Chapter 0301 Accept the invitation!

It’s strange to say, when Eiffel was about to tell Hestia, the law of karma reminded Eiffel not to say it, but this time, the magic of karma had no reaction.

This is also the reason why Eiffel told the magic of karma.

It seems that now Eiffel doesn’t have to worry about anything happening even if the gods know the existence of the magic of karma.

The next morning, people from Loki’s family came to visit. They were Livia and Lefiya.

“Hey, did that guy Dex actually give you the key?”

Seeing Livilia coming to the door with the red orb in her hand, Eiffel was a little surprised. He originally thought that Dex would hold the key in his hand and lead the Loki family in by himself.

Speaking of which, in the original book, when the Loki family entered the underground maze, there was no key, but it was Filweiss under Dionysus who opened it specially to allow the Loki family to enter.

After entering, the divided Loki family soon fell into the trap of the dark faction in the artificial maze.

“This guy is very tight-lipped. We had to work very hard to get this thing that is said to be a key.”

“But we don’t know anything about this thing, so we want you, a specialist, to come and see if this thing is real or not. If it is real, we can make a few copies just in case. The factory said with a smile.

“Okay, I understand. I’ll analyze the authenticity of this thing later.”

“As for your invitation, I need to discuss this with Hestia and the others, and I will give you an answer tomorrow.”

Eiffel nodded slightly, and then said.

The Loki family is going to invite the Hestia family to conquer the artificial maze together.

Although Eiffel is the leader of the Hestia family, he can’t just agree to it casually. He needs to discuss the plan with others.

Before, Eiffel didn’t plan to let Hestia get involved in this matter. He planned to let Hestia continue to adventure in the dungeon and upgrade.

But now think about it, it’s better to discuss it with Lily and others.

Maybe Lily and others are willing to participate in this strategy for the artificial maze.

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

“”Eiffel, let’s discuss magic and mystery together.”

Livilia nodded, and then she talked to Eiffel about magic and mystery.

Eiffel did not refuse and agreed with a smile.

As for the elf Lefiya, she sat next to the two of them and listened.

However, seeing that Lefiya’s eyes were full of Eiffel, I don’t know if this guy listened to the class seriously.

The two of them talked for the whole afternoon, and it was not until the evening that Livilia took Lefiya away from the stove house.

Hestia went out early in the morning to find Hephaestus to exchange friendship with her bestie, but she came back from Hephaestus a long time ago. However, after seeing that Eiffel was discussing magic with Livilia, she did not disturb them.

Not long after Livilia and Lefiya left, Hestia came over.

“What are the Nine Demon Princesses and the Thousand Fairies doing here?”

Hestia asked curiously.

“Come and issue me a commission, and invite our Hestia family to explore the artificial maze together.”

“I didn’t agree directly. I planned to have a discussion with Lily and the others tonight to decide whether to accept their invitation.”

Eiffel said truthfully.

“An artificial maze?”

“By the way, Loki mentioned before that they were looking for the entrance to the human maze on Daedalus Street.”

“It seems that we have found it!”

Hestia nodded in understanding.

“Well, I found it, otherwise he wouldn’t have invited us.”

“Hestia, what do you think?”

Eiffel nodded and said

“As for me, it’s all right. With your help, the Hestia family is now more than capable of conquering the Dragon Pot, and building a maze is no problem at all.”

“However, Loki said there might be remnants of the dark faction inside, which is something to be careful of.”

Hestia shrugged and smiled.

She was very confident that her family would not starve to death, and she imagined that the family members had the ability to handle everything.

This was the confidence she had after watching her family grow rapidly and defeat powerful enemies one after another.

“Well, I will discuss it with Lily and the others when they come back in the evening.”

Eiffel nodded slightly.

Because Hestia left the Hearth early in the morning to complain to Hephaestus, there was no need to leave anyone in the Hearth to accompany Hestia, so Lily and the others went to the dungeon to earn pocket money, leaving Eiffel alone in the tribe to study the transformation potion.

However, Lily and the others did not go deep into the lower level, so Yi Wan would be back.

Soon Lily and the others came back, and Eiffel told Lily and the others about the matter.

“A man-made maze? With Loki’s family?”

“Participate, I want to participate.”

Upon hearing the invitation of the Loki family to attack the artificial maze, Lily gave her answer immediately.

Others had no objection, and their eyes were shining.

Although the Hestia family is growing rapidly now, they have never had contact and cooperation with the Loki family and the Freya family.

The most important thing is that if they follow the Loki family, they can learn from the Hestia family and gain some experience.

Although the Hestia family has grown, it is only in terms of strength. Other aspects are really incomparable to the Loki family and the Freya family.

This requires all kinds of adventures to settle down, but in addition to this, you can learn from them.

The previous generation plants trees and the next generation enjoys the shade!

Now that they have encountered this cooperation invitation, Lily and others will naturally not miss it.

Act with the Loki family, learn, and prepare for the next deep expedition.

Seeing that everyone’s opinion was unanimous, although Eiffel was a little surprised, he didn’t say anything, smiled and nodded.

“In this case, I will give Loki’s family a reply tomorrow, so you all should get ready!!”

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