Chapter 0305: Complicated Feerweisi, emergency situation!

This is the first time that Eiffel has seen Feerweisi, the goblin who announces death.

He was weak before, so he didn’t want to meet this guy at all, because he was afraid of getting into trouble.

But now Eiffel’s strength is enough, and Feerweisi has just appeared in front of him as a complete body, so Eiffel will naturally not let this guy go. In the melee just now, he couldn’t use his full strength, so he could only let Feerweisi go.

But this doesn’t mean that Eiffel will let her go.

Flash can mark a person, but it takes a lot of magic power, and it also takes a lot of magic power to transfer.

But Eiffel doesn’t lack this magic power now, so when he fought with Feerweisi just now, Eiffel had already marked Feerweisi with the flash mark.

Feerweisi’s leaving is exactly what Eiffel wants.

Just now, Eiffel didn’t dare to use his full strength in that place because of his companions, but now that Feerweisi has escaped, Eiffel can use his full strength.

“It’s too late!!!”

Seeing Eiffel suddenly appear beside him, the black-robed masked man Felweiss was not surprised and whispered softly.

Hearing this, Eiffel was slightly stunned, and had a slight ominous premonition in his heart.

However, Eiffel did not stop his movements, and the Sword of Oath of Victory in his hand was swung down quickly.

This time Eiffel burst out with all his strength.

At lv.5, Eiffel had reached the emperor level of combat power on the panel without Ota using any skills, and at that time, Eiffel’s ability value had just reached SS.

Now that he has upgraded to SSS1999, Eiffel’s strength has skyrocketed again, and he has reached the combat power of lv.8. In this attack, Eiffel even directly launched the MAX-level development ability to attack across levels.

This attack, Felweiss did not have the strength to resist at all.

With just one attack, Felweiss turned into a cannonball and smashed directly on the extremely hard metal door. A large amount of blood oozed out from under the patterned mask. It can be imagined that with just one attack, Felweiss had been severely injured and was seriously injured and dying.

After sliding down from the undamaged metal door, Felweiss did not make any move to escape, but just sat there quietly with her head down.

“What do you mean by late?”

For the first time, Eiffel did not attack directly, but walked in front of Fierweiss, pointed the sword of victory in his hand at Fierweiss’s mask, and asked indifferently.

“Lord Dionysus’s arrangement is almost complete, and it’s too late to destroy it.”

Felweiss reached out and took off the mask on her face, revealing her delicate face with blood on it, and spoke lightly.

“Master Eiffel, I am very sorry.”

On that bloody and delicate face, her eyes flashed with a faint desire, and she stared at Eiffel quietly for a few seconds, and then Fierweisi murmured in a guilty tone.

Hearing this, Eiffel was slightly stunned.

“Can you also feel my aura?”

Eiffel suddenly realized.

Only Demeter, the heretic in the pure-blooded elf dungeon, can feel the aura on Eiffel.

Elves with impure blood like half-elves, that is, Aina, can’t feel it.

So Eiffel always thought that elves like Felweiss who have become weird can’t feel it.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have attacked him just now.

But after hearing what Felweiss said, she seemed to be able to feel the natural aura on her body.

“Such a warm breath, I can naturally feel it”

“I have always wanted to be closer to you, Mr. Eiffel.”

“But I am already a dirty weirdo, unworthy of standing in front of the Eiffel celestial being.”

“Lord Eiffel, Lord Dionysus is my benefactor. He obtained eight fallen fairy clones from the fallen fairy and brought them to the tenth and eleventh floors of the Difei City.”

“Lord Dionysus wants to blow all of Orario away. Lord Eiffel, please leave as soon as possible.”

“I have a map on me”

“”Fei Erweisi is deeply sorry for causing you such trouble.” Fei Erweisi looked at Eiffel with a bloody smile on her face, muttering in a low voice, her voice becoming weaker and weaker, and her gaze on Eiffel slowly moved down from Eiffel’s body, until finally her whole head completely drooped, and the breath on her body completely disappeared.


Looking at the figure in front of him, Eiffel’s face was calm, and he didn’t know what to say in his heart.

After silently looking at Fei Erweisi for a moment, Eiffel reached out and searched for a map in her body. After looking at it silently for a moment, Eiffel took out the shorthand notes, took out a dozen pieces of parchment, and quickly copied the map.

After a while, Eiffel copied more than a dozen maps, and then Eiffel put the map away, and by the way, he also put Fei Erweisi’s body into the Ring of Chaos, and left here quickly in a flash.

When he appeared again, he was already next to Finn from another team.


Finn, who was chasing the enemy, saw Eiffel suddenly appear beside him and almost stabbed him as an enemy, but fortunately he stopped in time and shouted in surprise,”Eiffel, your name is…”

“Finn, the situation is urgent, don’t pay attention to these guys.”

Eiffel nodded, and then told Finn his inner guess.

This time, the Loki family delayed for so long in finding the artificial maze, which really gave Dionysus an opportunity. It is very likely that he has brought the Fallen Fairy’s clone up.

So the top priority is to get rid of the Fallen Fairy’s clone.

“Is it really like this!!!”

“I understand!!”

After listening to Eiffel’s story, Finn also understood the importance of the matter and nodded solemnly.

“Eiffel, the strength of our two clans alone is not enough, I’ll leave it to you to notify the other clans.”

“Well, I understand knives.”

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