Let’s not talk about the surprises that Hestia will bring after she returns.

At this time, Eiffel was in his studio, looking at the materials that Lily put in with a look of surprise.

A lot, dozens of times more than the materials that Eiffel and Lily obtained when they were active in the upper level before.

You know, when Eiffel and Lily were active in the upper level at that time, because of Eiffel’s tenfold increase, the two of them gained a lot.

But this time Eiffel did not go with Lily and others, so the gains of Lily and others would naturally return to normal.

Under normal circumstances, more than 20 people active in the upper level should not be too many magic stones and materials, at most a little more than Eiffel and Lily at that time.

But now it is different, it is dozens of times more than what Eiffel and Lily got at that time.

“Could it be that anyone I recognize will be affected by the tenfold increase when they obtain materials?”Eiffel pondered with some suspicion.

He was becoming more and more confused about the effect of this first ability he had acquired.

It was definitely not just the Hestia family that was affected. Naza, who was working with Eiffel, was also affected.

When Eiffel and his companions met Ai Si on the eighteenth floor before, they still received the tenfold increase on the way back, but Ai Si did not, because Eiffel did not regard Ai Si as a companion at the time, but at most someone he had just met.

And Naza was in a team with Eiffel at the time and was someone he recognized.

Therefore, Eiffel felt that the ones who would be affected should be the companions he recognized.

“How strange!”

“Forget it, I don’t understand, but it’s good for me.” After a moment’s silence, Eiffel sighed and didn’t want to think about it anymore, it was a waste of time.

Anyway, it was good for him, there was no need to get to the bottom of it.

Immediately, Eiffel began to make the magic props again.

This production took two hours. It was n’t until Lily came to the studio and called Eiffel to eat that Eiffel stopped his work.

Two hours later, there were not many materials left that Lily and others brought back.

After all, they were obtained on the upper level, which could not be compared with those obtained on the middle level.

However, Eiffel also collected enough light ferries and flying ferries.

After the group finished their meal, Eiffel distributed a sufficient number of light ferries and flying ferries to the newly recruited Aisha and others.

Aisha and others were very unbelievable at first.

Before, Eiffel said that he would give them the magic props, and they thought Because each person only has one, and even only a few people have it.

But Eiffel gave two to each person, as if he was selling them wholesale.

After being shocked, Aisha and the others were extremely excited. They came to Eiffel one by one and gave him a kiss.

Although they have no magic power and cannot use magic props now, these two magic props will become a powerful helper for them after they awaken magic.

Lily kept pulling from behind to prevent Aisha and the others from getting close to Eiffel.

However, Lily was weak and could not pull many people away.

When Aisha and the others dispersed, there were already several lip prints on Eiffel’s face.

That is to say, female elves no longer wear lipstick, only a few of them do. Otherwise, Eiffel’s face would definitely be covered with dense red marks.

“”Damn elf!!!” Looking at the lipstick marks on Eiffel’s face, Lily cursed and glared at Aisha and the others, which was very cute.

Aisha and the others didn’t care about Lily’s appearance at all, and looked at Lily with interest.

“Well, Eiffel is very popular with Aisha and the others, so you should pay more attention to him in the future.”

“Otherwise, be careful that Eiffel will be eaten up by Aisha and the others.” Fenghua, who was standing by, looked at Lily’s expression and said something sarcastic with interest.

Tifa smiled secretly after hearing this.

However, judging from the slight twinkle in her eyes, Tifa seemed to have the same idea. When

Aisha and the others heard Fenghua’s words, they seemed to think it made a lot of sense, and their eyes lit up.

When Lily saw this scene, she immediately ran to Eiffel like a kitten with its fur standing on end, opened her arms, and protected Eiffel, as if she didn’t want Aisha and the others to get close to her………..

Aisha and the others looked at Lily like this, and their smiles suddenly widened………..

During the day, in the dungeon, Lily’s performance was not like this. She was heroic and decisive in battle. She would command them to fight from time to time and set up the most reliable battle plan for them. She was very much like a general. But as soon as she returned to the family villa and got involved with Eiffel’s affairs, Lily turned into a little girl.

More like a kitten that was always protecting its food.

This strong sense of contrast made Aisha and others feel very cute.

Eiffel also thought that Lily looked very cute at this time, and reached out to rub her head.

Lily immediately quieted down, with a hint of enjoyment on her face.

At this moment, Hestia’s shout came from outside.

“I’m back, Eiffel, come help me move the stuff”

“Moving things? What did Lady Hestia bring back?”Hestia’s voice attracted the attention of everyone present. Lily also came back from her enjoyment and murmured in confusion.

Everyone was very concerned, and then everyone walked out.

After opening the door, Eiffel and others saw Hestia holding several heavy books in her hands.

Behind her, Aegina, Eiffel’s new adventurer consultant, was also holding a pile of books. Behind the two of them, there were many books similar to those carried by Hestia and Aegina on a wooden cart.

“Hestia, Aegina, what is this?” Eiffel asked in confusion, expressing everyone’s curiosity.

“Hehe, good stuff, hurry up and help move it in.”Hestia didn’t explain, just grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and urged Eiffel and others.

Hearing this, Eiffel didn’t ask any more questions, but called Lily and others to start moving all the books on the wooden cart into the villa.

“”Aina, what’s going on?” While moving the books, Eiffel came to Aina and asked softly.

“These are all intelligence.” Aina winked at Eiffel playfully.

Intelligence ?”.

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