I Signed In At The Dungeon

Chapter 78: Holy Sword Of The Stars

Holy Sword of the Star·Excalibur!!!

The weapon of the old sword knight Arthur Pendragon, the glorious holy sword that saves the stars. It was forged to defeat the foreign enemies who tried to destroy the stars, and it was a golden blade that could repel almost all evil.

The Holy Sword of Stars has thirteen seals. Under normal circumstances, six of them can be released and the power of the six seals can be unleashed.

Once you want to use the power of the holy sword to lift more than six seals, you need to make a decision.

The thirteen seals on the Holy Sword of the Star are the regulations set by its owner Arthur Pendragon and the Twelve Knights under his command for the Holy Sword.

This can also be regarded as the second scabbard of the holy sword.

Once you want to unleash the full power of the Holy Sword, you need the recognition of more than seven people.

It is said that the full power of the Holy Sword of Stars can cut stars in half, but I don't know if it is true or not.

Looking at the Holy Sword in his hand and carefully understanding the situation of the Star Sword, Eiffel fell into deep thought.

emmmmmmm, I am not Arthur Pendragon. Why do we need to hold a roundtable meeting to lift the seal and unleash its full power?

When the round table conference really begins, will the knights of the round table recognize me as a stranger?

This guy in the system is really cheating.

You gave me this thing, but you should handle the aftermath for me.

"Forget it, it's not a loss if you can exert the power of Artoria's Sword of Victory." After a moment of silence, Eiffel sighed silently and murmured in his heart.

'Speaking of Artoria, now that there is the Sword of Victory, does Avalon have to follow suit?'

'Can this stupid thing in the system give me an Avalon next time I sign in?' Eiffel muttered silently in his heart, threw the Star Sword back into the system space with a wave of his hand, and then began to pick out the things in the studio. materials come.

There is a sword without a scabbard, so you have to get a suitable scabbard for the Holy Sword of the Stars, otherwise it will not count if it is kept outside.

Has it been sitting in the system space collecting dust?

Eiffel was very fast, and within a few minutes he selected the required materials and started making the scabbard.

The scabbard Eiffel wants to make is a magic item.

Using an ordinary scabbard to hold the Holy Sword of the Stars would make the Holy Sword of the Stars less powerful.

This requires a better scabbard.

To be honest, if there are enough good materials, Eiffel is sure to make a pirated version of Avalon.

After all, the mystery of MAX level is no joke, it is the strongest among the gods.

But it's a pity that a clever woman can't make a meal without rice. Even if Eiffel's mystery is MAX level, she can't make ten Avalons out of thin air.

Soon a gorgeous pirated Avalon took shape in Eiffel's hands.

Due to the fact that the material was not good enough, Eiffel did not put much thought into it and only added an attribute to the scabbard that would not cause damage.

Looking at the scabbard in his hand, Eiffel casually held a sword flower, then took out the Holy Sword of Stars in the system space and threw it upward, aligning the scabbard.


The crisp and melodious sound of perfect sheathing echoed in Eiffel's ears. Eiffel nodded with satisfaction, then pulled out the knight's sword he had used before and hung up the Holy Sword of the Star.


After making the scabbard, Eiffel did not stop and started making new magic items non-stop.

This was ordered by Tsubaki and Eiffel before they parted ways. Five magic items cost RMB 50 million.

Eiffel's Mystery Level is MAX, making magic props easy and freehand. It is very simple. You can complete a simple magic prop in just a few minutes.

So Eiffel was not prepared to postpone this matter until tomorrow. On the contrary, the production of magic books is very cumbersome, and it takes several hours to produce one.

The same goes for the magic sword. It requires constant beating to take shape, and it also takes a lot of time.

Of the three things, magic items are the simplest.

However, only Eiffel is qualified to say such things.

If Asfi, the leader of the Hermes Familia heard this, he would probably be so angry that he would want to bite Eiffel.

With five magic items, Eiffel completed the event that took him half an hour.

After completing the production of magic items, Eiffel left the studio and returned to his room. After a brief wash, he lay down on the warm bed and "quickly entered."


The next morning, Eiffel was awakened again by a heavy sense of oppression.

"Hestia...々." Looking at Hestia who was pushed aside by him and sleeping in a weird posture, Eiffel fell silent.

Ever since Hestia suddenly proposed to him on a date the night before yesterday, Eiffel had discovered that he seemed to be unable to view Hestia the same as before.

In the past, Hestia would come to him every time in the middle of the night. When he found Hestia in the morning, he didn't feel too upset in his heart.

But now, looking at Hestia's sleeping posture, Eiffel's heart felt violently twitching, and his heartbeat was beating faster and faster.

Taking a deep breath, Eiffel forced his eyes away from Hestia, stood up and left the room.

After briefly washing up, Eiffel came to the kitchen and prepared a breakfast for several people.

Not long after, Hestia, Lily and Tifa woke up one after another and came to the kitchen.

Several people were sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Lady Hestia, Lady Eiffel, Lily is not going to attend the monster sacrifice ceremony with you today.

"Lily and Tifa have agreed to go to the dungeon to test magic together today." - Lily said to Eiffel and Hestia while eating breakfast

"Lily is right, we are going to the dungeon to test the newly acquired magic." Nan Fa agreed with a smile.

I had already decided not to go to the dungeon in the past few days, but after testing the magic with Lily in the courtyard last night, the two discussed it and decided to go to the dungeon next and test the magic with the monsters in the dungeon.

Hearing this, Hestia and Eiffel, who were eating, were stunned and looked at each other in unison.

Both of them saw their own thoughts in each other's eyes.

"It's okay, I happen to have something to do today." Looking back, Hestia smiled and shook her head.

"In that case, I will make a few more magic books in the villa." Eiffel also said with a smile. .

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