I Signed In At The Dungeon

Chapter 46 Books, Riveria

That night, Eiffel passed the enhanced version of the Day Call to Tifa.

Eiffel will teach the enhanced version of Rihu, a breathing technique that improves strength, to members of the Hestia Familia.

Without the enhanced version of Rihu, there is basically no possibility for members of the Hestia Familia to catch up with Eiffel.

Eiffel's growth rate is really too fast.

However, even with the enhanced version of Rihu, Eiffel still felt that it would be difficult for Tifa and Lily to catch up with him.

Take it one step at a time.

In the future, if there are new ways to quickly improve their strength, I will teach them to them at that time so that they can become stronger faster.

The next morning, Eiffel did not go to the dungeon with Lily and Tifa.

Hestia and Lily took Tifa out and took Tifa to visit Orario, while preparing the equipment Tifa would need when entering the dungeon.

As for Eiffel, Eiffel still didn't go with him.

Because Eiffel went to prepare the materials for making a magic book.

The main material of the magic book is books, and what is needed is not ordinary books, but books that can withstand a large amount of magic, so specially processed books are needed.

This thing is only sold in the magical country of Altina.

It was impossible for Eiffel to drive Orario and go all the way to Altina.

Fortunately, Eiffel of Mysterious MAX has the ability to produce such books.

Eiffel is now going to buy books and materials, and after buying them, he will make books that can be used to make magic books.

Eiffel was not familiar with Orario, so he wandered on the street for a long time before he found a bookstore selling books.

The bookstore is quite large, with two floors and a lot of people. There are people in front of every bookcase.

Eiffel did not go to the bookcase, but came directly to the counter.

"Old man, can you order blank books here?" Standing in front of the bookstore counter, Eiffel asked the bookstore owner, an old man with graying hair and beard.

The books used to make the magic book cannot have any text, because books with words will affect the production of the magic book and cause errors in the magic book.

However, there are very few such books. Who would bother to get some books without words?

So if you want to get this kind of books, you can only order them from these bookstores.

Bookstore owners have their own channels.

Hearing Eiffel's words, the old man was slightly startled and looked at Eiffel with a very strange look.

That weirdness was not because Eiffel wanted blank books, but because of something else, but Eiffel couldn't tell why.

"What's wrong?" Eiffel was slightly embarrassed when the white-bearded old man who owned the bookstore looked at him like this, and asked.

"No, it was just a little unexpected."

"I happen to have a batch here, what do you want?" The white-bearded old man shook his head and then asked.

As he spoke, the old man squatted down and put a wooden box on the counter.

There are a large number of ancient-looking books in the wooden box.

This time it was Eiffel's turn to be surprised, and he looked at the old man with a strange look.

Who would buy a bookstore that looks like this? It looks like it is a very expensive blank book.

Although he was surprised why the old man would enter such a blank book, Eiffel had no intention of exploring.

After agreeing on the price with the old man, Eiffel paid the money and left with the wooden box.

What Eiffel didn't know was that half an hour after he left, a figure entered the bookstore.

"Old man, do you still have any blank books?"

The person who came had the pointed ears of an elf, a delicate and beautiful face, and an indifferent expression. His long green hair was tied behind his back, and he was wearing a cloak, so that no one could see what he was wearing.

If Eiffel were here, he would recognize this person's identity immediately.

Riveria Leos Alfor, one of the three giants of the Loki Familia, and the most powerful magician in the city, the Nine Demons.

"I said Riveria, do you have any secrets? You can't make a magic book at all, so you should give up." Riveria seems to be a frequent visitor to the bookstore. The owner of the bookstore, the old man with white beard, is very familiar with Riveria. , after seeing Riveria, he directly spoke to Riveria to persuade her.

"Don't worry about this."

"Are there any books left?" Riveria said calmly, ignoring the bookstore owner's advice.

"No more, there was still one just now."

"But it was bought by a member of your race half an hour ago." After hearing Riveria's answer, the old man shook his head helplessly and said.

"Who else buys this kind of book besides me?" Riveria was obviously surprised.

"Well, I probably want to create a magic book just like you."

"That elf boy looks quite young. It would be nice if he could stop his losses in time, otherwise his future would be ruined if he gets into this kind of thing." The old man of the bookstore nodded, without hiding anything, and said in a regretful tone.

Blank books are not popular because those who buy them are used to make magic books.

He had never sold anything like this before.

It was not until ten years ago that he was asked by Riveria to order such blank books.

In the past ten years, he also knew that Riveria had been trying to make a magic book.

The magic book is not enough. It requires the development of magic and mystery abilities.

Although he didn't know what Riveria's developmental abilities were, he could guess some by seeing that Riveria hadn't completed the production of the magic book for ten years.

Riveria definitely does not have the conditions to create a grimoire.

I'm probably researching it now, and want to see if I can come up with anything.

And now, in addition to Riveria, another elf has bought this kind of blank book from her.

Thinking of Riveria's lack of results in the past ten years, he couldn't help but feel sorry for Eiffel, who had just embarked on this path.

Riveria frowned slightly when she heard the bookstore old man's words, and then said to the bookstore old man: "Old man, help me order some more."

"I'll come and get it in two days."

"By the way, if that boy comes here again, help me ask about that boy's situation."

"Yes, yes, I will customize some for you."

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