Gu Anran and Ye Yun followed the demon clan man out of the small courtyard and boarded an immortal boat.

There were two to three hundred people on this fairy boat.

This time, the Ninth Hall sent nine immortal boats.

For today's Ninth Hall, this is almost overwhelming.

Similar situations also occurred in the other eight demon palaces.

One after another, the fairy boats rose into the sky and gathered together in perfect harmony. They were constantly floating up and down in the air, like the surging waves of the sea, which was extremely spectacular.

"Set off!"

An old man on the leading fairy boat waved his hand and gave the order to set off.

This old man is the law enforcement elder of the First Hall.

He is considered to be the one with the highest seniority and strength among all the people today.

Hundreds of immortal boats all shook and flew away through the sky.

"Senior brother, the Panyao Temple has come out in force this time, and it has really cost a lot of money..."

Standing on the fairy boat, Gu Anran looked down and said in shock.

Ye Yun smiled softly: "There must be great opportunities in Yin Yang Cave, which is why it is worth the investment of the Panyao Temple."

"Aren't you afraid of losing your money?"

Gu Anran stuck out her pink tongue and made a face.

"Personnel losses are inevitable, but if the opportunity is great enough, it will be worth it!"

Ye Yun smiled.

Listening to the pair of senior brothers and sisters talking so eloquently on the immortal boat, many disciples of the Ninth Hall standing next to them shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

Everyone knows that this little girl in white is actually the Black God Spider and is a member of the palace master's clan. Although her cultivation is weak, her status cannot be underestimated.

Because of their scruples, everyone remained silent and allowed the little girl in white to speak freely.

Hundreds of fairy boats traveled at lightning speed along the way. After three days, they finally arrived at the entrance of a huge abyss.

The entrance to the abyss is like the mouth of a giant beast, filled with black mist.

Xianzhou's protective shield opened.

Under the leadership of the elder, the fairy boats plunged into the black mist.

It continued downward in the black mist and flew for about half an hour before the fairy boat stopped.

The law enforcement elder pointed with his finger at a dark cave entrance below, with a serious face, and said loudly: "My fellow disciples, the black cave a hundred feet below is the entrance to the Yin and Yang Cave. Once we enter, we will most likely encounter the Yin and Yang Storm. , everyone must be more careful!”


The crowd shouted loudly.

Ye Yun took a look and found that many of the disciples on the immortal boat were not very advanced.

Most of them are in the true god realm, followed by those in the divine king realm.

There are only a few who are in the divine realm.

Seeing the entrance of Yin-Yang Cave at this moment, although these disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Temple looked excited, Ye Yun also noticed the panic deep in their eyes.

After all, this time, everyone heard that the Nine Hall Masters encountered some troubles in the Yin and Yang Cave.

The masters of the Nine Halls led many people into the Yin-Yang Cave and have been exploring for three months.

But still didn't come out.

It can be seen that the situation in the Yin-Yang Cave is also extremely complicated.

The fairy boats started up again and plunged into the entrance of the black cave below.

The fairy boat that Ye Yun was riding on flew in at the end.

The entrance to the cave is not deep. After flying for a dozen breaths, the fairy boat completely entered the Yin and Yang Cave.

The fog disappeared immediately.

A small world with a clear sunny sky appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

Looking at such a small world with beautiful mountains and clear waters, everyone looked dumbfounded, as if they did not expect that there was no fog inside.

"Be careful of the Yin-Yang storm!"

The law enforcement elder felt something, looked in a certain direction, his face changed, and he quickly reminded loudly.

There was a slight whistling sound in the air.

I saw two strong winds blowing from the distance from the east and west directions.

One gust of wind was white, and the other was black. The black and white gusts of wind were like two huge dragons that could not be seen, blowing quickly from a distance.

"Black wind...white wind..."

Gu Anran looked shocked and murmured to himself: "I didn't expect that there is such a strange wind in this world..."

The words just fell.

Their fairy boat was controlled by someone and flew in a certain direction.

It seems to be avoiding the two strong winds.

Ye Yun looked at the small world in the Yin-Yang Cave, raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled calmly.

The Yin-Yang Cave is filled with both feminine and masculine energy.

These two kinds of energy are very abundant and ever-changing, giving birth to various variants.

The Yin-Yang storm in front of us is one of the variations.

The speed of the yin and yang storm far exceeds the speed of these immortal boats in the Ten Thousand Demons Temple, sweeping through.


The two giant dragons formed by the black wind and the white wind were violently powerful, blowing the fairy boat around wildly.

Fortunately, no one on the fairy boat was injured.

Just a little frightened.

"Everyone split up!"

The law enforcement elder looked at the sweeping Yin and Yang storm, suddenly his expression changed, and he shouted loudly: "Be careful! Once the black wind and white wind converge, it will form an even bigger storm!"

Hearing the elder's words, the disciples on the immortal boat panicked one by one and fled in all directions using the immortal boat.


There was a sudden roar in the distance.

The black wind and white wind that had just blown past unexpectedly collided together when they reached the entrance of the cave, turning into a huge storm of black and white intertwined.

This huge storm went in a circle, but instead of rushing out of the cave, it turned back again.

Although the law enforcement elder warned in time, the area of ​​the yin and yang storm formed was too large, and most of the immortal boats were affected.

The strong wind blew, blowing the immortal boats one by one into the depths of Yin Yang Cave.

All the disciples injected mana into the immortal boat to form a powerful defensive shield, so they were not injured.

However, today's hundreds of immortal boats have been lost.

"how so?"

The law enforcement elder stood on the fairy boat, looking at the scene in front of him with tears in his eyes, feeling extremely sad in his heart.

The intensity of the Yin and Yang storm this time was indeed greater than before.

The hundreds of immortal boats from the Panyao Temple were completely separated as soon as they entered the Yin-Yang Cave, which made all their efforts in vain.

"Elder, does this Yin-Yang Cave have an ancient will?"

A middle-aged man next to him asked boldly.

"How can it be?"

The law enforcement elder frowned and said with an unhappy expression: "How can a will be born in a mere ancient ruin? Absolutely impossible!"

"I always feel like this yin and yang storm is coming towards us on purpose..."

The middle-aged man smiled.

"This is just a coincidence. There are too many strange things in the Yin-Yang Cave, and the Yin-Yang Storm is just one of them."

The law enforcement elder sighed.

After some repairs, their fairy boat set off on the road again, encountering several more fairy boats along the way, and everyone gathered together again.

And at this moment.

The fairy boat of Ye Yun and others seemed to be favored by the heavens, and was actually blown to a very far place by the Yin and Yang storm.

After crossing a towering mountain range, it suddenly started to rain heavily on what was originally a sunny day.

The heavy rain is like a broken pearl.

"What the hell weather?"

Looking at the pouring rain through the defensive shield, Gu Anran complained.


There was a loud bang, and the mountains below shook.

A red pillar of fire rose into the sky in an instant and headed straight for the fairy boat.

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