The reason why Zhikong Qilin was shocked was because the secret realm of space deep underground was so perfectly hidden.

It did not emit any spatial fluctuations. This secret space was hidden deep underground, and it was in the opposite direction from Zhikong Holy Land and was far away from it.

Zhikong Qilin believes that even if Lord Shi Qilin comes in person, he will never be able to discover this secret realm of space.

But to his horror.

This young man in white found this secret realm of space so easily.

The entrance to the secret space was protected by a powerful formation, but it was easily broken by the sword of the young man in white.

This clone of Zhikong Qilin is his biggest trump card.

Even if I die.

This clone still allows him to make a comeback.


The Nine Fox Immortal Lord looked around and said with a surprised look on his face: "Sir, why is there a colorful dragon here?"

"This colorful dragon is the clone of Zhikong Qilin."

Ye Yun smiled indifferently.

This colorful divine dragon is one of the top ten super divine dragons, the Dream Dragon.

Ye Yun also didn't expect that Zhikong Qilin would capture Dream Mysterious Dragon and refine it into a clone.

More than eight million years ago, before the Space Mirage self-destructed, it activated the magical power of space to teleport the seriously injured Dream Dragon away. Unexpectedly, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Dream Dragon finally fell into the hands of Zikong Qilin.

"I'll fight with you!"

The colorful dragon entrenched in the colorful mist suddenly roared, and its huge dragon body suddenly disappeared.

Countless colored light balls emerged from the thick fog, blooming with illusory yet real light.


The colored light ball rotated, and a huge force fell down.

The entire secret space suddenly fell into a dream.

"Dream-vacuum explosion!"

A loud and loud voice echoed in the space.

All the colorful light balls suddenly exploded in the dream space.

This is the most powerful magical power of Dream Dragon.

First, it spreads the colorful mist, then descends into the dreamland, and then explodes the illusory colorful beads. The power produced is extremely terrifying.

Self-destruction in a dream is more powerful than an explosion in the real world.

"This illusion does have several accomplishments..."

The Nine Fox Immortal smiled indifferently, and the silver light bloomed in her beautiful eyes, spreading out like a ball of light, covering her and the adults.

Boom boom...

A series of violent sounds suddenly sounded, and the terrifying explosive power produced by the dreamy vacuum explosion fell on the silver ball of light like a torrential flood.

Earth-shaking and breathtaking.

Facing this level of attack, the Nine Fox Immortal Lord looked calm and remained motionless.

The explosion lasted for a long time before slowly disappearing.

The colorful dragon also slowly revealed its true form.

There was a huge look of frustration in its dragon eyes.

The opponent is simply too strong, so powerful that even if it tries its best, it is still no match.

Ye Yun stretched out his fingers to activate the body-holding technique, immobilizing the dreamy dragon.

"Master, what kind of dragon is this?"

Lord Nine Fox asked.

"This is the Dream Dragon, one of the top ten super dragons. It has a deep relationship with me..."

Ye Yun sighed softly.

Dream Milong established the Shenlong Sect in Cangnan Continent. He is considered the second generation leader of the Shenlong Sect, and he is the thirteenth generation.

The Nine Fox Immortal Lord rolled his eyes, looking back and forth between the Zhikong Qilin and the Dream Mysterious Dragon, and murmured to himself: "It turns out to be the Dream Mysterious Dragon. Its illusion magic power is very strong, can the Zhikong Qilin do it too?"

"This is a rare magical power clone technique. Zhikong Qilin refined the Dream Mysterious Dragon into a magical power clone, so it also shares its magical power..."

Ye Yun sighed.

"A clone technique that can share magical powers?"

The Nine Fox Immortal Lord was a little surprised. This kind of magical clone could actually share the innate magical power with the clone. There was indeed some skill.

Even in the Immortal Realm, she had never heard of this technique.

"This magical clone technique was not created by Zhikong Qilin, but he obtained it from an ancient ruins..."

Ye Yun looked at the Nine Fox Immortal Lord and explained calmly: "It is difficult to practice this kind of magical clone technique, and the requirements for refining the clone are also higher. The realm of the clone must be almost the same as the original one, and it must have strong vitality. These requirements are met. Only if the conditions are met, there is a certain chance of successful refining.”

"I see……"

The Nine Fox Immortal Lord nodded solemnly.

This technique is extremely unnatural, demanding, and has a very low success rate.

This is normal.

After all, other people's innate magical powers are supported by blood. If you want to inherit them completely, the price you have to pay is naturally unimaginable.

Ye Yun walked slowly to the dreamy dragon, stretched out a hand, and gently stroked the colorful dragon's horn.

"Second generation ancestor, you have suffered..."

Ye Yun's voice was choked, and clear tears welled up in his eyes.

The Dream Mysterious Dragon was refined into a magical clone. Among the ten super dragons, the situation was very miserable.

Ye Yun's consciousness entered the body of Dream Mysterious Dragon at this moment, and he was looking for whether the original consciousness still existed.

If there is not even a trace of consciousness, then the dreamy dragon in front of you, even if it has a dragon body, is actually dead.

The Nine Fox Immortal Lord held his breath and concentrated, not daring to take a breath.

The adult actually cried.

This seemed to her an incredible thing.

It seems that there must be a deep connection between Dream Dragon and the adults.

Seeing the sad expression on the Lord's face, the Nine Fox Immortal had the same feeling in her heart. She wiped away her tears, lowered her head and became silent.

After a while.

There was a look of surprise on Ye Yun's face.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time. The time for Zhikong Qilin to refine the magical clone is still short..."

he muttered.

There is still a faint trace of divine consciousness remaining in the body of Dream Mysterious Dragon, hiding in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the vast sea of ​​consciousness, Zhikong Qilin's consciousness is like a giant tree that reaches the sky, standing on the sea, while the wisp of consciousness of Dream Dragon is like a bean sprout hiding on the bottom of the sea.

Zhikong Qilin's consciousness has been fixed there by Ye Yun, unable to move.

Ye Yun took out the eight-treasure glass bottle, rolled up a drop of three-light divine water, and landed it on the weak consciousness like a bean sprout.

Moisturized by the Three Lights Divine Water, Dream Dragon's spiritual consciousness grew rapidly.

It takes a dozen breaths.

The dreamy dragon's consciousness grew as big as a big tree.

"Thank you so much for saving me..."

Dream Milong looked at Ye Yun and said with gratitude.

It turned into a human form and actually knelt at Ye Yun's feet.


Both parties are in a state of consciousness, both within the sea of ​​consciousness, and cannot be seen by the Nine Fox Immortal Lord outside.

"Second generation ancestor, please don't be polite to me..."

Ye Yun felt complicated and rushed over to help Dream Dragon up.

More than 100,000 years ago.

Dream Milong left Cangnan Continent and entered Shenglin Continent from the world of Divine Land, and was discovered by Zhikong Qilin. At that time, he was only half-step into the realm of God Emperor, and the old injuries in his body had not yet completely healed. Naturally, he was not Zhikong Qilin. opponent.

At that time, he was caught by Zhikong Qilin.

Zhikong Qilin controlled Dream Mysterious Dragon and used various means to make the latter break through to the realm of the God Emperor, and then began to refine it into a magical clone.

Hearing what Ye Yun said, Dream Milong was stunned.

This title seems to be from the same clan.

"Excuse me, are you..."

Dream Milong looked at Ye Yun in surprise and asked tentatively.

"Second-generation ancestor, I am the thirteenth-generation sect leader of the Shenlong Sect in Cangnan Continent, Ye Yun!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly, cupped his fists with his hands, and bowed deeply.

this moment.

After endless vicissitudes of life, the second generation master of the Shenlong Sect and the thirteenth generation master of the Shenlong Sect finally fully recognized each other.

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