I Signed In At The Dungeon

Chapter 37 Division Of Work, New Magic Tools

After sparring with Lyu, it was already one o'clock in the morning when Eiffel returned to the underground church.

Hestia and Lily had already rested, and Eiffel did not disturb them. After washing up for a while, they lay down on the sofa.

"After finishing Lily's affairs tomorrow, let's go buy a villa as a residence together." Looking at the broken ceiling, Eiffel thought to himself, and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Eiffel was suffocated to wake up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Eiffel's eyes were filled with gray, and there was a soft object lying on his body.

After struggling hard for a moment, Eiffel finally broke free.

Looking at it, Hestia somehow moved from the bed to the sofa and lay on top of her.

"Wake up, Hestia, why did you come on me again?" Eiffel was already used to this kind of thing, because Hestia had been like this several times in the past half month.

"Let me sleep a little longer." Hestia responded dazedly, and then fell asleep again.

"Lord Eiffel, just give up. Lady Hestia has serious procrastination and can't wake up so early." Lily walked out of the bathroom, holding a water glass in her hand and a He rubbed the brush in his mouth, brushed his teeth, and hummed.

After hearing this, Eiffel did not continue to disturb Hestia, and gently let himself go, and then entered the bathroom to wash up.

When Eiffel finished washing, Hestia opened her eyes in a daze.

"Good morning, Eiffel."

"Where's Lily?" Hestia rubbed her eyes and said to Eiffel. Then she glanced around and found that she didn't see Lily, so she asked about Lily.

"Going to buy breakfast." Eiffel wiped his face with a towel and said muffledly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there were footsteps at the top of the stairs, followed closely by Lily's voice.

"Lord Eiffel, I bought breakfast."

After a while of busy work, the three of them sat in front of the sofa and had breakfast.

"What's your plan for today?" Hestia asked while eating breakfast.

"First help Lily change her religion, and then go buy a new residence. Meanwhile, I will inform the guild about my upgrade." Eiffel replied.

"Well, I'll go to Hephaestus' side first and ask her to accompany us." Hestia nodded after hearing this, and then said.

"Um, is this really good?"

"I always feel a little bad." Hearing Hestia say this, Eiffel felt a little embarrassed.

It feels like a fox is pretending to be a tiger, using the name of Hephaestus Familia to force Soma Familia.

"It's okay, this is how the Somo family should be."

"I went to investigate the situation of the Somo Familia in the past few days."

"The results of the investigation made me half angry to death."

"Those adventurers from the Somo clan are really outrageous."

"So does that guy Soma."

"You should treat him like this and let him remember it for a long time." When Hestia mentioned this incident, not only did she not feel bad, but she was extremely angry and defended Lily.

"Lily, it's hard work for you to live so long." Hestia then looked at Lily, full of pity.

She had nothing to do during this period. She had been collecting information about the Somo Familia. After learning about the situation of the Somo Familia, she felt really good about it. She felt like she was about to have breast hyperplasia.

Previously, I was planning to visit Soma to have a serious conversation and peacefully proselytize.

But now, Hestia just wants to use the power of Hephaestus' large family to suppress the Soma family and bully others.

The Somo Familia deserve this kind of treatment.

"Ah haha, I'm used to it, Lord Hestia." Looking at Hestia who was so angry, Lily felt a little embarrassed, scratching her head and laughing.

Eiffel thought about Hestia's words for a moment, and felt that it seemed to be true, but

"But, is it okay with Hephaestus?"

"Isn't it easy to offend people with this kind of thing?" Eiffel was a little worried.

"It's okay. I gave Hephaestus some revenge. Hephaestus couldn't stand the way that guy Soma was just taking care of the shop, so he thought of coming over to join in the fun." Hestia's face turned red when she mentioned this. The smile appeared again.

"Are you so willful?" Eiffel's mouth twitched slightly, speechless at what Hephaestus did.

He just let Hestia act so willfully and offended a family member.

"After all, Hephaestus and I are the best friends in the world, let me take advantage of this opportunity to catch up with Little Keith." Hestia said proudly without taking it seriously.

Eiffel shrugged and said nothing more.

Eiffel didn't know how good the relationship between Hestia and Hephaestus was, so that Hephaestus was willing to accompany Hestia in such nonsense.

However, most of it is extremely good.

The three of them finished their breakfast quickly.

After finishing breakfast, Hestia took Lily and went to find Hephaestus.

As for Eiffel, Eiffel did not go with him, but stayed in the underground church to make magic items.

After collecting so many materials in the dungeon, why not make magic items and keep them? New Year's Eve?

A blue light bloomed in his hands, and various materials were wrapped in azure light, floating in Eiffel's closed palm.

The theories on how to make various magic props were spinning rapidly in Eiffel's mind. Eiffel picked them up and started making various magic props.

Every five minutes, a magic item flew out of Eiffel's closed palm and landed on the ground beside him.

This situation lasted for a full hour, and the place beside Eiffel was already filled with magic items, a total of twelve.

"Guang Du, a magic item that enhances the power of weapons, keep it for Lily to use."

"Feidu, accelerating Feather Shoes, can increase the user's speed. The specific increase speed depends on the magic power infused by the user. The fastest one can reach the speed of a lv.5 adventurer. Save it for Lily."

"The invisibility cloak can make you invisible. Give it to Li. No, you should use it yourself."

"The ever-changing magic liquid can form any limb when it covers the body, and the limbs it generates are like arms and have great power. It just so happens that Naza has lost an arm. Please wait and ask Naza if she wants it."

"The cleaner can clean the area within a radius of 500 meters. It can be controlled. It can be used to clean the villa after I buy it."


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