Ruiweisi, the weirdo in the dungeon, is a being who can swallow magic stones to become stronger.

He is an accomplice of the fallen fairy. However, he does not seem to be a subordinate of the fallen fairy, but more like a collaborator.

The purpose of appearing here this time is to recover the Fairy Orb that was taken away from the 30th floor by Hajana of the Ganesha Familia.

It's a pity that Haganna from the Ganesha Familia and Lulune from the Hermes Familia made the handover too quickly. The handover between the two had already been completed by the time Rui Weisi arrived here.

This triggered the murder this time.

Now that she realized that the Fairy Orb was in Lulune and in the hands of Ace and the others, Revis decisively launched an attack on the town of Rivera, dragging Finn and others there.

Then he ran over and attacked Ais and others.

"Eiffel, be careful." Faced with Ruiweisi's words, Aisi ignored them and gently reminded Eiffel to be careful.

In the previous fight, she had discovered that the strength of the woman in front of her was far superior to hers.

If it hadn't been for Eiffel's help just now, she would never have been able to stop this woman.

This woman's strength is already close to IV.6. Neither she nor Eiffel can be a match for this guy in a single fight.

"Ah, I understand." Eiffel did not speak, but silently concentrated his attention.

His strength is only at Iv.4 level when he is fully exerted. Therefore, in this battle, Eiffel does not intend to put himself as the main force, but prepares to assist. Ace.

Ruiweisi's goal was the Fairy Orb, but she also understood at this time that it would be impossible for her to pursue Lefiya without defeating Eiffel and Ais.

Therefore, she did not waste time and launched an attack directly.

After just a simple sentence, the two sides started a fierce battle again.

Rui Weisi is very powerful, and she is considered top-notch in both combat skills and combat experience.

Therefore, she immediately understood that if she wanted to defeat Eiffel and Ais, her first goal was to eliminate Eiffel.

Eiffel's strength is not as good as Aisi's, and she is weak. As long as Eiffel is eliminated, Aisi alone will never be able to stop her.

Therefore, after the battle started again, Ruiweisi completely abandoned Aisi and launched a fierce pursuit of Eiffel [the attitude of ten desperate attempts to kill Eiffel].

Ais obviously also understands this, so she always pays attention to this during the battle, and does not give Rui Weisi a chance to seriously injure Eiffel.

Although Eiffel is the weakest among the three, her fighting skills are the strongest among the three, and she also has the richest combat experience. Therefore, even if Ruiweisi tries her best to defeat Effie as soon as possible. I was eliminated, but still couldn't do it. Every attack was neutralized by Eiffel with his strong combat experience and skills, plus the attacks and harassment from Aisi on the side.

Eiffel's fighting skills surprised Revisi.

An elf whose strength did not even reach the level of a first-level adventurer actually possessed such powerful combat skills. With this combat skills, I was unable to defeat him for a while.

"It's really amazing!々々!" During the battle, Rui Weisi couldn't help but sigh at Eiffel's powerful fighting skills.

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Ais, attack her with all your strength, don't worry about me." Eiffel replied with a smile, and then told Ais.

Eiffel has the existence of Avalon. As long as the magic power is enough, Eiffel can ignore no matter how serious the injury is.

"But..." Although Eiffel said this, it was obviously impossible for Aisi, who didn't know Eiffel's situation, to do so.

"Okay, listen to me!!" Eiffel spoke again, with a firm and serious tone.

"I understand, be careful." Seeing Eiffel's firm attitude, Ais frowned slightly, and then nodded solemnly.

Immediately, Aisi changed her previous fighting method, no longer caring about Eiffel's situation, and attacked Rui Weisi.

However, even if Aisi attacked Rui Weisi with all her strength, and with Eiffel assisting her, she still could not cause severe injuries to Rui Weisi.

On the contrary, Rui Weisi found an opportunity to attack Eiffel.

After cutting Aisi away with a knife in the fight, Ruiweisi's combat power came out again and slashed Eiffel's body with a knife.

Seeing the scarlet blood spurting out of Eiffel's body, a cold smile appeared on Rui Weisi's face.

However, the next moment, Rui Weisi couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Eiffel's attack also fell on her body, a sword slashed directly on her body, spanning from the shoulder to the waist and abdomen.

Ruiweisi had no idea that the reason why she was able to find an opportunity to attack Eiffel was entirely because Eiffel deliberately sold her a loophole.

With Avalon around, Eiffel didn't have to worry as long as it wasn't a fatal attack that killed people in an instant, so he sold a vulnerability to Rui Weisi and then took the opportunity to attack Rui Weisi.

Ruiweisi's whole body was directly knocked out by Eiffel, and red blood filled the sky.

Rui Weisi, who was flying upside down, had a look of disbelief on her face.

She was very sure that the knife she just slashed at Eiffel could seriously injure Eiffel, leaving him unable to fight anymore.

But Eiffel gave her such a surprise in the blink of an eye.

The power she believed she had to fight no longer did not appear. On the contrary, Eiffel was still alive and kicking after being slashed by her. It didn't look like he was seriously injured at all. He was even able to execute a powerful attack that could severely damage herself with one blow. .

However, after noticing the smile in Eiffel's eyes, Rui Weisi understood something.

I was plotted against myself.

Rui Weisi stared at Eiffel with cold eyes, as if she wanted to remember Eiffel.

However, Eiffel didn't pay attention to Rui Weisi's reaction. Looking at Rui Weisi who was slashed and flew out, Ei Fei Er shouted loudly.


Although he took the opportunity to injure Rui Weisi with a knife, Eiffel's knife obviously could not kill Rui Weisi, so a follow-up blow was needed.

Although Eiffel has Avalon, he is still recovering from his injuries. The blow just now was Eiffel's current limit, and he cannot continue to attack Rui Weisi.

Therefore, it is Ais's business to deal with last hits.

If this wasn't the town of Rivera, Eiffel wouldn't even need Ace, he could just go there with a curry cannon.

Eiffel and Ace are still in the town of Rivera. Therefore, from the beginning of the battle, Eiffel has not prepared to release the Sword of Victory.

The power of the Sword of Vow to Victory is too strong. Once it is fired, the entire town of Rivera will be destroyed [No one can resist the dangerous people in the town of Chevilla, live in Kananpao.

Neither Finn nor Riveria.

Not to mention other adventurers.

Although it was the first time to fight side by side with Eiffel, the tacit understanding between Aisi and Eiffel was terrifying. Before Eiffel opened her mouth, Aisi, who was sent flying by Ruiweisi, had already activated the wind spirit sprint magic. Rushed back as fast as possible.

Ais, who was wrapped in emerald green wind magic, appeared above Rui Weisi at an incredible speed. She raised the sword of despair in her hand and stabbed it with the wind magic wrapped around her body.

When Rui Weisi saw the magic on Aisi, she immediately narrowed her eyes and spoke calmly.

".々I see, you are Arya!!!"

Hearing this, Aisi suddenly trembled and her hands stopped moving.

It was this meal that gave Rui Weisi a chance to escape. (Wang Zhao)

One after another, piranha-shaped monsters burst out of the ground below Rui Weisi and came to the two of them in an instant, separating them.

Only then did Aisi come back to her senses, and the attack in her hand fell quickly.

But it was too late, Ruiweisi, who was seriously injured by Eiffel, was already surrounded by piranha flowers.

Aisi's attack landed on it and directly blew the piranha monster to pieces. It also blew Rui Weisi away and fell directly into the river.

"Arya, I will take your life next time we meet." Before falling into the river, Ruiweisi left a declaration indifferently.

Not far away, Eiffel, who had recovered from his injuries with Avalon's ability, flashed and quickly came to the edge of the cliff.

However, when Eiffel came over, Rui Weisi could no longer be seen at all, and only the scarlet red of the big moon could be seen in the flowing river water.

Looking at the large area of ​​scarlet, Eiffel raised the Sword of Victory in his hand.

Without hesitation, Eiffel directly released the Sword of Victory.

The golden torrent rushed out overwhelmingly in Aisi's shocked eyes, and the river below was completely submerged.


Pictured is Hestia.

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