
Bang bang bang –

The room was in chaos.

The leader of the black-fur coat Shuka angrily smashed everything around him to pieces.

Many items were directly turned into pieces.



Especially Jiangnan's last ignorance, it made him directly feel a huge disgrace!!

In order to cooperate, he has shown the utmost sincerity.

Unexpectedly, his greatest sincerity was exchanged for such a contemptuous attitude.

When had he ever been treated like this since he became the head of Shuka.

"Jiangnan, I must make you look good!"

The leader of the Xiuka said in a vicious voice.

His original target was Kamen Rider Teiki.

However, he doesn't mind adding one more now.

If you dare to provoke him, you must bear the wrath of his wrath!

No matter who it was, he wouldn't let him go.


The leader of the Shuka suddenly shouted.

"Chief. "

After a while, a shucka weirdo walked in.

His voice trembled as he spoke.

When the leader of Xiuka destroyed things just now, they could see it clearly.

No one knows if they will be accidentally injured by the wrath of the leader of Shuka.

You know, their leader is not a reasonable person.

I don't know how many Shuka weirdos died at his hands.

What's even more tragic is that it was used for experiments by those researchers.

There's a huge difference between retrofitting and experimenting.

Modification tests, basically there is no danger to life.

At most, it is to endure inhuman pain.

Trials are different.

It makes life worse than death.

"The researcher who stopped the Xiuka brought it to me. "

The leader of Xiuka said lightly.

"Yes, Chief!"

When the strange people of the Shuka organization heard this, they immediately turned around and ran away.

It's fast and extremely efficient.

After a while, a group of card repairers in white coats appeared.

"Chief, what are you looking for us?"

Shuka researcher asked in a respectful tone.

They stood in the hall, looking trembling.

They were able to transform all sorts of weirdos, but they didn't transform themselves.

With their current physical fitness and strength, an ordinary Shuka creep would be able to kill them easily.

Not to mention, their Shuka chieftain.

"You have to restore it in the shortest possible time!"

The leader of the Shuka reached out and tapped lightly on the eyes of a vulture.

Click, click, click

Click, click, click

The heavy stone door suddenly and slowly opened.

When the stone door is opened, a rectangular glass cover appears.

The glass cover resembles a transparent box of a cuboid, and inside stands a robot with a shattered body.

It's just that the parts of the robot are very tattered, even mutilated.

It looks like it's been put together.

"Chief, that's?!"

When the Xiuka researchers saw it, they immediately lost their voices.

"That's right, it's him. "

The leader of Xiuka said in a smug tone:

"Those stupid Kamen Riders thought they had destroyed him completely.

When they didn't expect it, I secretly collected the broken pieces. "

As he spoke, the leader of the Shuka slowly turned around.

"You guys, can you restore it for me?"

"Chief, there is no problem in restoring him. "

The middle-aged man in the white coat nodded:

"It's just that we have limited energy in this parallel world.

Even if it is restored, his combat effectiveness is not comparable to ...... No, it's no, it's nowhere near what it used to be. "

"Just recover. "

The leader of Xiuka said lightly:

"There aren't that many Kamen Riders in this parallel world.

Even if it is forcibly restored, it will be enough to deal with the Men Yashi.

I'm going to let him pay with blood!"


The light curtain projection disappeared, and Jiang Nan slowly withdrew his gaze.

He maintains a 'hostile' attitude towards the Shuka organization.

Once you get involved with them, there will be endless troubles.

He didn't care.

However, what about the women such as Yabuki Hana Rin and Ola who are related to him.

Especially ordinary people like Rin Yamabuki.


As soon as the leader of the Xiuka disappeared, the mobile phone rang suddenly.

"Jiangnan, can you come here?"

Yueyu's anxious voice came:

"Zhuangwu, Gates, they are about to be defeated. "

Hearing Yueyu's words, Jiang Nan paused slightly.

After replying, hang up.

"Xiaoye, get in the car. "

Jiangnan summoned Kamen Rider Dragon's Tooth's "mount" and said softly.


Katonea nodded his head and sat behind him.

She stretched out her arm and happily hugged Jiangnan's [Yueyao].

His previous approach made her very happy and moved.

Jiangnan rode a dragon's tooth locomotive and soon came to the area where Tokiwa Sho and the others were fighting.

When he arrived, his brow furrowed slightly.

Jiangnan thought that Shogo Tokiwa, Gates and others might be defeated by Kakogawa Feiliu.

What he didn't expect was that the enemy they faced was the weirdos of the Shuka Organization.

Could it be that the Temporal Raiders have joined forces with the Repair Order?

A cold light flashed in Jiang Nan's eyes.

According to Swarutz's character, he will definitely not miss a great opportunity to take advantage of the Xiuka organization.


The leader of the Shuka organization is not a good one.

When they learned of Svoruts' existence, they would not let go of the opportunity to take advantage of Svoruts.

Jiang Nan was a little curious: two old Yin coins met together.

In the end, who will take advantage of whom?!

"Jiangnan, you're here. "

Tsukiyomi, who had just stopped the Kamen Rider Dragontooth locomotive and was hiding in the corner, ran over.

In her hands, she was holding a fiz pistol.

Jiangnan noticed that there were the bodies of five or six Xiuka soldiers lying on the ground.

It seems that she is also in some danger.

In disguise: the situation here is very bad.

Jiang Nan nodded at Tsukiyo and looked at the central area.

Shogo Tokiwa was pressed and beaten by Kakogawa Flow.

From start to finish, it's either being attacked or being passively defensive.

He had no room to fight back.

Tokiwa Shogo is really not as good as Kakogawa Feiliu now.

Whether it is the 'anger' of the battle or the use of the second-order ability of the King of Time.

In addition to him, Jiangnan is more concerned about White Watts.

White Wards has appeared so far, and there are few defeats except for him.

At this moment, he also suffered a lot of losses from the alien knight dragon tooth.

When it came to fighting, he seemed timid......

ps: Seven chapters are updated today, and I will make up for the one chapter that was missing the day before yesterday.

Why did you change it the day before yesterday, because it was Xiao Mingsheng......

I didn't dare to say it that day, for fear of being considered deliberately less than one, hahaha......_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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