I Signed in at Shaolin for Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 79: Xuanci's Dreamland

At night, Su Cheng falls asleep with a book in the Sutra Pavilion. Since becoming an official scripture-keeping monk, he has rarely gone back to the monk's room to sleep.

Anyway, the monk's house is actually nothing more than a single-room thatched hut. It's not as good as the Sutra Pavilion, which has a pleasant climate and the smell of books, making people sleep comfortably.

Of course, falling asleep this day was different from usual. Before he fell asleep, he had already silently recited the "Dream Sutra" in his heart.

The golden light seal was gradually formed in Su Cheng's mind, and with the swimming of the seal tadpole, a sense of dizziness soon appeared in his mind. Gradually, a door opened and he entered the dreamland.

With this great dream scripture, I am not afraid of insomnia. You can fall asleep anytime you want to sleep, and in the dream, there is infinite fun!

Su Cheng's consciousness appeared in the dream.

The reality is night, but the scripture pavilion in the dream is in a slightly gloomy daytime state.

He was a little puzzled, could it be that the time of the dream and the reality are reversed?

No, it seems not. Time should be able to be adjusted in a way, but the current self should not have reached that level.

Although the "dream" is supposed to come true. But now Su Cheng finds that he doesn't seem to be able to completely control the dreams of the Great Dream Sutra, at least not for the time being. Maybe in the future, if the Great Dream Sutra reaches the level of minor success or great success, maybe it will be fine.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things.

Su Cheng flickered lightly, and disappeared from the Sutra Pavilion in an instant, and soon came to the inner courtyard of Shaolin Temple.

During this period, he saw countless "gates" of different colors.

Su Cheng knew that these were the dreams of the monks in Shaolin Temple. However, the gates of these dreams are different from Fa Hui's previous dreams.

Fahui's gate is golden, but the gates of the monks have different colors, most of them are similar to gray, and some of the gates are copper-colored.

Even less is silver. Su Cheng saw at a glance that in the middle and inner courtyards of Shaolin Temple, there are only a few silver doors. As for the golden color, there seems to be only Fahui.

Even Abbot Xuanci is only silver.

Could it be that there is still a way to explain the colors of these dreams? But it doesn't seem to have much to do with cultivation.

For example, when passing Luohan Hall, Su Cheng discovered that Fazhen's gate was actually silver. But Fazhen's cultivation level is not ranked in the Shaolin Temple now. That being the case, why is his courtyard as silver as Abbot Xuanci's, and even brighter than Abbot Xuanci's?

"never mind……"

Su Cheng didn't think too much about it.

This time, he has only one purpose, which is to enter the dream of "Abbot Xuanci" and seek opportunities for breakthrough.



Abbot Xuanci was meditating in the monk's room.

There were bursts of golden light flashing all over his body, and gradually, true energy emerged from his body, forming a golden air shield around him.

The seventy-two unique skills of Buddhism, golden bell cover!

The zhenqi on the golden bell cover is constantly converging and rising, as if seeking a breakthrough. But after a while, Abbot Xuanci's expression changed slightly, his complexion turned pale, and his aura was in turmoil!


Abbot Xuanci let out a mouthful of turbid air and withdrew his exercises. The golden air mask dissipated slowly, and his spirit seemed much weaker than before.

Still, failed to break through...

Abbot Xuanci sighed, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

I thought that being given the Great Return Pill by my uncle Kongwen master this time, I could take this opportunity to break through to the half-step arhat realm in one fell swoop... Whoever imagined it, still couldn't do it.

In the past few days, he has been working hard every night to break through the realm. But although Da Huan Dan healed his injuries and improved his cultivation a lot, he was half a step away from the realm of a master.

There is always a vague barrier.

And the more impatient Abbot Xuanci was, the more he couldn't break through.

Haste makes waste, although he also knows this truth. But now Shaolin Temple puts all hopes on him, if he can't break through, he will surely disappoint the expectations of the monks.

"That's all."

It's useless to rush.

Let's rest first. After all, there are still many things to be dealt with in the temple tomorrow. I am the abbot of Shaolin, so I can't ignore the busy temple affairs, and I can't fully focus on the breakthrough in martial arts.

Yes, although Abbot Xuanci has already reached the Ninth Level of Congenital Realm. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't need to sleep.

As long as you have not reached the state of "arhat", falling asleep is essential for the cultivation and regeneration of energy.

There are even some exercises that can only be practiced in sleep.

For example, the Buddhist magic "Sleeping Arhat Heart Sutra". This "Sleeping Arhat Heart Sutra" is the magic power of Lingyin Temple. It is said that after cultivating to the realm of transformation, he can prove the "Dharma of Venerable Tanshou Bantuojia". Venerable Bantuojia is the "Testing Hand Arhat" among the eighteen Arhats, also known as Sleeping Arhat, so this magical skill is also called "Sleeping Arhat". The Heart Sutra of Exploring Bantujia.

But on this day, after Abbot Xuanci fell asleep, he suddenly became conscious.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly discovered that he had appeared in the Daxiong Hall of Shaolin Temple without knowing when!

In the distance, the sky was low and very dark. Faintly, there seemed to be a huge cloud of demonic energy floating.

"here is……"

Abbot Xuanci frowned slightly. Immediately, he secretly became vigilant in his heart.

Could it be that evil spirits have invaded my dreams?

But I am in Shaolin Temple, protected by Buddhism. What kind of evil spirit could break into the inner courtyard of Shaolin Temple?

When Abbot Xuanci was wondering, suddenly, there was a sound of slow footsteps...

Step, step, step...

Abbot Xuanci hastily turned his eyes to look. But it was discovered that not far away, a demonic obstacle karma slowly rose, and there seemed to be endless fierceness in it.

Among the demonic barriers, a man in black loomed in it.

But seeing such a strange scene, Abbot Xuanci showed no signs of fear. Instead, with a thought, he asked:

"Amitabha, don't you know that senior is my Buddhist monk?"

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Could it be that……

Abbot Xuanci never believed that in Shaolin Temple, there would be real demons who would dare to cause trouble. Even if there is a crack in the statue of Sakyamuni now, he doesn't believe that there are monsters who can take advantage of it!

That being the case. Then, combined with the abnormality that appeared on Fa Hui during the day. The answer is self-evident.

Although I can't believe it, this "demonic obstacle karma" is probably produced by the "sleeping dream catcher monk" in all likelihood!

There is a very magical legend about the sleeping monk who receives and guides the monk. It can be said that the "Sleeping Dream Monk" is not a human being in Xuan Ci's heart, but a mythical existence.

Or "Bodhisattva" or even "Buddha" is not an exaggeration!

Because according to Abbot Xuanci's master, Master Huicheng, all the abbots of Shaolin Temple have seen this "Sleeping Dream Monk" more or less. Including Patriarch Bodhidharma, there is also a legendary case of being "enlightened in a dream" in the Bodhidharma Cave for nine years!

If this is the case, the Sleeping Dream Guide Monk and even the Patriarch Bodhidharma can guide and guide him. If it is not a Bodhisattva Buddha, what is it?

What's more, the era of Patriarch Bodhidharma is exactly 1,800 years from now, if this guiding monk is really still alive until now...

Abbot Xuanci didn't think about anything other than what Buddhism and Bodhisattvas said.

But why does the "Sleeping Dream Receiving Monk" appear in my dreams? Could it be that...

Abbot Xuanci felt somewhat excited, even with his temperament, it was difficult to calm down at this moment.

Could it be that, like the abbots of all dynasties... did he come to give advice to himself?

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