one layer can really play a role in preventing rain. After replacing the blades with a few times, there will be no worries at all.

Instead, it is a cave, and it is easier to get wet when it rains.

Everyone looked at it more and more ecstatically, and walked around the wooden house with excitement, and some simply turned into wolves, and there was a long roar against the moon.

Yun Xia crooked his head.

Unexpectedly, she really helped the wolf clan, and she was also inexplicably happy.

"Oh my god..." A wolf woman touched the wooden house in front of her in wonder. With the power of the wolf family, she could naturally feel that this kind of wood was hard enough to resist the wind and the sun.

Uncle Lao touched his beard, looked at the ecstatic tribe with a smile, and suddenly looked up:

"The one who made this house is the great benefactor of our wolf family."



PS (excluding):

Yesterday I changed 3 chapters at 9 o'clock, 2 more chapters at 11 o'clock, a total of 5 chapters, but a total of 8000 words.

I said that there were more than 600 words in each chapter. In the past, 1,000 words were now 1,600. So every day 6-10 chapters promised to everyone is now 4-6 chapters.

I have no less.

This is chapter 3, there is more in the early morning, good night mua

(End of this chapter)

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