I Signed In At The Dungeon

Chapter 18 Hephaestus, Mystery

On the other side, Eiffel and Lily rushed towards the station after saying goodbye to Eina.

After more than ten minutes' journey, the two returned to the station.

In the past, Hestia would wait on the rocks on the ruins outside the station for the two of them to return.

But not this time, Eiffel and Lily did not see Hestia.

However, when approaching the entrance of the underground church, Eiffel heard laughter coming from the underground church. It was two female voices, one of which was Hestia, and the other was Eiffel and Lily. Never heard of it.

The two looked at each other.

Is this Hestia's divine friend coming?

Then the two of them stepped into the underground church.

"Ah, Eiffel, Lily, you are back."

"Let me introduce to you, this is Hephaestus, my best friend in heaven."

"This is the Eiffel I told you, my first dependent and my most satisfying dependent."

"Lily of the Somo Familia is Eiffel's supporter." When Eiffel and Lily came down, Hestia noticed it immediately and introduced the people around him to them. , ah, no, it’s God.

After introducing Hephaestus, Hestia also introduced Eiffel and Lily for Hephaestus.

Sitting next to Hestia was a red-haired goddess, wearing a white shirt and black leather pants, dressed like an urban beauty, with a black eyepatch on her face.

"Lord Hephaestus." Eiffel bowed slightly to the red-haired goddess, Hephaestus, and shouted.

Naturally, this Eiffel is no stranger to him, he is Hestia's best friend.

Hestia first took refuge in this person after coming down from heaven and has been living with her.

It's just that Hestia has not done anything serious since she came down to the world, and she has not formed a family. Instead, she has been fascinated by various legends and biographies. Hephaestus couldn't stand it, so she kicked this guy out directly.

The underground church they now live in is where Hephaestus supports Hestia.

The Blade of Hestia in the hands of Bell Crane in the original book was made by her.

Lily on the side also followed Eiffel's words and shouted respectfully.

"Lord Hephaestus."

"Just call me Hephaestus." Hephaestus has a gentler personality and responded softly to Eiffel and Lily.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded again in Eiffel's mind.

"The random sign-in has been triggered, please ask the host if you want to sign in!!!"

"System, sign in!!" Hearing the system's voice, Eiffel signed in without thinking.

"Ding!! The sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting the mysterious MAX!!!"

"Huh?" Listening to the system's reward this time, Eiffel was a little confused. He was not sure what the reward he got this time was.

Eiffel wanted to check it out, but the current situation was not suitable for him to do so.

"Eiffel, Lily, what a surprise. Hephaestus and I have already discussed it. If you want to update your equipment in the future, go to the territory of the Hephaestus family to update it. Hephaestus will give you a score of eight. Discount," Hestia said to Eiffel with a smile on her face.

As soon as these words came out, Eiffel was slightly stunned, his mouth slightly opened, looking stunned.

This is really a surprise.

Lily on the side was also complaining in her heart.

"Lady Hestia, you are really pleasantly surprised."

Seeing the reactions of Eiffel and Lily, Hestia was a little confused.

Why do you feel that the two of them are not very interested in this surprise?

However, Hephaestus next to her saw some clues.

"Hestia, Eiffel's equipment must have been recently replaced." Hephaestus covered her mouth and chuckled.

As soon as these words came out, Hestia turned to stone and shattered on the ground.

After recovering, Hestia rushed to Eiffel, grabbed Eiffel's collar and roared in displeasure.

"Eiffel, why don't you discuss changing equipment with me?"

Eiffel: ( ̄ω ̄;)

"Lady Hestia, Lady Eiffel mentioned it to you last night, but you were drunk at the time."

"So Lord Eiffel and Lily left you a note this morning."

"Didn't you look at it?" Lily said with a ashamed expression, walking towards the bed as she spoke.

As soon as these words came out, Hestia's face suddenly stiffened.

Because I had dinner and chatted with Hephaestus and Mih last night and drank a lot of wine, I was completely confused when I came back.

When I woke up this morning, I felt very uncomfortable and had a runny nose. I felt a piece of paper on the bedside table and blew my nose with it.

After she woke up completely, she looked at the crumpled paper on the ground, picked it up and threw it into the trash can.

Could it be

At this time, Lily's voice came from the bedside.

"Huh? The paper is missing?"

This time, Hestia not only froze on her face, but her whole body.

Turning her head around like a machine, Hestia looked at the trash can not far from the bed, feeling as if she was in mourning.

Seeing Hestia's reaction, Eiffel and Lily knew what was going on without even guessing.

"Haha." Hephaestus laughed unceremoniously.

This smile was like triggering a switch. Hestia held her head in her hands and shook it wildly.

Seeing this, Eiffel quickly stepped forward to comfort Hestia, who was in a state of collapse.

Anyway, after Eiffel said all the comforting words he knew, Hestia calmed down, but she was still a little silent.

"Well, I'll go back first."

"Eiffel, I have already told the people in the family that if you go to buy equipment from me in the future, as long as you state your name, they will give you a discount."

"That's it." Hephaestus looked at Hestia's appearance and had no intention of continuing the conversation. She stood up and was about to say goodbye and leave.

Before leaving, Hephaestus told Eiffel.

"Thank you, Lord Hephaestus."

"No need to add Sir, just call me Hephaestus."

"..., then, Hephaestus?"

"Ah, very good."

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